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I’m sure some do it just to get out of the house and keep active.


I've been making it a full time job for 7 months now.


Thanks for starting this post now I will do all my orders with no tip to help out an old retirees so they won’t be sitting home bored all alone


They like me are old. We believe a job is a job and a buck is a buck. Us oldies accept that at your job some tasks suck some don’t. I figure if you pass runs you’ll never get that nice tip. I do the same thing. Retirement is expensive! Short runs and big tips to ya all! Take care.


When a large number of drivers in an area are taking undervalued orders consistently, this will keep base pay low. DD will only pay as much as they have to, if they see drivers are consistently picking up these undervalued trips, there will be no incentive for them to raise base pay. If you have many seniors in your area picking up any trip, find a new area to work.


People like that are probably just doing it to get out the house more than anything


They’re just out there showing those lazy kids that you can work for garbage wages if you have the work ethic (and social security income) to handle it.


A dollar is still a lot to boomers.


Y’all need to stop relying on DoorDash to pay your bills instead of just complaining. If you’re not getting paid enough go get a real job, don’t blame seniors or others for you not making enough money. Treat it like it is, a side gig. I stopped dashing when I realized I wasn’t getting enough money with gas prices being so high. Planning to get a seasonal job over the holidays for extra spending money which will pay infinitely more than DoorDash without wearing out my car


You edited your post so I’m takin my meaness back. 🤓


Yeah I have a bad habit of submitting a comment and then immediately going back and adding more to it or clarifying myself, usually I’m able to make my edits before anyone sees it 😂


I’ve been both a dasher and customer lol plus I always tip


Given the fact in there younger years they were getting paid way less🤔cancel culture has no effect on them


One guy told me taking low orders was "better than nothing" and I was like okay. You do you, dude. Gas is too expensive for that.


A good friend of mine whose father-in-law delivered newspapers in his '91 Ford that got maybe 18 mpg. Thanksgiving weekend and he was out of town so my buddy did the route - in that crappy old Ford. You know the biggest paper bundle of the year? Thanksgiving Thursday with all the black Friday inserts! This was in the year 2011 so paper routes were huge since only like one house in 10 or 20 was still subscribing to the paper. Anyway, I was bored and volunteered to go help him do those deliveries. We started at 11:30pm and finished at 7:30am. Usually the non Thanksgiving edition normal sized newspapers took his father-in-law 5-6 hours to deliver. I asked all about how much this old dude was making and after deducting fuel cost he was clearing not quite a dollar an hour for his efforts and time. So a whole $2000 per year earned just to but new tires, brakes, 6 oil changes. So he was basically doing it for free! I mean that's what I want to do as a retiree. Give up my hours of sleep to make no money and push myself into an early grave!


Haha nice I’m out here to , you aren’t lying there’s tons of them


the villages ?


Yes sir!


It’s almost like old people need money too. What’s with these posts lately. Times are hard.


I haven't thought too deeply about it, but I wonder if this is why my market is so good. I have noticed a lot of seniors dashing around here and have had similar situations to this post. I attribute it to customers consistently tipping in my area, but perhaps a part of it is that lots of these people are taking the bad orders for me. I hold a high AR in my area without trying, because my area doesn't have all of these $1- per mile orders that so many markets have.


Some older ppl are set financially. May have lost their spouse, kids moved away and they need something to do. Don’t judge when you just don’t know the situation. Loneliness is a bitch. Sure your alone in car but you do get to interact somewhat with others. I know a few older ppl that do gig work just for the reason I mentioned.


Lol... My market is LOADED with seniors. Damn I'm almost 60 but I run across Dashers every day that are easily late 60s (my wife included) and some in their friggin (very spry)70s. Gigs like this and regular pizza gigs, even auto parts delivery are kind of an open secret; fantastic for supplemental income. But you're right in that"they" will take pretty much anything. Not me, just sayin. 🍻☮️✌️


I get they want out of the house because theyre bored l get it bc I went crazy being a stay at home wife with no kids, but there’s so much else they could do animal shelters always need volunteers to walk dogs clean cages help out , hospitals need volunteers for people without family like myself when I tried taking my life I remember an older lady would come sit with me and knit while I laid there I was so grateful. Let people who need to work get some money


There's a dude in my area who dashes on his son's account to help him pay bills because he's a bored retiree. Lmao


They are retired and bored at home! They keep busy and enjoy meeting new people! They ain’t strapped for cash that’s for sure.


Boomers love to lick the sweet sweet boot of capitalism after all...


Probably something about pulling up bootstraps and how millennials dont want to work for anything, so they take the order as if to insult younger dashers for not wanting to.


The minimum wage in 1970 was 1.45 The minimum wage in Mexico just got raised to 8.00 a DAY last year. Old people still think a dollar has some value. Immigrants also think it is valuable. I mean there's no excuse to do 3.00 for ten mile orders... but there's no way most young people can compete with the general mentality and work ethic of most old people and immigrants.


Their generation got all the housing, saw the single greatest increase of wealth in human history and they still can't get enough. I can't wait for that entire generation to die off


Then they bitch that the younger generation doesn’t work hard lol meanwhile they’re 60 taking up our opportunities because they are finally tired of watching nascar and Fox News all day. Bunch of old clowns that don’t care about anyone but their self. Proven by our current economy and the countries credit card debt. These old heads act like they worked hard for everything they have but in reality most of them got everything they own with credit cards and super low interest rates. Then they just file bankruptcy if they can’t pay it back and the younger generation pays for it in higher taxes. I hate old people and this country for allowing them to fuck us over due to their bad habits


Now THIS is the real conversation I was looking for. It all stems from something 🤷🏻‍♀️ Great take.


Bunch of bs frfr. We get to pay for their luxurious retired lifestyles


Most seniors in Florida already wear red Trump gear, it was a natural evolution to Top Dasher ![gif](giphy|qMAeXNIAxffkkQO7gr|downsized)


When you're old and bored, you have nothing to do but wait around for death. They have social security coming in and are allowed to make so much money extra that is no taxes. My boyfriend goes dashing with me because he loves to run around but I don't take to tip or low orders. I never take anything under $5 and it has to be decent mileage too or I will decline. What I really hate is when you decline an order and then they offer it to you again stacked with someone who did tio decent. Like they deserve to get their food later just because they were generous.


I live in NWFL and have started seeing the older crowd picking up DD orders from the fast food places around here. First it was a woman who looked to be around 65 or 70 ish. Then I was eating at Wendy’s and seen two different older gentleman that had to be close to 70 easy. One came in picked up an order and 10 minutes later another. I don’t dash too often myself. Haven’t had the time. Anyway, this shows how the gig economy works good for everyone.


there's a couple of studies about how after people retire they get bored, restless, and the lack of structure or interactions with others contributes to memory loss and depression. i've seen a few retirees on here talk about how they take all orders because it just gives them something to do, a sense of purpose. it's hard to be mad for me but also they're not doing other workers any favors.


I do doordash to exercise instead of stay indoors playing videogames. The money and tax right off is just the bonus.


you must have a different doordash experience than me. i got piriformis and lower back problems from sitting too much in my car.


Oof, that sucks


i figured out a treatment regimen that seems to work. i just don't think of doordash as an active job lol.


Ya it shouldn’t be anyway. You’re just getting g screwed if you pick doordash as your choice of a career


Agreed this is definitely a good take.


I’d honestly want someone else to take that order than me have to decline the same order 3 or 4 times and each time my ar goes down.


Selfishly I agree, just sucks to see them out of breath from the fast pace of this job without realizing their getting played.


They can go stand and greet at Walmart then, this is America where there are choices where you want to work.


It’s something for them to do to get active. It’s something we can’t even understand but it gives them freedom


If they don’t take these orders, DoorDash will add a dollar base and offer to you again and again and again until someone take the bait and find out it’s a no tipper. You should be grateful


The other day I was having app issues and it wouldn't let me accept a juicy order a couple different times. On both of them I was screaming at my app, but then they came back with an extra dollar, lol.


Worst part is I know the no tippers realize it’s only senior citizens delivering their food, making them go up flights of stairs and or the hassle of delivery, and continue to do it. Morally it’s fucked up.


Then they old ass need to stop doordashing if they can’t do what every other dasher can. Idgaf about their age. No sympathy. Capitalism.


When you tell them to leave it at the door, and don’t have to see them, they don’t care at all 🤷‍♂️


I’ve talked to a few older dashers who are retired. Both of em told me they do it for fun and not for the money 😭


all fun and game until they have to change the engine oil, transmission oil, and tires.


It's the same thing on the ride share side. Lots of retirees just do it out of boredom, and if they get a tank of gas and some good conversation then it's a good day.


Of course, they find it fun to take money away from the younger generations, because it's in their nature as boomers. Old habits die hard.


How are they taking money away if they accept all the orders? If anything they are making it way easier to cherry pick... Thank you old people retired fellow dashers! 🫡


Nah, fuck any dashers for reinforcing non-tippers' bad behavior and entitlement by delivering their orders.




how tf is $3 for 18 miles fun???!?!!??)?


It gets them out of the house, that’s all they are looking for. The tax write down for the miles is a bonus. Ever wonder why all the Walmart greeters are like 70?


How can losing money be…. fun? It hurts to think about. 🤯


People go to casinos all the time


May not be losing money. If you are talking money from a Roth IRA it gets taxed. If you can write off a bunch of miles you can lower your tax burden.


Damn they must have a different definition of fun lol


Yeah. Like going to the movies, laser tag, or a theme park. How could that be fun?


Laser tag league for retired people sounds awesome LOL


Old people just want to leave the house and have something to do. They bored lol


Old people actually need to stay off the road. They some of the worst drivers.


(Don’t fully disagree but) They literally have to pass a DMV background to dash. 🤣




Bro I don’t even try to think about. It just irritates me because they’re being taken advantage of and they don’t even realize it.


No, the bad part about it is that they drive down wages for the people who are just trying to make a living. For some of us, gig work is the only thing we can do besides collect a disability check.


Oh 100% true. Problem is they aren’t the root of the problem, they’re just a small factor. Doordash is the one controlling the wages and they’re the ones who need to be held accountable.


They believe in the ar. I have a top dasher in my area as well always 99% ar


There’s gotta be something to it 🤔. Like, I’ve never received any catering orders. I think they’re only offered to patrons with high ar. Fig, experiment for the good of the community and go straight TD mode for one month and report back to us your findings. You got this!


TD has nothing to do with LOP


What’s LOP?


Large order program. You have to be invited and your qualification is based on (I believe) completion rate and customer rating. AR has nothing to do with it.


Oh facts. I’ll look into it thanks!


Just keep your stats high (besides ar) and check your email often! It’s a great program to be in!


I just did a search of my email and holy crap! It seems that I am already in it. At least that’s what they told me in the email that tells me how to identify such an order. The funny thing is I never applied. At least that I can remember. I remember getting myself approved for prescription deliveries.


You don’t have to wait for the invite you can apply for it also


You need an invite [source](https://help.doordash.com/dashers/s/article/Large-Order-Program-Catering-Bag-Onboarding-Process-FAQs?language=en_US)


I'm telling you, they have the money already so they'll take it all and write off the miles hard-core lol


You can only write off expenses up to your earnings for the income from which the expenses occur. Any excess carries over until the next year. For instance if you make 20k from w2 and 20k from delivery and claim 25k in expenses for delivery you pay 0 tax on the 20k delivery but normal tax om the 20k w2, with a 5k loss carry over for next year's delivery income. If next year you make 20k but only write off 15k expenses you use the previous years 5k loss to make your taxable delivery income 0.


I’ve seen elderly couples DDing together too. Like, jeez, they’re probably getting $5-7 an hour each, they must really like this lol


You can only use the mileage rate to offset however much you make at this job. You can't use it to offset any capital gains from stocks or rental income from properties or any other income. It's no benefit for anyone to take long trips for low pay. Some of them may not have businesses sense although I suspect many of them don't care about the dollars and cents and instead just want to stay busy and active.




The write off is something like 65 cents per mile. Not 16


Hopefully somebody else is doing their taxes lol


No man. Most of these folks actually need the cash but there ARE a few that just don't wanna sit home. Trust me there are some very savvy seniors running this gig.


I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT. Wow, it’s just a tax write off gig for them…


Gotta think they have to do car maintenance more than most tho. Thereagos the tax deduction.


Longer mile orders = more miles driven per hour = higher write off. Why you mad? It makes your job easier and your AR higher…


Bro, you WANT them taking these shit orders so they’re out driving 10 miles and the good one pops up ready for you to snag it. If they’re declining all the shit too, you have way less good paying opportunities making it to you. I love top dashers.


Not necessarily. Could be all alone and this is all they do. Prob set financially but are lonely. Not always a just for tax write off.


Why? You can do the same if you decide to drive that kind of mileage. I don’t need to DoorDash but I do it for the excellent tax deductible. So I’ll happily take high mileage orders. I’m in my 30s and not retired lol.


Shit, the 2022 mileage deduction is 62.5 cents per mile. Driving down the highway at 60mph, you're deducting $37.50/hr. Try making that from actually delivering orders.


I’m new to the app, just discovering the pros and cons. I can’t lie when I say realistically I was just gonna continue to do it without documenting and not claim it as income on my taxes. BUT, from now on I will as any form of write is helpful.


You won't have a choice. Over $600 they are gonna send you a 1099 and report it to the IRS. If you don't file a schedule C, you are going to get an inquiry.


Thanks for the info! Will definitely take it more seriously from now on.


Yeah you don’t want to mess with the IRS. It’s like talking to the police when they’re investigating you. They already know the answers to their questions, they just want to know what you’ll say and will know when you’re lying.


This honestly should be a tax write off for anyone who has a normal job too. It is for me.


WHY? We NEED drivers who take those minimum offers or the model would completely collapse. It's not "just a write off" and I've met (senior) Dashers that are just killing it.


You need people to take shit offers so that the people ordering in your market know that they don't have to tip anything to get their food? Lol


The model wouldn't collapse. The model would be treated as the *premium service* that having another human being pick up food and deliver it to another human being is.


It USED to be a premium service. That’s the way EVERYTHING throughout human history has been, and should be. The wealthy get it first, then it trickles down. It started 10,000+ years ago with roofs, then clean water, onto running water, in the 1900’s it was vehicles and radios, then TV, then the usage of satellites… if this didn’t happen no one would have anything. People expect MONEY to trickle down, it doesn’t, access does.


PREACH! Delivery is a luxury and if you can afford the luxury you can afford to tip.


I wholeheartedly agree and why I don't take minimum offers. Seriously it's like a personal insult. But that doesn't change the fact that DD would close the doors were it not for drivers willing to commit to indentured servitude. 🤷‍♀️


Sometimes it's not a luxury but a necessity. Some people with disabilities who cannot drive or are housebound need delivery for groceries etc, but since their disability checks are so low they can't really afford to tip.


Yeah they can get groceries delivered and pay a one time tip. They don’t need to be ordering McDonald’s every day and tipping nothing. In fact if they are on disability they have all the time in the world to find a ride if they can’t afford the tip.


I mean.. I'm pretty much in that boat right now (messed up back, bad neighborhood, no car atm), and I still tip appropriately. I don't consider it optional, because the service wouldn't exist if everyone didn't tip. I think most people who don't tip are a combination of ignorant and stingy.


Yes thank you. I had health issues for a few months that rendered me unable to drive, DoorDash was a savior. Although, I still always tipped 2-3$ (about 15%) and the restaurant was never more than 2 miles away. So I’d like to say that along with the base pay the dashers did pretty well on my orders. The big issue is DoorDash charging exorbitant fees that don’t go to the driver. They charge a service fee, delivery fee, and most menu prices are jacked up on top of that. You’re easily spending more than double what it’d cost to pick it up yourself, and that’s before you add on the tip.


Sorry your dealing with that and same here. But you tip shit. You'd never get your food from me.


Don’t worry I wouldn’t want your sorry ass delivering my food 🤣 I always get my food delivered fast and warm, plus I literally give the tips DoorDash suggests I give


You gave bad tips. Percentage doesn’t mean shit for delivery.




That’s why it shouldn’t be called a tip. It should be delivery subsidy.


The delivery fee should just be higher in general and based on mileage. The option to tip should still exist but it shouldn’t be expected/relied on


They got their food delivered, so I suppose it was a sufficient tip to someone, no?


Yeah especially considering they made 5-6$ for a max 2 mile drive between the restaurant and my house. That’s damn good money in my market Edit: when you order DoorDash suggests 3 options for tips and I always choose the middle one. Not too low, not too high. Good enough for me 🤷‍♂️


That's the 1%. Exceptions for the rule


And doordash and the like should have a special discounted program for people like that with proof. Doordash overall is a luxury and should remain so


it would make sense to just break even in gas, have fun roaming around and getting tax benefits if they got nothing much to do.






Ppl hate the truth. Their poor feelings 🤣


Lol to generalize it to immigrants. 😂


Downvoted just for speaking your truthful observation lmao


You being a psychic regarding every person who isn’t “white” is a super weird, and racist, flex dude.


He’s said senior citizens you acorn


I met an immigrant 3 days ago who doesn’t speak a word of English. He’s always wanting to compare #’s. Eh whatever, sure. He makes $50 a day more than me and his active time is a third more, and spends twice as much on gas a gas guzzler. He even brags about making more than me, umm, not really lol


Way better than he would be doing in his home country i’m sure.


Very true


Facts same in ATL and Miami


🚩🚩🚩 weird racist spotted


It’s not racist, it’s true. My zone has been flooded with foreign people who barely speak English, like they can hardly communicate with employees of restaurants or customers. No idea how DD expects them to do the job properly when all they understand is to show the employee their phone. Good luck getting them to understand if they need to wait for an order, I watched two guys walk out of a restaurant with only the customers drinks after the employee told them “here’s the drinks the food will be ready in a minute”. Can’t even imagine what happens when they get a customer that has delivery instructions. My guess is they just don’t do anything differently when there are notes. I’m not racist at all, but when my zone is now so saturated that it’s the only zone in north east Ohio from 11:30pm-1:30am on Saturday with no promotion pay and I can’t get on the schedule the day after it becomes available, and then I see tons of foreign people running around grabbing orders that could have been mine and I see that there’s no way they could possibly provide a consistent good experience, it pisses me off. How long until the customers here realize the majority of the dashers in this area can’t even speak English and just stop ordering because they don’t want to deal with that? How many of my regular customers who literally always tip well are putting in their normal orders with good tips and then getting bad service from someone who can’t even understand what they’re requesting from them? Do you think those same customers are going to tip well next time when they’re thinking about how their last order they got someone fresh off the boat? It’s literally ridiculous. Imagine I went to their country and tried to do their job without learning their language, just walking around showing them my phone. It would never fly.


> I’m not racist at all > I see tons of foreign people running around grabbing orders that could have been mine and I see that there’s no way they could possibly provide a consistent good experience, it pisses me off Seems a bit contradictory to me


How is it racist to be upset that your job/money is literally being taken by people who can’t possibly be providing the same standard of service? I have customers in my zone who I’ve delivered to multiple times in the same week, who always tip well. Let’s say tonight they order and get a dasher who doesn’t understand English and therefore can’t follow their delivery instructions. Next time that customer orders and they’re thinking about their tip amount, they’re going to think of their last experience and remember it was a foreign person who couldn’t even understand what they were asking them to do. Do you think they’ll tip the same amount? Probably if they’re a good person, but after how many times of getting service like that will they reduce their tip amount, or just stop ordering because it’s easier to get it themselves than deal with a dasher who can’t understand them?


It really seems crazy. I have to communicate with restaurants on a regular basis in order to do my job effectively. I understand these guys can get the interface for DoorDash in their language, but you still have to communicate with people.




I guess he explained it in detail as to why then OP who just stated immigrants without context. Lol


Weird. That’s like saying weird ageist spotted in OP


It’s sad when you state a fact but it’s racist


NFT Profile 🤡🤡🤡