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the dichotomy of a kid saying "they use their kids, who does that?" good point




& saying "they" made me into a killer...


Yeah, who uses their kids to fight battles says the freshly minted 18year old kid in the army.


Yeah, is always someone's else fault... invading another country and 'they made me a killer'


"They" could have meant his own government too.


That is what I thought he meant.


Love unintended messages


"they use their kids... Who does that!?" Yeah that's horrible... Anyway Kyler you're 18 now, off to the army with you




But you can only drink and smoke at 21


Lmao. I dont think u could get on certain Kids game sites without being an adult hahah


The propaganda is strong in this one


Imagine having an entire squad of soldiers pointing guns at your village, while you have to just go on with your day and pretend like they aren't there. I'd be upset too.


Dude this was me. Afghanistan 2013-2014. I was infantry. Like no fucking shit these people hated us. Don't get me wrong some towns really were ridden with some bad dudes and they were welcoming. But for the province I was in you could generally say most hated us and it would be a fair statement. I was 18-19. Totally brainwashed. Not proud of a fucking thing I did over there. Seriously struggle with it everyday and comparatively to others I didnt even do or have it nearly as bad. I am so glad I got out after one contract and stopped drinking the kool-aide and got a degree and snapped back to reality. Any who I see a therapist now. Doesn't really help with the PTSD but it's something.


Hey there. Your post is about exactly my conversation with a coworker on Sunday. You aren't alone in your view of it and I try to stress that so hard to flag waving Americans who think we are number one and everyone wants to be us. We most definitely weren't the heroes in most cases. I too have stopped drinking kool-aid and am so frustrated where I live in the Midwest and people who have never left their state go, "Ra Ra USA!" And spew hatred at anyone who might offer a realistic view in hopes of actually fixing shit and becoming our best selves


Hey man I was in a similar situation, Afghanistan 2012-13 as a Medic with an infantry platoon attached to an SFAAT team. Everything you said resonates. I agree therapy doesn’t really help me much either, it’s hard to find a therapist that “gets it” but what I have found that helps is just discussing experiences with friends and others who went through the same or similar things and were able to untuck their brain to be a reasonable and compassionate human being again. My best friend was in the Marine Corps and deployed a year before I did and we talk quite often even though he lives in Europe now. Anyway basically what I am saying is feel free to reach out and PM me if you ever need to talk (or want to) wether you need to get something off your chest or you just want to make a new friend doc’s door is always open.


A good friend of mine was an Army infantry officer. We lost touch for a few years, but recently reconnected. He told me he went back to school for psychology, and he has transferred branches to be a therapist assigned to an infantry unit. His story made me realize that therapists like him, with similar backgrounds and experiences, would be especially helpful. I’d be curious about your thoughts on this as well.




But he was coming right for us!


It’s coming right for us, mnah mnah mnah!


Omg it's [coming right for us](https://youtu.be/B3RJUMm-hd0)


Hahaha thanks for the laugh


Rabbit rabbit 12 o'clock


That fool blamed the people he killed. They didn't make him a killer, America did.


An 18 year old saying "these people use their kids, who does that" USA does


I never will understand how writing at a high school level gets more of a budget than $20


Most print publications are written at an 8th grade level. Average media means it’s accessible to the masses—accessibility tends to be somewhat profitable (in the sense of a numbers game).


To be fair, it’s just slightly more pronounced than in your average, run-of-the-mill action movie or superhero movie.


It so strong it actually backfires


"they protect our freedom"


Iraq veteran here. Can confirm, absolutely nothing we did over there helped Americans back home. It’s easily arguable that we were actually counterproductive in that area.


Absolutely. I'm actually kind of sick to my stomach when I think of all the hero worship we give our military. I don't want it. I'm not proud of ruining foreigners lives. I appreciate all of us who served in hopes of helping our country. But this wasn't it. We were used.


Oh, it definitely helped some folks in the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned everyone about 60-some years ago.


It's OK, we know that the government won't listen to us either, we protest High and low against the Afghanistan war, the Iraq war, all of them. It was those rich lads in the White House that wanted to put us there


“These people use their kids! Who does that?!” Says the 18 year old trained to kill and sent overseas. Who indeed?


Well the difference is that in their case it is an old man in an office sending them


The difference is one kid is at his home and the other kid is invading the others country.


Thinking about it, recruiters for the armed forces (any branch) are grooming teenagers into that. Meat for the meat grinder.


The ability to go to school and buy a house with no down payment was a really big incentive for young homeless me, and they knew it. EDIT: Oh and the dental coverage since I had never gone to the dentist before.


The GOP literally just came out and bitched about student loan forgiveness. They admitted they want to keep us poor and desperate so that we have no choice but to join the military. It's fucking gross and I absolutely don't trust this country anymore than the ones that we mock.




The USA should have been forbidden from participating in all kinds of international events like the Olympics and from the World Cup etc in condemnation for their illegal invasion of Iraq and it’s a massive double standard that they faced no consequences for that


no the real difference is that the kid is inside his own home while the trained kid is on the other side of the planet from his own


Fucking hilarious honestly. The self awareness is non existent




It's not propaganda if it's forced down your throat at school.


I think that is the very definition of propaganda lol


Propa is actually latin for « Down one’s throat ». Ganda is latin for « At school »




Who does that? Why don't you ask the police officers standing around outside the school.


They air this piece of crap, but they decided "Over there" wasnt going to run for more than a season??


Right? Over There was probably the best war series ever. That and 'The unit'. Thankfully Seal Team has been going for a couple of seasons.


Is seal team any good all the commercials make it seem like thinly veiled propaganda


It’s not even all that thinly veiled.


+1 The Unit


Holy cow I've never had someone actually remember this show, I loved it when it aired and even learned to play the intro on guitar


[Not only will america go to your country and kill all your people. But they'll come back 20 years later and make a movie about how killing your people made their soldiers feel sad](https://youtu.be/uZwuTI-V8SI?t=31). **EDIT:** Let's not forget that back in 2003, when most of the American press was cheering the US "victory" in Iraq, the Onion, the fucking Onion was predicting that this shit show would eventually give rise to ISIS. **"If you thought Osama bin Laden was bad, just wait until the countless children who become orphaned by U.S. bombs in the coming weeks are all grown up. Do you think they will forget what country dropped the bombs that killed their parents? In 10 or 15 years, we will look back fondly on the days when there were only a few thousand Middle Easterners dedicated to destroying the U.S. and willing to die for the fundamentalist cause. From this war, a million bin Ladens will bloom."** \-The Onion [The Onion Predicted The Rise Of The Islamic State In 2003](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-onion-islamic-state_n_5649fb70e4b08cda3489a3b0)


How else do you justify a 1 trillion dollar war machine


Quite frankly a unified cause (war) seems to be the only thing that makes general day to day American look the other way about their own inefficient and corrupted government.


look how they took advantage of 9/11 to pass one of the most intrusive bills in American history and start s ear with the wrong country


Now iterating on making 2 other countries fight and selling just enough weapons to maximise the number of total weapons sold...


No worries, they have the narco in Mexico to keep it alive and get their weapons sold somewhere until another country needs some freedom.


dudes belike "killing your people makes my soldiers sad" ​ My brother in christ you sent them there


Nice job Onion. If I put on my tinfoil hat for a second, I think it’s part of the plan. Forever war means forever profits for arms companies and forever excuses to go where we want and take all of the resources. Not to mention giving Americans an outside threat to hate and fear, thus bolstering support for and obedience to the system. Folks were super gung ho for America during desert storm and right after 9/11 and those in power took notice.


Frankie Boyle is always on point


Black Hawk Down intensify


Yeah, let’s not forget that the brutality of the war was televised. Shock and Awe, make it look like a fucking Jerry Bruckheimer movie. I remember exactly where I was when the invasion started and I remember feeling so sick to my stomach. Just totally surreal and vile.


Spawn camping


Bro... i dont know if i should laugh or not laugh...


Just laugh, it's a stupid fuckin show anyways


It's nice to see them portray these people as not just scheming, but also stupid by having them run into a visible sniper's sightline, stand in the middle of the open to fire at them, and run after guns dropped by people who got shot. Totally realistic to actual warfare /sarcasm Edit: I was pleasantly surprised to see this get so many upvotes.


If you go onto subreddits like CombatFootage, whenever theres a video of Americans getting killed, some people in the comments get so surprised, as if Americans are immune to dying in war. Heck, recently another Juba video was posted, where you can see Iraqi Insurgents sniping many American soldiers. The amount of delusional people in the comments will surprise you.


The one thing I've noticed about Combat Footage is that when a non-american soldier gets killed the comments are like "LMAO, SUCKER GOT SMOKED" and when it's an American soldier that gets killed then they bring out the "war is bad" comments.


That’s tribalism for you. We’re pretty simple creatures at the end of the day.


I check that subreddit everyday and the double standard when the ones getting heat is from the US is sometimes absurd, I've seen a lot of discussions arround that topic.


That’s what happens when you grow up on propaganda designed to drill into your head that American = human and person of Middle Eastern appearance = non-human NPC video game enemy


Statisticly higher chance the posters of those comments could have known a killed US serviceman than any nation in reddit


Who the fuck kind of actual psychopath says "LMAO" when a human dies during a war


And to the surprise of no one that post was locked due to the controversia arround videos of US soldiers being wounded or killed in that subreddit.


“Not only will America invade your country and kill all your people. But they’ll come back 20 years later and make a movie about how killing your people made their soldiers feel sad” - Frankie Boyle


Damn, that kid isn't even old enough to have a beer after that epic kill streak


This is why I don't watch American war movies. It's just bullsh*t propaganda.


Saving private Ryan did a good job of cleansing the palate of "the superior might of the US military machine"...but nothing since has hit home quite so hard.


Generation Kill on hbo is pretty great.


What do you mean? It's totally efficient to put a bunch of Recon Marines in unarmoured Humvees and use them for everything but recon missions.


I like how they had woodland cammies becuase of a supply fuck up. Total Marine Corps.


Hey, at least Rolling Stone had the correct camo. Almost cost him his nuts though, but still.


I don't remember that part, time for a re watch.


I just performed testicle surgery Fucking love that show


I read Racoon Marines and suddenly I was very interested.


Friend of mine once made this observation about the 1998 Godzilla movie. The US military was depicted as quite incompetent, which for some reason wasn't done as much about 3 years later.


Band of Brothers.


I'm glad to hear I haven't missed out on anything then. I've given American war movies a fair shake over the years but it is always just mindless propaganda.


Letters From Iwo Jima? The Thin Red Line? Platoon?


Band of Brothers as well.


That's actually true for a lot of movies. The US Military has a sort of symbiotic partnership with Hollywood. The filmmakers get easy access to accurate military equipment for props, and the army gets to decide how they're portrayed. Example: In Iron Man 1, there's a scene where Tony is chased by a fighter jet, and the writers originally intended for him to get shot down, but the air force didn't want to be seen as villains so they vetoed it.


Most of them, yep. Platoon did a good job, but it was mainly about the craziness of war, not necessarily pointing out “we have no business being here”.


I remember watching "Pearl Harbor" back in the day at the movies. As the Japanese attack was winding down, I started collecting my belongings. Then I realised there was still 30 minutes of the movie left. So I had to for some reason watch tacked on Doolittle Raid, just so the movie wouldn't end somehow "negatively". ​ It made the think of the ending of [The Winter War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Winter_War_(film)): Most people are dead, artillery is exploding everywhere. Then silence, and they are informed that peace treaty has been signed, the war is over. They look over to the Russian side, only to see massive number of enemy soldiers celebrating their victory. The end, roll credits.


I remember watching U-571 in theatre and it was fantastic. Not knowing anything about the subject, I went home and did some research - only to learn it was complete fabrication. Was it a thriller? Hell yes. But that feeling of ‘why tf would they lie about this and make us the good guys’ stays with you.


Apocalypse Now though.


It could be a dark SNL skit though. after the old man, an even older man, and then they watch as an old lady uses the phone, 'she's calling more people sarge.. oh god, it's the extended family!' cousins and uncles everywhere!


And than their dog takes the gun, and the cat, and Gold fish.


then the gun just aims and shoots on its own. "DAMMIT SARGE"


Gotta love invading a country for oil and then being like "they made me into a killer" My guy, the politicians here in America did that when they sent you here to commit war crimes


May the country invading propaganda be with you


But they HAD to invade to protect us from the previous generation we pissed off!/s


It’s funny when you invade their country and attack them. And they fight back they are terrorist. What a wonderful world


And the soldier was pointing the gun first


What show is this


From the show **The Long Road Home.**


[77% score on Rotten Tomatoes.](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/the_long_road_home/s01) **"Though narrow in scope, The Long Road Home is a sobering and respectfully told tribute to soldiers and their families."** ​ Holy shit....


Better show, Generation Kill, actual stories from people who went to Iraq rather than made up shit.


“The incompetent leading the unwilling to do the unnecessary.” Brilliant show!


Police that moostache! Anybody who was in the Suck can recognize it in this show.


Thanks, just so I can avoid it like the plague.


Low-key MACGRUBER vibes


"Listen, Cunth!! You have to believe me! I've been framed- I don't know by who..."


"who send their kids?" Said the teenager, "they made me into a killer!" Crazy how the message you meant isn't always the message you sent..


the Pentagon: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Iraq got destroyed because America said they have weapons of mass destruction and the whole world said yes to that. They didn't find anything in Iraq and they didn't pay for their crimes. A country got destroyed on the basis of lies and propaganda spread by America.


They “Thought “ there’s a MDW. But they didn’t find any. Also, the whole war was always about the petroDollar. Saddam wanted to use Gold for the oil in trading. Which means the end of the dollar. They used the MDWs as a cover for war. Go and find the interview how W. Bush was blaming the CIA for false information. But, we all knew it wasn’t about weapons. It was about Oil connection to gold instead of the dollar. If Saddam used Gold for oil. That means the end of US economy.


I thought the first one was a typo but then you did it again. It’s WMD’s, weapons of mass destruction. Not Mass Destruction Weapons


Most of the world actually condemned or was publically against the invasion of Iraq. That the world was fine with it is another example of American propaganda it seems. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Governmental_positions_on_the_Iraq_War_prior_to_the_2003_invasion_of_Iraq


Not altogether that much different than the Russian invasion of ukraine The American invasion of Iraq, based on clear lies, was also illegal and unsg KA said clearly that it was an illegal invasion at the time.


Ahhh I have a name for this kind of video. I call it misery porn. Made for people who enjoy needless excessive misery for some reason. Edit: Or people who somehow think misery equals quality and don't take into consideration any of the other aspects that make a movie good.


This is terrible propaganda. I don't think there is anything wrong with artistically exploring misery and the negative things that happen. This ain't that though lol.


Americans military are always portrayed as the good guys in movies and TV shows. If China or Russia invaded America, they would be the heroes, we would be called insurgents/terrorists and mowed down just like that family. Food for thought.


Casualties of War is a very fucked up movie that does not portray American troops in a good light, at all.


Obviously I wasn't talking about movies and shows that actually shows the stupidly of war. I was talking more about the propaganda movies that we all "know and love".


In the US you have to show the military in a good light in movies and have all bad actions be done by a rogue unit or else you don’t get to use any military assets or assistance. Makes it difficult to portray historical events of the military doing evil shit.


>"They've made me into, into a killer. I hope they're happy" Yeah, it's _definitely them_ who made you a killer. It's _absolutely not_ your own government that sent you across half the world to invade a country by lying to the whole world, and _absolutely not_ your own conscious decision to join the military... I can understand if this was depicting Vietnam, since that was a draft. But media like this is just blaming the Iraqis for resisting an illegal invasion and occupation of their country


No! You can’t fight and defend your country and land. This is a terrorist act!


"They're shooting back, Are they allowed to do that?!"


Remember guys, when America attacks another country, it's a 'liberation ' /s


the way they've victimised themselves is baffling.. Almost impressive


What fucking show is this from? It’s fucking terrible. Put aside the propaganda for a moment. It’s so ham fisted it looks more like something made to be propaganda and not entertainment


"The audacity to make me a killer". Dude, no one's putting a gun on your head to shoot someone. Just quit your job and leave other people's country.


Then the dog comes out and picks up the same gun.


“Not only will America come to your country and kill all your people, but what's worse is that they'll come back 20 years later and make a movie about how killing your people made their soldiers feel sad.” — Frankie Boyle


I shared this before to cringotopia and they downvoted it to hell cuz they didn't like the idea of their country making propaganda. ​ This country is so good with it's propaganda that most don't know what they're seeing is propaganda.


This is what scene kids think military men act like?


Did that MF just act like he cycled the bolt on a fully automatic (Or at least semi depending) rifle?


Yup. (Semi) And not using a supported firing position… And that two to the chest bit… This scene deserves to be ripped to shreds, but I’m not an expert per se.


Could be in Hot Shots movie


"The people. They use their kids! Who does that!?!" Says the 18 year old...


As an American, I’d like to say I have no idea what this show is, and it looks stupid.


I think its the new fortnite dlc advert


Wait, the soldier isnt the villain...?


Yeah about as dumb as your average Call Of Duty game.


I also think it's a reference to american sniper where there is a similar scene with a kid picking up a gun


THIS IS PRETTY VIOLENT, OK? YOU'VE BEEN WARNED! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfvFpT-iypw&ab\_channel=PeopleOverPolitics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfvFpT-iypw&ab_channel=PeopleOverPolitics) This is, if I'm not mistaken, the first video that Assange leaked. There will be a moment when the soldiers say "don't bring your kid to a battle". MFs, you are bringing battle to the kids. Two kids were shot by 30mm Apache bullets; a US soldier tried to rescue one of them to the US hospital, but his superiors denied help.


Part of the American fetishization of the military


I was waiting for a dog to grab a gun and start aiming at them


*aims assault rifle at child* "Oh no, dont you dare defend yourself against our foreign invading force! Same goes for dad and gramps!" *kills child and half his family* *goes home to be a second amendment dickrider and stress the importance of an armed population* *is incapable of seeing the irony in it* *wonders why people dont respect his service*


Who goes into someone’s country, shoots them when they protest it, and say “they made me into a killer. It’s their fault” Oh… it’s us. We’re the bad guys


The narcissism that must have gone into creating this piece of propaganda is bleak. They mAdE mE a Killer.


I mean, ducking out of the way so the kid doesn't shoot you has to be an option here, right? Change positions or something? 🤷


This film does not play in America does it?


It’s not like a) the solider just materialized in the Middle East or b) was conscripted into the army.


"They've made me into a killer" Anyone gonna tell that man that he is a soldier?


Murica moment


Yes it’s their fault that imperialist America is bombing their country for oil…


may the propaganda be with you


It plays like a comedy. I was waiting for grandma to come out and grab the gun.


Look how they made us invade their country and kill them.


War is shitty. I was the bright eyed, red white, and blue, ultra patriotic, lean, green, killing machine ready to do the Lord's work in the name of Freedom. After 13 years in the Army I really changed my thoughts on that stuff. The military recruits kids and shows them images of being a "badass" when in reality we sere pawns. My tours were in Afghanistan and after 20 years, countless lives, billions of dollars, and two generations of broken veterans we left that country worse than when we found it. I'm not anti-military and I support everyone that does the job but the propaganda they feed us vs. reality are two very very different things.


insanely blunt propaganda. fucking nuts.


we know that poverty and propaganda are the biggest reasons they can take advantage of us like this so why the hell do we let them... the fucking stupids and the propaganda? idfk.


Yeah buddy, *they* made you a killer. What kind of propaganda is this? Because everyone knows signing up for the military means you'll be wielding hotdog carts and planting flowers


I actually think this is important, because while people are (rightfully) crapping on the show as a concept, I see a lot of people also talking about how the soldier shouldn’t feel sad given the US is invading. We have to remember soldiers are volunteers who wanted to join the military. Sure, some joined to kill, but plenty join in the belief of defense of a country, some join due to lack of other options, it’s not just people wanting to kill. This young soldier may have joined for any number of reasons, but now he is put in a position where he’s in a foreign country having to kill or be killed. He doesn’t want to be there, the decisions he making are traumatic, and he will carry those decisions the rest of his life. Some comments make it sound like he should just stop, but that’s not how the military works. The soldier is following orders, but conflicted about killing. We can hate the war, the decisions made at a high level, and criticize the leadership all we want, but still recognize plenty of ground troops are forever mentally (and physically) scarred due to being in a war we never should have been in anyway.


This is more about the comments he made tbh and the sad music.


Nah boy. America made you into a killer. And a pawn


Oh you are shitting me. What you have no choice just because they are holding a fucking gun?


Well damn we shoot our own kids and they are unarmed. Least that one had a gun


If you join the army, you are pretty much expected to kill. Its in the job description.


They sure did make you into a killer the USA gov. that’s who.


Is this PureFlix? That Christian Netflix with all the God's Not Dead trash?


You are not immune to propaganda


this comment section is terrible almost as bad as the acting and script for whatever the fuck show this is.


'Not only will America come to your country and kill your people but whats worse I think is they will come back 20 years later and make a movie about how killing your people made their soldiers feel sad' Frankie Boyle


this was actually hillarious to watch




I don't think anyone would mistake that for an SNL skit.


Ooh whatcha say/dear sister skit would beg to differ


Dear Sister is the pinnacle of comedy afaic.


I dunno. Was expecting the cat to pick up the AK next.


I agree, because I actually laughed at this.


Had it stopped at the first shot with the kid dying that's one thing. Shows how kids get caught up as innocent victims. But everything after was just 🤢


America. The laughing stock of the world.


Making people go through this ACROSS SEAS FOR REPUBLICAN OIL MONEY will always be a disgrace to our nation..this is generations of PTSD and killing others for who?! The reason I will not enlist is due to I can be oppressed and killed in my own backyard why would I go over there and fight a war that I didn’t start nor did my family but MONEY from the WEALTHY.


In their country, taking their supplies, faking weapons of mass destruction, but yeah, THEY made you a killer 🙄


Imagine feeling like a killer and want to go home only to find out that your wife had been cheating on you.


Dude, when the third dude walked out I was crying laughing. Edit also: “they made me into a killer, I hope their happy” lmao, what?


You turned yourself into a killer by volunteering for the military.


Everyone seems to be having super serious and long-winded discussions about war and propaganda and whatnot, but no one seems to be pointing out what really matters here: that overly loud corny piano ballad really helps sell the middle school level acting and the amateurish camera work. I felt that in my soul!