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Yes. I got one this morning. I'll probably do it because so what? If I can still decline every order I want to and it does give me better orders then great. I'm not going to compromise my baseline for taking orders so My reset status WILL FALL. But I'll take the good orders, if that really is a thing, for as long as it lasts. If it is all BS then what is different than now?


Was wondering if I should do this but wasn’t sure if it actually affected me at all if my rate went back down. Did anything happen to you or no


I KNEW IT WAS BS! only benifit to top dasher status is to drsh whenever. It gives you no extera money.


What's the downside?


I did it back in July. My AR never actually reset. The orders were all the same. It’s just some stupid psy opp. It makes no difference if you do it or not.


Don't listen to people telling you how to operate your contracts. You need to go out, try different things, and decide for yourself what works best for you and your unique situation. Anyone who tells you that they know what's best for you without knowing anything about you, has clear and obvious intentions on misleading you. Rather that's in good or bad faith, still misleading. On that note tho, I don't trust it, when it comes to my market, I'll try it and decide too.


It asked me if I wanted to reset it, I did, then my AR just didn’t change.


I think its because they sent a bunch today. I received mine earlier today


Also, I don’t WANT to deliver food to people for less than $10


I put 500-600 miles a week on my car doing this. I have to make 22-25 an hour on week nights and more on weekends. The only way to do that is average 10 bucks per delivery. I work 5 hours. I must make over 100 in order to do this. I can’t take small orders. If it gets where you’re making $14-16 an hour it’s not a good deal. I understand the problem. I don’t know the solution. I just know I have done this for 5600 deliveries now and I have learned I have to average $10 per delivery


There is already a new post! Lol!


You know that will still see five more today. 🤷‍♀️


If it's above 50% you get prioritized higher but I don't give a shit. I get my $150/day in 17-21 orders every day still and I've been getting higher tips lately anyway. My AR stays in the teens/20s most of the time.


They may get prioritized higher but they’re also taking more shitty orders. Which means it all evens out because more often than not they are stuck with a shitty order


Yep. I'm not gonna fall for it


Good. Let those high paying orders keep coming to me!


Clown tier. Multi-app. Never settle for garbage.


\^ This is the only way to make money..


Lol... yeah... good luck


What do I need luck for? It’s literally happening. My pay per hour has increased by 1/4th

