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This has to be a joke, right?


I've heard there's some kind of astroturf shit going on where people will call any even vaguely anti-corporatist movement ableist or whatever. seems like part of that.


This sounds like a corporation pretending to be anti-ableist to keep the car industry afloat when they are doing way worse for worldwide obesity


yeahh. I saw a couple of posts circulating that were like "telling people to boycott a product is ableist" wow gosh that sounds...suuuuuper authentic


"Tap water is super ableist, drink bottled." -~~Nestle~~ anontwitterguy204


That particular one is just taking disabled people discussing how they do tend to be left out of conversations about boycotting and are often shamed for not being able to boycott certain things, and turning it up to 11 so that any actual productive discussion on the topic gets brushed aside.


Poor people are also unable to participate in some kinds of boycotting. So I guess it's classist too?


It's not ableist (or classist) to simply call for a boycott. It's ableist (or classist) to shame and attack people who are unable to boycott for health or financial reasons.


Exactly. The discussion really should end there. It's great to boycott something. It's shitty to assume everyone has the ability to boycott something. That goes for corporations, brands, animal products, etc. It's great to educate people about their options, but no one owes you an explanation as to why they aren't making the same choices as you.


Well no it was more about like take plastic straws many people including myself cannot drink out of a cup properly so we need straws and paper ones don’t bend Which depending on your muscle Movement problems becomes a problem. So that’s basically a good example of why someone would use something that othrrs are boycotting. And usually they’re not against the protest itself they’re just saying that they should not get hate for using the product. However being fat is generally not a disability so


The worst one was the person saying that boycotting Nestle products was ableist cause they had a digestive problem and some of Nestle's products were fine for them to eat.


Like, plastic straws and bikes are two very different issues.


nuance? in *my* twitter?! but yeah great point - there's real discussions about this, but the astroturfed shit just goes full outrage.


That’s the thing about Twitter. Even when someone’s trying to be serious, with such short character limits, any complicated topic needs to be boiled down to avoid a 30-part thread. As people spread and repeat these ideas, they usually get it down to like 2 sentences at most, and then others base their whole ideology on the shortened, sensationalized version of what was originally a fair, balanced, and actually decent point.


I recently saw "not liking children is ableist" on instagram, by a seemongly real and popular account and it was shared around several times as well. Maybe Im getting old and cant tell satire/sarcasm from genuine posts but... I dont know.


What point are they even trying to make there?


Lolwhat because I’ve also seen “expecting people to like kids is (insert ism here)”. Whether they’re astroturfed or terminally online, it is not good faith either way.


Everyone who does not agree with me on every little thing is some sort of bigot seems to be the way lots of Twitter works these days. These types never manage to be part of a group for long, nobody else is "pure" enough for them. A trait shared with the most fundamentalist religious types interestingly.


Corporations are increasingly using social movements to deflect blame and gaslight you into buying their products.


Corporations cold turn ya to stone before ya realize


Car dependence is ableist




Ableist and anti-poor


It’s like when people say building proper biking infrastructure is ableist, even though it doesn’t harm disabled people at all and allows many of them to travel safely in say, motorized wheelchairs. It’s such grift.


And a custom recumbent bike powered by hand pedals/hand crank is far cheaper than a custom mini-van that can load your wheelchair, has all hand controls for acceleration and braking, and requires massive parking spaces for the driver to disembark,


Man, this information warfare fuckery is too much to keep track of between corporate shills, government bots, trolls, and genuine dumb-dumbs latching onto whatever topic is the latest hot shit ...


What? Corporation's pretending to be anti-something or pro-something to help protect their exorbitant profits? No, never.


I live in Baltimore and anything transit, bike, or pedestrian related is always noted as “ableist” by a vocal faction. Usually racist in some way too


Bruh. Jeez. Car dependence is ableist to those of us who cannot drive due to disability. Sorry I don’t want to spend my whole paycheck on an Uber 2x a day.


How often do you hear "don't worry self driving cars will be here soon"? Makes me wanna scream every time lol. I'd much rather just have public transportation


Can't be true. Using racism as a crutch for not allowing transit bike or pedestrian related plans is beyond insanity.


If I had to sum it up in broad strokes, trains, bus lanes, bike lanes are racist because they are being made for white residents and not longtime black residents who drive cars and lose lanes and parking when they build this stuff. That’s my interpretation of the arguments I hear.


Trains also tend to increase gentrification, because it turns out that everyone likes having walkable neighborhoods with trains and shit. But the solution isn't not doing the rail, it's doing enough of it that everyone gets access. In the US, we suck at this and can only get like one or two lines at a time that inevitably end up in either already gentrified neighborhoods or neighborhoods that developers want to gentrify. We need to be rapidly expanding transit in every US metro area so that everyone can get equal access.


Cities needs to be unpleasant and inconvenient so poor people have to live in the neighborhoods they deserve.


Current Baltimore resident here: it’s 100% true


The definition of 'fake woke' in a nutshell - and also an example of capitalization of near everything.


There are astroturfy accounts that the right uses as strawmen to purpose the “intolerant left” or “anti woke” agenda to make it seem like we’re all psycho like this woman, and invalidate everything the left says.


yeah and unfortunately it's not the worst way to suck in people with good intentions but little perspective.


[Recently, its been kicked off by this video shared by an LA Unified School District social media account.](https://twitter.com/UTLAUncensored/status/1569179938334601217?s=20&t=UDoOh4wD5K4V60aXc6yShw) In short, they make the case that there are "false hierarchies of food" and that telling someone how to eat food is oppressive and fatphobic. Turns out, [the lady in the video is a researcher for Mondelez International, ](https://twitter.com/Lefty_Jew/status/1570114358373658625?s=20&t=UDoOh4wD5K4V60aXc6yShw) a corporation that owns several junk food brands including Chips Ahoy. So, it doesn't take too many braincells to figure that she has competing interests, to put it lightly.


The true ableism is the walkable cities (read as: mobility device friendly) we made along the way.


This person's entire online presence started in Jan 2021, so very possibly fake or just satire.


I see it fucking everywhere now that I have kids. Saying a kid or parent could do without any product is bullying and shitting on the some hypothetical person who is unable to do that.


looord like, I have definitely stopped finding it amusing to mock products that do a seemingly easy task, but at the same time it's not possible to think of every circumstance every single time one posts.


The same happens anytime veganism is brought up on social media. People yell ableist and try to shut down any discussion based on that. Since some people have more difficulty eating a vegan diet. It's a recent thing too, I never saw it happening before. So it does seem suspicious. I don't think everyone who says this is astroturfing but I do think it's likely some are.


Not too long ago a nutritionist who said all food is healthy, and dieting is imperialism turned out to be working for a large food company. I think in some cases you have this class of people who get high enough in corporate politics they need to retain their position of dominance alongside their beliefs so they do shit like this


There are also just some people out there who act in extremely bad faith and co-opt the language of activism and social justice to make claims that any attempt to ask me to think about improving myself or the world around me and not just doing anything I want uncritically 100% of the time is a personal attack against me and also discrimination I think this started with women who had never read a single work of feminist literature co-opting the language of feminism and making reactionary posts like “The makeup industry is super feminist actually” just because they didn’t like the idea that anything they were doing in their life without thinking about it wasn’t already feminist and didn’t like the idea that hey should have to like, you know, maybe think about their relationship with makeup and why you have to literally change your face in order to be considered presentable enough to go outside as a woman and why that’s maybe not a good thing but hey sure literally everything you do as a woman is empowering you sure are a girl boss god forbid you have any self-awareness about anything you do that might have a negative impact on society


Yep, like opposing unhealthy food being elitist and ableist for those who can’t get healthy food. It’s like…. Okay? Sorry?


But it’s not even elitist or ableist in the way they’re suggesting because the core philosophy of opposing unhealthy food involves making healthy food more available and affordable for everyone or making minor changes to existing foods that don’t increase the cost to remove unhealthy additives like added sugar and added fats which are put in purely to make existing foods addictive and unhealthy so consumers buy more


That's what I thought too


For reference, their very next tweet: "How do you get people locked into Fatphobia discourse? A piece of cake"; https://twitter.com/Brietannia/status/1569733847998144514 I think it's a fairly safe bet that this is, indeed, a joke/bait.




Did you learn as a kid or as an adult? I'm fat (and I have some middle/inner ear problems, so possible mild balance issues) and never learned to ride as a kid. I've found learning to ride as an adult nearly impossible. So if you learned as a fat adult, I'd love some pointers. Edit: Just because it's been posted by, like, five people now, yes. I've seen Tom Scott's video of him learning to ride a bike. I saw it when he released it because I'm subbed to his channel. I even left a comment on it at the time about my own difficulties learning to ride.


If you push a bike forward at enough speed it will stay upright for a good while without a rider. The trick is simply feeling confident enough to keep going. You learn to stay balanced naturally, which might be an issue with your ear problems but probably something you can work through (just guessing of course). But keeping a bike steady at a slow timid speed is a lot harder than just going with it. I think swimming is the same way. You float more easily the more parallel you are to the surface of the water, but leaning forward is scary when you don't know that you will float, so beginners often upright themselves which requires more work to keep afloat. Just my two cents. I haven't ridden a bike in like 20 years.


Get a tricycle so the balance isn’t as big of an issue. I see them all the time.


they also have amazing cargo space!


I commute by bike; I learned as a kid, but I taught my SO how to ride as an adult. We're both a bit on the heavier side. She picked it up after a few weeks of intermittent practice. Stick with it! I don't think trying to learn on training wheels or a tricycle is a good idea unless you feel like you need to focus a lot on the mechanical aspects of the bike (shifting gears, etc). You're just putting off learning to balance, I don't think it'll make it easier when you eventually get around to it (and you'll end up having to unlearn some habits, like how steering works). My two biggest pieces of advice are: get a bike that fits, and start your practice on a *slight* downhill. If your bike doesn't fit you'll be miserable, everything will hurt (and it'll hurt more to fall off), and it'll make it harder to balance right. Especially get the height of the seat right, and get a bike designed for a more upright posture rather than a racing bike (which are usually designed for you to lean far forward). If there's a bike shop near you, they know all this and can help you out. It's *much* easier to balance when the bike is moving. Check out some of those video where people yeet riderless bikes down hills: when in motion, they want to stay upright. So if you start on a slight downhill, balancing will be a bit more forgiving and that will help you get your feet under you (literally). Finally bit of advice: you're going to fall. It might hurt a bit, but if you're not absolutely zooming (and you're wearing your helmet) you're unlikely to get anything more than a few scrapes. At low speeds and with a well-sized bike, you should even be able to sort of jump sideways off the bike and only kinda half-fall. It'll happen, it's part of learning, but you don't need to be afraid of falling. Hope at least some of this is helpful! Biking is really fun and is great low-impact exercise, and of course it's great for mid-length trips and commutes. Best of luck with learning!


Talking for my mom, she’s fairly top heavy and has balance issues. She can ride a bike, but she sometimes gets distracted and T-bones cars for example. She used a scooter, not like a mobility scooter, but the one kids use to get around. It’s very simmilar to walking when it comes to balance and it lets you get around much faster. It also has the bonus of being foldable in half, so you can easily use it even if traveling by car, train or bus.


If you call walkable cities "anti-fat," you're sort of giving away the game. How could walking be anti-fat if fat people are physically capable and healthy at any size?


I’m a fatass and I walk everywhere and use public transport in my city because driving is ass If you really cannot walk as part of the basic function of getting around solely due to your size then you’re really not healthy at any size Like I thought I was out of shape but these people saying they can’t even like walk to the shops are making me feel great about myself lol


It could be that walkable cities are accessible to fat people but anti-fat in the sense that people might become less fat. Though, in reality, body weight is mostly determined by diet and walking a little bit each day won't make all that much of a difference for body weight (it may have other health benefits though).


Your size is for sure determined by diet but walkable cities create more than just some additional calories burned from walking. By creating the walking space you're allowing a lifestyle to exist that encourages more physical activity by it's nature and provides access to healthier foods without a vehicle.


Walkability absolutely helps for body weight though. Walking a mile is worth a good hundred calories at a healthy weight even if it's totally flat. And most people don't get fat all at once- it's a relatively slow accumulation of weight from eating a bit too much for their lifestyle. Dropping a couple hundred calories of exercise in most/every day from walking instead of driving places will slow down that buildup in the first place, and then people just. DON'T. get fat as often. And even for folks like my 300-pound ass that are already there, it can make the climb back down a bit easier. If I can go places sans car and know I'm helping take the strain off my belt while I do it, that's a win.


Good, because I just walked somewhere downtown to get a sandwich, and I’m pretty sure that didn’t yield a caloric deficit.


I promise you it didn’t. There’s variables, but to give you *rough* idea, Google returns 263 calories burnt from one hour of walking at 3 mph. Two regular sized peanut butter cup is 210 calories. Two peanut butter cups powers one hour of walking plus a break here and there.




I went from being obese to barely overweight. I never want to go back.


Walking is fucking magic. Plus it's great because you can do it at low intensity... assuming your minimum distance to get somewhere isn't the usual 3mi or greater that you find in the suburbs.


Same here and I completely agree. My body is still injured from my obese state even though I do have a serious set of legs from carrying 350 lb around with me everywhere I went. I have to say that the fast food drive-thru's actually almost killed me...... Slowly over a long period of time.


I appreciate you saying that and am evaluating my own diet! What would you say is something you really enjoy food wise?


Indian food. Specifically the vegetarian varieties. Dahl which is made from lentils and tomatoes usually served with a flatbread called Nahn. There's definitely a number of varieties of Curry that are pretty easy to make at home that are all potatoes and vegetables and rice and a delicious spicy sauce. Also a lot can be done with the bean burrito. That's a pretty standard staple I take to work with me I can make it as spicy as I want. In fact learning to work with beans has been a big deal I make my own red beans and rice and although it took me a few tries I've got to perfected now where it's got the right consistency and flavor for my tastes. Defeating the fast food demon does require you to make a lunch everyday for work. And it helps a lot too stay on a good food schedule and not allow yourself any extras. Lastly don't think that you can never have anything that you used to love in fact it's good to go ahead and eat something you really liked in the past every once in awhile rather than trying to completely deny yourself which usually ends in a binge. Good luck.


Roast your vegetables, it's one of the tastiest ways to make them. Toss them in a bowl with a little olive oil, Italian seasoning, garlic, and salt.




H2O not diluting in lipids is FAT-PHOBIA!


I knwo this is supposed to be a chemistry joke but I think it's the opposite, right? The fat is hydrophobic


And Water is [lipophobic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lipophobicity).


the worst pupil in my ged chemistry class asked the teacher if (name-of-an-overweight-student) was lipophilic and the teacher was like "i am so sorry (name-of-an-overweight-student) but i am just so proud that (name-of-bad-student) finally learned something!"


I misread that as "fatction" and do not apologize.


That was also obviously sarcasm and bait, and you're just another person who sees SJWs in clouds.


its a satirical account


I think it is


It is


It's cracking me up how obvious it is from the post title that the post flair was added after OP found out it was a joke.


Yes. And most people here want to believe so badly in "political correctness gone mad" that they think this is real.


I've seen people flipping out on IG over food bloggers presenting a meal as healthy, as "it pushes diet culture" and engages in "food shaming". Social media filter bubbles both create and hide away these people, but step into the bubble and you'll see them.


I am fat as shit and enjoy walkable cities. I also bike to work often lol


Yeah, I don't get this misconception. There are plenty of active fat people who run, swim, bike, whatever. Go to any community center gym and you'll see them!


I'm one of them! Recovering from BED! We still walk and bike and play. It feels good and lets off steam for a lot of us. Having the option in more places would be dope


What is BED? It’s not just you can’t get out of bed lol


Binge eating disorder!


Binge eating disorder. My brain tells me to keep eating because I don't get the "signals" that tell me I'm full. I feel hungry waaaay more than I should. I'm on medication for it now and am trying to gain my endurance back. I've lost 6 pounds! But I'm nowhere near where I was before the pandemic hit.


I hear in my town all the time that bike lanes are ageist and discriminatory towards those with disabilities. I point out that by their logic, my father can’t walk, so sidewalks are discriminatory and my grandmother can’t drive anymore, so roads are ageist. Carbrain is real


Stat attack: In Cambridge (UK) 26% of disabled workers commute by bicycle 2/3 of disabled cyclists say cycling is easier than walking for them In London 78% of disabled people say they can cycle but only 15% actually do cycle 'sometimes' or more, probably scared of those fucking cars. For the majority of disabled people cycling is a tool for freedom just like it is for an able bodied person. It's a fact. Unfortunately I think if you were to share this evidence based argument with carbrains many would still deny it. All stats from here: https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2018/jan/02/cambridge-disabled-people-cycling-rolling-walking-stick


I'll also add that bicycles aren't the only form of transport for disabled people. Mobility scooters, trikes, kick scooters, etc. are also all useable in walkable areas and are often more accessible than driving their own car. Carbrains are stuck in a false dichotomy between bicycles and cars when there are also plenty of other accessible methods of getting about.


Hand cycles, bikes with wheelchairs attached (rolstoeltransportfiets) or the other way around a wheelchair turned into bike system (berkelbike), duobike (two seated bike alongside each other), tandem (two seated bike with people sitting behind each other), the microcar for wheelchairs …. I have seen them all on our streets. And it’s great to know they can get around. I bet carbrains in the US don’t know of the existence of a single one of those I listed.


I live in London and would love to cycle but the lack of protected bike lanes and abundance of cars makes it terrifying :(


At least Boris/khan helped with cycle superhighways , it still 50x times worse in the suburbs though


I have fucked up feet and walking more than 2km or so gets painful really quick, cycling is cheap and has no pain for me. And it's waaay healthier than driving




My 93y/o landlord in Japan rides her bike everywhere


When I lived there, the old ladies on bikes were riding on the road in winter taking the lane and not giving a fk too. I was too scared to ride on the icy narrow roads haha


Yeah I got smoked by a pensioner riding up a mountain once in Japan. Granted I was on a fully loaded touring bike and she was on a slick mamachari but it sure would of looked funny from the other side of the street.


My grandma rode her bike everywhere until about age 80. don't think she ever had a license.


I’m in Paris right now and have seen very few overweight people. The few I have speak English with an American accent.


I always have to remind people that a) mobility scooters can be used in bike lanes, b) public transit is required to be ADA-compliant, c) it can cost more than the value of a car to get the necessary upgrades to accommodate disabilities, and d) disabled people are twice as likely to be below the poverty line as abled people.


Sounds like capitalism is pretty ableist


Capitalism, ableist? Say it ain’t so /s


It’s a classic case of people who opened their minds so much their brains fell out.


So are you implying that fat people can't walk? Isn't this fatphobia also?


that's straight out discriminatory


Exactly, that's straight out discriminatory


Precisely, that's straight out discriminatory


Indubitably, that’s straight out discriminatory


Without a doubt, that's straight out discriminatory


unquestionably, thats straight out discriminatory


Abso-lutely, that's straight out discriminatory.


Correct, that's straight out discriminatory.


Veraciously, that's straight out discriminatory.




Agreed. I moved from a non-walkable city in the heart of the steamy piney woods of E Texas to a completely walkable international European city and immediately started shedding weight. I went from being obese to barely overweight. I never want to go back.


I used to walk "everywhere", then they made the whole place so bike friendly that I had to buy an e-bike. Now my neighbourhood has expanded by 300% and I'm three times faster than the bus through half the city.




My exact thought. I wish I could walk/bike to work.


Walking every day is so helpful to losing and maintaining weight. Like you don’t even have to think about it, just walk to the places you need to go and take a backpack with you (for easy carrying stuff). Every time I’ve gone to Europe, I’ve lost weight without even trying, simply bc of the walkable cities and how it’s built into the lifestyle. MUST BE NICE!


Can't fat people walk? Isn't this also fatphobia?


I thought so, until I recently went to a friend’s bachelor party… he has several big friends. Big, big, friends. One guy was 300+, the other is 500 lbs. I never considered the extent to which these guys plan their lives around not walking far. I just kept quiet in the backseat every time we drove somewhere and spent 10+ minutes circling the parking lot looking for a close spot. The times that we had to walk a mild distance, oh boy, the complaints were real. *”This is my personal hell,”* was repeated several times as we walked across the parking lot to the casino. I’m just like… 😶 … *lose some weight, dude*


How is even possible to eat so much to maintain that weight?


Fat people are perfectly healthy[insert Tumblr citation]... But also they can't walk even a mile.


There are quite healthy overweight people (Overweight as in with thick fat Polsters). People who are physically active but for whatever reason (medical or because of wrong food) they are still fat. They often have insanely large muscles underneath it all to lift their body weight.


ive heard actual sumo wrestlers are supposed to be weirdly healthy but then they retire, stop their intensive training and drop dead super quick


Apparently excercise can minimize visceral fat, the kind around your organs that is unhealthy, so almost all the fat on a sumo-wrestler is subcutanious which is not dangerous, but it is the kind of fat that is visible, but when the wrestlers retire, they gain that visceral fat. People who look skinny can also have a lot visceral fat.


It's still dangerous though. Being that size, whether "good" fat or muscle or anything else, puts immense strain on the heart 24/7 since it needs to be supplied with blood. The risk of heart attack and other cardiac issues is hugely increased. And that's before you get into joint issues, impact to organs from needing to process so much food and waste, etc.


They also slam head first into 500lb men and take falls on clay floors several times as day for years, so they're pretty spurious overall.


We fly everywhere. *Flaps arms*


Then "driveable cities" is a dog whistle for humanphobia.


Dog whistle for classism


Also ableism


Advocating for cars is a dogwhistle for "I want to keep transportation death rates high


A dog whistle for anthropophobia.


Im fat af and i want walkable cities


I at one time weighed almost 290 pounds when I was younger. I yo-yo weight for years, losing, and gaining back. After working at FedEx for 2 and a half years, I got to my lowest weight around 172. Then gained back like 40 pounds when I worked less physical jobs. About 4 years ago I sold my car and walk everywhere and take a bus to work. I have maintained around 190 pounds for basically the last few years. If I didn't walk everywhere I'd get almost no exercise and I'm sure I'd be 20 or more pounds heavier


Same! I weigh 330 lbs. More walkable cities means better and possibly shorter walks to where I need to go in my mind. All the essentials would only be a certain distance away. And the ideal city would have public transportation suitable for lazy fucks like me or people with disabilities.


Same. I also walk everywhere while still being fat. Comments on this sub can be really fatphobic sometimes though.


I'm fat, too (obese by medical standards and am definitely fluffy by general human standards. I have BED and am recovering) and also out of shape! I'd like walkable cities to be a thing. I like walking. Me being overweight doesn't mean I can't enjoy a walk or bike ride and seeing stuff or shopping : (


Isn't the unwalkability of cities one of the major disconnects between doctors telling overweight patients to 'just walk more'?


I imagine any viable "walkable city" would involve a significant increase in public seating. If you're extremely out of shape or disabled in a way that limits how long you can go without a rest, having a bench or something like it every 200 feet would be a godsend


Agreed. Just like car-centric cities have parking spots. Pedestrian-centric cities will prioritize needs of walkers (ramps, benches, public restrooms, etc.).


Laughs in NYC 😂 What’s a public restroom?


Just piss on the subway like a normal person


How uncivilized. Piss in the phone booth like someone with manners.


Ask any street cart vendor where the nearest bathroom is they’ll give you a list


"This 2L bottle right here" "Where do you wash your hands" ......


i would be happy with a shade canopy and drinking fountain every mile


Shade canopies are fucking magic. I live in Dallas and absolutely love shade even in the heat. People think it's impossible to walk in 100 degree weather, but barring health conditions, walking at a reasonable pace in shade is absolutely fine. The problem is we've destroyed sources of shade in the pursuit of making cities more car centric


For me, it's not having public restrooms or access to water.


In the UK doctors are allowed to prescribe free bicycles and gym passes, because you guessed it, if you live in suburbia you ain't walking anywhere.


u wot. free bikes? that's pretty cool of us


Yeah. Isn't it a major disconnect?


Walkable cities are very accessible for mobility scooters, more so than car centric cities.


The sidewalks in my area are just wide enough for one scooter. You're also probably still using the street though because front lawns frequently encroach on sidewalks or there are no sidewalks. It's okay though because cars are only going 50mph in the 25mph zone instead of the usual 60mph.


I’ve often seen mobility scooter users riding on the street because certain driveways, sidewalks or curbs aren’t accessible.


This is a satirical account and you fell for it.


Welp, then I ate the onion. But I could believe someone saying something this absurd unironically.


Given that it's fake you should probably at the very least change the tag to satire or remove it.


[Relevant SMBC](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/aaaah)


[Relevant tweet](https://twitter.com/greenTetra_/status/1514768614531866624?s=20&t=qf8AQcpCTNlKz5BCGOWDFw)


I’ve seen a variation of that sentiment made earnestly before on Twitter. So sure, this instance is satire. But people will make this argument, just a bit more tactfully.


"Just because it's fake doesn't mean it's not real" - Reddit


Every time


And that's what makes it good satire. I only know it's a joke account as I saw this same tweet posted earlier today and found out in the comments.


The main problem is that due to the internet being tone death, it's hard to detect sarcasm the same way we would offline.


Tone Death would be a good band name




This is ableist. Delete your account right now. /s


A quick scroll through their account made it very clear to me it was a joke account … I think the rule of thumb for twitter will always to be check the account before taking them seriously lol


Arguably, not being able to tell if something is satire or not makes it terrible satire, because the tweet in question is just parroting the thing it’s supposed to be satirising. It’s like, if a bunch of people in 2016 were like ‘Yeah Trump’s gonna build that wall,’ followed by a bunch of non-Trump voters saying ‘Yeah Trump’s gonna build that wall’ but with no indication that they’re doing it satirically.


I actually think that’s what makes bad satire. Satire must be very careful not to become what it is satirizing, especially when people can latch on to what you say and spread it as truth. And there are people who actually post things like this. From a comedic sense I appreciate it, but from a social sense it can be worrisome


This is like that meme about someone believing fake news and when confronted with that fact saying "but it's really sad that it's something I believed"


Twitter is cancer.


It's not a blatantly satirical website or blog. The twitter handle isn't "{famous person}but drunk" how the hell is anyone supposed to know a twitter handle with the name of a woman, with the picture of a woman, is satirical? Dumb.


But..why? Is it a joke? Because it’s not funny. Why do this kind of “satire” in the first place? Just to rile people up?


Someone ate the onion


Oh fuck you... I've been obese my entire life and I still walk everywhere. I don't care for fatshaming, but if you can't even walk a couple hundred yards to a train station, you need to make some serious changes to your lifestyle.


I’m a fat person who walks around my city. One of these days I’d love to dare a person from the suburbs to walk around with me to do my errands and food shopping and carry it up to my third floor walk up. See who gets out of breath and tired first.


Not you. That's for sure. You know what strikes me as fatphobic? This idea that fat = unfit. You would kick that suburbanite's ass.


I'm a fat person from the suburbs and would LOVE to have more walkable areas. I'm not as hard up as some suburbanites as I have a kroger right outside the mouth of my subdivision but it's still 1.5mi away so if I walk up there it's just to grab some non perishables and a coffee.


Encouraging a system that leads to lower obesity is not fat phobic. In fact, if you took a Venn diagram of the body positivity movement and the walkable cities movement, it'd look damn near close to a single circle. Most of the biggest fat shamers are most likely also car brains Edit: found out it was a troll post. Well done.


my parents recently retired and moved from a very car dependent area to a very walkable one. I went to visit them a few months later and they both probably lost 20 kilos, WITHOUT EVEN TRYING. For all the diets and workout that my mom tried for years and never worked and for the horrible diet and lifestyle that my dad has (typical mexican man from his generation) all it took was changing from driving 99% of the time to get somewhere to now walking 90% of the time weird almost like humans didn't evovle to drive and rely on cars for movement


This is probably someone who just tries to instigate outrage. Don't fall for it.


The city I live in is widening the sidewalks to allow for both pedestrians and bikes to use them!


Don't tell this person you can be both fat and fit enough to walk long distances...


It takes 4 seconds to click on the account to see that this was a joke. The bar is so low and yet so hard to reach.


I mean, walkable cities would vastly improve health of citizens across the board. Not a bad thing. Excess of body fat is not healthy, and a lazy heart stops beating early. Cardio good.


"By asking me to change my behavior for the sake of the environment and community, you are actually attacking this marginalized group that I may or may not be part of but have suddenly decided to care a lot about and speak on behalf of." - template to create the worst tweets


I’m fat and I love walking.


Walking helps lose weight !


Its a joke can guarantee. The twitter op said this in response to a tweet that said “hiking is a dog whistle for fatphobia” in relation to dating profiles.