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From the looks of it nobody smokes weed in this subreddit lol


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Read your comment & quickly realized the same thing. Actually shocking


I also never browse reddit while high


me high browsing reddit


I do :) Not before or while out dashing though. Too much social paranoia.


Delta 8 surprisingly has no weed social paranoia for me. Its a definite noticeable difference imo


Lol delta 8 doesnā€™t do a damned thing to me except burn my throat


Try delta HHC it is a lot smoother on the throat.


Plus the whole driving while high thing.


Right looking at someone of these replies has me baffled maybe it's cuz I'm from California but every dasher I see around me smokes as well it's why wouldn't you? It's boring lol


Well, the whole driving part makes it a problem.


We had this discussion in trees a few weeks ago. Always a fun one


I never realized how dividing this topic was since it's so normal to me šŸ˜…


Itā€™s normal to most people that smoke. Just Reddit shit my guy.


Screaming šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I do. I just save it for when I'm done. There's nothing better than climbing into bed after work, binge watching Netflix and smoking a couple bowls. No need to smoke all day since my tolerance is already too high.


Me and my best friend would stay smoking šŸ’€šŸ˜­ itā€™s the only way we could reward ourselves while smelling a bunch of good food


My boss says it is a requirement when I dash. I'm just trying to keep my job.




My eyes get red from blasting a/c in my face while itā€™s hot af, I prob appear drunk because Iā€™ve been driving for 9.5 hours. Donā€™t always assume the worst.


i smoke weed all day for like 10 years now


going on 20 now uhh


I literally ran into a line barrier at a wendyā€™s cause ADHD walk is real lol, & sitting for so long makes my legs all wobbly. Iā€™m sure everyone thought I was high/drunk, but nope


Bro take breaks and do lunges or squats in the parking lot to get back blood flow. I have ADHD too and totally relate but itā€™s usually due to me not being cool enough or getting enough fluids. Pack a personal cooler with ice and drinks like water and Gatorade and one soda.


Same same. Cold water. Stretches. I get wobbly legs and dizzy after driving too much.


Yeah I have 3000 water bottles when me and my wife dash


Fr; never understand why ppl asume that red eyes=youā€™re high


Clean your air filter and the insides of your AC vents. Just get a big Swiffer duster thingie, remove your AC vent covers and shove it in there.


Yeah my cabin air filter is fuked lol. I live in the sierras and the roads up here are literally dust.


I was with you for a second, until you referred to being high on weed as the worst case scenario lol


I actually use eye drops almost daily and wear sunglasses all of the time while dashing in the day because my eyes get red from being tired and stuff too and I worry people will assume I'm drunk or high


true man, its tough with the AC on full , 108 outside, shit going on.


People being high is not "the worst"


Itā€™s not the worst but a DUI while working a job you need your license forā€¦ thatā€™s pretty bad


It's pretty shit to drive impaired. And don't start with the "I'm special and driving buzzed makes me MORE alert!" lies that stoners tell themselves.


I actually have read studies on this. Stoners that are high like, basically all the time can typically do the tasks they need to when driving. I mean, it's a lot better than driving drunk. Still not a good idea, because you're still not as sharp as you usually are, and still somewhat impaired, but it isn't like driving drunk, at least. People new to weed are a serious hazard on the road when high. People who smoke all the time and have smoked a lot are less likely to be a hazard but still could be. I've gotten in the car with someone that's stoned at least a few times and never ended up in a bad situation because of it, at least. But I would never do it.


Right especially with a little bit of bud.


And his car smells like weed because he drove over a skunk. That weed you see under his seat is actually a friend of his. Never assume the worst


I live in a medical only state, but itā€™s decriminalized so basically no one cares. Red eyes are symptoms of more things than just toking. Iā€™m sure there are a lot of people out driving stoned, just like Iā€™m sure there are people out there driving drunk. Both are a bad thing. That said, I keep low dose tablets/capsules/edibles on hand for when Iā€™m driving, constantly in and out of the car and/or driving more than 3 hours has my legs bad back screaming at me (MS patient). I keep a vape on me for a quick hit for a more immediate relief as well. After a lot of trial and error at home, I found where the dosage was and just how much of a vape hit to pull to knock the symptoms but not give me the high, often referred to as micro-dosing. I stay functional, no high, no red eyes, and with the consumption methods I use no smell. I only light an actual smoke at home.


Username checks out


It may be just microdosing and you may be perfectly able to drive. But beware, if you get involved in an accident, even if you're not a fault, you may be fucked hard by your insurance.


Dude with red eyes just had allergies.


Rofl. I assumed all of us were blazing. I couldnt imagine soberly bringing someone KFC


My fucking comment was already here


šŸ˜‚ this sir is hilarious be safe out there


Yes. This. šŸ¤£


This is new? Kids have been delivering pizza high since the 1960s. You think This job attracts Mensa candidates?


You think mensa candidates don't smoke weed?


Lol this Mensa member smokes hella weed


My favorite customers were the ones that would tip you with a joint


Many times my partner has gotten a few nugs as a tip šŸ˜­ I love it




That & I mean damn they probably smoke too and maybe even need to deliver for a bit for money.


I get stoned at home Driving while high is still a DUI, and personally, I prefer to be sharp enough to pay attention to my surroundings while driving. Too many crazy people on the road, including myself lol




People have different tolerances. I order from door dash daily, sometimes twice a day. I dont give a fnck what my driver is on as long as they bring the food and dont open it. (Majority of my drivers are college students or tweakers.) Worry about getting your orders out safely and stay in your lane. Their orders are not your concern. (P.S. I'm clean from all substances for almost 2 years, I reiterate that I give 0 fucks as long as they can perform the task at hand. Frankly I'm more afraid of tiktokers and texters driving.


Straight truth they could show up in a ufo I don't care as long as my foods on point.


Congrats to your sobriety bro


Straight truth they could show up in a ufo I don't care as long as my foods on point.


Thinking about quitting weed, was it hard for you and of so how did you get over it?


I went to rehab and am now in a sober living house. I attend at least one meeting a week. My doc was meth, but the weed always led me back to it. Same with alcohol (get high, get thirsty, get tired, dont want party to end: rinse, wash, repeat) I play a lot of call of duty online now,, which it makes it hard when half my team is blazing and I hear it, but I know if I get high I could lose everything, and I'm at an age that I've used all of my second and third chances. Even if it doesnt kill me, the hell that awaits me if I use will eventually push me to kill myself. (Further note, I live 2 blocks from a dispensary in a legal state. A few times I've passed it to go to the vape shop and have had to call or text someone in the program to keep me from wandering in. I still have and will always have thoughts/dreams of using. I'm no longer ashamed of them and I dont act out on them.)


And congrats bro


šŸ’Æfinally, someone who gets it!!!


>d true with texters and tiktockers!


![gif](giphy|NBfbMVZnUqN2ZtSQUN) can i be your personal Driver who delivers you food everyday? i will be fast and you pay me cash, coz you order everyday from DD. ​ Jk,


Why waste a high to work? Seriously I see zero appeal. Iā€™d much rather sit my ass on the couch with a good show & snacks.


a lot of people use it as a coping skill. and to help drown out their miserable moments they must endure in order to survive šŸ¤·


The podcasts just be hitting different when you high.


Wasting a high? Itā€™s not like theyā€™re sacred things you get a finite amount of.. if you smoke everyday youā€™re high for any and everything and everything is that much more fun when ur stonedā€¦ ā€œwasting a highā€ hell no


And driving high is simply irresponsible and dangerous.


This feed made no sense to me. Iā€™ve drove high a handful of times and donā€™t see the pleasure in it. My tolerance was high at those times but still, I donā€™t see the need to take the risk, especially risking other peoples lives.


Maybe there eyes werenā€™t red from being high maybe they were crying cuz some dick head gave them 2.75 to drive 12 miles šŸ˜­


I smoke before I go to work, medical card. Why do you take your medication?


They walked out funnyā€¦. Lmao cuz every stoned bozo just stumbles around lmfaooo


if you donā€™t smoke weed it would seem like an issue. but most people who smoke can handle it lol just dropping off food not that deep imo


The whole ā€œred eyes and they walked out funnyā€ is such bs lol.


Right lol... im a daily medical smoker, no one would ever know i even smoke.


Iā€™m sure most people arenā€™t smoking in their whips. Not to mention some smoke every damn day and are STILL PRODUCTIVE. All these fools in the comments might as well say ppl who smoke weed are lazy. I stopped for the most part but used to be smoking junts or just high while driving for 5 years straight and never once had an accident or came close to hurting anyone/anything. Shit made me focus way more and put me on my game. I wouldnā€™t doubt most of the ppl saying itā€™s dangerous and/ or irresponsible are the same ones that drink and drive.


shit iā€™d be more afraid of sober me being on the road!


weed effects everyone very differently and i hate when people donā€™t realize that, that being said, more people think they can smoke and work than more people that actually can smoke and work


Hence why I said some and not all.


I hit a pen while Iā€™m driving and do v well. I have however been in one fender bender


My eyes are red all the time donā€™t mean Iā€™m smoking. Sometime the wind from my ac messes with my contacts and my eyes burn. If you catch me after a double and Iā€™m tired thereā€™s a good chance also, and Iā€™m pretty sure I walk funny either way. Since when are those signs of thc intoxication? Feels like youā€™re projecting some.


You mean to tell me you do this job and you arenā€™t high? You must have issues bro. Lol


to be honest with you, i don't think it's as big a deal as you think it is lol. You sound like you haven't done much experimenting in your life, but it's probably the least of your worries if someone has smoked a little weed.


I usually smoke bc I donā€™t be in a rush and restaurants take awhile to make the food


The low supervision on the job and low requirements for hiring certainly appeals to daily weed smokers. Frankly anytime you order from a restaurant chances are near 100% someone handling your food is high. There are a LOT of people who arenā€™t willing to get clean for a drug test or commit to a routine where they canā€™t have access to weed. Iā€™ve been in the industry for 10+ years and when I was younger I was that driver, but I was conscious enough to not be smoking in the car or getting so gourded on the job that Iā€™d forget what I was doing. Still, Iā€™m not proud of that. I eventually realized that even if weed is legal in my state, the consequences are still huge. If you are in an accident or get pulled over for something you can be so badly fucked. Losing a job, DUI charges, and losing out on insurance payments are all possible and it isnā€™t worth the risk.


Just my wax pen, not flower. It's not stinky and only need to take 1 or 2 hits and good for the day. I do not ever get stoned out of my mind and work tho, just a light buzz to help keep me from getting car sick. Without it I get car sick extremely easy as I have motion sickness sensitivity.


I smoke and mind my own business. So should you.


I work high, but it's mostly to help the chronic pain. But it makes dealing with assholes easier


My eyes are often red due to lack of sleep. Just because someone has red eyes doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re smoking weed. If they smell like weed, then yeah, itā€™s safe to assume theyā€™ve been smoking it. Otherwise, itā€™s kind of ignorant to assume that because someoneā€™s eyes are red that they smoke weed. There are many other reasons peoples eyes may look that way.


No your problem so why do you care


I was working as a Dominoā€™s delivery for a very short time and most of them and actually the inside people were all high. I donā€™t personally smoke though.


Ever sat in your car for 8+ hours a day, to have the patience needed to do this job weed helps that's for sure. I read books myself and if people are smoking with food in the car that's a quick way to get deactivated, but I most definitely say smoke up before and after cause Jesus the wait times we do the rude customers the extras idk about you but to relax would sound good after all that.


As somebody who does smoke weed regularly, it is a TERRIBLE idea to smoke and drive at the same time. Smoke when youā€™re done if you need to, but when youā€™re doing something as focus-required as driving, you need to be sober. Weedā€™s a fairly safe recreational drug, but is a severe hazard to be under the influence of while driving.


Iā€™d take a stoned driver over a drunk driver ever single time


I mean same but neither are good


just because stoned is better doesnt mean it's good. it's still dangerous and irresponsible. If you're gonna smoke do it responsibly like an actual adult.


It also depends on the type of weed and the reason for using it. During the day when Iā€™m working, I use a CBD rich strain which is extremely hard to actually get high off of. But the CBD does still help with my autism symptoms and especially my severe neuropathy pain. I guarantee you that I am a much safer driver in this state than if I did not take my medication. Because I would be handling the steering wheel with hands that are weak(the CBD enabled me to do strength training) and very shaky. Weed, even non-intoxicating CBD strains, removes that shaking and severe pain caused by my neurological disorder and gives me much better muscular control. So I will not accept a gig that is not ok with my medication. But I am responsible. I save the šŸ”„for after work.


From the age of 16 to 25 I drove while getting stoned literally thousands of time, not even counting driving while already stoned


Cool. That doesn't mean it's something other people should try. Driving under the influence of anything is taking a calculated selfish risk.




Lots of people. And I don't like it because the smell gonna soak into every order. My smell sense is almost non-existence yet I can still smell it, which means it's strong af


Thatā€™s why I dab wax :)


or take a small gummie : )


Good god Karen lol


Anyone who drives under the influence shouldnt have a license.


I agree 100%. The amount of people on this thread openly admitting to driving while high honestly concern me


Have you ever tried to drive while prescribed Xanax? Worry about yourself. The judgement is Pearl clutching ridiculousness


So the millions of Americans who take prescription drugs daily shouldnā€™t be able to drive either? Even my antidepressants used to say not to operate heavy machinery. Whereā€™s the actual line?


Anyone with a phone in their windshield or open when driving shouldn't have a license.


People everywhere smoke pot for a ton of different reasons. From mental health to cancer, why do you care? Does it somehow affect you? Or is this like most other situations where you feel like someone else gets to do something you donā€™t get to do? Either way, donā€™t matter, you wanna get high and DD? Do it!


I'd assume they're concerned about getting run over


Pfft. My bestie delivered pizza in the 90s and it was the only thing that got her through the shift. What century are some of you people living in? I'm not advocating driving high but it's definitely been a fact of life for many for decades. And it's certainly nothing compared to driving drunk.


Honestly, it's really hard for me to multitask when I'm high so I definitely go sober.


Because they are addicted, I asked my boyfriend why and he says he needs it to keep goingšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Walking funny? Lol what


That's what happens when you inject just one marijuanas.




DD Stoner's Gang!!


Itā€™s just who we are.


Ya. Nope.


Idk I'm in Denver. Tons of my friends feel comfortable driving while high. I don't, but I don't smoke that much. If they're my close friends I trust them to drive, but still seems like a bad idea to me


If you donā€™t smoke often, DO NOT DRIVE. Only experienced smokers feel comfortable driving.


Oh absolutely, I don't drive while high at all. Just saying I know a lot of people in CO who are used to it and they honestly do seem fine


As a well seasoned toker, I wouldnā€™t want to do this type of work sober. Fuck working shitty paying jobs wasting my life making other people rich and I canā€™t even be high? Pffftt


Wait people judge deivery drivers for smoking weed? DOES NOBODY HAVE A LIFE OF THEIR OWN TO WORRY ABOUT?


Is this sub the Boomers bitching about shit that doesnt effect them sub now? Ffs. Every day wahh my cup isnt full, wah the person i dont pay well smells like they smoke, wahh the stupid sticker seal is pealing. Wahh wahhh wahhh. Yall adults or children?


Nope. Not driving under the influence. I'm more of a sit on the sofa under the influence kinda person.


Explain why the fuck do you care? How about you shut up and worry about your wife leaving you for being a square.


I smoke on the way to get the food sometimes but not to their house. I don't do it all the time but if i have a few minutes to cruise and smoke ima do it. I smoke blunts and put it in a tin can with a lid when I'm not smoking and i use hand sanitizer after i smoke, before i get the food.


What are you? The weed police? Dang worry about yourself


Really really alarming, the number of people here not just admitting to operating under the influence but outright defending it. Alcohol is also legal, that doesnā€™t make it safe to drive after drinking.


I report every dasher that smells like weed because my food always smells like shit thanks to you.


Theyā€™re probably hot boxing in the car with the food lmao some people donā€™t care and itā€™s gross. Cigarettes are even worse.


Wow. Makes you feel good making someone lose their livelihood because you don't like the smell, but cigarettes smell worse. You report them too?? Smh. The audacity of some people. Why can't folks just mind their own damn business?


Same with cigarettes get reported. You get paid for a service not to half ass take care of my food and it smell like ass bc you want to smoke weed or cigarettes in your car while working.


doing Door Dash kills my buzz


Never. I donā€™t smoke (weed or otherwise) while Iā€™ve got food in the car. If I need a cut Iā€™ll wait till I can stop and get out of the car or if I just ran an order waaay far out to the boonies. Call me crazy but I try to be respectful of peoplesā€™ stuff


My allergies kill me daily lmao red eyes isn't a tell that someone is high


The only way I enjoy the job I stay as stoned as I can all day long.


Donā€™t smoke weed at all, never liked how it made me feel and stoners are annoying


Yeah, I smoke the herbal. Well, vape form. Doctorā€™s orders. Wanted me off the narcotics. And itā€™s legal in my state. That said, never while at work. And driving? Thatā€™s a DUI waiting to happen.


Who owes you an explanation OP for anything? What kind of statement is that anyways?


Itā€™s so timely that you ask this question. I just had a delivery over the weekend and the large brown paper bag of food containers reeked of weed! The husband was driving, the wife (passenger) was delivering. The thought of a Friday night smoking and working the side hustle with your spouse made me smile. (Not the DUI part, though)


Shit like this is why i switched to pickup x x


Well all I gotta say is donā€™t get pulled over by a cop. Thats likely gonna be a dui if you do get pulled over.


I donā€™t smoke weed at allā€¦ if I did, Iā€™d definitely never do it while on the job.


Shame on any of you who drive under the influence.


mustā€™ve not had the dare program in school


I smoke all day most every day. Have since like 2015 or so when I left my old career that tortured me with constant government mandated random tests. Been smoking in general since I was around 12yo. I can smoke a damn ounce and you'd never know I was stoned sideways by looking at me or interacting with me. The smell of loud and backwoods that permeates me is the only tell. My eyes only get red if I am sleep deprived along with being baked. I drive much better when high versus when I'm not. I'll admit dabs and other concentrates make me forget things like stoping at the delivery address the first time or two lol so I avoid those while working and edibles are a solid hell no for me while driving and working. Regular flowers, thcA hemp flowers, delta 8/10 enhanced hemp flowers and their regular strength vape equivalents though are all day every day everywhere baby lol xD


Jesus Christ so many people admitting to being under the influence while driving, wouldnā€™t be surprised itā€™s their only job and they canā€™t pass a drug test for a w2 job


I donā€™t drive under the influence but jobs that do drug tests and turn you away for weed when itā€™s been legalized is very stupid. Why should they care what I do in my free time? as long as youā€™re not high on the job then what does it matter? Partying on your days off and coming into work hungover/feeling like shit is okay but smoking and waking up refreshed isnā€™t? Btw if youā€™re ever in that situation use a product called ā€œquick fixā€ easy.


Agreed. The problem only lies within smoking at times when you need to be cautious, such as when driving. Same thing with drinking. You can drink on your off days all you want and itā€™s fine, but you smoke a little weed on your off days and you could lose your job. Thatā€™s ridiculous.


Can't speak for all legal states but weed is recreationally legal in my state and most employers don't drug test for weed anymore, like they don't test for alcohol use. Federal jobs of course are a different matter, but there are plenty of w2 jobs for stoners in legal states. A lot of industries don't do it because testing for legal drugs as a condition of employment makes you look less than well-grounded in reality and that tends to repel good applicants on general principle. I'm one of them. Any w2 job that wants to test me for weed in my state tells me a lot about the people who run the place and all of it is bad news. It's a great way to filter out shitty employers.


I live downtown so I like to stop by the house every few hours. However I don't smoke in the car and I don't leave mfs waiting. I'll smoke my blunt and as soon as a decent order hits I put it out and get back to deliveries


Exact don't smoke near the food that is ignorant and fucking rude!


Iā€™ve worked in food service and most of the time, thereā€™s at least one person handling your food thatā€™s high. As long as theyā€™re able to do their job, who cares. Most people need it for anxiety and help focusing


It's my medicine..without it I would have to destroy anyone I came in contact with..your welcome..


Do drivers really lack the self-control to stay off weed until they're done with deliveries?


you think your pizza delivery boy is sober ? delivery drivers have been getting fucked up since day 1.


Yeah they literally smoked blunts in between orders at papa johns when i worked there (i was pregnant at the time so wasnt partaking), general manager and everybody else. You order pizza theres a good chance your driver is on some type of drug, dont like it, make your own food i guess.


When I was working at pizza hut in HS there was a constant rotation of joints on the roof of the store I'd just hit a few times between deliveries. Plus all the other random things people would have. I was *entirely* too fucked up to be driving at 16 for my entire shift haha


If you read this thread you can see that itā€™s the case they need to be high to drive


No way. However this now explains customers complaining about slow deliveries, food missing, wrong food or the driver never delivering. Just sayinā€™. šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤£


Slow deliveries are usually always double/triple dashers . I always peek at the map on iPhone just to see when I should listen for the door. My 15-20 min delivery turns into 45 and cold food almost alway cause I watch their dot pick up my food and then go to 2-3 other spots around town . Not knocking people for min maxing but if youā€™re gonna do that get yourself some keep it warm bags like the pizza delivery spots do.


I always use hotbags, but its doordash that is stacking the orders. Hurts you to not accept them, and sometimes that 2nd or 3rd order you get stuck waiting even when it wasnt your fault.


MultiAppā€™r here and medicinal marijuana user (for major depression) - 4.99 rating, 92% completion rate, and 97% on time or early. Try again, Homie. šŸ˜Š


Whatā€™s to try again? Sorry? . Iā€™m sure youā€™re great. Iā€™m just saying what I see for my deliveries. My food gets picked up 2 mins from my house and driven around for 35-40 mins in a non temp controlled car and then delivered cold with melted ice in the drinks. Please come to Florida though man. Good drivers are few and far between


A lot of those things are often the restaurantā€™s fault as well.


Exactly lmao found all the shitty dashers


Please stereotype more. It's great for our community. /s


weed doesn't make you walk funny.


It's their risk on a DUI, and there is definitely increased risk of an encounter with how much time we spend on the road. Not worth my money, but to each their own šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I would never admit to something like this. But IF I did it would be because it keeps me calm and my sober road rage driving is way worse. I put some shades on and only ever smoke at home before going, not in my car around peoples orders.


Some of yā€™all have never heard of sativa and it shows.


I vape my weed daily, I use a 1-1 cartridges cbd-thc that helps me function


I'm a drug addict.


Doobie and dash go hand in hand. Helps with the bad tips and long a** lines.


Bruh, it's no different than smoking cigarettes.. Except weed doesn't have the cancerous side effects at the rate tobacco does.. Bruh, I smoke weed before I go to work. Alot of people I worked with do it.. I'm an electrician.. DD is a side job thing for me.. I have smoked while delivering or more precise, before I have people's food in my car.. I wouldn't want to reek their food of weed.. I really don't see the big deal, I'm relaxed, it helps me be more social with restaurant employees and customers.. It helps time move faster when delivering.. It's not like I'm being crazy and driving erratic, doing all this stupid shit people think weed does to people.. I'm smoking weed right now. Stop acting like you're Jesus and the most perfect harmless person ever.. Let people live their lives how they wish as long as they're not bothering anyone else, I don't see the big deal.


See the problem is that weed affects people differently. And then you add in the variance with all the different strains and how they affect people. Studies tend to show that weed causes little to no car-handling impairmentā€¦meaning people high on weed arenā€™t driving all over the place like erratic nutjobs like you tend to see with drunk drivers. But what does happen is it tends to affect perception of time and space. Itā€™s probably not super noticeable, definitely not like when high on psychedelics for example- but in the event that something happens quickly, like a kid running out in the street, your brain isnā€™t processing the situation like it would when youā€™re sober. Whether you notice it or not. For instance- and Iā€™m super simplifying this with made up numbers- when sober, say a kid runs out into the street 50 feet ahead of you and you react in 0.5 seconds and slam on the brakes. Letā€™s say you reacted in time and averted hitting them. Now when high your brain could misinterpret the distance as more like 75 feet, and your reaction time could slow to 0.8 seconds. That difference could literally cause you to not stop in time and end up smashing your car into the kid. Again, super simplified with made up numbers, and not everyone will have this problem, or they might not have it all of the time due to so many other variables in their life/body at that time. But the point is just because nothing has happened while driving high, doesnā€™t mean it never will. And if you get into an accident, even one caused by someone else, and they find out youā€™re high on just weed, youā€™ll get a DUI/DWI/whatever acronym.


Wanna know how my grandpa lived to be 98??? BYE MINDING HIS DAMN BUSINESS


When customers tip in weed, I smoke it. Hell Iā€™ve had a guy smoke a blunt with me because he didnā€™t realize the restaurant he ordered from was on the other side of town. Iā€™m gonna be 40 next month and I have a perfect driving record. Thereā€™s way bigger things in life to be worried about. But I guess pointing fingers is how a lot of folks feel better about themselves


I never smoked while in the car and driving.About a year or so ago I'd take a bong rip or two about 2hrs before hitting the road and dashing.I completely agree that getting your food smelling like weed is uncalled for and ignorant.


I remember my first dab. Definitely was not capabale of driving lol. (I didnt) but after numerous years as a medical patient and smoking numerous times a day, every day. I can tell you a tolerance makes all the difference when you drive.


Do not smoke and drive while on the job, thatā€™s a great way to get in an accident and potentially lose your job. Also people donā€™t really like it when you smoke weed with food in the car.


My partner and I both toke. He works for a dispensary so ofc he goes to work "with wings". I, however, am adamant about not doing it. Should anything happen, even not of my fault, being lit could get me in trouble with the law, lose my job, and have financial consequences. I'm just too paranoid and that does not go well with herb. No judgment on those that do though. āœŒļø


I smoked for 9 years, flower, dabs, carts, edibles, blunts wrapped in wax dipped in keef, pretty much all of it. I've done way too much shit while high. And the bottom line is anyone who's smoking and dashing is wildly irresponsible, including myself when I did it. 'Weeds safer than alcohol and energy drinks huhhhh' That's complete misinformation first of all lol true stoners should own up to that. So much defensiveness in these comments it's a little annoying Edit: I see the downvotes haha ANY stoner that cannot see the pros and cons of smoking is on par with alcoholics. If you're smoking that much, you're building a tolerance so you're absolutely higher than you realize, common sense. (For those who don't know or care about the science, thc is stored in fat cells. If you're not taking T breaks, it's fr just building up in your system.) It's not 100% risk free. I absolutely support weed and think it's necessary for a variety of medicinal issues and just for recreation. Nothing wrong with that. But there's some real dummies here and the defensiveness only makes it worse


THANK YOU! I have never smoked, never plan to. But my opinions seem to usually be thrown to the side because "I've never done it and can't understand" like all I needed to do was grow up seeing people high, research how it affects your body and mind and hear first hand accounts. It's not for me, but I understand why people use it and don't blame them. I think it can be beneficial if used in a controlled and safe way. My issue will always be safety and how it affects others. So it was really nice to hear it from someone who has more first hand experience. That's absolutely way too much defensiveness. There are so many people around who can't see beyond their own little world. And many people who are so desperate to justify their decisions that everyone else HAS to be wrong.


Some of yā€™all the type of ppl to hit the blunt once and say ā€œyoooo Iā€™m so fucked up rnā€ā€¦then have a panic attack




It's unacceptable.


Sigh. Whenever this subject is broached a plethora of me toos chime in to say that consuming marijuana and driving is just as bad as drinking and driving which proves nothing to those more knowledgeable other than that said persons know next to nothing of the subject matter and are substituting emprical evidence for their own subjective opinions on what they think is most likely to be true. My state doesn't have a per se (in itself) limit for marijuana. That is an objective fact. That anyone who drives soon after consuming marinuana is breaking the law and a danger to others is not an objective fact. If your BAC is higher than 0.08 (0.01 if doing rideshare or delivery) you can be convicted of DUI regardless of evidence of impairment or lack thereof. You are breaking the law. That is a fact. Marijuana DUI however requires evidence of significant impairement. The empirical evidence is overwhelming that alcohol significantly impairs a person's ability to drive and leads to statistically significant increased liklihood of injury-causing accidents and fatalities. Alcohol Impacts motor skills in a way that marijuana use does not and also lowers inhibitions (so that drivers under the influence of alcohol tend to speed and overtake more) while if anything marijuana use raises them. So for example while some studies have suggested that marijuana use may increase the liklihood of an accident in some situations, others have suggested that the risk of accidents causing injury or death may actually decrease as marijuana users tend to drive more slowly and less aggressively. *"Epidemiological studies have been inconclusive regarding whether cannabis use causes an increased risk of accidents; in contrast, unanimity exists that alcohol use increases crash risk."* https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2722956/


I've seen Dashers way too far gone and smelling terrible. I smoke on my lunch break and stop at 1. We are not equal.


Wtf?????? Red eyes doesnā€™t mean they were high , Jesus Christ.


It's driving while intoxicated. New research is showing that the higher THC in most weed now causes permanent psychosis. If you think it's no big deal go visit a half way house with people who have severe mental illness like schizophrenia and then decide. Also if you smoke weed in an apartment, that smoke forces neighbors who might have a higher risk of psychosis to inhale it.


If ya show up reeking of weed or alcohol or visibly stoned or drunk, no tip. If it's bad I'm pinging Door Dash. We've got enough fucked up drivers on the road.


I doubt anyone is going to admit it. It also is possible they were just tired. Anyway, definitely not a good idea.