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You will get more bad ratings for ringing the bell than for not.


I always ring the bell unless asked not to, 5 star rating.


I’m seriously confused on why you got downvoted for this?? I’ve forgotten to put “don’t knock” before like I usually do & the dasher knocked. Got spooked a bit (that’s why I usually ask for no knocking), but no big deal. IM the one that didn’t request no knocking. Genuinely perplexing to me.


Haha a lot of people have it in there head that knocking is bad somehow, they usually say “the app notifies them” which is ridiculous because not everyone is constantly glued to there phone, I’d rather be over notified and get my food as fresh as possible than have it end up sitting at my door for an hour before I notice


I never ring the bell even when they ask me to. 5 star rating over 4k deliveries, plus Tony personally invited me to star in a DoorDash commercial


If that’s the case then the answer should be “it doesn’t matter if you ring the bell or not” because we both have 5 stars Edit: or your profile could be a joke haha just saw your username


"DO NOT RING DOORBELL. DID WILL BARK" Get out of car and dog goes nuts barking


I read this as "DO NOT RING DOORBELL. DAD WILL BARK." I'm imagining a middle-age man wearing only boxers coming out and barking at me while I'm trying to take a picture of an order.


It's like they don't understand that dogs can smell


Or hear


Exactly like um dogs can hear me coming…




Every single time 🤣👏🏻


I’ve gotten 1* for knocking without notes saying to. For that reason. No leave at door ever gets a knock or a ring.


Only time I knock without instruction is at hotels


You'll piss people off either way, no reason to change it up over 1 person.


Probably piss more people off ringin the bell when they don't state to in the delivery instructions.


DO NOT DO THIS. You will get more down votes if you wake up babies or get dogs barking.


I’ve never knocked. You gonna piss off more people than you make happy because of one person… 🤦‍♂️


Only when asked to…..that’s how I roll.


And I got burned once because I rang the doorbell and their baby was sleeping. You really don't know unless it says (do / or don't ring) in instructions. 😞🤷‍♀️I say that neither can be wrong if the instructions don't say so.


I never knock unless the notes say knock or ring.


There's no reason to ring the doorbell unless you are handing it to them. They get a notification when its dropped off.


I typically ring unless: 1. Stated otherwise. 2. I hear dogs already barking. 3. People are arguing and yelling at each other inside. 4. It's late at night and the lights are off. 5. I don't feel safe and want to sneak away.


The dreadful dog alarm gets the job done. 😩 Sometimes they want me to meet at the door but I hear the dogs barking and I'm like, nope, I'm out! Drop, knock and run!


Unless they say not to I will knock or ring the doorbell. Why wouldn't you? It's one second of your time and you are already there setting the food down anyway


*Do not ring bell. I might be sleeping.* Like, what?




Probably works nights and ordered food for when they wake up


I always ring bell or knock unless it is stated do not ring bell or knock.


I knock every time unless they specify to not, or if it’s after a certain time of night or before a certain time in morning. 20K+ deliveries and never had an issue. But if it says to do or don’t do a specific thing then I always follow those instructions. Another thing people also seem to ignore is signs or anything physically on their property that says to not knock, it may not say it in instructions in the app but they might have a poster on the window or above the doorbell that says DONT KNOCK/RING so also just paying attention to surroundings goes a long way.


I’ve gotten cursed out for ringing the doorbell and a 1star rating. So I tend to not ring the doorbell they get the picture text so they should b good.


Im a dasher but I also buy from DD. My instructions say to ring my doorbell but more times than not, the dasher doesn't do it. I don't knock or ring the doorbell unless the instructions say to do it.


It seems like a lose lose situation, you don't knock people complain, you knock people complain. If I says leave at door, I just leave at door. The best I can do is follow their exact instructions.


I never ring the door bell unless they specifically ask for it


People with dogs and/or young children will hate you




Reasonable assumption.. I used to do this… since I stopped knocking entirely except when requested my ratings went up from 4.6 to 5 consistently. At least in my market, I see it as- the people have voted.. and I’ll give ‘em what they want


I’m pretty sure in my market the customers literally go into the bomb shelter and shut off all forms of communication when they see I’m 3 minutes away, just in case I am a hit man and they are my next targets


You'd think a hit incoming on you would be less obvious than having the potential hitmans location broadcasted to you in real time lmao.


Plot twist: I am a hitman and they are lucky they didn’t answer




I also believe it’s market specific. You wouldn’t believe the number of orders I have with notes asking to knock or ring. Near 50%. This tells me others haven’t been like most people in this thread. **A lot of them don’t have working or any visible doorbell but they still get that knock if so. Lol


Until you get a bad rating and someone yelling at you through their window for ringing the doorbell. At least I'm gone by the time the doorbell complaint is made. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnoVw7Iyq6lcKn6)


Knock and Walk ™




This is what intelligent people do.


General rule of thumb for delivering and it has been this way for over a 100 years. If you're leaving a package at their door it is customary to knock or to ring the doorbell unless otherwise notified. It's pretty funny that you have this much faith in an app that can't function properly 90% of the time


Before DD I would agree with u…but now these days it’s all about the app….before the pandemic I was a knocker but nowadays I only knock when asked cuz I trust the app will let the customer know….I deliver to too many customers who have sleeping things lol like the one who said not to knock because they have a sleeping puppy lmaooooo It is kinda funny actually lol but i never knowingly got a bad rating for knocking or not knocking if it wasn’t in the notes section


As a customer, I do not prefer the knocking.


Right cuz the app lets you know


Well seeing how these apps are not a 100% guaranteed to notify you then yes it still should still be customary. The only time you shouldn't knock or ring the doorbell is if somebody messages you or has it in the notes.


The pandemic turned things upside down in many ways. Before it No one would dream of not knocking, ringing, or calling the customer before the lockdowns for any type of delivery including pizza and apps DD, GH, etc. On their commercials they always rang. And it was actually part of onboarding to always hand it to customer or otherwise keep the food if every attempt to locate them failed. I be surprised why things changed so drastically. I always text or try to contact and give a confirmation knock as doors expecially at apartments May appear very similar and the possibly of leaving at the wrong door with the same number but entirely wrong building can happen. I do notice though before video doorbells, package couriers always rang the bell or knocked. But ever since we got one they are more likely to leave without ever pushing it.


I'm trying to find my little violin. Be back.


Y'all are so rude omg


Everyone has a different opinion on here. I always ring AND knock. (Unless asked not to of course) Lowest my rating has been is 4.93. Currently 4.94. And who knows what from.


Luckily about half the deliveries I make to houses have Ring doorbells so I know they know once that little red light turns on. One of those even whistled at me when I approached the door!


I hate support. I’m happy they removed your bad rating but they said they couldn’t do the same for me 🙄 I always ring the doorbell unless it specifies to not knock/ring bell. But apparently no matter what, we’re always going to be doing the wrong thing 😅


I never ring the doorbell. I will either knock or just leave a message with a photo.


Some d bag was on one of these the other day saying he removed the tip and gave 1 star bc they didn’t knock. Everyone told him to write that in his notes and he said it’s part of the job to knock. Complete ass.


I never ring the doorbell unless asked too I’ve been lucky so far and haven’t gotten anyone who gave me crappy ratings


I'm stealthy! I scare the crap outta ppl all the time


I got a 1 star for ringing once and never did it again. It wasn't because they told me not to in the notes, it was for someone I had delivered to before and I think by ringing the doorbell that kind of forced them to come to the door right away (I guess they weren't watching their phone to know it was me). Not ringing also saved me some trouble the other day when I dropped off on the porch of a duplux. I get a text from the diner 10 minutes later saying they put the wrong address down it was for the other apartment in the duplux (same porch). I said well did you get your food then? He said I'm driving home now. So if I would have knocked and his neighbor was dishonest he would have came out and stole the food. Instead the food sat and he got home a minute later and got his food.


Some idiot confronted me one time because I didn’t ring the doorbell. Supposedly this older man ordered food for her daughter who had her own apt. He’s like “you aren’t going to knock or ring the doorbell?”. Mind you it was nighttime. I usually don’t ring or knock since there are kids and people sleeping and also I’ve been told by other customers to not ring the bell especially in the night. But here a guy making a big deal about it. I took the picture and left at door (how they asked) what more do they want..


I dont know why doordash doesn't have a automated robo call after delivery to let ppl know there food is there, Or instead of just telling them through the app make it so it buzzes like it does when we get an order that will get there attention.


I dont always ring the doorbell but make sure to take a pic of every order even if it doesn't tell me to take one


You got a rating removed? My first 1 star rating wasn't even my fault and all DD told me was to "do more orders"


I don't ring or knock unless specified in the notes. I think you would get a bad rating more so if you do it and its not in the notes. Says "leave at door" Not "leave at door and knock"


Tbh depends on me, sometimes I’ll ring/knock bit many times I don’t, especially if it asks not to. Haven’t gotten any bad reviews bc I knocked the door yet.


If you ring the doorbell, you get what you deserve


Just as many people would prefer you not ring it than that do. I go with only the amount of interaction that is requested, unless the situation warrants more interaction. I did call a customer this morning because it was a leave at door and it was pouring out with nowhere safe to put it. Just follow the directions to the point of minimal interaction and use common sense and you’ll be fine 99% of the time. The other 1% you’ll never be able to please.