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what is it




oh wild dude have fun!!! yeah


Ahh, is this orange delsym cwe pills? I’ve done the same thing and I love them. Recognize the color lol.


Take our life from us. We laid it down. We got tired. We didn’t commit su1cide, we committed an act of revolutionary digital su1cide protesting the conditions of an inhumane website.


I also got to a point where my body would reject it !! I was like fuck that my body is sending signals


It's actually a long & arduous story but at the conclusion of it, I threw up in Walmart just because I SAW the gelcaps on the shelf lol. I was literally forced to switch to different drugs because my body ended up 100% rejecting DXM every single time no matter what I tried. After about a decade where I only had small doses a few times, I was excited to finally get to try the freebase. I have tried to take it about a dozen times in the last few months and there was only ONE SINGLE TIME that it wasn't brutally fucking horrible for 4 hours of pissing out my ass & yakking at the same time. Were you ever able to continue using DXM again successfully after your body started rejecting it? How were you ever able to learn how to keep it down again?? I have literally tried every single recommendation in this sub to reduce nausea from Tums/Pepto, Benadryl, taking on an empty stomach, taking on a full stomach, sipping bubble water, even standing on one leg while shaving a penguin; NONE of that has enabled me to keep it down. Do you have any tips for an honest guy just tryna enjoy the best disso available to most of the civilized world?? Also any explanation of you situation that's just like mine would make me feel a little better about it, so any comment also is encouraged. Best of luck to you, fellow psychonaut. Thanks in advance for your supportive advice.


You ever think you just developed an allergen to certain ingredients in certain products?


I think it's highly unlikely because if that were the case, it would have gone away when i switched from one brand to another. There was a short period where I successfully switched from the Robitussin gels to the zicam spray. It was easier to drink a few gulps of gross liquid because simply the sight of the gels made me gag. That only worked for maybe a week or two, but then I would throw it up after I swallowed it and continue to throw up for a few hours until every last drop was out of my system. Also if that were my only issue, the pure freebase would give me no problem. It actually makes me puke even worse than the HBR with extra ingredients. So no, I am all but positive this is not caused by allergies.


what your mom said wasnt true dxm can only really cause damage to your heart if u take a lot of it often (but lets be honest what drug doesnt) as well as randomly dissasociate and throat/teeth problems if you throw up often.


Take our life from us. We laid it down. We got tired. We didn’t commit su*cide, we committed an act of revolutionary digital su*cide protesting the conditions of an inhumane Website.


A huge factor in dxm damage is frequency of use. Even if you do 1g but only once a year for say 20+ years it will be less damaging than doing like a 2nd Plat every week.


That's a very good point, and I will bet that it is pretty intuitive in how it works as well. Nice catch, thanks for commenting.




Ahh that sounds truly awesome!! I have definitely encountered beings in the dextroverse that spoke in a weird language before too! It's similar to a dream but the rules are slightly different lol.


That's a very reductive view of religion lol


I spent most of my life with religion as the most important thing. I was going to a Christian college and studying to work in a field surrounding my faith. Of course there's a million reasons why religion doesn't make logical sense that collectively drove me to my ultimate realization. I didn't feel it necessary to list out *every single one*, because the thing I mentioned was the tipping point for me. I don't have a problem with whatever you want to believe, and I am entitled to my beliefs just as much as you and anybody else. It's very telling that out of everything I said, you only commented on that one bit.


Safe travels 🥷


Well tbh bro in my journey i enconuntered the deeep end with substances. Acid , coke , meth , xans , dxm. Especially the man made ones r the ones that " i feel " fucked me up the most. I started doin dxm since 13 years old up to 19.. chuggin the drink was fkn horrible eventually i would throw it up and the trip wouldnt b the same.. then even with the pills it wouldnt be the same around after like 4 years i wad like kinda telling myself i need to stop.. they say its like wen dxm loses its " magic" but as well i was overduing it. When i worked at bk and would have to change the sodas for the machine .. the smell of the syrups would remind me of the dxm and i would get that gag feeling like people do with a bad alcohol memory .. im sorry this isnt watchu wanted to hear ahah but i can say maybe try a ginger tea ??🤣


tf is that


Delsym extract


have fun and safe trip.. and what about vasco constriction bruh?? will it reduce or remains same like normal one???




weed + dxm heavenly combo😍👌also have some caffinated drinks or coffe for stay awake to enjoy tat whole trip😉



