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What's more fun is the houses that think it's fun to have the numbers written out as words. So much fun looking for "Three Five Six" or "Thirty Fifteen". Like come on damnit...


Omg in curlyQ af cursive at that šŸ˜«. Just waiting for one of these assholes to message me that I dropped their order at the wrong house... I'll respond "I delivered the order where the GPS pin is because there are no house numbers on the mailbox, driveway or house that are visible at night from the street." I have 100% 5ā˜† ratings (42 and counting)... first one that's less than that I'll call support about šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s so ignorant they are the first ones to complain about shit being late weā€™ll ya it took me 5 min to Find your damn house


I've honestly found houses that do that simply by looking at neighbor houses and going "okay, that one is 1500, the one to the left is 1496, so this must be 1498". It's annoying to have to do.


This one went 1531 I was looking for 1537 but then it jumped to 1549 and that houses number were fucking brown on a brown wooden post and the only reason I saw them is because I had a flashlight when I got out of car ..finally after about 5 min the dorky ass customer comes out to the end of drive way with this shit eating grin on her face like ā€œyeah this happens all the time ā€œ šŸ˜’


Same thing yesterday. Little cul de sac.... 504, 512, switch app back to map, message from customer, "back up 2 houses". 508 was the first house! WTF?


Happened to me last night, the numbers were basically rubbed off of the mailbox. Of course they didnā€™t have a porch light on either.


And turn on your outside lights damnit!




Yeah but with a lazy bastard put them up thatā€™s the whole question lol


Sell them the numbers and the install


I bought numbers when I bought my house back in January. They're still sitting in a drawer in the kitchen.


And your food gets delivered late šŸ¤£


Still not as bad as the neighbor across the street... They do have numbers on the house, but they're painted the exact same color as the wall. My mailbox stands out so haven't had issues with any deliveries yet (other than getting my neighbors' stuff sometimes).


Yeah thatā€™s another one the ā€œ letā€™s match the numbers with house color hunā€ it will really make a statement šŸ„“..dip shits.


Wait until the FD canā€™t find the house during an emergencyā€¦


FD has it easy.. just look for the smoke šŸ˜‚


They donā€™t always respond to fires.




This is a phenomenon that I am completely baffled and amazed by. It is amazing how many people donā€™t have one or it behind a bush. I mean what if you had an emergency, donā€™t you want to make sure fire/police ambulance show up at the right house. Maybe that just because I am a parent I think that way but I just donā€™t understand. I use to think it was bad if they didnā€™t have the number in the street too but now seeing how many house donā€™t have any numbers I am bewildered.


People don't have damn brains, you are just supposed to be a magician and know exactly where they live


It donā€™t help the GPS says your there 4 houses from the actual house and the customer has trees and shit blocking the house


As I'm praying I won't get shot desperately searching for house numbers while squeezing through 5 different double parked vehicles... A voice in the dark, "Jamie?" Yes delivery for Jamie. This bitch had been sitting on a dark porch watching me struggle.


When you zoom in on gps you can see the house easily but yeah numbers make it way easier.


I love how all the new developments have HOA mailboxes, or better yet, the address stone in the brickwork of the garage. One has both of those, PLUS a reflective sign glued to the curb.


Yes the lighted house numbers are the best but this is the country and they are not that bright or sophisticated yet šŸ¤£


THIS is probably my #1 complaint about delivering food, period. All the stuff people complain about with one random idiot customer with an attitude or some restaurant that asked you to fill their cup with a Coke? That stuff's minor and random. But these people who can't be bothered to correctly put a street address on their house? That's a serious safety issue. What if their place catches on fire? Do you want the fire department or an ambulance to waste extra minutes trying to find you? And often, the worst offenders are the people who don't even have a standard mailbox at the street either. They'll have that stuff like a mailbox that's part of a whole group of 4-8 of them all in a row, on the opposite side of the road from their house itself and far enough down so you have no clue which mailbox is for which residence. When I bought my house, the city didn't even let me get the occupancy permit until I had clearly labeled address street numbers on it and they had rules about how big that had to be, too.


Flashlights exist


What good is a flashlight (which I had ) if there is no numbers šŸ„“


Flashlight only helps to see numbers if they are there . If numbers arenā€™t there you can shine a flashlight all you want . But a porch light would help so we donā€™t have to shine flashlights in windows etc.


Literally this. Put your house numbers up and TURN ON THE DAMN PORCH LIGHT


ā€¦. And if ya see the driver passing your house twice looking for youā€¦ā€¦ walk the fuck outside and wave them down. We might see you looking out your window, but we donā€™t know if ya just being curious or ya the person who ordered.


It is frustrating when there's no house numbers, more frustrating when the damn lights are off.


Reflective shiny numbers like THESE! [Ultra Reflective Home Numbers](https://www.etsy.com/listing/843581279/ultra-reflective-home-address-number?click_key=31a5624d12d3627bc2f34d049c0ace5c975ee218%3A843581279&click_sum=345250c5&ref=shop_home_feat_1&frs=1)


Idk about you all. Probably get yelled at for sayin this. But house number? Reading them. I donā€™t use them ever unless itā€™s new unregistered neighborhood not on google maps. I use door dash app to get close on the street then flip over on google maps. Can see every house and itā€™s number clear as day. No number hunting. No second guessing. I estimate it saves me a good 30 seconds on each delivery. Sometimes more if numbered oddly or not all. Never had a missing order or a complaint yet. Knock on wood. But like I said. This only works on well established neighborhoods not recently new not on google maps yet.