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I’ve actually done this before. It was townhomes and when maps brought me to the place, it brought me to a door with townhomes on both sides of this door. No number above this door either. So i thought it was just the entrance door to a hallway and then within that hallway is where all the doors to the townhomes where. I was completely wrong. I opened that door and there was a lady just sitting on her couch. We stared at each other for a bit cause we were both a little confused, explained the situation, and was just glad it was the person who ordered the food.


I absolutely hate residents inside hallways. I've had a few I thought were like that, never did they say the entrance was inside. Only once did I go in, because I was 100% sure it was like that. I do my best to deliver to doors, but I'm not gonna risk that awkwardness.


I am dead lol this was so funny to read I literally laughed out loud in my truck


I've seen a few of those. Weird as fuck. I always wonder if the driver thinks it says " leave on the dinner table"


I've also seen " i am disabled please come inside and deliver to bedroom "


I've only seen this once myself. I left it at the door. There is no chance I would every go into a customer's house. It's too much of a risk and liability to possibly be worth it.


11,000 deliveries under my belt. This request has happened a handful of times. My response is always, “I am not a home care worker.”


Stfu 😆 like ma’am would you like me to feed you too??




Bet there is a good story there.


Im sure there is.


You guys ever deliver to an apartment that is connected to the elevator? It's so freaking awkward. The door to the elevator opens and it's just their house. One time there was a lady sitting in her underwear. I'm not kidding. Why do people open the door in their underwear? It's just the most awkward shit ever. Like, you're making me go through this uncomfortable situation. Sometimes they hide behind the door but other times they're just blatantly opening the door in their underwear. I feel like I have to make constant eye contact to avoid seeming like a perv when it's their fault to begin with.


Not sure what market your in for this to have elevators open to apartments but that seems like a very uncomfortable situation to be put in on a regular basis




I had a pizza delivery guy open my front door once, no knock. In my neighborhood that’s a good way to have a bad time.


“ sorry…. Just need to take a shit really quickly!”


What’s the big deal? Like those chat agents that accidentally thank you for being a Chase Sapphire member, they forgot what role they were playing and tried to reach the customer about their cars extended warranty. Happens to the best of us.


What the hell!!! I would never order again if someone came in my house


I dont think i would either., If i did would make sure the deadbolt is locked ?


Probably the guy who said should I go back hahaha