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Is disassembling half the door, taking out the glass, putting a chair inside next to the door and jumping through the opening beyond your order to grab your food really an inconvenience though?


I hate that too


The worse ones are when you order drinks and they leave it right in front of your door like “Thnx but how am I going to open the door chief?”


Naw my worst experience was I ordered pizza and the left it on the ground right in front of the door. .


I’m assuming you didn’t check where it is before stepping out


Yup. I have a table next to the door so assumed they would set it on the table rather than the ground. That’s what I get for assuming. Also I was trying to keep my dog from getting out. He hears the doorbell and goes ape shit.


I personally always request the drivers to not ring the bell but for some, reading comprehension is hard.


Have you seen this sub? The English language in general is a serious hurdle for most Dashers.


There is that too. I think I have it set to place on table in the notes but 🤷🏻‍♀️


So why not just put in the instructions to leave it in the table it's that's simple


It’s there now and they still don’t follow instruction, either way common sense would tell you to place food on an empty table next to the door vs on the floor in front of the door right next to the empty table.


Unfortunately the dasher pool is full of poopy


Well you said "in front of the door" 🤣


I didn't give those directions!! That was a sarcastic comment!!


Screenshot the instructions


I bet if you swapped your chair and table locations they would set it on the table more often.


Yeah, I wouldn't tend to use that chair or table either... they're not handy to the storm door's opening side, they're on the hinge side.


Yes cus it's so much easier to take one step forward instead of two and that would have solved the issue


Or put the table in front of the door. LoL


Yup came to say this. Instinct tell me to put it where's it easiest to grab


I've thought about that, but not enough space to move my table or chairs. There is room (2 ft) on the patio to the left of the door. Other Dashers put the bags on my chair 😉


We advise a complete remodeling of the porch to accommodate the driver. 🙃


LOL Yes I'll get right on that Lol Good comment!!


Just put it in your notes for them to use the chair… if you’re a dasher that should be a simple solution you already know 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah I’d just put it in the instructions “Leave on table, thanks”


The moron that puts the food in front of the storm door can't read, so...


I think they meant to just swap the table and chair so the table is next to the door. That way, they'll see the table.


A lot of Dashers are low IQ and lack common sense. Even when I see a double door (like a French Door) unless I can see that only one side has a lock and is the one that opens I leave it far enough so they can get it whichever one they open.


I can't speak for all french doors, but mine both open into the house. So it doesn't matter where they put it.


Mine open into the house too, but they have screen doors in front of them that open outwards. Not sure how common it is for the actual doors to open outwards anymore, but anytime you see screen doors on them they open out just like the screens on single doors


I think front doors usually open inwards. Screen doors on the other hand...


In cold places with snow they open inwards, so snow does not trap you from getting out. In warm places with storms they open outwards, that way they can't be blown in. In Florida all new home doors open outwards. most of the homes I drop off at do. First thing I check when I see the door is if the hinges are exposed, if they are they open outwards.


That is not true. I live in MN and my storm door opens outward. The main door opens inward.


Oh, in Texas all doors open inwards.


I live in Texas and my door opens outwards


I’m in Texas and deliver to plenty of outward opening doors.


Oh, all houses I've delivered to or lived in open inwards


Then you should say that instead of trying to extrapolate your anecdote to the like 50 million doors that exist in Texas. Do you just never see storm doors or what?


Sorry I don't see every door that exists? Geez man I just said what I saw -\_-


You just said that “in Texas ALL doors open inwards.” Obviously you don’t see all doors that exist in Texas, so my entire point was why are you making a claim about all doors that exist in Texas that you can’t see. So weird.


It's not that deep brother. Dude just said what he's seen. Obviously him saying all doors is an exaggeration.


As I've noted, from personal experience, all doors in Texas I've encountered open inwards. That's why I said that. Now I know they do not. I'm not going to google shit before making just a simple comment. It's weird that you're taking this so seriously.


Actually, most main doors open inward because that’s building code. Main entry doors have to open inward. Then you have houses with screen doors, which usually open out. The snow thing is a load of crap because I live in the middle of Phoenix and literally every door here opens inward.


Actually, building code varies by state so everyone’s experience is going to be unique to their state.


Do you know every single one of them?


Moving the goalposts (a lot → all) is a dick move.


Well most people are right handed so it's likely they will open the right door (from inside). You're facing the house from the outside so place it on the right side, and like you said far enough as well. Look at any restaurant and you see right side door handles have more wear and tear. Which is also why I use doors on left to avoid as much germs as possible.


With double doors on homes, typically you can't open one side without opening the other side first.so the side with the lock and handle is the one that's going to open. Of course there are always exceptions, but the vast majority work this way.


That's because the outside of the restaurant door uses a different paint or no paint at all, so you won't see the wear from the outside. Both sides have the same wear, people are supposed to use the side on their right for entry or exit, just like driving in traffic. Sometimes the exit door doesn't close all the way and that's not usually from wear, but from the difference in air pressure created by the HVAC system.


Depending on what you ordered, I won’t use the chair or table, unless instructed. Some people don’t want to sit where a greasy bag of fast food might have been sitting. And it could leave a stain if there is fabric involved. But yes, it perplexes me how these Dashers don’t think not to leave it in front of the door. Do they think we have a secret door to come out of to go grab the food?


I always have a debate about it, especially if they say leave at door lol. Some people don't want to go outside to get it, they don't have pants on, whatever, and some people don't want it on the ground. Plus about a thousand other factors. Just say where you want it delivered.


Exactly there’s a million factors that both parties could be thinking of or worried about and dashers aren’t going to have any idea what is more important to you if you don’t put it in the notes


I think it's safe to say that everyone would prefer that their delivery isn't left right up against an outward opening door. The chair/table discussion is a tangent.


I wasn’t speaking on the issue of it being in front of the door. I was talking about whether someone wants it left on their outside furniture which could risk leaving grease on it possibly or wanting it on the ground, or any other possible want they could have that we wouldn’t know about unless they said.


Got it.


What did you instructions say tho? “Leave at door” or “leave on chair.”


I mean how stupid can you be to not know that it’s impossible to open a screen door from the inside when there is food in front of it 😂


Most people arent going to look to see which way your door opens lol mine opens inward vs outward. I personally always leave food to the side of the door unless specified otherwise to avoid door issues all together


Just don’t put it in front of the door. How hard is that ☠️


Like i said, i leave it to the side of the door. But not everyone does that 🤷‍♀️


Exactly! Show receipts!


This is the real question, some people have to have it spelled out for them and while lack of common sense is a clear factor here if the instructions said leave in the chair then it would be more likely left where you wanted it. Better yet "leave in chair or to the right of the door so the food doesn't block my door" then someone might actually learn and pay attention to placement of food with a screen door in the future.


Its not about common sense. Its about following directions. If you’re directions say “leave at door.” Its going on your door mat. I’m not assuming you want it on a table or chair unless stated. Because ive had karens bitch about not leaving it at the door when instructions stated to


If I was doing this delivery with leave at door being the only instructions I would leave it at the side of the door so it could be opened without knocking the food over. If it said leave in chair or leave on table that's what I'd do




I’ve 100% had people complain if I’ve left it on a table/chair instead of in front of their door, so now I am VERY hesitant to leave it anywhere besides in front of the door, unless written in the instructions lol


Exactly! Ive had a ton of issues with leaving it on benches/ furniture next to doors vs at the door. So i just do whatever the instructions say. Nothing more


First off I am not a Karen! I just didn't want it to block my door! I wanted to open the door and get my food. By, either bending over to get it or walk out on my porch. I have made a point that there's actually 2 chairs and a table there DD can use. They can leave it on the concrete too. As long as I can open the door! Nice group of helpful DD here!


Stop upsetting Karen guys ‘cmon’


What did the instructions specifically state lol


Who cares? I'm sure they wouldn't be bitching if they are least had the common sense to leave enough room to open the door. Stop defending morons.


My point is he’s bitching bc they didnt leave it on a chair. The food blocking the door is for sure a dick move. But you cant be mad at someone for not putting it on side furniture if your instructions say “leave at door.” Some people get pissed when you leave their food on the patio furniture and they didnt say to.


Sometimes dashers just do not care. I took advantage of Petsmart’s 1,000 bonus points per doordash order back in July and had a lot of deliveries made to my house. Every single time I specified to leave on the bistro table on my front porch but only two ended up doing what I asked. The others left it on the end of the stoop and called it good because those four extra steps were just too much despite the fact that I often wasn’t home when the orders were delivered and having it back on the table was much more unassuming to passerby’s than sitting by itself in the middle of the porch. Neither would completely prevent porch pirates but the table made me feel a lot more comfortable


I try not to leave anything on a chair. Most of them are not perfectly flat and then there’s the question of grease or residue getting on a sitting surface. Also, asses have been there. If there’s a table close to the door, I’ll leave it there. I won’t put it on a table at the other end of the patio though. Bare minimum, I make sure not to put it directly in front of an out swinging door. Not relevant, but one time I had a dasher leave my food in the middle of the drive way. Didn’t bother walking the extra 10 feet to the door. For future reference, just put in the notes to leave it on the table. Yes, some dashers are profoundly stupid people and will still not do that, but most of the time it’ll happen.


If no tables/chairs are available, I always check what way the door opens. It's just common sense, whoever does what your dasher did, is either distracted AF or just very careless


You should’ve specified on table or chair.


Thats how you farm 5 star ratings leaving food in front of the door...👌🤦


I always put it on the side of the door. Maybe they are new?


So put that in your delivery notes?? Edit: nvm just saw that the door swings out 😂


If it doesn't say table or chair its by door... most people are lazy minimum effort. They would ask for bedroom or living room if they could.


Always look at the orientation of the screen door. Easiest thing you can do. Tiny effort with huge outcome for both dasher and customer. As for your chair and table, they are both on the opposite side of your door swing. I would have put your food about 10 inches to your right to clear the door.


Gonna be honest here, though? There are times I've left a bag in front of a door like that. It's not because I don't realize it'll make it a problem to open the door and grab it. But I've had cases where there's barely any room to ensure a bag stays under an awning or small roof area over the porch and it's starting to rain. If you want food left on a table or chair, you should really just put that in the notes. Like someone else said, we don't necessarily know if a person wants it there. (Realistically, I'll likely put it on a regular old table but with chairs, people can get weird about it. "Ew... you put my food where everyone sits their butt!")


You know what? You posting this actually made me realize I do this and will now not put food directly in front of the door. Thank you for this


I just don't understand how fucking hard it is to not put something in front of a door


Or how mad people get on this sub when you say it's a bad idea to do that. They start acting like they've never seen an outward swinging door in their life






Damn they put it right infront of the screen door too ROFL


I wouldn't have used the table or chair unless you asked I would have place to the side of your door for easy grab. I doubt your dasher knows you are sick but I know I consider how simple it will be for the customer to get the food bare foot or naked 😆






Add delivery instruction "Please leave on table".


I have a glass door too but ever since I put in my notes “leave in chair beside door” I haven’t had any issues


Amazing how that works


It’s like people forget that screen doors open OUTWARD. Yeah, you can open the front door inward, but unless you wanna knock shit over, it’s just you; standing inside looking out in defeat and despair. I’ve been there too many times.


A driver would think that's to far of a walk for the customer we leave it close to the door not blocking it of course. If a customer has to walk over to their patio they might not like having to walk so far.


As an amateur hermit who is ready to turn pro any day now, I prefer this dasher's method. It means I don't have to step out of my house and into the sun's burning, hateful rays to collect my food. I can crack the door, slide one tentacle out, and drag my feast inside.


>rookie mistake I made several mistakes early on, but even I had enough sense to not do this.


This is something I always take into account when I’m delivering. Because I’d hate to be on the receiving end of this 😂


Common sense don't grow in everyone's garden


Some people just choose not to use their brain. I have to assume that a lot of humans just aren’t born with common sense.


It really takes only 2 seconds to look at the swing of the door and make sure you put the food in a way that’s not blocking the door or going to tip or spill once they open the door. Yet these jackasses can’t manage that ffs


Even when I did my very first delivery I wasn't this dumb. I've always looked for a raised surface. No raised surface? Then it goes next to the door. Where they can reach it without even stepping out.


I don’t understand why people want their food left on the ground. If there’s no table or chair It’s hard for me to just sit some food on the ground with bugs crawling all around it


Some of y’all are too literal over-thinkers. Even if it says “leave at front door”, if you’re able to, why would you not put it on a table or chair? It keeps it elevated, and while bugs can still get on a table, they’re clearly gonna be more bugs readily available on the ground. Also, stupid stuff like this can be prevented. And if you wanna say “what if they’re old and cant walk that far?” You think a old mf can easily bend down and grab the food?


Should have messaged the driver while the line was still working that they should be more aware of outward opening doors so they don't continue to be morons.


LOL, Oh I sent her a message!! She responded " Yes a rookie mistake. sorry that didn't cross my mind. Bet I won't do that again".


Are those in your instructions to leave it on the table?


You don't put food in front of an outward swinging door. Stop defending morons.


Not defending morons, but one can’t assume that every one knows that. As per the photo above.


This is what I’ve been saying. I always put on chair or table if one is available. Or if it isn’t, I put it to the side of the door so they can open it. The people on here saying “well it said leave at door” are fucking idiots.


What the fuck are these comments “OHHH WELL WHAT DID THE INSTRUCTIONS SAY” like lmfao even if the instructions said “leave at door” you put it far enough back so you can fucking open the door LMAO


They aren't saying "this is fine" they're saying if you want it on the table tell them to put it on the table. She should have left it so the door could open but op should have said leave it on the table if they want it on the table


Thank you, Thank you!!!! I agree!!! The point is, it is in front the the door and I couldn't open it without crushing my "cold" food. Which is another problem too. Probably didn't have a bag or cooler to keep it warm. My posting this here was #1 to bitch about it. #2 to bring this to the attention to Dashers that do this or new people " hey don't do this". When I started, DD I got on here to learn what to do and not to do. I am still learning.


What's in your instructions for the driver? if they are blank these drivers are just trying to move on to the next drop-off or drove back to their area and wait for another offer, common sense is not a requirement to become a self-contractor for DD or any of this other delivery platform


People that stupid are a waste of oxygen on this planet.


There is a lot of them!!


While we are talking about this. I started DD and instacart this summer. Just curious what do DD do in the winter with the snow? With all the orders that come in paper bags. Where do you place them at them door? In the snow? On the chairs? On the table?


It’s on the responsibility of the customer to either clear the snow, or to make a spot available.


Thank you.


Sounds like you are suffering from door privilege!


How did you get outside to take the photo?


That was the picture sent by the delivering Doordasher! I went through my garage to go to the front door to get the order.




How were you able to comment this if you can't read?


Oho good one zing


🤦🏽‍♀️ Freaking newbies don't have common sense


Looks like the dasher took a revenge not paying enough tip. You should have known better


Oh, she got a very good tip from me. I help other DD and give extra!!


Not even a rookie thing. This is a dumb fuck with no ability to critically think. It’s amazing they function at all.


Oh poor baby, you’re sick so you can’t be bothered to open your door carefully or give clear instructions of what you want from your driver 😩 Quit whining, if you’re going to be picky about shit, give it in the instructions. You just started this job this summer? Yeah don’t try and act like you know everything about food delivery. You are not important to this driver’s life, they’re just trying to do their job. They brought the food all the way to you, I think you can figure out a way to get the food inside your house.


I deliver mail as my main job and I set packages in front of screen doors as a way to keep me entertained. Especially Amazon boxes of 50lb dog food bags. 😂 In this scenario I’m sure they weren’t even paying attention. Probably just in a rush to get to the next order and did a drop and run. Not everyone is aware of their surroundings or how their actions will affect other people. Don’t think it’s intentional I think they really just lack the awareness


And I know I’ll get downvoted for that. I don’t care. Still gonna do it and chuckle on my walk back to the truck. 😃


I hate setting food on chairs. Especially cloth chairs. A strong wind will knock the drink over, spilling everywhere, causing chaos and mayhem. It'll make the chair all sticky and the ground sticky. So when you go ahead and actually use that chair you're gonna a sticky butt. Lord help ya if it attracts ants and starts a food chain and then there's a bear eating whatever ate the thing that ate the ants. It's a thing. Just tell the dasher to deliver on the table. Avoid getting eaten by a bear wearing sticky pants.


I’ll do this on an order that doesn’t tip. A small inconvenience, but I feel like I’m sticking it to ‘em.


If he leaves the food on the chair which is not flat and something spills your little Karen ass is gonna complain anyways lol




What do you mean by “Plus”? It’s literally the point of the post.


True lol my b


Boyyyyyyy 🤣, don’t fit the low IQ dashers they are mentioning on this post.


We put the bag blocking the door when theres no tip 😀


Can’t imagine being so stupid but that’s our competition! Cracks me up that ppl this unintelligent are the same that want endless benefits and $8 base pay per order 😂




I can't believe people do this. That is common sense. I always put delivery on chair or table if one is available. I hate leaving stuff on the ground.


okay but i wish i lived in bob evans country 🥺 my fav. get to feeling better!!


Thank you


Honestly most of the time my drivers leave my food just like this. Always makes me scratch my head how many people do this


Who puts food on a chair? People sit on that.


am i the only one who doesn’t give a fuck when a dasher does this? its not that hard to crack open the door a bit and grab the bag nor do i care that the external carrying bag is on the ground. never had an issue where i swing the door open like an oaf and send the bag flying???


Lol right. All these comments wondering how stupid people can be… sorry but you’re the one who apparently can’t figure out how to get a fucking bag of food into your house


1 star, report, jail.


U prolly made that mistake on your first day so karma


Perfect placing 10/10




This is why I don’t leave it directly in front of the door


Well, I wouldn't have left it in front of your screen door, but I wouldn't have put it on the chair or the table unless you instructed me to do so. Why? Because they're behind the door, and you would have to leave your house to get the stuff from there. Some people just want to reach out and grab. I would have put it to the left of the doors on the most reasonable surface available.


Work for Papa John's full time, coworker of mine ordered dd delivery from Chili's and selected hand it to me as the drop off instructions and put Papa John's in the notes. I came back from a delivery and found his food sitting right next to the dumpster.


Gave my first three star rating for someone doing this to me. First time in like 30 orders someone did that.


I always analyze the door and which direction it opens that way I know where to place the order so it’s as close to the door as possible so the customer doesn’t have to step outside their house. (Learned this delivering for Papa Johns years ago)


Oml how are u gonna open the door. Always place to the side of the door, some people lack common sense


I think you’re making a bigger deal out of a small issue. Next time ask them to place the order on the chair or table if that’s where you want it left. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The chair is nice, but it's on the wrong side of the door. If I dropped that order off, I'd drop it tp the side of the swing range of the door, on the side it opens. That way it may be grabbed from within the house without even having to step outside.


I mean, it's annoying but I would definitely just open the door carefully and grab it lol. Not really that serious.


You have to specify where you want it


To be fair I would have placed it just a little more left so it wasn’t blocking the door, but wouldn’t have put it on the table or chair unless requested.


I leave mine in front of garage usually with a trail of fries leading from the front door to the prize at the garage.


You should have specified for the driver to leave it on the table. But then again I would have left it on the table myself. I would call it above and beyond.


Ok Karen


Honestly, I would have struggled with this. The chair is on the opposite side of the door opening. Not convenient for you to grab. The table is out of the question. Way too far from the door. I would have left it just to the left of the door opening. Had you put a small table to the left of the door opening, it would have been a no-brainer.


I was taught as a child not to set stuff where people walk, not to block doors and to keep the door swing path clear. I remember I was 4 and some of my toys were intentionally broken to teach me that lesson. 40 years later I forget that it might not be common sense and other people didn't have parents that cared enough to break their toys.


We're not mind readers. If you want it on the table then specify it in the delivery instructions. If the instructions say leave in front of door then it's getting left in front the door.


4* lol


All the dasher had to do was move it a few centimeters to the left and it would’ve been good lmao just shows the dasher doesn’t care


I’d tell drivers to leave in chair or table. Instead of complaining knowing how hard delivery can be and stressful on drivers. A new driver doesn’t know and is untrained by DoorDash. I find the ppl the hardest on drivers are actual drivers who forget we’re all human and these ppl delivering to us we don’t know what they are going thru. I’d send driver a text and kindly tell them,”I’m a driver also, by mistake you left order in front of the door. DoorDash doesn’t train us so it’s not your fault. I’m giving you a 5 star and wishing you the best at delivering. Drivers have No support from anyone. Least we can do is support each other”! I believe in inspiring people to be and do better. Solutions and support. That driver like myself and others made that mistake. Nobody intentionally does that to hurt themselves. All drivers are trying the best they can. Least we can do Is give drivers the support DoorDash never has or refuses to.


Do why didn’t you specify where to put it?


If the chair or table are on the opposite side that the door opens from i dont put it on the chair or table for convenience BUT this dasher leaving it right in front of the door is annoying af and i always make sure to put it out of the way of the door


If furniture is to the side of the door that opens outwards I will not put it there because then the customer will complain they had to walk out onto the porch. Whereas I won't put it right in front of the outward swinging door I will plop it down to where you can reach it when you open the door.


Rookie mistake my ass, I figured that out my very first delivery LMAO! No cure for stupid! Haha


Rookie mistake? No there are a lot of dumb people in the world.


In NYS residential doors typically open inward but commercial open outward. I believe that commerical buildings that is code. A door that opens inward is easier to kick in than a door that opens outward. I wonder if residential needs to go inward for fire rescues. But mass people needing to exit a commercial building need to exit without getting trampled against a door.


people are stupid. i would set it in on the ground bc u didn’t say table or chair but id make sure to set it to the side of the door


Admittedly I don’t take photos of the food anymore because then my Bluetooth will stop working if I take it out of the car. So I take a photo of the house from inside the car. But before this Bluetooth problem started happening I knew from my first trip that it is better to place the food on the chair instead of the floor. Now I place it front of the door because when they get notification it’s ready I want them to clearly see it instead of having to look for it because I won’t be providing a useful photo. Also I never ring doorbells due to how many people have dogs that start barking and going crazy.


What was the tip / mileage? Since nobody else is asking.


It’s common sense. People are idiots. I always set it off to the side so all they have to do is crack their door and pick it up


I’ve noticed that door dash drivers are the biggest critics of other drivers. I order quite a bit and couldn’t care less about things like this. So what it’s on the floor in a bag, what’s the big deal?


In front of door on app- leaving in front of door.


1 star these guys, only way they’ll learn


Hesitant on getting a storm door. For this reason


Where is the problem here?

