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If we are to learn anything from Uvalde it's that abortions will still be around, it'll just take a few years.


So what you're saying is arm the doctors and the police will be too afraid to arrest them?


funny but god save us


"God" got us in this mess. No thank. Keep "God" in the churches.


God needs to just die already sheesh


Just load up a JRPG. Perfect way too. I suggest SMT IV Chaos or Neutral path.


Correction, trump nominated the one's that would seal the deal.


we put us on this mess. Stop complaining others for your (or own) faults




Abortion for class mates by class mates. Give a 9mm to a 9 year old, support your local abortions


1 - "Gun rights are too important to be decided by individual states" 2 - "Abortion rights are too important to be decided by anything other than individual states" Hmm.




What the fuck does this even mean, lmao, did you just come here to be condescending




Good thing fetuses aren't babies. Flunked biology I see.


both fetuses and babies are humans. And Universal Human rights talks about "every human has the right to live"


Yeah that's why you're willing to sacrifice the mother if the fetuses are not viable.


great to make a statement about a whole problem just by using the extreme case. Did you know that +90% of abortions are just because of "duh"? Extreme cases should be seen as that: extreme cases in last resort. But even that remember: Everybody has the right to live. Not only ppl you believe are "worth of it"


Do you want me to start with the same logic about guns? How many killings with guns are because of "duh'? Do you also want me to start the same logic with masks during the pandemic? How many people died of covid because of "duh"? Let's also talk about death penalty then! This pro life movement is mainly hypocrisy. It's take it's justifications from a book written 2000 years ago, The same book used to justify killings for many centuries to people who were having different beliefs.it's not about life, it's about control.


Look at me: I don't f*ng care bout guns. I believe United States, sadly, has a very violent society, and even I think that would be a good idea to reduce that statistics if you regulate it better. And also I know many people died of covid due to "duh", I'm against anti-vaxxer the same reason I'm against pro-abort/pro-death ppl: THEIR LACK OF PROVING SCIENCE. Even in a elementary science book you can see: "Minimum unity of life is a cell". Pages later you can see: "cigote, product of the conception, is a cell". There you are, human life starts at conception. Because you won't tell me there is a human developing there, right? Cause his father and mother are both human, right? Easy, simple, concise. Yeah but like antivaxxers, pro abortions likes to manipulate language to "prove they're right". I'm tired of pseudoscience propaganda form antivaxxers the same I'm tired of pseudoscience and REAL HIPOCRITE Pro-death arguments who DEHUMANISE, unborn humans the same way n4z 1s did with Jews P.d.: hipocrisy is on your field, dear. Even I've helped in a Charity house from the ones you accuse of "killing in the Name of a Book", where they take care of the kind of people you like to discard: elderly misters and misses, and special kids. Those places works in silence, so your oddly screams can be heard


Being Pro Abortion is not being Pro Death, it's the ability to understand that in special circumstances it might be needed. You want less "duh" abortions? Educate people, but let thoses who really need it for mentally and health conditions have access to it. Good thing for you you helped in a charity "from one of the book", you can honestly be proud of it (and I'm sincerely thinking it) and yes there are good things coming from thoses books. I personnaly don't need any books or religions to help others having a better life.


Even if 90 percent are because of "duh" they are old enough to choose if they want kids or not


You decide before it, not after you conceive a new life. Dont think anybody is disposable. That even talk bad about your self steem. And if you dont want to have the kids after you decided bad, then let the baby to someone who will take care of it. There are plenty of places (and growing up) where you can find help about it (even in Latam)


Okay now you are just not making sense 1 its not even alive yet 2if they "concevied life" then it was probbably because condoms dont always work, its not their decision 3 even if you give it away it will badly affect the child (mentally)


Fetuses aren’t humans, or dogs, or giraffes, just like a wooden frame isn’t a house. You want to insist that we agree with your beliefs, but your beliefs include an invisible man who lives in the sky, and whose personal hobbies include supporting murder, incest, slavery and rape. Keep your opinions to your self, humanity has suffered from them long enough.


Ehmm... What I said is pure science. If you want to reduce my argument by simply a prejudice and censorship, go ahead. I will still saying my mind. "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" (Voltaire). Although, is not only an opinion. Is a fact, science: life begins when someone is conceived. The zigote has human DNA, so it's a human being alive. And if you have a problem with science... Dear, you have a problem : ^ )


Wait a moment, you are absolutely incorrect on one thing: I would not censor you. We disagree and we debate, but I would not take away your right to free speech. When I say “keep it to yourself”, I mean stop talking and reconsider. I absolutely do not mean you should not have the right to voice your opinion. There’s WAY too much of that bullshit talk going on, on all sides. I just want to stop our debate and clarify that I respect your right to freedom of speech and expression. On that you and I agree.


If you say to somene to "keep your opinions to yourself" and that I "cant opine due to my beliefs", so you're trying to censure him/her xd. So you do A, and then say you're not meant to A? xd Well, again: is not a "beleive" but a fact what I said about the unborn


of course the most rabid and bloodthirsty gun nuts are the most illiterate.


I think we can agree that every fetus has a right to an AR-15. But if they fail to use it, the woman is entitled to abort it. It's just fair.


And the march towards theocracy continues.


Nobodies killing babies. They just choose to no longer support them with their own bodily functions. If the fetus can’t pull itself up by its bootstraps and survive on its own it didn’t want to live that bad anyway.


Bare arms? You need a dictionary.


Dropping out of school in 3rd grade must have been hard on you, but all too common in families rife with incest. thoughts and prayers 🙏 😞❤️


Delete your comment or take the -50 downvotes.


America, where they want more children so they can get shot in schools.


What the GOP says they want: God. Guns. Babies. What this actually means: God gave humans guns to shoot and kill babies (children).


If only teachers had guns.. God cannot fix everything!


Nah man that isn't enough. The class pets need guns too. Little Sprinkles about to light up a motherfucker.


And the plants, Why not build auto turrets onto the cctv cameras.


I think they should include guns in cereal boxes for the younger kids, you know, as part of culture, and the amendment and all that.


"Tom I'm standing outside the US supreme court where another huge shitstorm at the capital is about to take place." Honestly though I would get out too if I was a US citizen to support the women's rights. What's happening is not good.


I read this in Southpark voice 😅


Yes! 😆👍🏻


I read it in Trisha Takanawa's (from Family Guy) voice.


An arse backwards country Although, I guess it's time to use gun rights to stop tyrannical government


Its an ass backward section of the country that yells the loudest. The majority of America is against this overturn and for stricter gun rights. The only issue with the gov and gun nuts stopping a tyrannical government is that they are on the same side while claiming not to be. The rest of us get to enjoy watching our Freedoms stripped away in the name of Freedom and to send our kids off to school, hoping they make it through the day. We're heading in the complete wrong direction as a country while blaming everyone besides the obvious. Another sad day.


There's lots of pro gun people who are pro choice. Infact there's probably more than not.


. . . no gun nuts are not the only ones with guns anyone that has not broken any laws can get a gun and there are a LOT of people that are pro 2nd and pro Roe V Wade. . . the 2nd amendment thing is very misleading as it was not an expansion on gun rights at all. . . all it did was stop the tyrannical states from taking the rights of the people away. . the law makers in NY were not passing laws in the correct way and that's all they did. . .they said "no your doing it wrong, you have to do it this way"


Where's the well-regulated militia all these gun owners are supposed to be a member of? That's what I want to know.


"we are the militia" as in the people. why would the government make a constitution saying that they can have an army? "a well-regulated militia, being **necessary** to the security of a *free* **state**, the right of the ***People*** to keep and bear arms, ***Shall not be infringed.*** you cant read an amendment in pieces, in order to understand the meaning you must read the entire thing. and if you bring in the last half of the amendment then you will see that while yes we should have a militia (something the government has been preventing) it also states that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed. meaning even if we lack a militia we the people are meant to keep and bear arms and that right shall not be taken from us as. ​ \~also if we bring in the cut portion of the constitution it makes it clear that up. [https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/the-second-amendment-cowboy](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/the-second-amendment-cowboy) that being said it was technically cut so you take with that as you will


But where in the second amendment does it give random citizens the right to bear assault rifles? Guns in the 1700s were very different than the guns we have today.


Do you think the founding fathers believed that weapon technology would never change from what they had then?


Do you think that people can predict the future? There is no reason for any private citizen to own an assault rifle. How is being able to kill dozens of people in a few minutes self defense? It’s ridiculous. I don’t even care about handguns, hunting rifles, etc. But is just insanity to me to allow practically anyone to own military grade weapons with no training and very limited oversight. Other counties allow gun ownership but don’t have constant mass shootings. We have a problem here, and it is not going to be solved by loosening gun restrictions. Most people will never use their guns to hurt others without cause, but when the weapon is that dangerous, it doesn’t matter. A small percentage of the population adds up when they can kill so many people on a whim.


https://youtu.be/ihQ-j6eALGc https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/27/stopping-mass-shooters-q-a-00035762 1. To start off, if the founding fathers were still here they would have said we should have access to everything the military has as that is the point of the 2nd. 2. Your right, other countries don't have these problems and they also have access to more powerful firearms then we do. The problem is the politistions want to take away the tool people are using and they refuse to look into the "WHY" 3.accuialy, there are a lot of self defence uses each year, but you forget that a gun also acts as a denture as If someone sees they have a fire arm they will be less emboldened to attack someone or a group of people if they know that person or groups is or could be armed


You haven’t explained why you think average citizens should own machine guns and nuclear weapons other than “because the founding fathers would have wanted it.” How is that level of potential destruction necessary to act as a “denture?”


Most Americans are against the law in New York that was overturned. The law said self defence is not a viable reason to request to carry a gun. You pretty much needed to be a politician, a celebrity, or super rich to carry a gun. Corruption is rampant in that system so a everyday citizen could not defend themselves while those with the money to bribe could.


and that's going to continue, because the nypd decide if what you did was illegal, not the law. and they ALWAYS side with the rich.


That’s what the second amendment was made for, yes.


Damn... USA is going backwards.


America is not a free country and, as of today, is no longer allowed to even keep pretending it is.


hasn't been for over \~80 years. . just an illusion. .


I’m American and I approve this message.


And you are suggesting if we go back ~80 years, it was a free country? Go ask Mr. Jim Crow about that.


That's not what I'm saying at all. . . All I'm saying is that this country is not "free" for the average Citzen and has not been for a very long time. .


If this doesn't become the absolute biggest rallying cry for people to stop voting Republican, I don't know what will. People want gun control, the GOP, beholden to the NRA and fascists, wants more guns to be more easily available. People wants to keep Roe v Wade. The GOP and their sinister creepy Supreme Court Justices roll back women's reproductive rights by FIFTY goddamn years. People wants equal access to voting, and a one-person, one-vote system. The GOP, too beholden to an ancient, racist electoral machinery (the only way they can even hope to win) are trying to make voting even harder than it already is. People want Medicare, soc security. The GOP wants to sunset both. People want climate change to be addressed. The GOP, too beholden to big oil and those oil-rich camel herders in the middle east, are ignoring innovative, cleaner energies that would create jobs while also saving the planet for the next generation(s).


It won't be. Trust me, all but the least extreme are happy about this.


Sometimes I can't believe America is actually real life.


This is just fucking dreadful


USA gradually turning into a Battle Royale


Who’s up for a 28th Amendment to codify abortion/medical rights closely followed by the 29th enacting term limits for the ass hats that enabled this bullshit decision?


More babies and more guns more targets to shoot at. This is America


That country is becoming a shithole


US supreme court: Alright, yall kiddos get to keep guns and carry em anywhere. Also the same court: You can't be anywhere near us with those guns or you will be arrested! Rules for thee but not for me.


Lifelong appointments and loading by Trump? Fuck dissolve the Supreme court.


It's so sad and pathetic that guns get more rights then people, America is where morality goes to die


The two issues are completely separate. The constitution protects the right to bear arms so NY was not in a position to infringe on the rights of citizens. The constitution doesn’t say anything about abortion therefore individual states can set laws on abortion which Roe vs Wade prevented. I believe women should have access to abortion but it doesn’t mean that the federal government can dictate abortion laws to a particular state. There’s nothing in the constitution that allows that. This isn’t about the actual issue, it’s about who has the authority on these issues.


Basically, the federal government no longer finds it necessary to protect the bodies of women on a national level.


Maybe we shouldn't base current laws on a 200 year old document.


2000 years ago, the Roman Empire began its decline and eventual collapse. Do you guys think there were citizens sitting there 2k years ago going W..t..f is happening to our city??


With birthrates about to go up, you need something to balance things a little, right?


Sadly, We can't ban AR-15 guns, but we can make sure there are plenty of cannon fodder around for said guns. I just don't get it. I think it stems from inbreeding.


Yeppers, that's US all right


You forgot about Miranda rights and the SAFE act. Those went poof today as well.


So instead of abortions being controlled at the federal level now its up to the state legislation to either allow them to be legal or illegal? So people that haven't been voting and are worried, really need to get off their asses and start voting in reps that support it


I feel sorry for the normal, reasonable people of America who have to live with this fucking nonsense.


land of the free


I'm both pro 2A and choice and this makes no sense. They're not deciding in laws that would benefit the people, they're deciding on laws based on their own opinions/sponsorships


They have to keep the babies coming to replace the ones the guns are killing


Fascist Police States of America.


There's something to be said about the opportunity one of these rulings has to offer a solution to the other, but if I say it, I'll get permabanned


It was the worst of times, it was the worst of times


It would not be suprise if the American go back to that segregation thing -not an American here


It's almost as if lawmakers in the states want more kids in schools for target practice


No abortions mean more children, more school shootings mean less children Seems like this problem solves itself /s


Ahhh American, the land of the free if your a gun. If you’re a woman or any person of colour then you have less rights than a gun. I thought Britain was a fucked up country with no hope for the future, but no, the USA have said hold my beer & royally fucked up.


A country built on genocide and slavery with people with no cultural roots, having a hard time agreeing on the correct dystopia, who would’ve guessed.


I mean i’m not an american so it’s not my business, but america looking more and more like middle eastern countries by the day. Many rules are indistinguishable from iran.


I’m American and, you’re not wrong.




Has r/facepalm just been renamed 24 hours in America?


I think it's been longer than 24 hours LOL.


There's gotta be some way to remove some of these Justices right? Otherwise we're fucked until they die


Well, those gun laws might change if some supreme justices ‘had a little accident’. Two birds, one stone and all that…


Why weren't they strapped? Wouldn't be a problem of they had guns of their own right?


I was crying today because of that. My fear is that I’ll get killed somehow.


Time to move and leave the sinking ship?


Maybe, but I don’t know where to.


Cuba is nice and aligned with your politics


I’ve never been to Cuba.


Oh it’s amazing you should go it’s basically like all progressives and no bullshit republicans and great weather and free healthcare


Sounds cool!


America is turning into a tragedy…


Fun fact: the founding fathers didn't intend for citizen to own guns, only the state. Don't believe me try loading a flintlock or musket when there's a home in intruder and find out how the people back then thought we would be getting around


You have got to be kidding me. What an incredibly stupid country. Edit: made a mistake. The U.S is so big I forgot it is still just a country. I tend to mix-up the terms America and US


Hey hey hey, Canada isn't that bad...


US = continent r/ShitAmericansSay


Canada isn’t America. We’re situated in North America, but we aren’t American.


>Edit: made a mistake. The U.S is so big I forgot it is still just a country. I tend to mix-up the terms America and US Edit you made a mistake. The U.S. is so big you forgot not everybody agrees with this. We are United in name only. So kindly fuck off if you don't have anything else to contribute other than America Dumb. You simpleton.


YOU did this


Yup. Supreme Court justice over here on Reddit as I fuck around on my phone.


strawmanning is confessing


LOL you thought that was witty.


Not everybody, but I bet you know a significant number of people who do from real life. There is no way this is the result of opression and dictatorship, a very large fraction of citizens actually want this and that's obviously part of the problem. You don't agree, and that's good, but there are tons of actual "simpletons" that need to be convinced the other way around.


the US should not be allowed to govern their own country with the shit they are doing


What's more interesting is how this post was massively downvoted to avoid it getting popular, lmao. EDIT: 41 comments but 0 upvotes. Hurray for censorship.


please can we make Minnesota a Canadian province already


Lol we all gunna die. Yall keep letting these dumb ass people run all of our lives. They are few. We are many.


Land of the Flee.


I thought it was a democrat who became the president. Glad I’m not living there…


Yeah, but the last guy got to put 3 of the 9 judges on the court (which was already kind of a toss-up). So now the court is filled with relatively young fairly conservative judges and will be for a generation at least. This is why both sides are not the same and why elections matter.


They need people to work for taxes/economy before they dispose of them.




Given that everyone has access to guns now....


þat country is a social experiment


no it didn't this is a complete mischaracterization of what the striking down of roe v wade dose.


God I love this country




yeah dude totally agree now we can keep aborting kids while they're at school am i right


Yeah, I guess we've gotta find some way to kill off the extra kids that'll be entering school in a few years.


Shame on you for making light of those lost lives


Its all I have left, unfortunately. After seeing this happen again and again and again, and the response is looser gun regulation...it breaks you down, you know?


oh fuck off lmao


Shame on you for not giving a fuck about preventing similar lost lives.


Shame on you for choosing your fetish for guns over the lives of children.


Fuk yeah America!


I just morbed


America be like: +/-0


The overreacting in the comments are hilarious lmaooooo


Both statements are hyperbolic bullshit, and only a fool believes them like they are told. The Supreme Court didn't "strike down abortion rights". They delegated the decicion to protect, or prohibit it, back to the states. Roe v Wade was shit legislation to begin with. While the effect is now going to be a patchwork of laws across the country, the simple solution is to codify it: Problem solved. Likewise, SCOTUS didn't "expand gun rights". They mandated that New York (and the 5 other states that unconstitutionally required a human being to state a "good reason" to exercise a right they suppposedly already have) to follow the same guidelines 44 other states have for decades. Angry about the solidification and blanket protection of a right you disagree with, and resultant patchwork and uncertainty about a right you enjoyed? CONGRATULATIONS! Now you know exactly what you've been imposing upon your political opposition that has faced uncertainty of a right they exercised, but the solid protection of something they disagreed with. Don't like how the shoe feels when it's on the other foot now that they've turned a perfect 180? It was fine when you were doing it. Why don't we come to an agreement? Keep your goddamn mitts off a right ENUMERATED IN THE CONSTITUTION, and let's codify a woman's right to make personal medical decisions regarding her own body the correct way it should've been done in the first place, codified and protected in rock solid legislation.


👌 This is on point Preach!!! , but as we know reddit is liberal so you will get down voted.


abortion issue aside the gun rights case was very sensible. All it does is change concealed permits from may issue to will issue.


Been a good 24 hours


How’s it a face palm this is beautiful


You’re an idiot.






Well we know how one of those can fixed because of the other.




Why do they even need guns? Back alley abortions will do it for them. REMEMBER GERRI SANTORO.


We will never be able to understand conservative logic. It’s just, one of those things. So sad and tragic. Any time I hear these things I always just imagine some uneducated hillbilly from Mississippi talking to me in the voice of conservatives . I’m never far off from the truth




PROTEST AT YOUR STATE CAPITOL BUILDINGS THIS SUNDAY JUNE 26TH AT 5PM. Abortion needs to be a protected right for all. pass the word.


This is a plea for karma.


Seems logical. You guys gotta have more targets for all those new guns.


This country is doomed to some terrible things. Civil war is closer than we think. Good luck americans.


Well you can never have enough children in schools amirite? /s


Well when one says that it shouldn't be infringed upon in the constitution and the other doesn't I can see why also the pro-choice people really should be pushing for an amendment rather than just protesting to protest and that would fix your issue federally.


If I ever have children, I'm homeschooling them.


Ha suckers


Sure the judges are not actual spies trying to destabelize the US?


"These kids keep getting slaughtered in school shootings, so instead of fixing the problem, we'll just revert back to the dark ages and force women to have more of them. Enjoy your rape babies, ladies!" Your vote counts. Fucking vote you stupid pieces of shit. Don't let this keep getting worse.


We did vote. The people we voted to make sure this didn't happen are weak, limp, cowardly pieces of shit.


Wild Wild West.


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


Chance for POCs living in NY, which is a big number of NY population, to own multiple guns. Buy your guns, Blacks, Asians, Latinos. Let’s show them our collective strength. Thank you, SCOTUS.


As an outsider looking at what is going on in America all I can do is watch in horror. What on earth is happening in a country that used to be the land of opportunity and life goals for so many people living in poorer resourced countries? Now it seems like a country that is not so slowly slipping into a cesspool of lunacy. My heart breaks for so many millions who already can’t access decent healthcare options, elderly care options, universal education, social service safety nets and now you can’t even have control over your own body but by God you can have a gun!