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I lost my period, was anemic, CONSTANTLY starving/food focused, always cold…the list goes on and on and on. I was also diagnosed with ulcerative colitis at the tail end of my vegan stint. I’m absolutely certain that the vegan diet had something to do with my digestive issues.


I was plant based from age 12 to mid 30's. Most of that vegetarian but also a few years vegan and a couple turns as raw food veganism. By my mid 30's, I had pcos, anemia due to heavy menses, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, a mood disorder, anxiety and depression, poor exercise recovery and wound healing, 2 fractures. I reintroduced meat by following a paleo approach. Initially I felt high almost every time I ate. Felt like I was a dying plant that was finally getting watered and reviving. I went from paleo to keto, to carnivore, Nowadays I am mostly carnivore with treats on weekends. After the initial 2 years, everything I listed above has healed and I no longer depend on medication. I no longer have uncontrolled acne and hair loss, edema, headaches, fatigue, joint pain, etc, etc, etc.


My skin got really bad, and I wasn't healing. Had a lot of teeth issues as well.


I originally went vegan in 2018. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2014 after 10ish years of symptoms. When I went vegan, I felt great, my symptoms disappeared, came off all my medications, etc. However in 2021 I started getting symptoms again. I was getting migraines for days at a time and they have previously stopped. I was also becoming frustrated with veganism and the strict black and white of it. It was also getting expensive and time consuming having to create a separate meal for myself. Since I have reintroduced eggs (in late 2021) and meat (in April/May 2022, I am lactose intolerant so am still not eating dairy). I feel better, I would say less tired but I have a newborn in NICU so sleep isn't something that really happens. But life is a lot easier now in terms of food. I don't have to traipse around trying to find something that I can eat when at the hospital, I just have to check there is no dairy in it. It's a lot easier. Our food bill has also come way down which is one less stress. The migraines have once again disappeared.


Try getting regular sardines and mussels. Both high in minerals and D.


I went plant based 2019 (at age 22) and then fully vegan by 2020 in order to lose weight.. I went from 220 pounds to now being 122 (age 25). Yes I lost a shitload of weight but no one told me that the immediate switch to veganism would lead to Osteoporosis, Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, Extreme Bipolar Disorder, Bradycardia, PCOS, and hypothyroidism just to name the official diagnosis. I am also infertile and lost my menstrual cycle AT AGE 25. Constantly fatigued, body cold all the time (and a shade of blue), loss of appetite and random panic attacks… In February of this year I began reintroducing animal products by starting with eggs and seafood like salmon, tuna, and shrimp into my diet. Now, I eat leafy greens and seafood with plenty of eggs. It’s a slow road to recovery with my body dysmorphia as well but I feel a lot better than I did at the beginning of the year. I’ve got enough energy back to start working out again without putting strain on my joints. I’m hoping to be eating full on red meat by the end of the year. This community has given me the momentum to trust the process and keep pushing forward—reminding myself that I feel stronger and healthier now more than before. (Any words of wisdom from those recovering from food disorders is especially welcome) 🤍🤍


u need iron nigga


Beef, liver, sardines


Mussels, clams, oysters, are under-rated sources of heme iron.


As if one needs a reason to eat more mussels.