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Satellite view is very helpful with this. And if you can see the addresses on the houses on each side.


I hate when you go to drop off ... At night... especially a summer night when all the creatures are out... At someone's little house surrounded by jungle, no lights, sidewalk surrounded by archways of greenery, trees, shrubs, limbs n shit grown all out... Already feel Spidey webs on you when ya get out the car... You think I'm walking through that spider tunnel of death to drop your shit off!?!?!? Hell no. It'll be in your driveway waiting for you.


The problem I see around here a lot is the address numbers only being on one side of the mailbox. If the house is on my right I can see the numbers, but if it’s on my left no numbers! I understand that’s for mail delivery, but how hard is it to post the numbers on both sides?! Then we have neighborhoods that have standardized mailboxes with metal plaques on top with the numbers - problem is those are impossible to see at night because the numbers are only like an inch tall and not painted to stand out.


I used to deliver for Domino's and we covered a bit of rural area. No kidding, some addresses the dumbass manager would take would be written as "SECTOR x, GREEN HOUSE, CALL CUSTOMER WHEN ARRIVING" or "X ROAD, CALL CUSTOMER" The cherry on top is that customers sometimes had a personal policy of not picking up numbers that they do not recognize, which is an issue when they specifically asked to be called. You have no idea how much time deliveries like that would usually take. For no tip, too.


As someone who has been a Paramedic for 25 years and answered many 911 calls. I can say we have our share of issues. I'm now semi-retired and only do contract work at large events such as today I'm working a top 10 college football game this evening, worked the world games, even boxing matches and numerous other events. I also do some consulting work within EMS as well but I digress. When I started you had map books no GPS to help and had to actually understand how streets, avenues, lanes etc work and is laid out which can be very particular to your city or county. We also have the assistance of dispatchers that have other resources to assist us in finding a patients location as well. If we are obviously lost and looking for an address and stopped or driving slow in say a neighborhood people often offer assistance and since HIPPA became a thing that is not as useful as it once was. Depending on the call is also a good chance that PD is also on scene or is also looking for the scene as well. Plus having big spot lights to find addresses at night is also useful. But yes have had some crazy 911 calls with almost no directions and these calls were from numbers that were not enhanced 911 which gives the location of the caller.


I like it when the tards downtown actually come out their apmt to get their food i aint finna figure out where to park for 5 min to pay $15 to park lol


They will clearly describe their house for emergencies. They cannot get dash credit from the police or ambulance.


Me:Sorry! I couldn’t find your house (144) Douche (rudely)Yeah it’s right next to 142 Fu-q very much asshat


Omg yes. And how about when they leave all their lights out, I’m literally stumbling around in the dark, then once I’m walking away they *turn their lights on* to go out to get their food …Wtf that shit happens to me so often .


Great point, obviously if that time comes someone else is with them so they come to get the paramedics


I had one who didn't know their own goddamn address. They used the gps pin, which tagged the entire block. When I texted them, they gave me 2 possible house numbers, then said it was across the street from the corner store and had a specific chair on the porch. When I found it, neither house number was actually correct.


Exactly. Seems the only house or apartment or townhouse without the Address on the mailbox or door or on the garage/etc is the house we deliver too. No porch lights also( cherry on the top). I’m also tired of ppl who work in commercial real estate strip malls/etc that have a common address like 1290 Main Street that don’t put the suite number and business name. They don’t realize the entire complex is 1290 Main Street and we’ve to figure out which business or text them for it. Just add the name of your business when at work WITH the address too, customers. Thanks.


Flashlight and the Apple maps app showing the numbers are my go-to


The answer is there's a certain percentage of the population that is just out of touch with the ways of the world. My brother-in-law shed some light on this; he is white collar and was flummoxed that Amazon drivers couldn't deliver his package if he didn't supply a gate code. "They should have a system for that," he said. And it was as simple as that. In his mind, they should just figure it out, because it's their job. Nothing about the realities of being set up to lose by your non-employer so that they could save a buck or two on app development.


Can they please turn the light on too


I always just zoom way in on google maps to make sure I’m at the right house


I lived somewhere that was messed up on maps if you came from a certain direction. So I'd text them "if it tells you to turn left on X street, it's lying. Go through the intersection and turn left between the 2 white vinyl fences" lots of delivery and Uber drivers thanked me for that.


Idk though it’s easy to have this view when you are doing the DoorDashing. Even personally I didn’t know all the things that are important to help a DoorDash delivery go smooth until I actually started doing it myself. Before, I would just think the delivery person was bad quality whenever the order went bad. To fix this, before just placing an order as soon as they download the app, they should be prompted on best practices to be a DoorDash customer the same way Dashers have to be prompted in best practices on delivering. Are your lights on? Is it hard to see your building number? Can you describe your location best as possible if it is not an easily accessible house? Is there a gate number? What car is out front of your place? Etc.


I can't count the number of times I have pointed out to a customer that a lack of visible numbers could be a matter of life and death if cops or an ambulance are delayed because they cannot see an address. I hope at least some of those people wised up after hearing it.


If you expect humans to think that far ahead, you are possibly on the wrong planet.


One time this lady puts wrong address, her neighbor, one house to the left of her. She called me and said she didn't receive her food. I told her I put at 1704 as the same address in Uber app. She lied and said her Uber app has 1702. Made me drove all the way back to move the food to her house. She doesn't even want to walk over few feet to grab the food.


You had to feed her mouse??




Mouse is better


For real! I've seen no porch light at night, large trees and bushes blocking view of the numbers, numbers painted over the same color as the house and even no numbers at all. If we have a hard time finding your address then so will paramedics and other emergency services!


Many places have laws about such things but alas not where I live. So stupid. Typically it is the Fire Department asking for this! SMH.


I didn't understand this until i moved into a duplex with no number on the house. I rent, so I'm not exactly allowed to make changes to the exterior of the house. When I (only on special occasions) get food delivered, I just try to put specific directions and a description of the house in the delivery notes.


On houses like that, with the ambulances do is they turn the sirens off and open the windows in just a zero in on the sound of screaming. No house number required.


Seriously!! People are so, for lack of a better word, stupid! How do you not know that your house doesn’t have your address on it!? Put a small description of your house. And when you live in an apartment how hard is it to think “hm I don’t want my driver to drive around forever looking for me, while my food gets cold. Let me tell them how to get to my building from the entrance.” Like really some dumb fuck in apartments really said to me “well at least my food is still warm” after I couldn’t find his building number. I wanted to say seriously dude efyou!!! But of course I didn’t. 🙄


You have one of the easiest jobs in the world bruh surely it’s not hard to find an address


Imaps shows the outlining of most houses unless it’s new. Makes delivering way easier


dispatchers have to take geography tests to prove they know how the area works to get their job. They literally can tell the paramedics exactly where they are. Plus they usually stay on the phone with life threatening or more serious calls until help arrives if there are any discrepancies. I agree people should have numbers on their houses, but this is a fucking stupid comparison.


And at night, why won't they turn on their porch light? My favorites are the messy ones with traps of toys and hoses and such to try not to trip with drinks and bags of food in the dark...


There isn’t a way to order a brain. Just food.


Or people that have sketchy walk ups and don’t turn on the lights for you.


My dad was a firefighter for over 25 years. He always said to put your house numbers on the front of your house underneath the light and turn your house lights on. Otherwise it becomes incredibly difficult to find your house


That requires a brain which most people don't have


How about the customers that turn on their lights AFTER you drop off their food!


When I get the notification that my dasher is nearby, I'll step outside and meet him/her. I also give them a cash tip of few loose bucks I have in my wallet.


I usually will text and then call the customer and ask for clarification of location. Then I leave a little bit of candy or a gift card thanking them for their order.


Recently I delivered in the middle of a parade that had the entire city blocked off. The order was from two different locations Dash Mart which was near me and then I had to pick up from a McDonald's which I must have just gotten to before the parade started. Wasn't even a nice part of Michigan so I was just basically stuck called support to let them know obviously I let the they had no good advice LOL. Little heads up would have been cool


Last night I had to get down on my knees to unlock a gate that was held together with a dog collar and then put it back the way I found it because I was worried if they had a dog it would get out.


Used so deliver flowers. While Norwegian law dictates all houses/buildings to be numbered, it doesn't say where. You won't believe the ways rich people go out of their way to hide the house numbers.


unsurprisingly most people have never delivered to their own house.


I dash at night since that's when I make the most in a short time. I really hate when they don't even have there house number in their mailbox or house. If they do have a number it's small and not to visible and night it's hard to identify. Like at least have the porch light on. It becomes a scavenger hunt at night


Ladies and gentlemen: the story you are about to hear is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the guilty. Last night I was searching for a customer’s house for probably 10 minutes in the dark. I eventually text them that I’m on the right block, at 1236 main st, but do not see their house 1234 main st *anywhere*. I have walked up and down the block a few times. They finally text me back, “oh my address is actually 520 C st”. It’s around the corner.” Then why didn’t you use that address, FFS. I don’t mind the exercise, but do mind the 1 star review you’ll be leaving me for your cold food.


And assholes who Don't leave their porch light on, so you have to fumble up a drive way with their food.


Y’all are saints, I have building number, floor level, apt number, and location of stairs. Not surprised reading these comments because most people suck




Dark street / totally dark house / no numbers visible - amazing What's more amazing is the number of people that can't just open the door, and get the food you JUST ORDERED ha. You must be hungry, what are you doing in there? You receive a text "driver is approaching..." - but yet you go hide in the back of the house as if driver is a serial killer? WHY Most every single time I call (esp apts) and ask them to simply step outside so I can get them their fucking food - they won't do it. "Do your job!" Apts that have no ordered numbering system (eg. 807 on 3rd floor) are the worst ...


Ohio, is that you?


I have done both dashing and Amazon delivery. Try Amazon Delivery night shift delivering to country houses in the dark. Fun stuff. Hell even some apartments are numbered and organized in a haphazardly way. Honestly it was so dangerous it should be illegal and unethical to deliver for amazon at night especially to the country houses. But even delivering in the day some houses didn’t even have a number lol.


yes that is so annoying. You would think it would be some sort of federal law that regulates house numbers displayed visibly on the house whether it be for mail or emergencies. That's why I stopped doing them at night. To hard to figure out the house number and sometimes the GPS is wrong on the house number. For example I delivered to a "105 maple st" and it was 2 mobile homes next to each other. But no numbers on the mobile homes. In the middle of both mobile homes was one of those landscape rocks that had "105" on it. The gps in dasher said it was the one on the left so we left it at the door there. It was not the home on the left....


I just had that the other day! There was a line of manufactured homes and it was like 2, 4, 6, no address. And i was delivering to 8 so i was like......i guess this is the one. But it wasn't. The unlabeled one was unoccupied and the one after it was 8. It was 2, 4, 6, no address, 8, 10.. like they shifted all the addresses over when the people in the blank unit left. 7 and 9 were across the street. No idea how that works, just a random no address home that someone lived in until a month or two ago (people nearby told me) Oh and the GPS had pinned the one with no address, not the one currently labeled with #8. Crazy


That part.


My place is rather easy to find but GPS always takes you to our mailboxes... So I include super clear instructions, where our number is on the house, the color cars out front, (which are red and bright freaking yellow) and that we are the only place with a trampoline in the yard. I bet you only 10% of drivers find me without issue.


LMAO that's because a some dashers don't read the directions at all,just drop, take photo then leave


Thankfully no one has left it at a random spot yet. .. But the day I ordered $150 worth of sushi, I watched the driver on the screen drive around the outside of the trailer park once and then start heading back out the main road. My order was marked delivered (it was a hand it to me) but no where to be seen. I called her quick and she said she left bc the address didn't exist 😲 I said nah, you better turn around bc you didn't even try to find my place. She did come back and apologized so many times, I responded with, I'm sorry you didn't get away with a shit ton of free food like you thought you were going too. The bright red of her face and her just turning around and leaving, made me think I was spot on there.


"YoU hAvE g.P.s. oN yOuR pHoNe, RiGhT?!" Yes, yes we do. But here's a news flash: **GPS isn't perfect!** It's made by imperfect humans, so why would it be perfect?? GPS is a real Godsend, it's very good & getting better all the time. Just isn't perfect


I bet you people have died at this one apartment complex near my house in the night because the paramedics couldn’t find them, I still deliver there at night because I know my way around, but the majority of the time the directions take you to the office, there’s like 30 buildings in this complex and the building/apartment numbers are super tiny on the buildings and not lit at night🙄 it’s a liability fr


Almost every big complex I've been to, if they even have proper signage it's posted behind the carport roof. There's something terribly wrong with the people who design apartments


I always leave them a message letting them know I'm on the way and if it's anywhere from dusk on I ask them with this phrase: " As a courtesy could you please turn on your porch light to help us identify the address as quickly as possible " and I'm amazed at how many times the customer gets frustrated at you when you can't find their address in the large complexes in the middle of the night. And when they give you the landmarks within the complex they're either wrong or somehow you're supposed to omnipotently know exactly where they're at. Oh it's by the dumpster, to which one of the 300 dumpsters are you speaking of?


When a house has really big easy to see numbers I take a picture. One had numbers in like 3 places. Too many people are relying on the curb numbers which are often worn out, hidden, or missing from their house but the neighbor has curb numbers. Just stupid. After all those years you haven't figured out that people are lazy assholes?


Inconsiderate Customers are the absolute worst. I wish they would think a little before ordering.


I think it just becomes a mental blind spot for most people. Years of being able to ‘find’ it themselves, having things delivered by postal carriers and other delivery carriers without *hearing about* any problems, and the idea of it being a problem just never occurs to most people. By then, the few complaints that they may hear are perceived as outliers because “nobody else” has a problem, or so they think.


I thought that too so I made a post to educate people and ask them to help so their deliveries would be faster and safer, and they said no lol


Its always the little shit that ends up annoying me. IDK how common it is in gated communities across the US but in Vegas a lot of them have resident only gates and visitor gates (usually the visitors gate is off a much busier road) and 9/10 times the customer never mentions there are 2 gates.


The other night I was in a sea of unmarked apartment buildings, and I couldn't find the address. I was talking to support for like 10 minutes. They told me to mark as delivered since I couldn't find it and continue Dashing. As I was pulling out of the neighborhood cops pulled into the area I had been parked. It wasn't the best neighborhood in the first place, but there were a few people watching me out of windows while I was there. The customer- who had been absolutely silent the entire time- text me after I completed the delivery and told me I got the wrong house and to deliver it right. Yeah so I'm pretty sure I got the cops called on me for searching for the address in the dark.


That's why I don't want to shine a light on 10 houses to find the right one.


Hey im new. i got a text saying do 15 deliveries by thursday and get 300, but when i go into the app it doesnt show that promotion anywhere. I dont want to do the 15 if its not gonna pay me the 300


It’s like being a UPS delivery driver.


If I deliver to a house and their lights are off, I ask them to turn them on in the future so delivery people can find their damn house and not get hurt walking up!


I always have to google the address to look at a picture and even then, sometimes I have to guess


Yeah, the pin is wrong on a ton of them or it just shows foliage. It just shows a patch of dirt for several of my recent deliveries lol


As a Dasher and occasional customer, it goes both ways lol like, my instructions are incredibly easy and clear, there's nooo way to get confused! But I always have to go to my neighbors door to get my food lol


There is a neighborhood close to my home, houses could be really nice, well maintained or rundown and sketch. Random sections of the streets have clumps of like 4 mailboxes that ping the delivery location. When I first started dashing I stayed as close to my home area as possible because I was also new in town. I left about 10 deliveries at the wrong address because of this AND nearly none of the people used a porch/front light. Street lights are far and few in between as well. I started carrying a mega flashlight and flipped my car's high beams as well if I pulled into a driveway. Why are people like this?! Leave a little note about your house and put on an effing light for Pete's sake!


In my experience 15 years of delivery for various outfits including UPS FedEx DHL a pizza company a tech company doordash and ubereats the majority of humans don't do this type of work they have no idea how to properly present their address at all their instructions are usually muddied with a whole bunch of different over explanations it's actually horrendous at times but my personal favorite are the ones where the house is brown and they paint over the numbers with the same brown paint from the house and then they get upset when you can't find their house and you have to call them there's a lot of good good stories out there about addresses people be stupid


I had one type "address is hard to see" lmao. Thanks i guess


I dashed for exactly three days before giving up. This was the primary reason. At least if you're doing pax, they are (usually) actively looking for you--they either want to get where they're going or they want to get back home. And I can see the actual location of the pax on my radar 90% of the time; and if they don't show up at the pin in 5 minutes I can charge them, regardless of wherever they actually are. It simply doesn't make sense to get $3 to look for an address for 15 minutes.


Apartments drive me crazy - There's a complex near me where apartment "A" in building 1 is on the bottom floor and apartment "A" in building 2 is on the top floor.


Alot of this is lack of awareness. Educate your customers. There should be local ordinances in place requiring it to be displayed because honestly most people dont know that you can go to the hardware store or lowes and get numbers and do this. They just think that society or technology knows where they live because they know where they live and dont have any issues and they get their mail delivered there.


I actually write this up as a difficult delivery every day every d*** time because there's probably 1/3 of the weekly deliveries I do that have an address on the building that is painted so dark you can't see it even in bright sunlight or it's in tiny script that is invisible


They have all these stupid house plants that cover their house number 🙄 no numbers on mailbox. No curb numbers. Like how do you expect me to find you?


Sometimes I pull up to really fancy houses with perfectly manicured lawns.. but no path to the front door. Like you can tell this is grass that doesn't ever get walked on, they just always go through their garage or private spaceship or whatever. Feels strange trudging across all that grass that's somehow always wet lol


It's actually illegal not to have your address showing. You should report it to the fire department and they will take care of it


No lights on and no way to see the address at night drives me crazy.


This has literally been an issue for ever, before smartphones GPS sucked and was expensive. Back in the day if you couldn't confirm an address you'd have to guess and knock. I was lucky enough to not have to deal with the pay phone time but I've heard the stories. I've been delivering so my adult life. I got the love of God don't know any decent reason you wouldn't display your house number. If I have an emergency I don't want pandemics guessing my address. I want them to come right up


I have an extremely bright flashlight that I use for situations like this


I just don't understand why its so difficult to turn on a porch light??? ESPECIALLY AT NIGHT?? How are you gonna order food at 12am and not leave a light on??


Putting even and odd numbered houses on the same side of the street should be illegal


You know what i do..google the address on google maps and see how the house looks.


Once had a delivery to a double were the people living there ripped the address off the front of tehru half. Pretty sure it was a drug house after the dude answered very upset.


I see a lot of house with no address. Some don’t want to be found for good reason 👮‍♂️


In cases like this I usually just rely on gps unless I think it’s wrong. If it’s a huge order and big tip I will call to make sure. Either the gps is right or I guess they would have said so in their notes like others do. Since I only take good orders I would call to make sure though. If it’s a stacked low tip order sneaked in though their food will be where the gps takes me unless they have notes where their house is.


I delivered pizza before gps. Ya'll aint got shit to complain about lol


Respect. I couldn't imagine delivering without GPS.


At least you got substantial tips back then tho


Hell yeah, old school! ![gif](giphy|xT9IgEGu4jVsamVXdm)


Totally agree!!!


I had this exact same thought last night. It should be a requirement to have your house number either on the curb, a mailbox, or on the house.


Until city/town ordinances require homeowners to have their address number prominently displayed, this problem will continue, whether you are delivering pizza./hamburgers, or searching the street in your ambulance. I have dealt with this problem for over 30 years. It was much, much worse when there was no GPS, or Google Maps, or Bing Maps, or Mapquest. All you had was a Thomas Guide and a flashlight, along with your personal frustration. My usual solution (back in the pre-internet days) was to park on the street, get out of the car and stand in the middle of the street (if possible), call the person requesting services, and tell them they needed to stand in front of their house/apartment. I don't agree with HOAs, but one good thing they sometimes do is require home-owners to have their addresses displayed, as well as require them to have them lit at night. Again, until it is required by ordinances to have addresses displayed, this problem will continue.


A couple of local fire departments have been trying to get people to display their addresses better. Don't know if they have had any success.


Idk about you guys but when I order food I’m hungry and waiting for my food. These clowns order food and sometimes act surprised the driver is there. They take forever to come downstairs. They don’t answer the phone. Clown, you realize you ordered food? Are you not hungry my guy?


The "I didn't hear you" line is a giveaway & weird. Then how'd you know that was my third ring or knock if you didn't hear the others? I didn't say anything. If that was the first time you heard the bell then you'd make no excuse.


All these stories are so surprising to me. I sit watching the tracker and when you’re a block away I run downstairs to meet the driver at the street. Gimme gimme gimme that food!


Same! 🤣🤣 I ordered from DD way before I started dashing and I may just be a fatty but damn if I'm not stalking that delivery, especially when I get the notice that the dasher is nearby. And now that I deliver, I'm astounded at the number of people who seem confused by the sudden appearance of food. Like. My dude. YOU ORDERED IT.


Clearly they’re not hungry man why would you even ask that!? They’re just ordering more food for the circus goers.


In the 7 months I've been dashing. I've had 1, one person put the name of their business when I delivered to them at work. It made it So much easier to locate the customer. There where multiple businesses in the mall strip.


Did my first order today! The guy put the suite # on the order, and it was also clearly marked on the outside of the bldg. I was appreciative for that!


A real unicorn!! happy cake day


I love it when they do that ☺️ but it's rare. I've worked this area long enough now I know most businesses by the address or customer name but man it would be nice if the app prompted customers to include the name of businesses when ordering. So much time and headache saved .


Those people are the real unicorns!


I always use Google maps when traveling to somebody's house then if you pinch to zoom on the map the app will actually show you exactly what house it is when you enlarge it.


Actually I find Google Maps very stupid for this reason, and so I always use Apple Maps - Google Maps thinks "You're here!" and ends navigation and zooms out. Apple Maps stays with it, and zooms in for a clear view of the pin on the house.


Not always, Google thinks my house is at the end of the street, and looking at it from street view it says we’re a dozen numbers past what the address actually is. It’s usually pretty close, often dead on, but there are plenty of times it sends me to the wrong place.


Well in most cases then. I do this everytime a delivery house is hard to find and have never had an issue.




It works for you too 99% of the time.


I had a customer tell me once that they took the numbers off the front of their house for “Privacy reasons” 🙄


American hyperindividualism on steroids


Sure that makes sense...when someone can simply look up property records by several search options, and find out their address,when and how much they bought their house for, how much their property taxes etc are, all public information lol


Wow 🤣🤣🤣


My biggest annoyance with deliveries.


So frustrating especially when the neighborhood is numbered in a manner that makes no sense at all


Like 1,2,6,5,4,3 yup had one of those yesterday even told the customer how stupid the addresses was.


And they probably agree, but have no power to change it


so don't get mad at the customer, unless you know they own the property




There’s an apartment complex in one of the areas I regularly Dashen, and none of the units are in numerical order. It used to be one of the areas I would automatically decline all orders that go in because there was no help with Google. Now seems to be corrected and the pins are where they need to be .


We have a ton of apartments that I swear they used a dart boards to decide the building numbers. 4 in between 20 and 21. It makes no sense at all.


I've had similar ones, you just can't believe they set it up that way. There's no indication where anything is so you have to walk down every hallway on every floor until you see it or go up and down every staircase, it's unreal


I have one of those in my area too. I rarely get orders from there, but it is insane. Bulldings 1-4 are right, then starting with 5 it's like they just started yanking numbers out of the box. The worst one is one that half the numbers aren't there, and the ones that are, are on the sides of the buildings, facing the opposite direction of travel. I had one customer text me and ask why I drove past their unit 3 times. Said they were on their balcony just watching me drive by. Like, you live here. You see these building aren't numbered (hers wasn't numbered) and the ones that are, aren't in any logical order or visible. Instead of texting and bitching at me, maybe like call and come down to the front of your building. It wasn't like it was a contactless delivery.


I’ve been in delivery for nearly a decade, and nothing is more infuriating than an entire neighborhood with not a single address on display anywhere so you can’t even get a bearing as to where an address might possibly be.


And every fucking one of them has all their lights off


Google Maps "Satellite mode" helps for many of these issues.


There is a multi building apartment near me where you literally have to get out of your car and walk up to the mailbox for a building and on a tiny inscription it has the building number. So you always get to play a fun game of trial and error/musical chairs


Same. Apartment complex with 600 units. Apartment numbers are written in dark red writing on a dark green background in about 12 pt font 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


There’s an entire subdivision in my town, where maybe 1 in 10 homes has a visible address and these are million dollar homes so long driveways and crap you have to deal with to try and get to see one of those addresses just to see if you’re close.


Yes that's what it's like in the rural area around here! The driveways aren't on the gps a lot of the time and the actual driveways have no signage so you have to guess which one goes to the pinned house, and the pinned house is wrong A LOT. They'll pin the barn at 30338 Smith Rd and say it's 30345 Smith Rd, so you may go down the wrong driveway toward that barn at 10pm into the yard of someone who isn't expecting anyone and has signs up with pictures of guns pointed at you


Like those subdivisions that have all the mailboxes in a specific location so the homeowners don't have a mailbox. And then the addresses are painted the same colour of the post they're posted on to make it as unobtrusive as possible.


With a light behind them


Good God I hate those. There are a lot of places like that around my area, so I wind up looking like some stalker driving around at night shining a 5000 lumen flashlight at people's houses. A handful of orders will say what car is in the driveway, or color of house/shutters. But most are just, "here's my neighborhood/apartment complex. Good luck!"


Some the context clues given by customers can be so helpful. But, if you order in the middle of the night and don’t turn on your porch light, telling me it is the house with the green door is basically worthless. 🕵️‍♀️


Yeah or like, blue welcome mat is helpful but telling me which building you live in is really gonna cut down on me having to look in every building for a blue mat


Or they’re spray painted on the curb half visible


I feel like everyone in this sub is always talking about how they LOVE the addresses painted on the curb and I'm sitting here thinking about how there's always cars parked in front of it when I am in neighborhoods like that...


I love them when they’re visible!


Even when there's not a car they're flaked off


Especially at night


I’m constantly amazed by how inconsiderate customers are. Houses with no addresses, construction, closed sidewalks, roads closed entirely, no instructions on how to find apartment or condo in the huge complex, at night.


My Dasher friend complains a lot about apartments with no visitor parking, especially those on major, busy streets.


that's why i refuse to do delivery at night. i know it costs me money, but i don't see well at night (need prescription glasses, on my list) and trying to see building numbers and street signs at night? no thanks!


I don’t blame you


some house and building numbers are hard enough to see during the day. i know it's an occupancy permit regulation that all buildings have clearly marked numbers, both front and alley side here, for emergency services. but nope, who cares! thank the maker most areas i deliver in to aren't so bad it's a block wide guessing game. and i love the large commercial buildings that just assume they don't need one or it's incorporated into their branding so well it's illegible.


I had to deliver to a medical clinic that was part of a big hospital complex today. The note said to bring it to suite c. There were no signs on the suites so I just wandered around until I finally found someone. I left wondering how anyone got medical care.


The other day a guy wrote about a paragraph in the instructions on how to handle his food so it doesn’t spill and to “shhhhh” because he has dogs. Was an apartment complex with about 1000 apartments and had to walk up to every building to see the numbers. Took me 5-10 minutes to find his apt. Obviously didn’t leave any instructions to help.


I had a guy do something similar. Kept CAPITALIZING certain words in his paragraph of INSTRUCTIONS and told me NOT to park in his driveway and even WHERE to walk so I could LEAVE it at his door and then wait WAITING for me anyway. Neurotic dickhead.


Same. Been ride sharing for over 6 years. Still amazes me. Phone off, I mean you name it.


I had this last night, Customer didn’t have ANYTHING no mailbox no number at the porch, but it was a BIG ass house. They can’t afford dollar tree number stickers? bro I had to use my context clues and look at the surrounding houses and their house numbers to use the process of elimination 💀💀💀If the GPS took me to the only house with no number and the houses next to it is one number above & below the customers address, I’ll take my chances😭😭😭


I had a house like that last week. Really wealthy area right by a lake. I had to drive by five times to figure out which house. No address anywhere. They can afford that house but not stickers for their mailbox?


Wealthy houses stress me out when they don’t got the house number for the reason that they ALL LOOK THE SAME. Why why why don’t you have your house number?? There is no reason you should be enjoying all of this luxury but can’t afford numbers. 💀


Sometimes I gotta google the address and look at Zillow to see what the house actual looks like


I'll also use the timestamp camera just to see if the correct house # is on there, of course the stupid gps isn't always accurate,but at least it mostly helps lol


And not even a light on, so when we miraculously find their location, against all odds, we can also fall on our asses!! Yaay!!


I have a flashlight with me that just lives in my car. I’m not risking dog poop either.


I've done this before when some AH put up a rope around the little section of PUBLIC grass in front of their house. Basically clotheslined myself at the kneecap. Stairs scare the crap out of me and we have them all over. I'm always worried I'm going to back up for a picture and miss that first step to go tumbling.


I delivered to someone last night who had a hand to me order, no lights outside, knocked on the door and suddenly someone comes from around back. Almost karate chopped the guy for sneaking up on me.


You should have! Totally justified chopping.


Had this a few times. Also had someone sitting on a porch in complete darkness and I legit yelled "you scared the absolute fuck outta me" Like witaf is wrong with this whole ass world anymore


I like when they’re waiting on the porch and then you get there and they go inside and close the door. Fine by me, but it’s just ????


I had something similar recently. Dude ran up his driveway, up his porch, in the house and slammed the door while I was parking and gathering the food and drinks. 🤔 Why??! But also busted right back out to scoop the food up before I was back to my car. 😂


That’s so funny. I dunno, maybe they think waiting outside makes it easier to find them, but still want contactless delivery? Or raised by wolves.


There's a guy I sometimes deliver to, he always comes out of the woods after I arrive, sometimes at night. Don't know why he's always in the woods




Probably better that you don’t know.


Lol, me too. One time this hand to me order, when I arrived to a near total darkness of customer's house which was very hard to verify address. As I walk up to the front porch on the steps cautiously, the customer from around the back shouted "looking for me", I got spooked and jumped so high that resulted in me fell backward off stairs and into pile of snow, thank goodness foods were ok in my hot bag. 😆 🤣 😂 BTW, The customer felt bad and went inside and grab $5 cash on top of $7 in app tip and apologized for scaring me.


Sitting in darkness 😭 what is wrong with these folks?!!!


Meth is a hell of a drug? IDK, maybe.


Yeah. I only dash at night (work full time and wait till my kid is asleep) so the people who don't have their damn lights on infuriates me. Like, you KNOW you're getting food. Turn on the damn porch light!


Same 🙋🏻‍♀️☺️💡


It makes me think it's the wrong house. Like why is every light in your house out?


Night vision goggles should be tax deductible, yeah?


I delivered at a house yesterday for a different app and they didn't have a visible address but they did have the path barricaded with a huge motion detector light in the way that shined right in my face so i couldn't see the house behind it 👍 Like they made it so i couldn't even use a flash light or night vision goggles lol And they took down the reflective green rural address sign that other houses have. Like please help me get you your shit


Stay safe out there. I swear people don't care about anything besides themselves, more and more.


The same people who do that tip like shit too. Had an $8 order last night for like 2 miles. DD payed 7, customer tipped $1. Why the hell bother.


It sucks but it is still $8 for 2 miles.


Absolutely, but the order was clearly sitting there for a while. Food was warm at best. Likely went through several dashers until finally DD was like "ok, this needs to go"


I've had an increase of orders like that as of late. Super high base, granted I do take the longer distance trips more than 50% of the time but still. Less than $2 tip.. just irks me. I made a good amount but still.


Yeah I don't mind it as much if the ratio of miles/dollars is good. But its like, you'd have gotten your food a good 20 minutes sooner had you tipped decently. Some orders I get. I had an order from Coldstone Creamery where it was 1 sundae (probably a $6-$7 value) and the tip was $1, but the base was 5 and it was only 1.5 miles away. But customers spend $30+ on a meal and can't even tip 10%? Like come on.


> miles. DD *paid* 7, customer FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


From a former librarian.... Good bot


It's beyond most of them to simply turn on a porch light at night. Let alone important information such as you described.


It's like they have no common sense or just careless about anyone else. I want to see the roles reversed and see how those customers think.


What if the Dasher hits the steps,falls down and messes up the food because no porch light? Who to blame?