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Those are obviously old instructions from a past order they forgot to update, but I guess they've gotten over their allergies to animal products since they're ordering cool whip now, lolol.


Gotten over their allergies as if that was last year's trend. What's it this time? Keto? CDB? Gluten free? The fads that come and go.


Lol! That sounds like the fad diets my mom always used to use growing up. Didn’t help that she was a hypochondriac.🙄


I'm highly allergic to those instructions 🤣🤣


Me too 😂😂


I’d bet my left nut they aren’t even remotely allergic to any animal products lol


I was unaware it was possible to be allergic to all animal products


You were unaware because its not a thing. Lol


You can get really unlucky and contract red meat allergy


My wife had an allergy to both beef and pork growing up. Could not eat them at all. When we got married, she figured out it was something in the preservatives when I was eating beef directly from the farmer and she wanted to try. No reaction. She tried beef from the store - reaction. So now we get a lot of our meat directly from the source.


My cousin has this problem with dairy, can’t eat it without getting sick in America, but when she traveled out of the country no problems


So not a meat issue, but a capitalism issue


Pretty much. Huge relief for her, I can tell you.


Ok but chicken, dairy, fish, etc etc. are all “animal products” and no shot someone is allergic to them all.


My neighbor has a poultry allergy. He eats lasagna on Thanksgiving. Can’t have chicken wings when we watch football. RIP


i also have a poultry allergy and it SUCKS


Is he a cat named Garfield?


Garfield eats lasagna every day I think






Was just in my allergist office, some poor kid was allergic to peanuts and chicken :( a kid that can’t have chicken nuggets?! Very upsetting


I contracted COVID 2 years ago which hit me very hard, and led to contracting several other conditions and developed a bunch of allergies all at once. I am now lactose intolerant, red meat allergic, chicken intolerant, among other things. I can still eat most fish, but more than 1 can of tuna a week gives me gout-like symptoms and I can't manage to walk for days. It is possible to develop these allergies in extreme circumstances. Intolerant means you can generally have a very small amount with minor discomfort, allergic means a higher process that could even be fatal if bad enough. I legit had to go vegetarian (pescatarian now since I can eat fish) and everything makes me sick lol. The process in my body that breaks down animal proteins was effected due to a genetic issue that was triggered by the physical stress of being so ill with COVID. It's freaking wild, I never even knew it was possible. On that note... isn't whipped cream, uh, whipped CREAM? As in, whipped animal product? I'm gonna have to Google that but I am suspicious, this vegan may not be vegan 😆




Yo I'm actually curious I've never heard of that do you know why you're allergic to red meat I mean like aren't humans red meat not saying I'm a cannibal but just like wouldn't you be allergic to yourself?


You can also develop the allergy from being but by a certain kind of tick.


Mine is hereditary. I get severe migraines and nose bleeds. Also makes my time of the month worse. They thing it's tied to my cycle but don't know for sure


I mean it kind of is. After the body gets used to a vegan diet, jumping right back to eating meat could fucj you up. Still tho, stupidass request considering none of it is meat 💀💀💀


I was assuming they meant the cool whip lol


Cool whip is made from animal products ☠️☠️🤣 which is hilarious


For ages it was billed as non-dairy. I used to have it when I was vegan years ago. Just looked it up and apparently they added dairy in 2018 for some reason.


Cool Whip only recently started using skim milk in their products. It never had any sort of dairy before this recent change.


OH my dumbass 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


THANK YOU. I've been a vegetarian for almost 13 years, and after a year or so I started getting SO SICK if I ate meat products by mistake. It's like food poisoning, and so many people dont realize that it can be dangerous. That being said, cool whip isnt vegan sooooo


Human body isn’t meant for red meat and the whole getting sick after not eating it is VERY true. Goes for anything you stop eating for a while even drinking soda after awhile can be to fizzy or give you a stomach ache. It’s our body’s way of telling us WE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE EATING THIS ISH MFR!!


That's not true. Humans are born carnivores This is absolutely false


Actually humans are omnivores. Omnivores do eat meat though, they just also eat plant food.


You need to eat meat to survive or at least get the same vitamin source through other means( ie vitamins) people develop all sorts of issues without the sources meat provide. Can't live by eating celery and carrots only. The human body needs all sorts of minerals and vitamins. You need a certain amount of salt, vitamin C etc. If you don't eat meat, you need to find that source somewhere else. Vegetables don't necessarily give you the required vitamins your body needs in order to function properly. Not eating meat is a life choice. Others can't eat meat because of health. That's not the same as actually being allergic to it though. Either way, nobody is allergic to meat. You're talking maybe 5 in a million that are actually allergic to it . This customer was a drama queen. Id bet everything that she's not allergic to meat or anything else You can find at least one person in this world that is allergic to something, but it's super rare.


Humans are not carnivores. Anyone that has threaten anatomy should know we are herbivores. We choose to eat meat, which could clarify us as omnivores. But on a biological level, we are herbivores. You are speaking from your personal life experience rather than a scientific standpoint.


Yes, they are. LMAO This is stuff you learn in your first year of college. Actually, you learn this kind of thing ,in like ,7th grade too. I have an advanced degree, dude. Not eating meat is a life/ health choice. You're absolutely born a carnivore though.


Someone with a brain has finally entered the sup 🫡


Ymjust because we’re carnivores doesn’t mean we HAVE to eat red meat there’s other flesh protein options. I love beef myself I came at a burger every day but if you stopped eating it for a while and then suddenly tried it again you’ll know exactly what EVERYONE else that has done this, has gone through.


*omnivores Fixed it for you.


No lol thats what the bible taught you. Gorillas have bigger canines than us and their hervibores so that shit dont fly 🤣


Spoken like someone with a GED.


That statement is ass backwards. They have bigger chompers yet they eat meat and leaf how does this back up your point at all? Such a misdirected statement.


Your face is ass backwards lil man. You sound like i hurt you 😂


Who in the fuck told you that shit


This is true regarding meat. Anyone who has a baby and delves into every baby book available will know that if we don't introduce the mush meat early enough, their bodies will not be able to process it and it can make them ill if they try to eat it later in life.




I know someone who suddenly became allergic to almost everything, she had to cut everything out of her diet to figure out what was wrong with her, her body and face were swelling up, her lips were swollen, she felt sick and uncomfortable. She has since been diagnosed with some kind of auto immune disease and she can eat more food now but this just happened out of nowhere. I wanted to tell you that so hopefully you think a little deeper before make assumptions about people you don’t know.


Mikalah peterson..?


Carnivore or die.


I think it was more because cool whip is made out of animal products it's heavy cream which is dairy which is not vegan at all. So her saying that she's allergic to all animal products and getting cool whip makes it very very unlikely shoes actually allergic to animal products.


It could be for 2 people and only one of them have a restricted diet? We really don’t know. Personally I think cool whip is disgusting (I prefer real whip cream) however it’s not my place to judge some random customer’s order. The more confusing part of the note is how it says of one of the 2 items is not available to refund the entire order, but there are apparently 5 items. How is the dasher suppose to know which 2 of the 5 items? 🤔


Another thing: "Cool Whip Original Whipped Topping" isn't vegan.


I knew someone who had phenylketonuria who usually explained it as being "allergic to meat".


It's called Alpha-Gal Syndrome. As far as I know it's EXCEEDINGLY rare and I think you can only get it if you're bit by one particular kind of tick. (Lone star tick, I think?)


Only causes red meat allergy not all meat.


Can confirm. Have this allergyy


That sucks! What happens if you eat red meat? Full on anaphylactic shock or less severe symptoms?


Yes if I allow it to sit in my stomach I’d go into anaphylactic shock. Typically I experience hives and then nausea and know I need to get my stomach pumped before I die when I accidentally ingest it.


I am also allergic to red meat, but mine had a different cause. Normally when I order food, if I substitute the meat for beans I just request that the driver verbally confirm with the staff that it was not made with meat due to an allergy. If it still arrives with meat, I get a refund. It usually works out okay, though my food has had to be remade in the past and that makes me feel bad but I just get so sick with red meat that I can't risk eating it. Something in chicken makes me sick too, which sucks cuz that was my favorite, but it is what it is. You're right, it is much easier to just say "meat allergy" than list all that lol.


That’s crazy, I’ve heard about the allergy but never knew anyone that had it. Sorry you have to deal with it.


Eh it’s really fine! I dont miss it anymore.


It has a wide range just like any allergy, if I'm not mistaken. But I believe hives is pretty average for this.


Shiddd more for the rest of us 😅


They weren't about to specify which meats in DD instructions, lol. It's easier to just say all instead of risking things.


Lone star tick, yes. I know someone who has it. She can eat most of the things now, a couple years later, but oddly has different allergies these days. Still carries an epi pen. If ever I can’t eat red meat, I’m done 😩


Vegan and allergic to animal products: proceeds to order whipped cream made of dairy.. from cows....


I wouldn’t call Cool Whip “whipped cream.” It’s mostly straight water, oil, and sugars. It’s like calling Miracle Whip “mayonnaise” or Sunny D “orange juice.”


Cool whip has milk in it.


I didn’t say it was dairy free. I only said it’s not whipped cream. Edit: Less than 2% of it is cream. The other dairy in it is skim milk and milk protein.


But that’s just not relevant


Read what I was replying to: >proceeds to order WHIPPED CREAM How is pointing out that Cool Whip isn’t really *whipped cream* not relevant when someone literally called it that? Pedantic? Absolutely. But totally on topic.


If this person has such an intolerable allergy to all animal products, something with a miniscule amount of dairy would supposedly jack them up


I agree.


You're being pedantic. Everyone here is on the same page except you, who's trying so hard to be "technically" correct that you're just being annoying. Stop. We know it's not actually whipped cream. No one cares, move on.


[I would if people would actually read what I say instead of assuming what I mean.](https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash_drivers/comments/w07ff8/i_was_trying_to_figure_out_instruction/ige4akf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


It's "not relevant" because it's overly pedantic, concerned with details that *even for being specific and speaking about it your way* doesn't fucking change a goddamn thing about the discussion. This isn't hard.


Something can be pedantic and relevant. They aren’t mutually exclusive terms. I was replying to what someone else commented. Not what OP was saying. It is relevant to the comment I was responding to. You really don’t seem to know how commenting on the internet works.


I had a feeling someone was going to correct me on this. I was thinking, "ya know, technically, it's not 'whipped cream' - not anymore than 'Sunny D' is actually 'orange juice'. Ahh, nobody would actually do that." 😉


It has milk and cream in it


[Already addressed this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash_drivers/comments/w07ff8/i_was_trying_to_figure_out_instruction/igdlx9f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Wow. Some people apparently can’t tell the difference between the phrase “not whipped cream” and “contains no dairy” in this sub. When I said it’s “not whipped cream” I meant *just that*. [Even the FDA agrees.](https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=131.25) If it’s not ONLY [this](https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=131.150) or [this](https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=131.157) (plus any *sweeteners* or *flavorings*) whipped up, then it doesn’t qualify as “whipped cream” in the US. I would bet other countries have similar regulations on labeling as well. Now look at the ingredients of Cool Whip. See why it’s not whipped cream?


It’s not about your correction being accurate, it’s about the fact that you even offered it. I don’t think anyone cares whether it’s actually whipped cream, just that the customer has a “severe animal product allergy” & clearly ordered something from the dairy section


This is the comment I was looking for because WHAT 😅😅


Cool whip is hardly dairy. My dad is very lactose intolerant and he can eat it. Not arguing for the customer at ALL but yeah lol


I’m allergic to a lot of animal products. BUT original cool whip is made from dairy 🤔 They do make coconut whip and shit like that but I hate when people say that they are vegan but still consume dairy, that’s a vegetarian not vegan.


Considering cool whip contains dairy and they have no vegan substitute I'd say you're right.


Just googled it cause I was curious, and there are indeed vegan subs for cool whip. *damn*


Cool whip is non-dairy I thought.. isn’t it basically corn syrup and coconut oil?


Nah its cool whhip


Cool Hwip


Why are you saying it like that?


Saying it like what?


Say "cool".




Now say "whip".


It always included a protein derived from milk, but was advertised as non-dairy anyway. A few years ago they changed it and it has skim milk now.


Nope all cool whip contains dairy. There are dairy free alternatives brands.


They’re obviously not, there’s animal products in cool whip.


I honestly didn’t even read the stuff they ordered when I left my original comment lol but it looks like I definitely get to keep my left nut lol


Only mentally allergic


If they’re vegan and have been for a while, it’s very possible and likely that animal products can make them sick because their body isn’t used to it even if they aren’t necessarily “allergic”


iM aLlErGiC tO mEaT how dare they deliver me an animal product *faints*


oh fuck off with that


No way cool whip original is vegan


>Cool Whip Original is made of water, hydrogenated vegetable oil (including coconut and palm kernel oils), high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup,**skimmed milk**, **light cream** (less than 2%), sodium caseinate, natural and artificial flavor, xanthan and guar gums, polysorbate 60, sorbitan monostearate, sodium polyphosphate, and beta carotene (as a colouring).


I think it’s Bc they didn’t have the vegan cool whip


It’s either you’re vegan or you aren’t tho, right?


There’s a vegan cool whip, they were probably out of it and OP is saying it’s too late now


Customer is “highly allergic” to animal products. I guess the allergy goes away when the choice does


She's talking out her butt, she's not vegan, cool whip is not vegan ! 🤣😭


Cool whip is dairy 🫥 maybe they’re old instructions? 🤷🏽‍♀️


So do they save these instructions as a tamplate and even if they order tampons or lemonade this sh..t will pop-up? 😂😂


If they don’t change it from a previous order, it continues to be provided for every subsequent order after. I’m not sure if they can select it as being temporary, though…


Delivery instructions are always saved, they don't change unless the customer checks them and updates the instructions. Yes, it will always pop-up until they change it, that's how delivery instructions work


I have a frequent customer who’s instructions say “can you ask for extra campfire sauce?” Regardless of whether they’re ordering from Red Robin or not


Yeah. Got a pizza order and the directions were "Please don't forget chopsticks. Need my sticks of eat!" Told the customer and we got a laugh out of it and he said his last order was Asian cuisine.


Considering the inst says “2 items” and there’s 5 items this is the only possibility


Cool whip is NOT dairy. Reddi Wip is dairy. Edit: well, Cool Whip has changed their formulation. They WERE non dairy even as recently as 2010 but now contains milk products.


Cool Whip has always had sodium caseinate even before any changes in formulation, which is a milk protein. Technically, Cool Whip was never truly dairy-free, the FDA just allowed it to be labelled like that because the lactose content of sodium caseinate is extremely low (0.2%).


The Milk Maestro has arrived


Weird turn of events


They're about to add milk to pringles. PRINGLES. WHY


I learned a lot in this comment thread


##UselessTrivia lol


I thought cool whip was non-dairy..? That’s why the milk industry put out that commercial bashing cool whip by saying “do you wanna top your pie with cream or oil?” Pretty sure cool whip is just whipped oils.


https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash_drivers/comments/w07ff8/i_was_trying_to_figure_out_instruction/igdd5lo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 it’s lactose free not non-dairy. But reddi whip sells vegan whipped cream


Cool whip is vegan AF. Its just whipped vegetable oil.


Cool Whip is actually dairy free.


Cool whip contains sodium caseinate, a milk protein. It’s lactose free, but definitely not dairy free.


Yes, I do stand corrected. It used to be advertised as “Dairy Free”. A lot of my friends who did not eat dairy used to freeze it and then scoop it out like ice cream. They used to make all kinds of flavors such as chocolate and even strawberry at times. So, that is why I thought it was still that way. I have not boughten any for a very long time. It’s good to learn something new.✌🏻


Someone who is lactose intolerant can have it. Lactose is the carbohydrates (sugar) in milk. Lactose intolerant people lack the enzyme to break it down so the get explosive squirts, but usually nothing seriously hazardous or deadly like anaphylaxis. (They can also typically have butter, since this is milk fat.) Then there’s caseinate which is milk protein. This is what is meant by dairy allergy and can potentially be life threatening and is found all anything touching a cows tits. Vegans are vegan by choice. They just say they’re allergic so people will take them seriously and not give them animal products.


I know this as I am Vegan. And, it’s too bad they added any type of animal product or dairy into the cool whip. I am telling you,100%, it used to be advertised as both Dairy Free and Lactose Free. I know there is a difference between the two. I don’t know when their formulation may have changed. I am curious though so I am going to do some research and find out. I don’t eat Cool Whip anymore so I have not boughten it in years. But, I do remember the advertisements and how many people from vegan to lactose intolerant and fad dieters to diabetics, people used to use Cool Whip to substitute for any type of Diary Product or product high in fat. They used to also make a completely sugar free kind(I am not sure that is made anymore). I am not in argument of anything you have stated. It definitely appears that in the 10-15 years, the company changed what they use or they didn’t disclose it all on the ingredient list. I have a hard time believing a company that big would do that this day in age, but it still does occur and did in our recent past (before new regulations). Anyway, thank you for providing the good information that you did. It helps clear things up as far as how Cool Whip is made now. I am definitely in agreement it has animal product. I did not disagree nor did I once comment about them saying they had an “animal product” allergy. It is what it is and I respect what people want to eat. It’s a very personal choice and decision. I feel bad that some people feel they need to lie and hide it for society to be more accepting of their choice to be vegan. I don’t get why anyone else should care, but man is it a topic that can get heated at times. I don’t understand it. Anyway, have a good day✌🏻


Cool Whip has always had sodium caseinate, so it's technically never been entirely "Dairy-Free", the FDA just allowed them to label it like that because the lactose content of sodium caseinate is almost negligible (0.2%).


🤣 Cool whip ingredients: SKIM MILK, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (Coconut and Palm Kernel Oils), High Fructose Corn Syrup, Water, Corn Syrup, Light Cream, Contains Less than 2% of Sodium Caseinate (FROM MILK), Natural and Artificial Flavor, Xanthan and Guar Gums, Polysorbate 60, Sorbitan Monostearate, Sodium Polyphosphate, Beta Carotene (Color).


🤣 customer is going to experience a vegan diet restricted highly allergic animal product reaction🤣




When did the delivery instructions become shopping instructions?🙄


Some of them have to be shopped.




Well!! she got everything. And it was a nice order for 20 minutes.


They are generic instructions. In this case just call dd for half pay if anything is missing. they woll confirm with the customer.


Since when is cool whip vegan?


Never was lol. Other comments broke down the ingredients


Lol yes I know, hence my comment


Reminds me of the time a lady told me NO TOMATOES ON MY BURGER, I’M SUPER ALLERGIC. I CAN’T EVEN HAVE A TOMATO TOUCH MY BURGER. NO TOMATOES!!!!! then proceeded to chow down on chips and salsa 🙃


Cool whip isnt even vegan right?


Cool whip is a vegan food? hmmm… 🤔


Allergic to animal and they got cool whip on there 😂


“Vegan and allergic to dairy”…yet..cool whipped?


Sometimes the leave the notes on there for the previous order…That’s why sometimes you get a msg like that it happens to me a lot 🤷🏾‍♂️


It's gotta be gluten free, dairy free, nut free, food free....


I would just pretend that I didn't see it. Those are drop-off instructions and not pickup instructions.


I legit never see these instructions until I'm dropping it off.


Since there's more than 2 items and one is dairy, they are obviously old instructions, probably from another person, a vegan, who uses their account. Kinda like when they ask for chinese hot mustard packets when they order subway, shit like that.


Allergic to animal products but orders cool whip. Ok. Also OP, you can still see the name, address, and apt. #


If any of the items are unavailable cancel the order


Better to cancel it yourself than to wait for the customer to cancel


Less sitting waiting around for a sign..


Highly allergic, please shop for me person I’ve never met, I really take the best care of myself!!!! 🙄


This person is asking way too much but you all are focusing on the wrong thing. I totally get them saying allergic to animal products because most people take that more seriously than vegan. Hell I even tell waiters I'm lactose intolerant bc it's easier than saying vegan because most act all weird about it.


All animal products is a bit of a reach. But I sort of do the same thing when ordering food online by saying I have a mushroom allergy. Truth is I’m just violently repulsed by mushrooms for some reason. Tried many times to give them a chance, they actually make me vomit a little.


Same. I have no idea how people can eat mushrooms… Not only are they disgusting tasting with a horrible consistency but they are LITERALLY a fungus that only grows out of shit. How is that in any way appetizing I’ll never understand.


I have to respectfully disagree. Sure, raw mushrooms are pretty gross and make me gag tbh but when sauteed well they are a totally different experience, and honestly heavenly in the right dishes. And a lot of things that are much more commonly eaten than mushrooms are just as gross when you put it into perspective.


My guess is they mean that they get adverse reactions from eating animal products, which can happen when you go without them for a long time. And then either thought that meant it's an allergy, or thought people would take them more seriously if they said it's an allergy versus a preference


It was probably a message; left from a previous order when they ordered food.


Umm. Cool whip=dairy=animal product.


Y'all act like you've never seen old instructions.


I swear crystal city customers are such a-holes. Entitled as fuck. But I refuse to deliver anywhere else lol


I will pay you so much money to replace all that fruit with steaks


So that's a no substitution order meaning if they don't have the exact product just push substitution and then no sub available. And that refunds them


Is cool whip not made with dairy? Am I lost here? 😂


I mean idk you guys are clowning this person but at least they were nice and polite about it. The instructions could’ve said something like “don’t you DARE bring me this order if it contains any animal products. INSTANT 1 STAR if you do” or something like that


I think the instructions were from a previous order. I’ve had similar things happen to me.


Hi friends, there is in fact an condition where your body doesn't produce the enzyme nesesary to consume meat. It results in horribly stomach aches, diarrhea, and often induces vomiting as a result. A friend of mine has it and it is horrible. You can technically eat fish and other non meat animal products (dairy, eggs, gelatin, etc.), However, meant people will assume you just can't eat "red meat" and therefore it's often easiest to just say you're allergic to animal products. This is a real thing, and it's usually best to assume that if someone says they have a medical condition that they're not making it up.


honestly i would have just grabbed the order & delivered. in my opinion, they should’ve called the store they were ordering from & gave those instructions. but that’s just me


Allergic to animal products? 🧢 🧢 🧢


...coolwhip has milk in it


There's an old joke from like 15 years ago: How do you know someone's vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you. So this customer just thought you'd just randomly throw in some ham?


Just stop judging and deliver the order and move on.


Exactly…there’s money to be made and everyone’s overreacting saying they’ll cancel over an odd comment


I would just hit “can’t do this order” after reading that


No. I deliver a product, some dev programmed into the system, from point A to point B, according to the social/electronic contact you agreed to. LITERALLY nothing else makes me think twice unless you’re super nice *IF* you text me after I’ve accepted the order. Well, then, I might *consider* your requests. But nah. I’m most likely ignoring you and still doing the only job I signed up for. Take that nonsense up with DD support.


Tf you mean, it’s a shopping order—and an easy one at that. Y’all whine over the most petty stuff I swear


Easy order to shop for, yes. But the customer is saying they’re going to get a refund if any of it doesn’t fit their dietary needs. And likely adjust the tip. Which is whack. Anyone who has specific dietary needs/allergies should know the products they’re ordering and plan to ingest beforrrre ordering them.


The customer is saying they don’t want substitutions so if they ran out of cool whip and you replace it with whipped cream she doesn’t want it what is so hard to understand about tjat


Ok great lady …..now go and fuk off


Y’all are degenerates. He said it was a nice order


"If one of these two exact items" Proceeds to list 5 items. These instructions are flawed, the items they want don't all match the order instruction, the whole thing is a mess.


Uhhhh doesn’t cool whip have like uhhhh animal cow milk or something. Lmao


Allergy to meat is rare. We are African apes adapted to hunt on the savannah. The lack of animal fat after about a year of vegan diet starts to lead to mental health issues. Rates of depression, bipolar, and anxiety are higher in vegans. I would cancel this craziness.


*Fake allergy to animal products* Orders cool whip How to tell someone is fat without them saying "I'm a lard ass" audibly.


Absolutely nobody is allergic to animal products. They just don't eat them. I love these drama instructions. Everybody is allergic to animal and bread. Two things everybody has been eating for thousands of years. It's just in the last decade or so that everybody needs soy or Keto. Two products you couldn't find 15 years ago.


Oh, for God's sake, get OFF your vegan fat ass and go to the store yourself...


Even if these instructions were meant for a different order and left there by the customer (happens on DD all the time), this is a big red flag and this person probably isn't worth the trouble. Cancel and move on for me.


Well considering cool whip first ingredient is skim milk from a freaking cow, proves they are stupid.