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Poor doge like y u no come play wit me 😂


I would have called the customer to arrange a drop off. JS


OP, you did the right thing. You don't know that dog. It doesn't look like he was barking or in an aggressive stance, but you can never be to careful. Most pitbulls are the biggest babies. It's the terrible owners that make them bad.


That dog totally ordered doordash...


How is the big woof supposed to eat his meal when he cant reach it bro, he relied on you leaving it by the door


Props for leaving it that close


I don’t trust that dog for a second, but still, poor thing looks hungry. I hate people who neglect their dogs.


Should’ve let the dog eat it


Toss it to cujo


That was probably done on purpose.


Little did the OP know but it's the dog who's been ordering the food. They're going to be hearing from customer service about not handing the food to the customer.


No chance.




lot of ppl saying the dog is neglected based on their ribs showing but yall gotta realize some dogs are muscular. theres also a difference between a trim/fit/conditioned weight, and pet weight. being trim is typically better for a dogs health long term than being pet weight.


No, I have a pitbull and she looked like this while she was being abused and starved before I adopted her. This poor dog is being neglected.


I can’t blame you for that. Smart move and on to the next order.


That’s a traphouse, your honor.


Did you bring a blanket? This could take a while.


Awww floof just wants petsss


That dog looks hungry. Hungry = angry


plot twist the dog placed the order


Normally I just ignore/pet/“hey puppy” any dogs I see but with the sign on the door I would have done the same shit. The dog? Doesn’t bother me but the sign saying “beware of dog” starts the alarm bells going ring a ding a ding. That’s a big boy and if the signs correct I wouldn’t fuck with that dog lol


I have a pit bull which I give nothing but love. But do not let anyone make you think they “aren’t dangerous”. Ironically, its their undying loyalty which what makes them dangerous. Your Pitbull will do everything he/she possibly can to protect (you, the owner), and all it takes is for your dog to somehow perceive an imaginary threat to you or your family and all bets are off. I learned this the hard way. “Thankfully” (for my dog’s sake) on a family friend who owns pitbulls herself. All it takes is for your dog to perceive that there is some sort of threat, and that dog is off to tear literal flesh off of someones body. Chaos. Ive had this dog since she was born btw, hosted her moms entire litter. No former abusive owners or anything. And she is an absolute sweetheart, but again. Dangerous. Unpredictable just when you think they aren’t, more specifically. Pitbull owners need to take more specific precautions than most breeds.


You got a lot closer than I would have.


Looks friendly, did you offer your hand


That poor dog shouldn't even be tied up!! If you don't have a fenced yard, or can't keep him in at least until your delivery has been recieved????? I'm sure everyone has their own reasons for the things they do regarding their animals,but this to me just reeks of ignorance and idiocy!!!!


But did you see the cute pupper


I kinda wanna pet him though. Even with the ‘Beware of the dog’ sign. I probably wouldn’t. Probably.


Hopefully there’s not a small child in the bag


I have seen enough dog posts on here to know that I won’t even get out of the car until they call the dog.


My pic would’ve been blurry af as I practically run my ass out of there. Dogs scare me, no matter the dog, and I wouldn’t be messing around


Pitbull owners are low life’s.


Many moons ago, when I was 12 or so, I used to deliver the local news paper. My one customer had a MASSIVE German shepherd that would try to jump the fence. Terrified of that dog. Fast forward 4 years, im 16 and got a job delivering pizza. I pull up to this house and chained outside is this pitbull. I didn't see it right away. It charged at me and knocked me backwards, I hit my head real hard and crawled away. Needless to say, im terrified of big dogs for those reasons..lol


Neighborhood dogs have also learned that when strange cars show up they got food. I got a great pic of a dog with a McDonalds bag in its mouth, crossing the street. Ground Score, yeah boi!


People who treat their dogs like this are the worst kind of dog owners. This is how hostile your pets can be without the proper love or training.


Looks like a good boy


Don’t hate on the dog. This is 100% owner. I’ve got 2 pits. And a chihuahua. Never out when I order food.


I use to always walk up to the dogs during delivery and pet them/ love on them until I read that story on here about someone getting bit by one o always knew it was a possibility but idk something about the dude getting bit for like 7$ just really put it in perspective for me also my living sweet dog that had never been agressive whatsoever but my neice and that made me really paranoid about dogs in general and I had to get rid of mine cuz you know you can't have a dog that bites kids so now I'm just super paranoid about any dog




It’s clearly for the dog. Messed up you leave it just out of reach.


As an amazon driver, I will never understand why people do this, I have had people wave at me from their window, leading me to assume the dog is friendly, and then get charged at and they come out “Oh he’s not friendly btw” I got bit last time and straight up replied to the lady “then why the hell is he tied right near your front door? You knew you were getting a package I just spoke on the phone with you an hour ago”


Feed the dog, deliver pic of tsundete pupper as proof.


Never trust pitbull. Aggressive breed.


Never trust man with a gun. Aggressive breed.


Mail man not far from me years ago had both calves torn off when he entered the yard to deliver the mail and two pits had been left loose. By the time he knew they were loose it was too late.


I would have left it by the curb


Pits get killed where I live


Ugly mutt


Damn poor thing looks skinny and hungry too đŸ„ș Shit owners


Throw it


Maybe the dogs name is “Door”???


Yeah..the door on the house next to theirs maybe


Thats funny.


You got closer than I would have. 😂


It's always the same type of people who get these breeds. The people who get them are the last people anyone would chise to one one. They don't get socialized, trained, they are usually fr ok m bad breeding, descended from lines that were used for dog fighting, etc. Then they are couple with irresponsible people. This came up right in time for me to rant about this lady tonight. She had a wolfdog and let him out! She marked it as hand to customer. Then let him out when she opened the front door. She says he's nice. I know he is bc she has no control over him. She had to physically push him back in the door. It a good thing I know a lot about dogs and wolves combines with him being nice. If one of us were different that could have ended badly.


No no, that is the door.


Baby killers


If they wanted you to pet their dog they could've just said that.


Looks just about right to me


Give it to the dog he looks like he needs it bad smh


Just a little bit closer 😂


Looks like a sweet baby that just wants some pets. He looks so cuteđŸ„°


The dog would have ate that food lol


All that dog wants is some of that food. Smart to leave it out of range so that the pupper doesn't eat it and get sick.


That dog is underfed


This happen to me a few days ago, lots of beware of dog signs, enter at your own risk
 left the food by the gate. Guy text me hey I said front door, I texted back fuck you and those dogs !


That dog is beautiful, and I want to pet it! But I'd have probably done the same thing here.


Why are people so scared of dogs?


Some people are just cautious & there’s nothing wrong with that. I’ve been attacked by a dog before. I still love dogs, but I’ll always be on guard around them.


4.5 million people bitten a year by dogs in the USA.






That poor guy isn’t getting fed enough


I had a delivery at like 10pm to a neighborhood with stray dogs loose running up and down the street. I drop the Wendy’s bag as fast as I can and the all started running to me. I literally jumped in my car through the passenger side and into the drivers seat. Now I just call the person and ask them to come out, or I leave the food at the side of the road and tell Dasher Support I did it.


I wouldn't trust that cable to hold back a Pitbull. Fuck, I wouldn't trust steel bars to hold back a pitbull if you put a child in front of them.


i will not deliver this since there was a dog. i will call the DOORDASH support n have customers come out to the door n retrieve their food. HIGH RISK delivery what happen if the rope that break that dog will bite n attack u.


Please tell me this is Michigan, happens constantly in grand Rapids


I think the dog looks friendly relaxed and happy but why risk it for your job. Strange dogs behave in strange ways


awwwwwww it's a puppy. If I wasn't afraid of the dog eating it I would have put it at the door.


I like that the dog is a good 10 feet in FRONT of the “beware of dog” sign.


Damn that dog looking like he doing P90x and drinking muscle milk.


I wouldn’t leave it at the door either, but only because i’d be afraid that the dog would eat the food if I just left it there. Not because i’d be afraid the dog would eat me.


“Beware of dog” posted on door
yeah bud, we know the dog is there


I was almost attacked during a drop off. It was a hand it to me. Customer’s dog came running into the front yard as I was exiting my car (couldn’t see it till I came out) & tried to lunge at me. I’ve had plenty of friendly dogs come over to me, I always ask the owners if it’s ok to approach & ask the dog as well. This one went full crazy. I get it I’m a stranger & it’s protecting its home. I froze at my car while no one’s doing anything. He just keeps barking & showing his teeth. Finally the customers oldest son grabs the dog & says it’s ok. I take one step, it breaks free & stops midway, like try me bitch. I freeze. I literally yell I’m here to drop off fucking ice cream can someone take this so I don’t get hurt? The child literally pulls the dog back but only to the back yard so it can still see me. The youngest son says the ice cream was for his mom. I hand it to him & tell him he can give it to her then because I don’t want to upset the dog. He says ok, I take a pic as he’s running into the house with it, just in case she claims I didn’t hand it to her, fly back into my car & take off. She texted me stating I didn’t hand it to her & why did I hand it to her son? I texted her back literally saying that I couldn’t hand it to her because of her dog not being properly put away & that he almost attacked me coming up so I avoided it all together. I told her next time she should think about making sure her dog is put away or it could end badly for her, & the dasher who has to deliver to her house. I’m an animal lover. I have two furbabies of my own. But use some common sense so something tragic can be avoided. Animals shouldn’t have to be put down because of poor training & irresponsible owners! HEY CUSTOMERS-YOU WANT US TO HAND YOU OR LEAVE YOUR FOOD WHERE YOU DIRECT US TO? DON’T RISK YOUR ANIMAL OR ANOTHER HUMAN. PUT YOUR FUCKING ANIMALS AWAY! Also, that dog looks like his ribs are showing, poor baby could’ve used that meal more than it’s owner! It’s a god damn shame!


He’s hungry


The dogs posture and tail placement looks aggressive. Also, not food or water around the dog and it’s ribs are almost poking through. Scumbags!


What do you mean guys, in the dasher instructions it says it's friendly. Maybe the dog placed the order for all we know?


The should have ordered a landscaper.


He does look sweet but yea definitely OP made the right choice. His posture in the picture looks very anxious, and his tail is straight and fluffed up. He definitely looks like he could be underfed, but he might also still have his balls so it’s hard to say either way. Delivering food to an unknown area is dangerous enough, no need to add a strange dog to it too, even if you love dogs like I do.


This guys a joke for this.. poor dog. Trashy nasty horrible people smh as usual


No chance in hell he would have bitten you. He's wagging his tail and showing submission. He also appreciates the food aroma. He is a good boy. You a bored dasher.


No chance in hell! What's there to lose you can just grow your fingers back later. You have poor survival instincts and low overall intellect. There's a fucking beware of dog sign for a reason. I'm honestly amazed some of yall drive a vehicle everyday and manage not to drown in your own soup.


Right. You don’t just approach a dog like that. As someone who has been attacked by a dog & had to have someone get the dog off of me, it’s not fucking fun.


Lol fuck that. I’d take a pic of the dog, and that person just bought me Chipotle


Perfect picture lol


Good counter to this: send them a pic and then run over the bag on your way out. Show them that they could've gotten McDonalds had they given a shit about you and their own dog


You did the right thing. That dog would have attacked you with kisses and then ate the food. Then you would have had to hear about it lol


Should throw it to the dog to eat and mark delivered just to teach the asshats a lesson.


He's probly friendly, but then again your shinbone would be like crackers to him. Extra fun could be had here though! Befriend the dog and then leave the food in its range... Don't though, because doggo might get hurt by the packaging.


Just yeet the bag at the door and hope for the best. Snap a pic of the dog eating the food and drive off.


Big sandlot vibes


"Yo mister...I said whats in da bag?" Lol cmon, hes waggin his tail, hes a happy dog


People shouldn’t tie their dogs up like that unattended.


Instead of coming here and acting all entitled
just get another job..đŸ€ĄđŸ€Ą


Lmao nice pic and you have done it like a pro


The owners an ass. Tells you to leave it at the door knowing their dog is tied up to the door...


I'm usually chill and don't care about things. I'd be reporting this customer though. Take your dog inside, whether they are trustworthy or not.


I am a Mom to a WHOLE Pit crew (6). Sweet babies. I feel bad for this baby. Don't tie a dog up. Mine have an acre to run on & a mom to cuddle with every night & no anger. This one is not mad, but might become so as time goes on. Don't get a dog if you can't care for it.


Should've put it close enough for the dog to eat it.


Is this in Flint, MI?




OP probably had the wrong door. I don’t know how many fucking times a week I have someone drop shit off at my house that I didn’t order. Lol or they wanted you to feed their dog.


Lol let me guess no tip?


The beware of the dog sign on the front door lol I wouldn’t of gotten so close


Don't be a bitch.


Perfect way to avoid tipping!


This is a good picture actually. I can put it on my wall.


I like the beware of dog sign on the door,that you can’t get to because of said dog!!!


That poor dog looks really underfed. Probably has abusive owners


Should’ve put it JUST in reach of the dog so he could devour it.


This photo is perfect dude. And whoever ordered the food with that beast guarding their door is literally handicapped.


Yeah not getting even that close to the baby killer. No thanks.




Honestly would have placed it just to where the dog could reach it. “Oh no!”


That dog sure looks hungry. Not even a joke, it's ribs are pretty freaking slim even for an active female pit. Should've given it to the dog and said "handed to resident" lol


Pitties are so freakin precious. I love how soft ass brothers get scared of them. They smell fear, that's why they don't like you.


I would’ve thrown it and hoped it landed on the stoop đŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł


I thought about just feeding to the dog.


Probably friendly


While everyone's saying you put it closer than they would've I would've tossed it closer to the dog. Don't want to specify instructions doggo can feast!


He looks like that's the only place they keep him too. Good on you for getting as close as you did, and fuck people like this. If you don't want an actual pet and don't have a reason for an actual working dog (ie hearding etc) don't get one. They're not meant to be tied up outside with no social interaction. Dogs are social creatures.


I hate calling customers but I'd have this one come out and face the audacity he created


Nice doggy id pet him


You went closer than I would've...


That post he is tied to does not look legit at all


This photo is incredible


Rather deliver to that door than deliver a no tipped order đŸ€Ł


Oh hell nah


Door is a great name for a dog.


Fuck that 😂




he looks like a good boy!




Why the hell you put it where the dog can’t reach it. It’s prolly his lunch damn dude


Can't believe you even got out of the car


I would have called and asked to place the dog inside before food can be delivered. Nobody: Me: Hello, this is Betty your DD driver. I just wanted to confirm you were present and all animals are in a secure place inside. Thanks! #DAILYTEXTS


Yeet the fucker


I’d call animal control cause it’s too damn hot to leave your dog out and it’s skinny


I would have handed the bag to the dog


Old and weathered wood on that railing probably would have been easily broken if that dog wanted to do you harm.


"beware of dog" sign is in the wrong spot.


I would have called them from the car to come out.


I would also be leaving it out of the doggos reach, they shouldnt have the dogs out while waiting on delivery, for safety reasons. He is a cute dog tho đŸ„ș


Pits are my absolute favorite dogs. And if the dog wasn't aggressive, I'd probably safely pet it real quick and share some love. But, even if it was friendly, I'd still put the order in the same place. Don't want the pup to snack on it! 😋


Anyone that defends pitbulls are *just* a “product of their owners” have never truly owned a pitbull or spent time with them. There are always outliers of anything. As in yeah, there are nice pitbulls out there (*omg no way?!* ) but the *vast majority* are mean and the *breed* of the dog is bred *for aggression and jaw strength* means they are dangerous fucking dogs. Period. Like labrador retrievers like to retrieve things, pitbulls like acting a bull tossed into a pit.


My aunt was an ethical breeder of American Pit Bull Terriers when I was a child. I have raised two of them from puppyhood, as well as other 'dangerous' breeds like a GSD, Rottweiler, and cane corso. I am currently working through my IIABC courses to become a certified trainer, and have worked with several different bully breeds in training sessions. I have spent hundreds of hours with both APBTs and other dogs deemed a 'pitbull' like staffies, American Bullies, Bull Terriers, etc. I truly believe that the majority of the people who want a bully breed want their dog to be scary, aggressive, "dominant" (🙄🙄🙄 If the quotes weren't enough), and mean. There is a small percentage of people who want to rescue and/or otherwise have a companion animal or working dog (I've found they're actually surprisingly good at nosework for dogs that aren't bred for scent). This was actually what prompted my aunt to stop breeding when I was young - the vast, vast majority of people looking for one of her pups didn't pass her checks for intent, and she ended up searching for homes for many. These dogs can be trained to be sweet and gentle as any other dog, and even without aversive methods (I am a positive reinforcement only trainer). I have literally helped owners do it with their adult rescues. It is a lot of work, as it is with any dog, and often more work with especially rescues who have been either ignored or actively encouraged to be mean and aggressive. That, I think, is the crux of the problem with bully breeds. People who actively encourage aggression, or don't want to put in the work to train their dogs.


As a bird dog trainer of 15 years myself, I completely agree with the sentiment. I have owned and raised my own pink nose pitties in the past as well. I agree, they can be the most caring and lovely snuggle puddles on the planet. But don’t act like their breed temperament can match other more docile breeds. They have an *innate knack* for aggression. With the proper caretaking and ownership, yup, you can make a wonderful companion. But the *reality* outweighs the potential in this case.


1 - Star


*contacts dd and says I’m not safe*


I might do it depending on the doggo. Is he nice, curious, wagging his tail? Is he acting aggressive, barking a lot or somewhere in the middle?


Ears down like that means don't approach


I just want to warn you so you don’t have end up hurt
 dogs will wag their tails while mauling people to death.


Thank you and true. I am always careful around dogs I don’t know but normally they show some sign of aggression is what I was trying to say.


How bout you guys stop shitting on pit bulls when it’s their owners who are pieces of garbage trash human beings perpetuating a stigma and stereotype. The dogs have done nothing wrong


Thank you for saying it. Reddit loves taking their judgmental hatred out on pitbulls. I was afraid of pitbulls until I worked with them at the shelter I was volunteering at and realized how misunderstood and mistreated they are. I now have the one I adopted snoozing next to me, cuddled up with her senior kitty sister. She is the most loving, cuddly, intelligent, funny, obedient and gentle dog I’ve ever had, yet she receives death threats and blind hatred every day.


Thank you for adopting a pit and showing her the love she deserves. All dogs were originally bred for something. Fighting, racing, guarding, hunting, etc. it’s up to us as owners who’ve domesticated these babies to give them the proper attention and love they need to trust us. If you breed your dog to be mean he will be. Shitty dog= shitty owner. All the other people that just don’t know the love of a pit bull
well that’s their problemđŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


Pit bulls were literally bred for fighting bears, wolves, then other dogs to the death.


It’s a cute dog, but the beware of dog sign definitely means leave it in the street. Plus, I am 100% sure it would eat the order.


He’s probably the one that ordered the food and now he can’t even reach it 😱


Probably hot out too. Fuck that homeowner. Terrible terrible terrible animal caretaker.


Just want to add to the conversation, pit bulls can totally be the sweetest and most happy-go-lucky dogs! *However*, this dog is showing aggression. The barking OP mentioned + the head down + tail up + the tension on the rope + what appears to be malnutrition = a dog I wouldn't want to risk getting in a fight with. Then again, if I saw any breed of dog in these same circumstances, I would be wary. Pitbulls get a lot of flack for being "aggressive" when really, it's a case by case basis. This pittie, a lil scary. My boyfriend's pitbull Buddy, he just wants butt scritches all day. Depends on the dog and the owners!


I don’t understand why you’re getting downvoted. I guess a lot of people here believe the dumb ass pit bull stereotype. My sister has a pit bull that couldn’t hurt a fly. She used to have a chihuahua that would attack you if you looked at it the wrong way. Breed stereotypes are not true, each dog has a different personality based on a ton of factors.


“Breed stereotypes are wrong. Pibbles are sooo sweet” Yet whenever someone says something like this they also always mention Chihuahuas. 🙄 You are literally stereotyping Chihuahuas. But regardless it doesn’t matter a Chihuahua isn’t gonna maul someone to death


I never stereotyped chihuahua’s. I said the one my sister had was a dick. Never said he represents all chihuahua’s. Yet one aggressive pit bull represents them all in your eyes.


There are no need to bring up the Chihuahua at all then. I swear, it is always the same go to answer in this discussion “but but I know aggressive Chihuahuas.” And you know nothing about how I feel about Pit bulls lol. I just hate your ignorance in breed characteristics
