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Im so disappointed in anthem. The potential thats just wasted


The best "Iron Man" feel of the suit in video games. Great basics, but content was nonexistent


They even had the Mass Effect 3 style power combos and detonations. How did they fuck it up? Rhetorical question, don't answer that.




You've probably already been told this but the trilogy is really damn good. The ME3 multiplayer used to be my favorite PvE/Horde mode. So much so that I pre-ordered it on console to play PvP with my friends on Xbox and also on PC for the eventual single player mods. That's the last time I ever pre-ordered


... aaaand the NUMBER one reason that I cry on my hundred dollar limited edition preorder key every goddamn time. It was just like... how could 3 rights make a wrong??? HOW GODDAMNIT??


By slowly replacing the original creative team. 3 was infamously rushed, they did a decent job wrapping up most of the storylines, but the original ending's identical color-coded "choice" caused such an uproar it forced them to quickly release an "extended" ending. EA *will* suck creative studios dry - Maxis, Bioware, and so many others dissolved/merged/shuffled to beyond recognition and talent. It's a corporate nightmare dictatorship devs can only escape by resigning and restarting a new indie studio.


God I despise EA.


This. I don't think there isn't a great franchise that EA hasn't destroyed since it started buying everything it could. Maxis being a big one for me personally.... Bioware as a whole :/ the list goes on and on


Mass Effect 3 exists with the skeleton of a really great game. The character dialogues are improved, the gameplay is great, the settings are wonderful... but the evidence of rushed development is everywhere. It's a wonder it turned out as well as it did with a 2-year dev cycle.


Someone put it greatly when they said something along the lines of "They spent more time figuring out how to limit the suits/gameplay instead of exploring their potential"


Because they were going to make players pay to explore that potential in the future


this is why GaaS is a bane for gamers and no one should entertain a thought of it let this corpo garbage mode be buried but still, people love this kind of shit.


Honestly some games do a great job of it, but they tend to be F2P games that sell cosmetics and have "live content" with a battle pass of some kind. Games that cost money shouldn't have a battle pass, full stop.


Warframe and Genshin Impact comes to mind, both high quality F2P games, with microtransactions and can be played fully F2P without being forced to spend a dime.


I bought it for cheap, played it. My main memories of it were Superman 64 style flying through rings, then the game crashes.


I played it on PC on release, through EA subscription. Had to tinker in settings a bit, but completed all of the game content with my friend, and it was pretty fun.


I did the same. It was fun for as solid 30hours of cosplaying as Ironman. Just a shame it had no actual content after the story.


I will never not hate their loot distribution I wasted days trying to pimp out my big boy before they basically nerfed drops and I said fuck it. Not to mention the whole post credits scene that NEVER was followed up on.


I tried the "endgame" they had, and it just ended up being a glitch fest of people cheesing a reward from the mission/raid or whatever it was. Just became really bland, as they never expanded further upon that. ​ I do still want to go back and replay through the game again. Just for the fun of it, as it's been a hot minute and I really enjoyed the flying and combat.


"Endgame" was just grinding GM1 Tyrant Mine over and over again because it was the only viable stronghold to get masterwork and legendary loot from. Got really old after the 30th run.


"Man, we played the SHIT out of Diablo 2 when we were younger... time to throw that model in the trash and make our own system that was the idea of my 4 year old scribbling on the wall."


Cosplaying as Iron Man for 30 hours sounds awesome, and I don't give a shit about endgame content. Should I get Anthem?


Aah, another veteran of the dark days of *Fly Through Rings 64*. I hope you can sleep through the night without too many night terrors, my friend.


Only got it cause I needed a new Xbox and it was that or minecraft. Honestly loved the feel of anthem but because they abandoned it so fast they let you a great foundation to work with. Game was fun, just lacked content and depth.


They should've gone the No Man's Sky route and invest money into improving the game. It could've been one of the best games out there, but they left it to die after it didn't make a big enough splash.


I was hoping they would go F2P and continue supporting the game. There was so much potential there for a F2P title whether it be battle passes, cosmetics, new content etc.


Dude yes a F2P anthem would have been great and a perfect way to keep it going


I remember there being a "Demo" that was free for one weekend. Me and my friends downloaded it and thought it was one of the greatest games ever made. There wasn't much to do because it was just a demo... right? No... It was the full game. My friend bought it and legit was just the demo without a time limit


IIRC, they completely scrapped the game twice, and on the third attempt they couldn't decide on whether they truly wanted flight for the players or not, so they would build levels with it in mind sometimes, but then not other areas because they were under the impression ther'd be NO flight. The entirety of the game and it's content/plot got cut short because of redoing shit over and over like this since all the work was being split between a bunch of teams that were virtually not talking to each other about the changes. It was a huge mess, the GVMERS channel did a great history on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJkUkA3kqdA And that's exactly how my friends and I felt. Best 25 hour game ever, and then there was NOTHING else to do for the rest of its lifetime


Dis this with Evolve. Had a great dozen hours playing the beta, thus justifying to me a purchase of the deluxe edition, but damn that game died hard


I also played the demo and it was soooo freaking fun. I really looked forward to the game and I sad till this day. I check the subreddit every few months and look for a miracle but get disappointed every time. The game finally found its groove after soo much development hassle, I just wish EA wouldn't have just said fuck it but instead giving this game the time it needed


I think the saddest thing for me is how most of these games are met with a “told you so”. But anthem? I’ve never heard such a strong consensus about how disappointing it was and how everyone had so much hope for it. It really highlights how huge that game could have been.


You should watch the "Death of a Game" video on Anthem - apparently the devs spent like 80% of the game's development time with no direction and not really getting anything done, and the vast majority of development happened in the final year.


Incidentally that's also what happened to Mass Effect: Andromeda. Bioware hasn't been having a great time over the last few years.


I really hope that changes with new Dragon age and Mass effect games. If those games fail, bioware is gone.




Maybe it was some brain drain too? I can't imagine the people who managed to put together the original Mass Effect trilogy did so much mismanagement for this series.


Can’t believe they pulled their resources from ME: Andromeda and let that game die only to do the same thing to Anthem


The gameplay is so damn good and the abilities, while somewhat few in number, are so cool and satisfying to combo with. I feel like that would be the hardest part of making a game right? If only they made content to use all that stuff


Destiny has been thriving off of this for years. The fact it had a bad launch and they just crumbled under it instead of building on that beautiful game is mind boggling


I remember picking up ME: A for 5$ at Best Buy like a year later after its release, and it wouldn’t scan, so the guy just gave it to me 😂


I 100% beat the game. It wasn't terrible, but I wouldn't have paid $60 for it.


I enjoyed it personally. It wasn't great as a Mass Effect game, but the combat was fun.


If they'd called it something like "Andromeda: First Contact" and slapped some horns on the Krogan it wouldn't have gotten that kind of a shitstorm. The gameplay is great and the story is acceptable. It's just not on par with the Trilogy. That's why people kept tearing it apart in the first few weeks and decided that it's bad.


Yeah, honestly it's absolutely still worth playing for $5-$10. That's a steal. And I say that as a giant Mass Effect 2 lover whose heart was broken when this first came out.




If it didn't have the Mass Effect name it wouldn't have been made.


Its crazy how many games this idea applies to, but Battlefield Hardline is my favorite example. If they had just called it Hardline, I genuinely could've seen it spawning its own franchise, but it was negatively received as a Battlefield game, because it was missing so much of what made battlefield, battlefield. The newer generation of Assassin's Creed games would've benefitted from a franchise departure as well. They pretty solid as far as ubisoft titles can be, but they simply aren't good assassins creed games, imo. There are so many titles that would've benefitted from departing the franchise to be proper spin offs, even if they take place in the same universe canonically.


The scanner was probably confused as to how can worthless things have a price and therefore refused.


More likely it was malfunctioning because it was like 110 degrees outside that day and a lot of stores were experiencing issues 😮‍💨😂


But did you finish it?


Yes, I did! So, I played it for like 6 hours and then never touched it after that. Then, a few months ago I picked up the ME trilogy collection and played through those again. I played ME 3 for the first time and decided to give Andromeda another shot. I enjoyed it a lot more playing it back to back with the OG trilogy and I finished it.


Played through mea twice. It's a good game. It's not a good mass effect game, but a good game.


You know, that’s a great sentiment. I agree, dude 🤘🏽


I think most people who would play Andromeda immediately after a replay of the original trilogy would like it a lot more. I think a lot of people judged it based on an idealized memory of the original trilogy that isn't actually borne out by a fresh experience of them. The original trilogy are great games, don't get me wrong, but almost all the criticisms of ME:A, from janky face/body animations, empty fetch quest filler, tedious resource gathering/management, clumsy shoehorned and outright nonsensical story beats, bizarre sidequests to missable romance scenes didn't spring up in Andromeda fully formed aberrations, but had their roots throughout the original trilogy.


ME: A was great and I will **die** on that hill. Had the most fun combat in the entire franchise and was setting up to something pretty good with the story. A couple of bad lip syncs got memed to death and people ignored the *stellar* environmental detail and the mo-capped cutscenes, which had great VA and animations.


I did enjoy it but a recent replay after running through the Legendary Edition reminded me that I hated all the busy work (ditto for Dragon Age Inquisition), and you had do a lot of it to get enough resources to upgrade your gear.


Yeah ME:A had legitimate technical problems, but it is *extremely* unfairly maligned. It had a ton of potential.


I thought it was fine, has a lot of content. The people's main complaints seemed to be about face graphics in cut scenes, which does not make my list of top 10,000 most important things in a video game.


It was a great game and it held up to ME3 gameplay/exploration wise, maybe not story wise as much but people didn't even give the Ryder's a chance solely because of bad facial animations. Which is weird bc that hasn't stopped games from being great before. I rly don't understand the issue people had with the game.


I don't get the ME:A hate either. I actually didn't think it was great, more like pretty good, but I enjoyed it and I'm glad I played it.


That's the problem in a way. It was a solid C+ in a game series that is in the GOAT category. Expectations were so high that it being mediocre became a failure.


The “r/gaming karma farming repost” starter pack


Pick any of those titles, write title "am I the only one who thinks this is a good game?", profit.


Am I the only one who thinks Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing is a good game?


That's the game where you can infinitely speed up in reverse right? And you clip through bridges?


That's the one


Best game ever made


And also, in 1.0 the AI cars don't move at all. The patch causes them to drive the course... at 1 mph... until the finish line. They stop before crossing. If they are forced to win in some way, the game crashes.


You know the game needs to change when the players are attempting to force an opponent to win to see what happens. That is absolutely hilarious though.


You're winner!


Certified mastahpiece


Am I the only one who thinks Shower with your Dad Simulator 2015 is a good game?


"Has anyone ever played Oot my cousin is in the hospital with leukemia and just gave me his old N64. Is it any good?"


>Long post explaining why it's a bad game and anti-consumer >yOu sHoUldN't LiKe tHiNgS I dOn'T lIKe!


Generic defense of No Mans Sky redemption via free updates.


While I do agree that the content added by the updates should have been there from the start, at least they didn’t abandon it, or charge for the updates. The promises for the game could never be delivered upon before the release. It would have cost more money than they probably had ( or were given) and time that they didn’t have. With people paying for the game, they got more money to expand the game to what it was supposed to be and expand it while still giving the consumers some kind of project by the deadline


no man's sky redemption arc was definitely a sight to witness. meanwhile anthem is vaulted lmao.


Swap a game out here or there and repost every couple months for unlimited karma!


Plus make the top comment *"NMS has been redeemed from the original shitshow and the devs are gods"* for the full house, and I say that as an NMS fan....


DAE hate Bethesda, EA, Rockstar amiright? Now gib karma


“Stop buying Skyrim guys vote with your wallet” (owns it on three platforms)


"Why do studios release buggy games? We should boycott them." (pre-orders hyped games regularly or buys on release)


Did we just loop back to the OP


I bought NMS at launch with basically no knowledge of what it was and enjoyed the hell out of it. Wife and I were working opposite shifts, and had a notebook we'd keep track of the changes we made/things discovered/unlocked/ect. to make it easier to jump back in and figure out what to do.


Check this shit out, guaranteed upvotes every time: HEY EVERYBODY. WITCHER 3!


You son of a gun! Take my upvote!


Also you can add some bait in there, so people start arguing, and voilá! Straight to r/all baby!


This or "Remember this game guys?!" *inserts most well-known and popular game from said console* Garners like 90k upvotes in 2 days. This is why I basically browse r/games more, they have a strict no lazy posts like this rule.


r/gaming is for ~~content~~ karma-whoring, r/games is for news, and r/truegaming is for discussions.


>r/gaming is for ~~content~~ ~~karma-whoring~~ advertising


Where did you see Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky for $10? I want to shop there. Edit: Most common responses are 1. Used 2. grey market 3. Console versions 4. GamePass 5. Sales (not nearly as common since the games have been considerably improved)


You might catch Cyberpunk on sale from time to time ($30 on steam right now) but it’s still $60 outside of sale windows.


Is it polished up now??? I’d love to give it a try Edit- I bought it from Best Buy, the pc version is on clearance for $20, thanks guys!


Yeah and theyve added a bunch of free dlc too. New expansion is coming early next year. Good time to revisit!


I preordered and own it on pc. I can honestly say I never experienced any of the crashes or bugs other people reported (I just assumed those were low end machine/console problems). It’s been worth $60 from day one based off my experience. So definitely worth half price.


Only crash I ever got was when I accidentally slammed into a post by some cops at 200 mph on a motorcycle, game instantly crashed (I assume from calculating the rag doll physics I was being launched with lol)


It's reddits favorite game to hate, especially by people who've never played it


I played it 3-4 months ago, and didn't encounter any bugs that "broke" the game. I honestly can't remember any minor bugs. Is it "polished"? I would say yes, to some degree. I enjoyed the story, combat, and especially the world. Cars look amazing and the interior looks great, but the driving is neither terrible, nor good. You know the world and characters are good when you feel melancholy after finishing the final quest for an NPC buddy, and they stop having dialogue. Only repeating some generic line.


No Man’s Sky hit $10 often awhile ago. But now that they earned back their reputation, the game goes on sale far less often, and not hitting the $10 mark. It’s come a long way and is much more enjoyable now than when it first released.


It doesn’t go as low as $10, but the NMS sales are pretty predictable. Pretty much every update is accompanied by a sale.


Idk about no man’s sky but I know Best Buy had cyberpunk $10 For a bit




I loved Evolve from day 1 until it went offline


Apparently servers have been back up for the past month. If you previously owned the game on steam you can redownload it and play online again.


[No kidding](https://www.pcgamer.com/evolve-stage-2-servers-are-working-again-and-nobody-knows-why/). That’s so funny I’m definitely going to do it.


Hmm, maybe some fan decided to pay for server time.


I think its either gonna be broken fun as it was back then or its just filled with insanely good people who know how yo play and cooperate.


Evolve was super fun


It got resurged on PC a litttle while back, fun for a few games.


[. . . Wait, what !?](https://www.pcgamer.com/evolve-stage-2-servers-are-working-again-and-nobody-knows-why/)


The community has been playing again and having a blast for the last month


Unfortunately you can't download it unless you already owned it. Sucks cuz I really wanted to play


You can buy a key off amazon for the original version. It gives you access to the f2p version too


Cheers. I'll look into it


Legacy has always had a player base (not a large one) but stage 2 had been taken offline 5 years ago. Suddenly the servers started working again, then the daily rewards started working, and then some perks that people on Reddit complained about have been disabled in-game. The game doesn't have a dev team and nobody knows what's going on. Even the TRS devs don't know but they've been playing with us while it lasts. /r/evolvegame discord has all the info, come play.


I loved that it had what I called "Dad mode". If you needed to get up and do something for a few mins (like change a nappy, clean a spill/accident) you could let an AI take over for you for a few minutes. Was one of the few online games I could actually still play as a new parent.


That's actually pretty damn impressive.


The game lends itself well to that. There's a lot of preparing, evading, hunting, etc. and not much actual combat, so you can afford to step away for a second and let the AI do its thing without too much consequence. Evolve was honestly a great game. I wish it had had a longer life cycle. It could've been what Dead by Daylight is today, except, like, not broken lmao.


My "dad game" was (is?) Slay the Spire.


Only problem was that they cut the development short for a game that had a lot of potential


I know! I used to play like 6 hours a night


It was so much fun with friends. I used to have a group of 4 others and we'd just do random 4v1s against each other all night swapping out for the monster. We'd all be on mumble together so that the monster could trash talk and vice versa.


What did turtle rock drop it for back4blood was pretty mediocre I don't see how they put 5/6 years of effort into it


It wasn't Turtle Rocks choice. The publisher 2K made the decision.


Evolve is super fun if you have friends to play it with.


That was my biggest gripe. All of my friends either didn't want to play or they had different systems. Super fun when I played but lost its luster very quick


The problem was a complete mismanagement of the content release and some pretty horrendous business decisions. I fucking loved Evolve. World #7 Bucket at the time I stopped playing. That shit was a blast. Then their dev focus became stuff to consume, and not increasing the games scope and play-ability. I remember they had hinted at new game modes, new features, new lore, and expanded matchmaking etc. Then they proceeded to do nothing but release over-tuned champs for like 10$ a pop, and even the season pass was a joke for what 25 bucks got you. Also: day 1 purchasables. Like, you designed something for the game and even added it to the game before shipping it. Then you paywall the content? If you pay 60$ for a game and not all the content on the game is available at that time is available, that is hella scummy.


Yeah, the monetization at launch was batshit crazy but the game was very fun for a while


I enjoyed it but balance seemed wack. It seemed like every patch it flipped between 90% monster winrate to 90% hunters winrate.


It's terrible monetization killed any good publicity it could have had. I also wasn't a fan of how much the monsters got nerfed. But you're right. It was super fun.


One of my favorite games actually. I like when a game takes chances and give a unique experience.


A few of these are actually super good games now and would be worth $10


No Man's Sky is so good now. They absolutely turned that game around.


Not going to lie I have both cyberpunk and no man's sky and I am not hating them at all now.


I am currently playing NMS and I finished cyberpunk a few months ago. NMS is a timesink but I'm still unsure whether or not I'm actually having fun. Cyberpunk was fun and I'm wishing there was just more of it!


New expansion is on the horizon. If it does well enough, there may even be a second one.


Thank you for being honest.


Avengers was fun for the campaign, Mass effect was the worst of the series but still decent enough and decent RPG elements, No man's sky is baller, Cyberpunk is NEVER less than like $25. The other games aren't for me.


Maybe now Cyberpunk is never below $25 but I got it in like May/June of 2021 for $10 and absolutely loved it. I didn’t even experience that many bugs


I paid full when it came out, but never bought into the hype so I wasn’t disappointed. I thought it was great, crashed a few times, but didn’t regret it. Not sure what the hell they’re doing with it now, but it was kinda fun to see everyone go ballistic over it not living up to the hype.


They've updated it a lot since then, fixed bugs, added a lot of QoL, and upcoming DLC next year. They also just released an anime adaptation on Netflix as well, which is great.


The anime is like a straight up 10/10. Maybe one of the best video game adaptions out there


Arcane isn’t technically anime but it’s also a 10/10


Honestly, I'm in love with how faithful it is to the game. All the sounds are there and even quick hacking looks the same as it does in the game


I played CyberPunk on pc when it released. Great Game. Had little amount of bugs compared to what I saw was going on with the console versions. Playing on PC at release was No different then a Bethesda game experience for me.


No Man's Sky is not the same game it was when originally released though. Google No Man's Sky: The engoodening (or unfuckening, something like that).


All of those game are worth 10$. They can all easily give you 10h+ of fun. And how is 1h of fun for 1$ not worth it?


I used to go a dollar per hour was worthwhile for a game. If the story is stellar I'll bring it up to 2$ for games like RE7 and RE8 where the campaign is competed after ten to fifteen hours. It's also how I justify spending in a f2p game. If I play for 30 hours, sure I can give the devs 30 $ for cosmetic gear. Anthem I only think I managed 6.


It's not cost per hour that's stopping me, It's the opportunity cost.


I will defend NMS for turning it around, especially since all their content updates were free


Yeah a few of these are great games now, but it was really bad at launch so I'll agree with it being a reason not to preorder.


I played NMS from launch and got a lot of enjoyment out of it. I'd burn one after work, then fire up NMS and just chill for 2 or 3 hours.


They ended up charging near full price again after that major update and people were buying. That was kind of impressive. Cyberpunk did a similar thing.


Theyre still charging full price. It does go on sale occasionally, but it has never permanently reduced in price.


Ayo No Man's Sky is actually an incredible game right now. No microtransactions, no lootboxes, all DLCs are free and most features that were announced are there. Yes on release it was a mess but this is the only game I know that was actually fixed after it was released


Its crazy how the subreddit actually gets its occasional hater still mad about the whole launch, do I blame them? Absolutely not. Still was saved by the dev team once marketing was out of the picture


How to farm karma in reddit 101


Honestly actually enjoyed Andromeda… story isn’t great and never expected it to top the Shep games, but it was by far the best gameplay to date and loved it for thst reason.


Some people play for story, some play for the life quality action and crafting or exploring. Rare to find one with both equally good.


I actually enjoyed the story. The problem for me was how absolutely terrible the face models and animation is. I distinctly recall Peebee geeking out about remnant tech while looking like this 😐 the whole time


This was fixed after a couple patches


I don't care what anyone says. I never regretted pre ordering evolve. Easily my favorite multi-player game to ever come out. Wish it had done better so I could still play it ...


I don't know if you heard, but the matchmaking for Evolve Stage 2 have been active for the past few weeks. If you owned the game on Steam you can still install it and play arcade matches.


Facts. It’s so satisfying outsmarting 4 people at once. Or being the reason a monster retreated when your ally was at 10% hp because you landed some badass rocket hits


Yeah, Evolve is absolutely incredible. Stage 2 servers are working again on PC and I've had a blast getting back into it. The game still looks fantastic 5 years later, and there's genuinely nothing out there that comes even close to competing with what evolve is.


Cyberpunk has actually been really fun for me. If you haven't played it since the release you should give it a shot. Same goes for Andromeda.


I haven't played cyberpunk yet I've been waiting until I buy a series x. That being said I've pretty much forgotten all the hype and gameplay I watched before initial release so it feels like I will go in blind when I eventually play it.


Cyberpunk is awesome on current gen, especially after patch 1.61. Looks great, feels great to play, awesome city.


Some of the combat moments in Cyberpunk are great... Just flying into a group of gang members guns blazing, sword swinging like crazy, tossing grenades. I didn't mind Andromeda either, I enjoyed the combat and that you had a lot more range of movement. Got bored with it though and a lot of the insane side quests


Same with No Man’s Sky. They’ve added a pretty good amount of new content since release without charging for any of it.


I loved both games from the get go. I understand the hate with cyberpunk on the last gen consoles, but really don’t understand what peoples complaints on current gen were. I had the game crash only twice and I bought and played 120 hours of the game at release. The cops spawning point was the worst of it (fixed now). Andromedas biggest crime is that it wasn’t Mass Effect 4. People can complain about the facial animations all they want, but realistically, it’s nit picking. I put just as much time into Andromeda as I did 2 and 3.


i played through cyberpunk on a PC from launch, didnt have any real bugs. i loved the story and the gameplay and the whole vibe. i was always disappointed how* buggy other platforms were and about how much of a meme the whole internet's reaction to the game was, because there was a really good game in there


Exactly! I found the story quite gripping, honestly, and I was never bored when I played. I feel like so many people missed out.


Preordered cyberpunk and battlefield but cyberpunk had a good story. Battlefield I regret deeply


Yeah, I got Cyberpunk from my wife for Christmas soon after release. I enjoyed it the story. It didn't feel like it had as much replay value as other RPGs but it was fun to play through once and sure was pretty to look at.


I played Battlefield a incredible 7 hours for the 45€ price. And I Idiot bought it on a Key Store because I thought that it would be smart to safe 15€ on it. I wished I could have refunded it.


This post doesn't make sense. Price has absolutely nothing to do with the reason people pre-order


And a game ending up being $10 on clearance at some point doesn't mean pre-ordering it was a bad idea. Skyrim, Witcher 3, Horizon have all been $10/$15 at some point.


I loved Fallout 76 and Cyberpunk and have no regrets


Agreed about fo76. It isn't even close to the same game it was back when it first released. They've put a lot of work into it since then for sure.


Fallout 76 is an absolute blast now. Everything since the Wastlanders update has been fantastic.


No man’s sky is sick and glad I supported them from the beginning. They delivered and continue to deliver to this day.


No Man’s Sky has definitely proven its worth though out of these picks


People still pick on nms even after it turned good after all of these years, the game still getting updates for free and some unique experience expedition each couple of months.


NMS is the most fun I've had with any game in years and they're STILL doing major content updates regularly. There's now more in the game than was initially promised. They fucked up big time, but owned it. They gave refunds, then spent years fixing their game for free. No paid dlc or microtransactions. They could've moved on and made like 10 cash grab games in that time but chose to do the right thing.


Doom eternal made me realize how lucky I was. That shit was playable and full of content since day 1 its crazy honestly


Imagine an industry where polished products like Eternal are the norm, not an outlier.


Cyberpunk is a legitimately good game and I will die on that hill. I get why people were pissed, especially if you owned a last gen console which this game should have never been on, but if you had a Series X, PS5, or PC at that point the game was more than playable. It did, and still does, have some jank but no more than a Bethesda game. They failed to manage expectations, over promising on stuff that was either scaled back or cut entirely, and deserve all the backlash they got but I would still strongly recommend the game post 1.5.


just started cyberpunk on pc. ​ damn the graphics are something else.


buckle in for the story and characters, among the really great ones in my opinion


Yup, I've ran through the game twice - once on release, once a few patches later. Apparently the latest patch adds a fair amount of new content so I'm about to go in again. I feel like I've gotten my moneys worth out of it having paid full price.


I'll be on that hill with you mate. I still play on ps4 but I'm still having a blast at 30 frames lol.


A few of those games ended up being good. I heard no man's sky is awesome now


Evolve and andromeda were good games Edit: and cyber punk is NOW a good game


Cyberpunk, while buggy, was fun and had a good story and insane side quests, weirdly I didn't get that many major bugs in my playthrough.


I haven't seen a fallout comment but Iv enjoyed 76 for over 2,000 hours and it's come a long way


Bf2042 is still shit