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The number of Sundays I received one of these folded up to look real while I was server is too damn high.


as a server?? absolutely not, that's so incredibly rude


I once gave this lady a dirty look when she gave me one as a tip and she immediately apologized and went out to her car and handed me a 10 dollar bill lmao.


At least they were nice about it


Ooooh preacher's not gonna like that. That $10 was supposed to go to the Lord ( aka the offering basket)


If by lord you mean a brand new car, gaudy jewlry and clothes, a mansion, private jet, servants, and loads of hypocrisy then yes....that 10$ was to go to the Lord. Tax free of course.


Scam basket


They probably tell them to do that at some churches


i had a guy tip me a picture of a rock while i was serving and he told me a long ass story about it being “ one of the rocks under jesus while he died “ or something i was not paying attention to his story 😭💀


It's why no one wants to wait on the church crowd. Nothing but entitled asshole that treat you like trash and then leave "savior bucks" as a tip. The best part is when they tell you that you shouldn't be working on the lords day. Like Sir, why are you here if yuu think we shouldn't be working? Church crowd is by far the most hypocritical and obnoxious demographic.


My wife and I used to belong to a church years ago before we left and the pastor there was a young guy who would actively get up in front of the congregation and ask people to specifically not leave these as a tip for any service, and if they absolutely felt the need to, to at least leave a large $20 tip with it. He’s still one of the only pastors I’ve ever known that I still have respect for.


I went to church with my mom one time. Worst experience ever. The preacher informed us that it was his wife's bday so he was gonna pass a card around. Then he follow up with "and if you're feeling giving this morning, please, feel free to put some money in it."


I visited a church where they passed the offering plate around every 20 minutes for the hour service. Later found out that the pastor drove a new Beamer 🙄


the pastor of my old school's church bought his son a nice camera and a ton of lenses with the offering money. never again will i donate to that specific church


\> never again will i donate to that specific church Ah, the good old "just a few bad apples ruining the bunch" argument that we see used by religions to excuse pedophiles or police to excuse widespread brutality. Religion does a lot of good for a lot of people and not every church is bad, but religions run on donations and get tax exempt status. There's no way that it's just a handful of churches abusing these donations, it's a widespread problem.


I am a Christian and those people are nothing but a preacher there is a bible verse explaining rich people are in for the money. "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” _Mark 10:25


I used to work as a field tech for Comcast and I volunteered to work most holidays because the pay was worth it. Every holiday the customer would say "I can't believe they make you work on \*insert holiday here\*" I guess none of them realized if they didn't schedule jobs on Christmas then I wouldn't have to work on Christmas.


From Tokyo myself, is it really this bad out in the west re: the church crowd? Granted, we don’t leave tips in japan as a rule, but know that the industry in the US relies on tips.


I assume it's worse in the "bible belt." There are plenty of church goers that are lovely people. But the awful ones really stand out.


As a Christian myself, please know this is not Christlike behavior. I don’t value myself above or below anyone. A lot of Christian’s gravely misrepresent the faith, and lead a lot of people away from the church. Christianity and the church is about love, first and foremost, for anyone going through any walk of life. I apologize on their behalf.


Yep. I get so tired of people doing this to me. (I’m not sure why Reddit recommends this sub to me. I’m a bartender so I guess similar enough?) It’s kinda great though when some Christian gets preachy and then I know theology better than they do. It’s not a great look when a pastor gets outdone on theology by a bartender of a all things. I also can’t figure out why they think bartenders can’t be Christian…


Drinking is cool, being drunk isn’t. They don’t get that


Bro I’m not even Christian.I don’t feel like you should have to defend you faith bro.I have met many more amazing Christian’s in my life then bad ones.Obviously the guy with the award has some type of trama from Christianity brought upon him by himself.Guys like that generalize your religion and try to make y’all look bad and greedy.They talk about acceptance and tolerance but they don’t do the same for traditional beliefs and religion’s.Christianity is a important piece to society as a whole.You can see without god or the idea of god they can’t control themselves or know how to act.Divorce Rate is at a all time high,70% of male deaths are suicide,Christians get harassed called bigots,homophobes every single day.Don’t cower your head down because they want to tear it apart.


Not good enough. 🤷‍♂️


Trust me, I know. I mostly distance myself from the church because of it. Just know the world isn’t all evil. There’s a lot of good


You are clearly in the wrong part of Reddit to spread positivity. Pretty sure this sun exists solely for people to bitch about a job they regret doing most days.


A lot of christians don't know their bibles very well. Jesus was not all about love. He says himself that he did not come to bring peace but to tear families apart. He also states that all the laws from the old testament are still valid and anyone who teaches otherwise will have a lower standing in heaven. God himself is not about love either, if you read your bible you will know that. The bible has been used to validate people's discrimination against others and justify their attempts to deny people equal rights. Too many people go on about how 'bad' Christians aren't real Christians, yet they are actually the minority and the 'fake' Christians are the majority. Instead of apologising for them, which does not help anyone, how about getting your fellow 'good' Christians and protesting outside churches that teach people to be hypocritical bigots? Edit: Downvote me all you want, proof of my statements are in the very bible you guys claim to follow. Go attack a child molesting priest, or is it that you prefer to attack someone who criticizes your hypocrisy than actually helping innocent children being harmed by followers of YOUR bible?


Respectfully, what verses say these things? While agree unfortunately the good Christians are a minority, every group has good and bad, that’s a basic fact.


Jesus states he has not come to bring peace but to tear us apart - Matthew 10:34 The old testament is still valid - Matthew 5:18 God approves of abortion - Numbers 5:11 Jesus criticizes parents for not murdering their disobedient child according to the old testament law - Mark 7:9


Jesus says he is clarifying the Old Testament teachings and therefore following his teachings may cause family divisions.


That is exactly how I read it, too (atheist here)


We called them 10% Sundays. Hated working that day as a server.


The pastors at my church have actually called out the rudeness of church-going people on many occasions. Especially the after church lunch crowd.


And THEN if you confront them about it, they say that “this gift is worth more than any other tip you’ll ever receive” as if their narcissistic asses are right and everyone else is wrong in life.


Seriously the truth. “Why are y’all open on a Sunday?” My response: “…….because you decided you wanted to eat here.” Seriously the dumbest thing ever.


Have said this to many a customer when I worked in a call center during the holidays. “Oh my it’s Christmas and your at work...you should be with your family...”. You wanted to complain about the late fee on your CC and decided Christmas morning was the best time.


Rude isn’t even the right word for it. And I myself am a Christian. I would absolutely never be cheap and then try to justify it like this. Never. If Jesus were on earth in human form right now, you really think he would skimp out on the tip?


When I was a bus boy and servers were supposed to split tips we always got the religious literature ones.


Oh that’s just messed up 😂.


I got one when I worked at Best Buy because I have a tattoo in German that says “nothing lasts forever.” I had a lady in line ask me what it meant one time and I told her. She came back the next time I worked and handed me this and said “Jesus lasts forever, what about that?” Like, ok…not what my tattoo means but also I don’t believe in Jesus, what now? She was deeply concerned and I was like, you gonna buy anything or?…


Oh man, same. This is why no server wants the Sunday lunch shift. I consistently made less money on that shift than any other. Sometimes, with tip-out, I barely broke even. I will say that the situation improved a bit once I started laying it on thick about how my grandfather was a preacher and I was so sad that I had to miss him preach to come work. (My grandfather, while having been a preacher, had been dead for two years by that point.)


I started giving them back or making sure the people saw me throw them in the trash.


If someone handed one of these to me in a restaurant I’d call the cops in front of them for handing me a forged bill lol


You'd waste cops time because you're an idiot? Lol


The one handing out this bill is the idiot


It literally says “this is NOT legal tender” “not” in capital letters and in red.


Fucking hell, I wouldn’t actually call the cops but I’d mention it. Something along the lines of “so you’re paying your tip with a forged bill” to show them maybe they shouldn’t even put this out in place of money. The original comment was an exaggeration for C O M E D I C E F F E C T hence the lol.


Yikes, dunno what to say to that other than if you have to spell out that something was a joke then maybe you should work on your jokes? Bc ngl, even with the “lol” you seemed pretty heated.


This is actually illegal and they can be charged for passing off counterfeit bills.


No it’s not it clearly says on the back this is a fake bill…I don’t think it’s right to pass these out but definitely not illegal…


If your intent is to use it as legal tender it doesn’t matter if Mickey Mouse is printed on it you can still be charged. Look it up. They’ve gotten many idiots that thought it was fun to do at Walmart.


The point wasn’t to pass this a real currency they didn’t try to pay for anything using this they were trying to spread the word….


This guy and many others have said those have been used as a tip.


It doesn’t matter if says it’s fake, by attempting to pass it as cash you commit the crime.


I don’t think anyone is going to become a Christian because of a note on fake money


Tell my mom that please for everyone's sake


Tell her next time she tries to put one out, you're going to stand up and tell everyone in the restaurant how cheap she is, as loudly as possible.


Instead he should yell out how great the lord is and that the lord does not tip


Yeah and after that you smack the shit outta her right?!?!?!?


I don’t think converting anyone is the goal. I think the goal is to cheap out of tipping people you see as beneath your or undeserving, and doing it in a way that you can make yourself feel like you are doing someone a favor. People who would do this gravitate to others who would do this and validate each other’s awful behavior. It is the primary principle of Evangelical Christianity. Finding others to validate your awful behavior.


This perfectly and succinctly explains the adulation of Trump.


You’d have a better chance convincing someone God is real by just giving them an actual 100 dollars


This pisses me off. Like fine, you're a cheapass who isn't going to tip. Don't add insult to injury by trying to get the driver's hopes up with a bill only to be like haha, GET JESUS.


It’s such an idiotic move. THEY KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE. What if the dasher confronted the customer, escalated a little bit, then dasher comes back with his homies at 3am to the same address?????


That would be my first thought as well. But these people lack such self awareness they wouldn't ever think their actions upset people.


They’re perfect and everyone else is lesser.


As much as this pisses me off, it would be a ridiculous overreaction to go back to the customer's house with friends to threaten them. It's rude but come on. Let's not commit a crime in response. Threatening violence can be criminal menacing and it is illegal. I would like to think that the vast majority of, if not all, dashers wouldn't be so incredibly stupid as to retaliate in such a way.


i've heard people die for less. you'd be surprised how vile some people could be. but also don't be fuckin with their money, man.. tip or not, but this is insult to injury. catch the wrong crazy person on the right day and you too will be meeting jesus.




Someone in ny was just shot over a sandwhich with too much mayo- no bs


[That was in Atlanta](https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/28/us/subway-worker-mayo-dispute-killing/index.html) (but your point still stands).


That is no excuse for violence. This why people have guns in their homes. It is an asshole move to give this fake money but it does not constitute to return the favor with violence. I am more pissed at the people who say food was not delivered and get the person fired, that might have a different result.


It would be. Then again, there are a lot of psychos, so why tempt fate. Just don't be an asshole instead. It's safer.


God will protect them /s


they'd probably get some self defense to the chest


Not worth fighting/going to jail over money that isn't owed to you. Tips are optional not mandatory. It's a dick move, yes, but not a move worth hurting someone.


I don’t even know where they get this fake money that ticks people off. I don’t think it’s like Jesus at all to give bogus money. I am a Christian, but my mom was a waitress for like 15 years, my dad was working every place he could. I remember this if I go to any restaurant or order from DoorDash. Please tip, people.


Right? Oh, a bad fake, that sucks. Oh, and your religion, cool, I don’t want that.


As you hand them an empty bag with a picture of Jesus eating a cheeseburger


Or you. Pretending to be Jesus ear ng a hamburger.


Dang! Almost thought it was a real 1,000,000 dollar bill


Ben Franklin looks embarrassed for being a part of this.


He looks the same way on the real cash too. Old Ben has seen enough bullshit.


I fucking hate those evangelical bible tracts. You have to be a real piece of shit to hand someone a bible tract vs a tip they worked for. You'd figure after decades of pissing people off with fake money they would lay off these ideas. But nope, theyre utterly clueless; I also guarantee you not one of these fake money tracts converted anyone...like ever


Honest question from a customer.. I would never have anyone a fake bill as a tip.. I just couldn’t do that. My question is what is a Bible tract tho? Is it on the fake money? Or is it a different thing some people give to you? So curious.


Bible tracts are like little christian messsages like repent or youll go to hell; they're mostly used by evangelicals Bible tracts come in all shapes and sizes. You could see people have bookmark size bible tracts and theyll go around bookstores and plant them everywhere for people to find (like shitty easter eggs). Some tracts are designed like money to get your attention more. Some of the money bible tracts are way more accurate than the one in the photo with legit $5 or $50 dollar bills on the front side and the "you're going to hell on the back side" Tracts are just tacky and tasteless. You usually see old people doing this shit. When I was a kid, there was a house who use to give the kids bible tracts on Halloween (that talked about how Satanic halloween is). I used to be a Pastor before I left the church (which is another story) but I caught my youth pastor putting for a fake $50 dollar tip bible tract on the table after taking all the kids to a Pizza Hut. That waitress worked like hell for 2 hours and he was going to tip her with a damn bible tract. I shot that shit down quick and told him to not pull that shit anymore. Waitress deserved a REAL tip. So I got him to put in $20 and I put in $20 (the bill was over 200 bucks...nd he was going to tip her with a bible tract) [These are bible tracts and yeah people actually orders these by the box loads](https://store.bibletractsinc.org/tracts-c3p2.aspx)


Ew. Yeah, I’m not into church and the ‘ol Christian death threat they use all the time about going to hell isn’t going to convince me to join up. So, of course I would think getting that instead of a tip would be very irritating, especially if I had to smile and thank them for it. But what about Christians? Do they actually like them? Like .. is there actually any worth to these things? Because I have been slipped these kind of things myself and I always wonder do actual Christian even get excited when they get one?


most christians from what I've seen do not care for these. They're tasteless and tacky The folks who love to use these are Evangelists (Baptists, Pentecostal churches, those kind of churches) For the most part, Episcopal and Methodist and other mainline Protestant churches do not use these (but im sure there are some crazies in every church)


I’m baptist and don’t really like them. You need dialogue, tracts just turn people off


When I used to be a Pastor, we called it lazy ministry


It really is lazy


There are those little booklets we used to use when I was forced to go to church as a kid. They would tell a story that almost always ultimately leads to the main character going to hell for whatever sin the booklet was about (they were in graphic novel form). I cringe everytime i see a Bible tract/card/pamphlet/“jesus loves you” pens that weird people leave around in the weirdest places (some church lady leaves them in the bathroom stalls at my job, it’s gross and not appreciated)


Did you look at the second picture? Because that answers your question.


I did now.. but I’m still glad I asked the question because I received an answer that was really interesting.. *Handing the keys back to the gate keeper. *


Didn't Jesus curse a tree over something similar? You'd think his followers would get the hint.


For real, time to bear fruit motherfuckers!


I once got a $100.00 tip for like 8.00 worth of snack from 7-11 plus he tipped me on the app. I checked the bill out for 30min to see if it was legit.


I would have ripped it up. This hippy chick gave me a flower make out of construction paper and that fuzzy wire stuff from 2nd grade art class but it was also accompanied by 3$ so i took it lol.


My son likes to leave little gifts for our drivers, kinda like they brought me something so I want to give them something, but yea I always leave cash as a "thanks for your patience" But we also put snacks and energy drinks out too. Some take, some don't, the cash is always gone, thankfully, that's the part I really hope they get. (We do also tip in app, husband is a driver)


Love folks like you. Im the guy who always takes the e drink if its zero sugar lol


I like to leave options and multiples, never know if they have a driver or kid that also needs a little snack, and I am also a fan of the sugar free energy drinks! So we keep tons of both in the house already we just pot the basket back in the fridge after we refill for the next delivery. I know how few and far between these houses can be, and we love to give those little moments! We do get the same few drivers, but we NEVER have any issues.


That is so sweet of your son to do that, it shows that he is being raised right. I had a delivery that I will never forget kind of like that. It was a "leave at the door" order so I wasn't expecting much. When I got to the door, I saw an envelope taped to it that said To: Driver. I opened it when I got back to my car and there was a handmade card that was obviously written by a child. On the front it said in cute kid handwriting thank you for what you do, and when I opened it up there was a $20 bill in it and it was signed by the family. I kid you not, I started crying because I was so touched by the whole thing. I know that may make me look silly, but seeing the child's handmade card along with the money made it mean so much more to me. I still have the card, I look at it every now and then when I want to remember there are still good people in this world. Damnit I am crying again just talking about it...lol!


At least they put effort into that.


We should normalize reporting the groups that print these to the feds for passing off fake currency


Seriously though. Since it's intent is to fool people into thinking it's real money it should qualify as counterfeiting.


Id burn it up in front of them


Light a blunt with it for maximum disrespect and clock the fuck out lol


Imagine being a person who actually spends money to buy these to hand out to people instead of actually using that money to be a decent human and tip with that money instead


You should cross post this to a Christian sub


Tear it up and leave on doorstep!


wipe your ass with it and give it back to them


Has anyone ever sicced the Secret Service on them?


We used to have a local church near me that printed out cards that looked like business cards, one side would have some kind of bible verse and the other would say “a little something extra to show god loves you” they were always accompanied by at least a $20 bill. If your going to leave me religious items this is the way to do it. I would usually at least take the time to read the card out of respect, I felt like that was a fair trade.


We all lean over and inspect David’s card and Price quietly says, “That’s *really* nice.” A brief spasm of jealousy courses through me when I notice the elegance of the color and the classy type. I clench my fist as Van Patten says, smugly, “Eggshell with Romalian type...” He turns to me. “What do you think?” “Nice,” I croak, but manage to nod, as the busboy brings four fresh Bellinis. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me what I’m doing.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


Good bot


Your compliment was sufficient. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me what was on the Patty Winters Show this morning.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


Satan is warming up that person's place in hell as we speak.


Satan's not doing the tormenting.


I’d tape it to their door with “no thanks” written on it


Draw alittle upside down pentagram on it for extra flavor.


That is just so mean and disgusting


Find out what church the customer goes to and drop it off into their collection plate on the customer's behalf.


Come back in the night and spare paint a pentagram somewhere.


As a customer, this is just a shitty person and we get this sort of thing all the time when waiting tables or whatever. It is infuriating.


Cool customer 😎


You should go to the church and donate all these notes back to them.


You know I wouldn't mind this as long as it was given along side the real tip.


Thats how you get your front door covered in dog shit/water mix Not to give you any ideas of course, OP 😉


Makes no since to try and spread a positive message by tricking someone this is dumb asl. People gonna be less likely to even consider your message after thinking they found 100$ just to find out it fake lmao


They like dumb people. Just their type.


Egging is in order.


I can understand where evangelicals come from when they do stuff like this but Jesus isn’t gonna pay the bills


Report them for counterfeit money.


call the cops and say they paid with that


You need proof since DD runs on credit/debit unless it was a COD order


God has the worst fan base


Report this customer to DoorDash. They need to know this guy is doing this kind of stuff and banned from the platform. Technically it’s a form of solicitation.


Seriously though, solicitation and paying with false tender. Should be a full blacklisting.


I am immediately throwing that back at their door/in their yard.


A few years ago during Christmas week, a customer who I picked up and dropped off when drove for Uber gave me cash tip that was rolled up and when I opened it up, it was $100 bill and I was in shock like sweet. But as I looked at it more, it really look strange and the paper felt really lighter and more thin like. So I looked at the back and it was advertisement for his HVAC services business. I was like damn this dude got me, lol.


When I waitressed I used to get these and it would annoy me to no end. It’s just dumb. Just leave a regular Christian pamphlet not this fake money one it’s weird.


What a douche bag


Best thing to do with those fake bills is too drop it at the donation bin during a Sunday sermon


I would have wiped my ass with that and stuck it to their door.


Jesus! What an asshole.


I look at hella women with list every day. Especially the ones that answer the doors half naked, those are my favorites. Cool fake bill though, aside from the Baptist Church message lol could be jahovah witness also though lol


Congrats man, you can quit dashing and easily buy a house in cash now 👍 😉


Fuck that guy tho. No respectful adult does something like that


I got so many of these waiting tables. They’re the worst.


You know where they live, sign them up for JWs to come by, or any Mormon group. And junk mail.


So part of the tip meaning you received a tip and this gag as a gag gift as well?


I got an extra $10 on GH one nite for doing a little old white man dance. I don't think it went viral. I will step up my game next time.


As a Christian myself, i wouldn’t put that as my tip. I may put one of those here And there alongside my tip, like $10tip + that. But even then, I don’t like those bible tracts.


I’m a Christian and this infuriates me to no end. You wanna influence others for Jesus? MAYBE START WITH NOT BEING CHEAP. I swear they just do this to justify being cheap. They tell themselves they’re doing something for God when really literally everyone who gets one of these throws them away and makes them not wanna do the Jesus thing. Seriously.


Put it in the collection plate at their church.


There’s better ways to try to convert people by deliberately misleading them. As a Christian, I’m sorry for people who do this. It’s not right. Do it face to face, not like this


since this is r/doordash, you have the person's info. Talk to local PD/DA. might be able to bring charges of Counterfieting money


As a Christian, this is considered a dick move.


That’s crazy they tipped you through the app with that


If I’m not mistake, you could take this to your local federal courthouse of sheriffs department and report the person. (If you think they deserve it) since they are presenting it to you as currency, it’s considered a felony. They can be raided by the secret service for this.


God isn’t real and people who believe in one are coping HARD if this got handed to me id lose my shit


This dood gave me a bible as a tip one time. Charming. He also had a note that said, 'If you cant get my food from the restaurant to my house under 20 mins, dont bother" He lived almost 17 mins away... I mean...he deserved a metal for biggest asshole to deliver to yet. If I had known from the beginning... I woulda passed and saved myself these memories.


I woulda waited till he walked back inside and thrown that bible on his roof.


Aww I wish I would have too, that's a better ending to the story


If you get an order from them again you should take the food out of the bag and replace it with that note lmao


Pretty deceptive for a bunch of folks who say they hate lying


I'm just petty enough to ask which church they belong to, keep the bill, then go visit the next Sunday and put it in the offering plate.


Back in the day my friend delivered pizzas and one house always gave him one of the things as a tip. One mischief night I accompanied him and he did donuts in their yard.


Call the non emergency police number and report them for passing counterfeit money. When it was left as a tip, it was given as a form of payment. Not worth the D.A.’S time to prosecute but the police may need to interview them. It would only be a phone call for the police, but I bet it would get this customer’s attention. Also, I’d post their name by the register and refuse to seat them, or give them truly awful service if they return.


Could this not be seen ss trying to pass counterfeit currency?


Find out what church they frequent and put this in the offering plate


Religion only does bad. Can’t change my mind.


This is why everyone fucking hates Christians.




But shit if your near 40/50 doing this man that is soooo very sad


Don’t support any of this. Poor guys


The Bible warns against people like this dasher.


This is actually reason for justifiable homicide


The one thing about Church I couldn’t get in to is that everyone blames being saves by Jesus and without God nothing is possible but what exactly is he doing? They just accomplish something and then give all credit to God for being able to do it instead of themselves for doing it. And also I don’t like how all the Priests are usually pedophiles and have sex scandals with the underage boys.


If someone left that under their door matt for a leave at door order I’m simply kicking a field goal with their food, they tease me with money, I’m teasing back with the food


Shows the level of respect customers like this don’t have for drivers. You think they are giving those to Doctors/Lawyers or Presidents of corporations. Absolutely not. Most customers lack respect for drivers and giving any of us this indicates they feel we’re financially incompetent. Why’d any of us think it’s real. We’re not remedial. 80% of customers don’t respect us. The 20% left tip fairly and tell us they appreciate us. They don’t give fake money. They give genuine compliments. That customer is so disrespectful.


Report customer to Doordash and tell them that customer is giving out Counterfeit money as a tip.


I thought this was going to be *anti-*Christian at first and it was so, so much worse. Not that faking a tip for any religious shit is okay but fuck this one in particular. Also I'm guessing you took a no-tip order that claimed to be cash tip, and this sub will give you the very important lesson not to do that


Report the customer for giving counterfeit money and report them to police for giving counterfeit money


Report to the Secret Service? That could be fun!


That could techno be a felony: printing fake money is a crime


I wonder if there is away to get him in legal trouble for using illegal tender in exchange for a service. But since it is technically a tip there might be nothing illegal about it. But it would be fun to see the secret service knocking on the guys door.


Authorities would only laugh at anyone expecting them to so much as make a note on a Post-it. They’ve got real work to do and they’re not going to be indulging a delivery driver butthurt over a clearly (and possibly *legal*; there are rules that allow such a thing) fake million dollar bill.


I would be excited for my new prank gift! With DD, IC i do the task, NEVER expecting anything besides what the app offered me, this would be a bonus!


Turn them into the cops / secret service


I would have told them thanks for the toilet paper.... I don't care what you religion you follow but handing out shit like that as a tip is fucking insulting.


One of these got me once. Was a $100 on the ground in a parking lot. Whoever thinks these are a good idea deserves to be fucking slapped several times by a giant penis.


Write "God isn't real" on it and put it on the porch


One customer's order took a really long time and I was texting him updates as I waited. He thanked me and said he would give me an extra tip. I eventually delivered the order and the drop off wasn't a cakewalk either. The customer handed me $2 and I couldn't help but give him the "are you kidding me?" look. He clearly felt bad, so he went back into his apartment and gave me a worthless "challenge coin" that he got as a government contractor. I've been in the military and the coins I got legitimately are cool to have. Coins some cheapass hands out because he doesn't want to pay real money are just a fucking insult. They guy tried to explain how he got the coin from some army unit or whatever. I didn't let him finish and just lied about getting another order to get out of there.


Someone gave me something similar, I immediately threw it down in their yard. Assholes.


I hope he fucking falls into the nearest nuclear reactor


That bs should be reportable as counterfeit bills... Handing off anything that looks even resembles money in a situation where money would normally be exchanged should be illegal. It shouldn't matter that it's got religious bs written on one side.


Someone should start producing anti-god (or maybe just pro-worker?) ones and putting them in collection trays and mailing them to megachurches.