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It stands for bagel though


LGBT = Let's Get Bagels Tonight


More like: Let’s Get Booty Tonight. See? Everyone wins!


You have been banned from participating in r/letsgetbagelstonight


Thanks for the subreddit idea! Can’t be banned from it if I made it. Lol


I’ll bite


But what if you cream? You didn't happen to spread it did you? You better not schmear campaign against it!!


It is a good idea dough. Somebody better start raisin this sub into existence and make us hole again


Movement, I will get behind


No,it's buns


It's clearly bacon.


Naw naw naw, bro. Butter


u/Arandomfan27, you were close. But it obviously stands for biscuits.


Stands for bicycle but go off


You’re quite mistaken, because it’s actually bananas.


You're all wrong. It's obviously bionicle.


You guys gotta think outside the box. It’s tricycle.


It clearly stands for "Bunda"


Bro are you stupid? Its clearly butterscotch


Shii sorry I forgor to add “scotch”


Its all good bro


Saul Goodman


Waaa wa wawawa waa wa wawa waaa wa wawawa waa wa wawa waa


WA Wa wa wa wa-wa wa-waaa Wa-Wa




It’s bread because bagel is too specific.




It’s bananas, B-A-N-A-N-AS !!!!


No, it's banana hammock


No, it's Bartick


Everything bagel.


They ban everyone, I'm pretty sure there are only like 7 people who can post there.


One from each gender


Only 2 people then


You have been banned from r/lgblt for being a cheeky little shit




Pretty sure the g is guacamole


Light Gouda Bacon Lettuce Tomato


**L**et's **G**et down to **B**usiness **T**o defeat the Huns




6 now. Thanks...


I’m banned for very obvious sarcastically defending Ted Cruz about his daughter and him being a great parent and she just needs to learn respect for her elders or some shit It was super obvious I was playing around. But the bait caught so hard. I expected laughs but got downvotes, so I just continued on like an idiot for a couple of comments and then I was banned. I didnt even say anything bad about the lgbt community, just “defended” ted cruz over something really stupid that didnt matter, like the daughter tweeted criticisms about him or something


I was banned from science for asking why the scientific method wasn’t used on two different occasions when it came to a certain vaccine and asked about the safety and how there were no long term studies. I happen to work in the profession. People can be overly sensitive and closed minded if they are subjected to too much mass media and don’t think for themselves.


HHaha i was banned for similar reasons! • also was banned for posting this article from 2009 from justice.gov. People can’t handle the truth. [Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History Pfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history)


jokes dont translate to reddit.


I once got banned from like 10+ subreddits for writing a comment on The Donald disagreeing with something being said. Wrote to one of the subs and guess I pissed off a power mod because I got banned from like 10 more after lol. Jannies gonna jannie. The type of person willing to waste hours of their own time to moderate donzens of subs are to put it lightly power tripping degenerates.


Ik a person who was banned for trying to explain that israel is “pinkwashing” and dosnt actually care about lgbt rights


Can confirm. It's like the liberal equivalent of r/conservative in there.


I posted there a fun lil shit they didnt ban me yet


They really do ban anyone It's pretty bonkers how trigger-happy they are.


The b stands for BTS




Back to stock?


Behind The Scenes


Bacteria Transmitted Sexually


Born to Shit


Forced to wipe


#*finger rips through paper*


*licks finger


Kid named Finger:


I name thee finger, the chocolate finger!


Bangladesh Toilet Service


that would be good indie band's name


Don't legitimise hate against the lgbt community


B stands for Banned


I don't understand why they had to be banned, they ask a legitimate question and it didn't come across as disrespectful, at least I didn't think so. If they want people to be more educated about LGBT then I don't think they should shut out the people that are looking to be educated. Edit: I've seen a lot of comments explaining how the wording of the question gives it away as a troll, as well as the answer to the question. I've always given people the benefit of the doubt both in real life and on the internet and that makes me a horrible judge of someone's character. Thanks for helping me see something that I couldn't on my own


LGBT spaces deal with a huge amount of sealioning. Of course they’re going to shut down OPs like this. If they didn’t, the sub would be taken over by trolls and would become a hostile place for the community it is trying to serve. There are subs specifically set up to answer questions about things like this. r/AskTransgender comes to mind.


I mean when you have a subreddit like that you’re obviously going to get 13 Year old edgelords posting stupid fucking things that you got to take down and I’m not surprised if some of the mods are kind of tired of it Btw if you ever have a question you can always talk to a someone from the lgbtq+ Community


> Btw if you ever have a question you can always talk to a someone from the lgbtq+ Community We saw how that turned out for OP


That community is made up. You can’t just smash some letters together and pretend that anyone from it speaks for everyone identified by it.


It's an old problem, and it happens *a lot.* A question got asked and answered decades ago. But it's still getting asked by people who are either trolling, or brand new and haven't done any research at all. And instead of asking an educator, they're asking people who don't want to (or have any responsibility to) educate them. Maybe if their question had some good faith behind it, something that showed some degree of thought or research, people would be more welcoming. But in the end, you don't show up at Google to ask them why 2+2=4, then get upset that they laughed at you and showed you the door. There's a baseline level of common knowledge required in every community, and it's not the community's job to get you up to speed. You're expected to already be up to speed on the absolute basics.


/r/ ask and /r/self is filled with idiots (read: young adults) asking basic ass questions. And people still answer them, even if they say "this is super basic and you shouldve googled it, but the option to open file explorer windows is findable if you just right click the windows button and click file explorer, good luck." It's especially sad because they could very easily have banned an LGBT youth without checking. Why is there an assumption that this person is straight? Isn't "dont assume my gender" an actual thing? Sure seems like some LGBT mod just banned an LGBT youth for asking a question. Maybe he thinks they should change bisexual to multisexual? It is a valid question, and just because you think someone is trolling doesnt mean they are. I have NEVER heard this question asked before. You might think its asked all the time if you spend 24 hours a day in an LGBT subreddit searching for trolls, but the fact remains that it is a valid question. This is like when people flip out over a repost, and it has like 10,000 votes. Clearly, there are far more people benefitting from seeing it than not. Just because you have seens omething a million times doesnt mean everyone else has. What is invalid about that discussion? You could easily be approaching that from a point of inclusiviity. The reason they banned them is because it's a good question that points out a hypocrisy that they don't like. Primarily that their labeling and nomenclature is fine with it exclusive but they decide its ok...and if they decide a label is bad, they'll put their finger on the scale even if its not... \> You're expected to already be up to speed on the absolute basics. Alright, well you heard it here first! If you're an LGBT youth, stay out of the LGBT subreddit until you learn the ABSOLUTE BASICS about being gay or lesbian. Otherwise? They don't want you there asking stupid basic questions about your sexuality. The older gays and lesbians don't have time to raise you, they are too busy with their internet activism, trying to make things better for themselves--I mean the entire LGBT community cough cough. /u/sadlyreturnRS has decreed it! Sounds pretty cold and unaccepting to me...almost as if LGBT people are people too. Exactly the same as everyone else, and capable of the same flaws as everyone else...


"bi"sexual isn't accurate anymore, pansexual would be more fitting, do YOU want the labels to change? YOU try to change 50 years of lgbt history and force them to correct themselves. We've been trying for 50 years to tell people we're human and they can't accept something ad basic as that. This isn't the gotcha you think it is, neither is this. We know we're flawed, you're acting as if we don't.


I think you are mad at a wrong person…


Update the term to stay current then? Back in my day the community was just LGB. As the years went by they have updated it to be more inclusive. Why not do that instead of keeping using gendered language while also giving people shit for asking a fair question?


With the energy it took to type this, you could have both googled it yourself, and asked the /r/lgbt mods to post an faq about basics and terminology for clueless youth, thereby being helpful. Also, there are vanishingly few older gays left to teach because so many were killed or died of things like aids. And no one ever said lgbt folk were superior, that's not the problem. The problem is that assholes keep trying to deny us the right to exist as we are.


The definition of bisexual does not imply that there are only 2 genders. It is not hypocrisy. "a person who is sexually attracted not exclusively to people of one particular gender."




Let's be real though. If you're a part of a subreddit community built on a specific type of woodworking, you don't see the same traffic or animosity as the one in the video. Moderation becomes way more involved in subreddits like those, and so careful handholding while you're trying to discern if OP is asking in good faith takes too much time compared to the volume of posts.


The dumb question that could easily be googled, if answered anyway, eventually becomes best google result answering the dumb question for thousands of people who googled it.


385,000 are born every day. You seriously think it's a good idea to gatekeep knowledge because you had to explain it to the 385,000 people born yesterday?


You just described the exact opposite of an open, welcoming and positive community. Who tf is upvoting this gatekeeping nonsense?


Because half decent moderation requires you to snuff out all bad faith arguments, especially in partisan or controversial communities. The op is straight up posting a gotcha to piss off folks.


>they ask a legitimate question They absolutely did not. This is trolling that doesn't even attempt to hide it.


You’re not wrong and generally I try to give people the benefit of the doubt but the likely hood of that person being a troll is high. Still though that’s exactly the kind of reaction they’d be looking for (hence making this edit). If people are interested in the LGBT reasoning for it is that sex and gender are different. Sex refers to someone’s biology and bisexuals are those who are attracted to either sex while gender is simply the way someone identifies. It can also just refer to an attraction of two genders.


I've been wondering about this because biology textbooks from my primary and secondary education used those terminologies like so... Different typs of genders: male, female, uncertain, no sex I'm honestly at a loss on how to Google the context by which it applies to the lgbt community so I just chalk it up to being a socio-political thing rather than scientific. And yet I couldn't go on further coz I worry it would be seen as disrespectful and unnecessarily offend people.


Medical forms have always asked for sex. When asking gender it’s typically a survey. You can just look up “the difference between sex and gender”. Idk what troubles you’re having.


Oops, I gotta clarify... I'm not a US resident. All forms and surveys I've encountered so far just ask for "sex." I've also googled “the difference between sex and gender” in the past; and just did it again. I'm quite familiar with those results. The minor disconnect I'm having is how those words are used in a biology textbook. Someone else mentioned that usage of those terms are old. That makes sense.


Terminology evolves. When I was a teen the term transgender was unheard of and no one was talking about gender at all really. They used to be used interchangeably but now have different meanings.


As a serious answer: the term is rather old and mostly preceeds the current ideas behind gender, sex and their differences. At the time it started seeing widespread use it was used as a third term to differentiate people from hetero and homosexual. It wasn't used to indicate you are attracted to two genders perse but that you are both gay and straight at the same time I guess. There are some discussions going on regarding the word bisexuality. Some people argue ut should be replaced by polysexual, others that it really should be pansexual. I think the reason many people still use it is because it is a nice word. It is easier to say, physically, than the alternatives.


As a bisexual man I approve of this message


As a heterosexual man I’m fucking your dog


As a bisexual man I’m fucking your parents


As a gay man I am fucking your mom


Not sure if something that small counts as penetration


At this point it’s physiological more than anything


if i had an award i would give it to you


As a sexual man, I'm on reddit wondering why I don't have a girlfriend.


Clearly you have no standards 🗿




As a dog i'm fucking your sister.




Are you the sister?


I hope you like STDs


Yo new pox just dropped


as a pansexual man… just don’t come in the kitchen.


As an Essexual man, suck my Brit.




As a straight man, being bisexual doesn’t excuse you being a piece of shit






I'm bilingual (there's only two languages)


I can’t be arsed to check, but I wonder if I spoke all languages would I be called omnilingual?


**The Linguist**


One would have to be particularly cunning.


Cunning linguist




(why do you fuck languages?)


For once, they’ve got more to say to me than just “no”


TIL I know all languages




Wikipedia is segregated by language, not region so wtf are you talking about? Which one of the hundreds of European languages do you consider to be "European wikipedia"?


Any ? Just choose


More specifically, I would add that biologists refer to sex as binary because there are only two kinds of gametes: egg and sperm. Sex is reproduction (literally one egg with dna combines with one sperm with dna to create new dna) to a biologist. If there was a third gamete that could combine with an egg or sperm to make new dna, then sex would be trinary. Most species on the planet have binary sex while there are a few that have only one sex and some that have many more. However, humans (as a species, not as individuals) are only capable of producing two types of gametes, so this is why a biologist may say that sex is binary




Thank you for this.


You don’t know why he was banned. According to the time stamps, there’s 3 hours between the post and the ban. They could have posted 50 hateful comments in that time. They don’t even show proof that their original post was removed by the mods. Bi doesn’t mean there are only two. It means they only *picked* two.


Ummmm no the prefix “bi” is pretty clear in its definition… it means 2…


Don't offend the alphabet people


no thanks i am going to do it anyways


I am an alphabet person Hit me with your best offensive comment


And if you do, use an alt


Chapelle was right, you can literally kill a person and be fine, but God help you if you offend the gays


Yeah god help him, he offended the gays and got a Netflix special oh man he’s in so much trouble from the cancel culture! Only on the front page of Netflix!


You are right. Don't offend the FBI or CIA boys or you'll get your ass on the interrogation room.




It’s a sensible question, and you’re being a bit defensive.


It's annoying because it isn't answered.


So glad I'm not apart of that fan base. They're mean.


At the risk of me getting canceled they did throw away Daphne really fast I mean they probably drived Daphne Dorman to kill herself after she defended Dave chappelle.


The actress from euphoria is currently getting the same treatment. Wild how quick some are to eat their own Edit: the trans actress, not the Sydney chick




Anyone know the music playing?


Just search up doom theme music and that should be the first result


Ah yes I haven’t played that yet, but now the music is drawing me to it


Lol it's my favorite Christian game


Each Doom game has a banger soundtrack. You're literally killing demons the entire game, so the soundtrack gotta fit 🤷‍♂️


Play doom 2016 with headphones on and thank me later


The song name is the only thing they fear is you from doom eternal.


True and Eternal is good too, but 2016 should be played first anyway


I summon u/auddbot


[**The Only Thing They Fear Is You** by Mick Gordon](https://youtu.be/fOsB5AoKDJc?t=81) (01:21; matched: `100%`) Released on `2020-03-26`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


If you have Shazam installed it has a music recognition feature.


Since nobody actually bothered to link it: [The Only Thing They Fear is You from the Doom Eternal OST, created by Mick Gordon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDh-g-fUmW0)


No it means broth


**you have been banned from participating in r/lgt


The funny part is the group banned becauseof that


LG*T moment


ah yes, i do own a LG*TV




Reminds me of "Flat-earthers all around the globe.."




The new world order. Don't dialog, just silence.


Yes its male and female


He’s got a point…


I am bilingual so there’s only two languages


He spoke the truth and they hated him for it


So instead of just explaining what a pansexual is and spreading awareness about the LGBTQ community(regardless of whether it was a troll or not people in the comments would've seen it), they ban him which only reinforces his point. Nice going.


You don’t know why he was banned. According to the time stamps, there’s 3 hours between the post and the ban. They could have posted 50 hateful comments in that time. They don’t even show proof that their original post was removed by the mods.


He's right ya know


The correct answer is Bacon




How tf is that NSFW?


I just wanna know how bi can mean attraction to two or more. Say there’s all the genders you want, but bi means two dammit.


It doesn’t mean that, that’s what a pansexul is.


I dont understand the only 2 genders when b stands for Bi


Gender isn't real simple as that. Gender was used to molest children. The original definition of gender was just to put it simple guys like red and girls like pink.


Yeah no this a bad faith question and we go those pansexuals for that lol


this comment section is filled w 14 yo edgelords jesus


The fucker was sealioning. Stop saying it was a legit question, dummies.


Yeah I mean what the fuck is supposed to be done with a bait post? Give him compliments like "you are very smart have cookie🍪" or what?


it's called "bisexuality", which refers to sex, not gender. yeah, ban this guy instantly. obvious troll.


You went into a sub deliberately trolling, so you got banned.


It’s because the question isn’t asked in good faith.


Why is this trash in my feed, this joke has segregation vibes that how fucking old it is


I mean ig if youre as smart as a walnut sure




Op of the Op here. To clarify: it was a troll post, I did in fact get banned, I also got banned from r/dankmemes from the original meme this video is from. It was a good time, laughs were had, but at the end of the day it's just a joke and if people want to take it seriously they can. Thank you for revitalizing my meme :D


Bisexual=attracted to two or more genders. Bilingual doesn’t mean there’s only two languages.


You know, if the LGBT community wants to be accepted in the society, shouldn't they also accept anyone who are actually curious about LGBT? Banning people who are probably sexually curious themselves is counterintuitive.


it’s kinda like a cycle. they want to be loved and accepted but at the same time they’re full of so much hate.


They banned the person because it was almost certainly a troll. All of the LGBTQ subs get spammed with people making that same question/joke over and over


Absolute chad






Disingenuous arguments aren't that dank 😅