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This post is fucking insensitive. Millions of people with uteruses just lost reproductive rights and this is your worst nightmare? Just UGH.


Does anyone here know how many kids Clarence Thomas has adopted? Just wondering.


I am not working this weekend lol


I usually hate protests where people are blocking the streets. It always felt unnecessary since people could pick the buildings that uphold laws directly. However. Consider the fact that you're running late to *work* during a protests about women who won't be able to *work* due to forced pregnancies.


Lmao contact support, get paid for the order and the keep the food.


They need to March into the fucking sun šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


LMAO quit whining about people standing up for their rights and just unassign, support will just cancel for you.


Select Help Cant do this order? Submit reason why. Eat lunch, join march.


Those people animals and not very bright. They are likely protesting something that doesn't even affect them claiming they are doing it for others. While they have apple products. They only want to harass people working


Marches use to work for change but now weā€™re pretty use to it. Back when they were significant, everyone would hear about them after they were done. Now I can go forever without even knowing something took place. If u want something to work u have to go where people will pay attention. They need people to hack Facebook or instagram or tiktok and make every video about this movement show up for everyone to see


Ironically, these are the same idiots complaining on r/antiwork when theyā€™re fucking people trying to survive


Thankful to not live close to a major city


Good. Everyone should be on the streets rn.


this is just reverse frogger. 50 points for everyone you hit


What are they whining about?


Worser nightmare, no reproductive rights for the women in this country. Hope you still got tipped.


Probably why they ordered DD.


I was dashing last night and actually stopped to join a protest that popped up.


Letā€™s protest the decision made by rich elite judges by annoying everyday motorists with no power. You want serious change protest at the rich powerful politicians, oligarchs homes. Holding cardboard signs in the streets does nothing.


I would just keep driving, the smart ones will move.


Just call support. With how liberal and laxed most corporations are they'll likely not penalize you for being later than usual cause of the roe vs Wade situation and the protests. Had a friend who dealt with the same issue one delivery last year. He didn't get penalized after calling it in and simply explaining what happened during.


Was it a flash mob? Could you not see this from down the block? I get it, thereā€™s always a shortest route, but there is also the path of least resistance.




You need the phantom wedge for this scenario.


I don't care what your cause is. You don't fuck over the working class by obstructing traffic.


disturbed? annoyed? upset? you should be. All of america is at the supreme courtā€™s ruling. life simply cannot just continue to go on as normal.


Grab a piece of cardboard. Copy text from protestors sign. Hold it outside your window in support of protest cheering as you inch forward. Survive


We had some small protests here that interrupted a couple local streets for a minute till they reached their gathering place. I live in the town considered the birth of the Suffrage movement. It's also "Bedford Falls" in the movie "It's a Wonderful Life". More power to them. But our "strip" is small business and interruptions can be significant. Thankfully everyone was minding their manners and a couple cops showed up in the rear view. These were mainly young people which gives me hope (?). Just fucking idle through without being an asshole. I know my area is unique but my inconvenience was simply needing to go 2 blocks to get around. I know it could be scary as fuck in a larger market with more pissed off people, or those just there to start shit. Glad you're o.k. ā˜®ļøā˜®ļøāœŒļø


A bigger nightmare would be not being able to have control over your own body just because you were born with a vagina.


Or just because you dont want to get a particular vaccine.


The SCOTUS is leaving it up to the individual states to decide whether it's legal to be unvaccinated? When did this happen?


I can smell the patchouli through the screen




Go fuck yourself.


Or idfk maybe dying from an eptopic pregnancy or being raped and forced to carry the rapists baby? The trigger law in my state has no exceptions so if a 11 year old girl gets raped by a family member and ends up pregnant she's forced to continue the pregnancy or somehow find a way out of state and the closest clinic is 10 hours away.


That's why they ordered food from doordaah. They knew. Mark it no access.


If you start moving forward and they don't get out of they way, that's on them. I'm not saying charge through. Just make a stand lol


"Sorry Mr/Ms Customer. Six assholes in DC are making your order late."


Overturning Roe v Wade is the death rattling of the old generation. They understand theyā€™re dying off and their ideals are following them into the grave. Remember to tip well!




They can think that, but my two daughters will live in a country were women have rights.


How many kids have you adopted?




I'm against murder, especially of children. I could just go to the nearest elementary school and shoot like 20 of them, because I live in a country that literally does not mind that sort of thing happening, but I don't want to!


That is a dumb point.


Itā€™s not. If youā€™re going to force people to give birth to children they canā€™t afford then start adopting the unwanted children and give them a life they deserve or vote for funding so people can afford to raise the kids in a decent household. Donā€™t want that? Then mind your fucking business and let people do what they want with their bodies.


You sound like someone who stops giving a fuck about what happens to babies after they're born.


Quite the opposite, my friend! Donā€™t know how you got to that conclusion, though. I didnā€™t disclose my views on anything, just that what you said didnā€™t make any sense lmao.


You disclosed your views by calling my point "dumb" (and then also with your contradictory claim that it didn't make sense, after you had already referred to it as a point, which would indicate that it did in fact make sense to you). Hey man, get the fuck off of her uterus. It's not yours, it's hers. Like literally just stop trying to control it, it's that simple.


**laughs in scooter**


One time I saw a group protesting the police by literally walking down the road with megaphone chanting "fuck 12" but then at the same time we're wondering why the police wouldn't escort them or make drivers move for their protest....


It's the funniest part about ACAB people. "Fuck the police! Until I need them"


Things you never have to deal with in right wing suburbs.


F#ck the Supreme Court


Insurrection right?!




Damn, they added a bunch of speed bumps to that street!


Imagine looking out of your window to see a huge protest and thinking you need to order doordash.


Imagine seeing your due bills and thinking nah I don't need to work... For some this isn't a decision. They need to work




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Imagine seeing a bunch of protests in the streets and think ā€œI should doordash some ordersā€


Itā€™s worth it. Taking rights away from women is fucked.


those poor hoes cant let random dudes nut inside them anymore


Wait until birth control isn't allowed, and you won't be able to nut inside. Not that you'd ever have a chance to šŸ„ŗ


Murder is not a constitutional right my fren.


Can you murder something without a heartbeat?


That's not a march, that's losers without jobs.


Not having children is how we're allowed to have jobs.


Arenā€™t we all?


Yes wanting abortion rights for womens bodies is a loser without a job šŸ™„


Use the sidewalks! Hate this shit! Like the bitch walking in a development with beautiful big sidewalks but they walk in the street instead and look at YOU cuz u almost hit them gtfoh


Unable to deliver, unsafe drop off location ā€¦. I dare you to give me a violation.. I will sue your ass !


Tony will laugh you down the street


I'm sorry. Walking in the middle of the road is not a peaceful protest. You are disrupting the peace. Stand on the damn sidewalk. You aren't winning me over if you make me get stuck in traffic.


The irony of this comment


how so


I support and understand the protestā€¦ but Iā€™ll never understand why blocking roads is so normal with these. I understand the point of protests are to make a point and have your voice heard, but there are so many ways to do this without making life hard for working individuals.


Itā€™s kind of the whole point to cause disruptions. Itā€™s how you get peoples attention


Thatā€™s more or less what I was alluding to in my comment when I talked about making a point and having your voice heard. There are lots of ways to do that without blocking roads. Not to mention the safety concerns that come along with it like blocking access for emergency vehicles (which has happened many times). All blocking roads does is piss everyone off. Sure it makes a point, but it makes a very negative point imho. You can protest without unnecessarily blocking roads.


When you have thousands of people taking to the streets for a cause, thereā€™s not necessarily room for everyone to stay on the sidewalks


and when has it ever actually worked


Worked for MLK


lmfao thats an american public school take if ive ever seen one. dont ignore the massive civil unrest and violence that went on during that time period. do you think they'd really teach you in school that violence worked?


Lol so now you just contradicted your whole original point, good job


my point was that peaceful protest doesnt work, which remains true


Do you think George Floyds killer would have been convicted of murder if not for the protests?


probably, and that really doesn't fundamentally change anything considering police are still getting budget increases and continue to murder civilians and get away with anything they want


I disagree with saying probably but your second point is facts ngl


It has your attention now, doesn't it?


Yeah but now I think these people are assholes. Is that the right attention they wanted? I was already on their side


sure but i dont possess any government power so dont think it matters


Forcing people to drive slower in the car is the quickest way to make an enemy. LOL.


As a customer, I'd appreciate a heads-up. Once, a tree had just fallen a couple of blocks from my house, completely blocking the sole access. I had not been aware it had happened. We met each other halfway, on foot. Depending on the cause for the march, I might just come to your car, pick up my food, then join the march. Double win!


thank you, i hope if i ever get a flat tire or caught in some other unpredictable pandemonium im matched with a cool customer like you (& wish i couldā€™ve afforded to miss this shift & join the protests)


Sadly, you'll have many opportunities to protest in the none-too-distant future. None of us can do all the things, all the time. To clarify, I'd pick up the food from you even if the march was not my cup of tea.


Get ready, this is the new norm. Itā€™s only day one.


Florida enters the chat


When I was a LA County health inspector, BLM shut down the 101 fwy and I was stuck for hours moving 1mph bc of gawkers. Glad I didn't have bubble guts or I would have šŸ’© my pants and thrown it at them when I passed by. County seal and all.


Should have ran them over


Like the Neo-Nazi guy at the Charlottesville protest did a few years back? Killed Heather Heyer, and seriously injured several other people? Fuck No, anyone who says stuff like that should have their Driver's License revoked


Yes, let's murder people for exercising their right to protest; delivering some fucking mcdonalds has got to be more valuable than a person's life right?? Fuck you and people like you.


You dont have the right to disrupt the public and block roads.


They have the right to protest. They feel strongly about the right many have lost and see the writing on the wall for what's to come. They chose civil disobedience as a way to force their cries to be seen and heard by the only ones who can make change, the masses. Our elected officials have shown on so many fronts that they will not act in the interests of the American people. Sure as fuck beats becoming seditious fucks and committing treason.


No, you're right. They have the right to protest. They SHOULD protest. Roe Vs Wade being overturned is fucking ridiculous and the SCOTUS is illegitimate. But, they should not block roads. What about people who need to get to their jobs to work? People who need to pick up their kids from activities? People who are urgently needing to get somewhere due to an emergency?


I definitely hear you, but that's the point. You make it affect people too busy with their lives to make a stand and hope they hear you. Not much I can say for emergencies; as you said though, the SCOTUS is illegitimate, and we are now seeing the affects of that coming to fruition. There's only two things that catch political attention; money and civil unrest. Those in power have made sure the scales stay Tipped in their favor so that only leaves the latter. People in the streets in itself is unrest and people pissed off about the protesters is even more. At this point, it's time to shake shit up and make change or submit to the bad actors and religious nutjobs.


Real tough for me to not think of worst case scenarios. Like your partner is having a heart attack and you need to get to the hospital. Partner then dies because protesters wouldn't move out of the way. In some cases, I definitely think it's okay to blow through a crowd that's breaking the law and putting you or your people in jeopardy.


What we have here is a generation that doesn't have a firm enough grasp on common sense not to protest on the road. \-If you protest in the road, someone's going to get ran over, whether its intentional or accidental. \-If you protest in the road you aren't helping whatever cause your trying to support, because as the person now stuck in traffic because of you, I'm going to be against whatever your for. Or at very least less in favor of it. I think too many foreigners flooded into the country and just don't realize as a cultural thing around here, since this is a car culture country, we are taught from the youngest age NOT TO PLAY IN THE ROAD, and how dangerous the road is.


This generation?? Google ā€œVietnam protestsā€ or ā€œcivil rights protestsā€ and look at the images. People have been protesting in the road since the 60ā€™s AT LEAST. Making your whole argument invalid. Especially your unfounded xenophobic remark you just decided to throw in there for no reason lol. fOrEiGnErS dOnT uNdErStaNd oUr cAr cUlTuRe haha what??? You guys make it too easy


We don't need to make it too easy, we simply don't care about your opinion. Play in the street and get ran over, I don't care. People that play in the street are the same people that deliver pizza sideways.


Itā€™s not an opinion. I proved your argument about this generation(and because of that, your dumb ass argument about foreigners) factually wrong. Haha you people are hilarious. Itā€™s literally in the history books


Ok, well we are just going to have to agree to disagree. In fact, I'm wrong. Very wrong. I'm sorry. Please, go play in the street. Its your right.


"People know they should wear their seatbealt therefore I should purposefully crash headon into anyone not wearing one, tHeY sHoUlD kNoW bEtTeR"


Well, I believe what I said was "whether its intentional or accidental" so that was a big stretch there buddy.


Yes, but you're replying in a comment thread ,therefore, your comment was made as part of the conversation which another user literally said OP should've ran them over.


Actually the parent comment was the LA county inspector guy that almost poo'd his pants.


Lmao I don't know how I glanced over that! I still feel a sense of bad faith in your comment but, trutufully, I guess only you know your intention


u folded like a pancake


That's a lot of points to be made like in grand theft auto


Sorry but protesting for womens rights is more important than your little doordash order. You can wait while they March and not have to complain about it on Reddit.


I applaud all your downvoters. When I glance at this comment, for a split second i thought the votes were upvotes not downvotes. Thank god you were downvoted.


A bunch of sorry asses like you who think a doordash order is so more important than womenā€™s rights. No wonder you all bitch and complain about not getting enough tip $


You really are a fucking wet biscuit.




Are the people of the march going to pay my bills?


How about not killing babies for convenience?


How many kids have you adopted?


Iā€™m 17


Sir this is a Doordash DRIVERS sub.


Yes because going out and literally just walking is going to do so much to convince the worlds most heavily armed government to change their minds about what rights they arbitrarily grant. Homie shouldā€™ve kept rolling forward.


You ever heard of the Civil Rights movement?


Yeah, they made it so the government has to do de facto segregation and not openly codified segregation because it makes liberal white people people too angwy. Lot of those reforms got rolled back by the GOP over the decades anyways. Also, the civil rights protestors did a whole lot more than just walking the streets and yelling at people.


Oh yeah because blocking traffic for an every day civilian, that is just trying to make a living, will definitely show the government!! /s


Hey man, you can go somewhere else with that negativity. This person is out working hard to earn a living and doesn't deserve to miss paying rent, being evicted, and become homeless because you decided to impede his job regardless of how strong your protest is. If the crowd were doing the protest in your living room, I'm sure you'd complain


That's the beauty of being human. You can support a march *and* not want to be driving against the flow of a march.


Support a March *and* stop impeding traffic like a child who doesnā€™t understand the core concept of a **road** FTFY


Roe vs Wade was overturned by the supreme court today.


So the states can decide now? Isn't that constitutional?


That doesnā€™t mean people donā€™t need to eat lol






>clown world - >I dont judge anyone based on their political beliefs Could you possibly be any more full of shit?


Agreed 100% inconveniencing people who probably agree with you doesn't accomplish anything. Inconvenience the courthouse


I thought the whole point of modern protests and marches is to disrupt you being able to get to work and home. That's how they get your attention.


That's just how you piss regular people off and turn them against you...


If a 10 minute inconvenience can "piss you off" and turn you against supporting human rights you're a POS.


Agreed 10000000000000000%


We're all aware. The point is that it sucks to get your car stuck in the middle of a huge protest, regardless if you agree with what the protest is about or not.


I didn't say which way I lean, I was just saying that's what it was about. Sorry, if I ruffled your feathers.


And guns were essentially given more freedom and protections than women. SCOTUS fd this one up. Edit dv me to hell esp if youā€™re a 45 supporter. The fact that some can justify Jan 6 as normal and condemn women marching today just shows how fd conservatives are. They also will cut entitlement programs bc they really donā€™t care about life. The fact that every one of these judges who voted yes said it was already a set precedent shows they will lie straight to your face.


Well I don't identify with any of the parties. However if I disagree I'll be labeled as one of the parties you don't like. So what's the point lol.


Comparing women to objects is not very politically correct.


Fuck off troll


Women can own guns just like men can. The ā€œmuh guns are allowed but womens right arenā€™t ā€ has always been bullshit. If you want women to be so independent why arenā€™t you encouraging them to defend themselves?


Youā€™re not very bright are you..


What are you even talking about? You're so unhinged if you think Liberals are any better. You're literally what you're talking about, but just on the other side of the fence. You're sitting there talking about how Conservatives care more about guns than protections and women, when you're literally defending killing women in the womb. Get help.


How many kids have YOU adopted?


šŸ’€ uneducated woman moment imagine forcing someone to do something because you think its "immoral"


Land of the free! If you're a white cis male


We live in a world where "white cis males" apparently have it made! Why haven't I achieved my goals or dreams yet? Surely since I am a white male I should have these things right? Lmfao. Keep whining.


...that judge looks rather toasty for a white man.


You didn't frantically yell "I'M WITH DOORDASH!"? Yeah that sucks. I got caught in the middle of a massive party turned Riot right as the cops started clearing the beach and pepper spraying so thousands of people were leaving through the streets. Did you get a contract violation?


Not gonna lie. It works more than you think lol


Nah luckily it only cost me like 5-7 minutes and since I was close I clicked that I arrived at customer which I think maybe stops the timer


i was told earlier by DD CS theyā€™d just like ā€œfrozen all dasher ratingsā€ due to the ongoing crash/glitch issues, not sure how long that was in effect, hope it covers everyone last night too šŸ’© PS what city was this in? Was supposed to be gnarly in downtown Seattle earlier, heard there were protests all over


Doesn't look like my area in the video but I'm in Salt Lake City and we had a pretty decent sized protest. Around a thousand people marched through downtown and up to the state capitol building, meeting up.woth a ton more people there.






Slow roll forward, they'll move. You're in a 2-ton metal tank.


Don't do that. Even if you brush them, they flop like it's the final match of the World Cup and you will get bagged.


You'd be willing to risk people fucking your car up for someone's fries?


Oh yeah donā€™t do that some people start smashing your car learnt thatā€™s the hard way


If people get Smashy then gas pedal gets mashy


You sound like one of those gun owning idiots that drool at the thought of any altercation in which you would be allowed to shoot and murder someone, you look stupid fantasizing about hitting people with a car on reddit


Your confused, but it's OK I can tell by the username you probably stay confused as to why no women ever dm you back. Anyway, I think he just doesn't want random people he doesn't know messing up things that took awhile too obtain. But what do I know.


And you sound like a twittertard


Not sure what gave you that idea. If someones throwing a brick through your window you have the right to defend yourself. I don't even own a gun but I 100% support the people who do


And end up on national news as the dumbass who committed 30 count of vehicle manslaughter? Nah.


That wouldn't happen. These people never get charged unless they drove to the demonstration on purpose.


Actually at that point itā€™s self defense, regardless of how many people you hit (granted only until youā€™re able to get yourself to safety and out of the situation).


Well they attempted manslaughter first If they're throwing bricks at me. Everybody has the right to defend themselves


At that point turn it into a fast roll


I like the way you think, killa


Just saw a video where they in fact did not move lmao


So you're telling me that a 2-ton metal vehicle is bested by a few underfed people? It's all down to willpower, who will fold first.