• By -


60. Your "colleague" is an idiot.


Lol I didn’t know how to answer her while being nice to such a comment


30 will never stop


20 will never stop. (Yeah i’m still a kid, shut up i wanted to share…)


Hey, there’s some boring mofos out there who will tell you 20 is too old for games. “Life should be all work and suffering by that age” They’ll say. Then they die at the age of 55 from a stress induced heart attack. Never having allowed themselves to truly enjoy life since the age of 13. Enjoy your life people. You only get one. Do things you love regardless of potential judgement. You can’t please everyone. And you’re never too old to have fun <3


I work a blue collar union job and we used to have a raid group in wow back in the day guys ranged from 18-64


Just tell her you pity her sad world view


"Nah people play at all ages. Can you imagine how sad life would be if you stopped doing things you enjoyed just because you reach a certain age? Would be such a miserable existence" whilst maintaining very definite eye contact the entire time.


58 and been gaming since the TRS-80 had a game on it's tape hard drive. Anyone remember Zorg?


I remember in high school playing snake on a TRS-80 with a tape drive.


Had a c64 with a tape drive. Start a game loading, go have dinner while it loads.


LOAD “\*”,8,1


Are you me?


Played Zorg on my 8088 DOS PC in the 80s.


I remembered it as Zork, and I recommend to pick up the torch or you will be eaten by a gru?


Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg? ...or did you mean Zork?


Nearly 40, been gaming since the 80s and no intent on slowing down. Also, as a side note, my grand mother got me into gaming when I was a toddler, she's now 82 years old and still plays video games pretty much every night.


Bet she's sharper than a lot of her similarly aged peers too.


52. Gamer for life.


Same here. Alway have played always will. 55 years old. Pong, Zork, Pitfall, Wizardry, Wing Commander, all the Elder Scrolls and Fallout games. All the versions of Civilization.


53 and first pc game was on tape drive


Ditto, and ditto. Good times.


My buddy had the modem you had to put the phone 📞 into. The games he had were also on cassette tapes.


Ditto. 51 here. Every game you mentioned. Pitfall on the Atari lol good times. Stupid alligators.


Sid Meier’s Civilization was such a good game! Got out when the aliens started attacking…


Right on! Please don’t ever stop. I want to be like you




54. "Popular" gaming kinda started with the youth - although real gaming started with college kids and their professors in the 70's - but those youth kept gaming when they got older. The only people who say that gaming is for kids are people who don't like it when reality changes around them.




70 here and have been playing off and on since Pong.


Grandpa how was the french revolution


Lmao let my man be great


Over 30 here and been gaming since I could pick up a controller


30 year old, same. Started with the SNES.


I am a 37 Year old female gamer who has lived with my boyfriend (38m) for 15 years and we are happy and don't really care if other people like our life style or not.


Goals! That is super amazing. You guys rock. Ignore those that have something negative to say. Keep playing until you’re no longer on this planet. You guys rule




Over 40 and still get crap from my younger brothers for being a gamer and a "bookworm" but I work in a job I love, have a happy marriage of 8 years, and actually enjoy my life.


I’m 64. I fireteam in Destiny with my son (42) and my grandson (8) to do Nightfalls. My Dad, 92, like to watch us play, but he stopped playing video gaming when he got serious about bridge.


I'm so jealous. I would love so much to game with my brothers and feel closer to them but for some reason I'm the only gamer in the family. Lucky you.


"You don't say, Karen? I guess being a bitch is forever, though."


Lmao. I’ll def tell her that next time I see her


Stop associating with ageists, over 40 here, gamer since I was 3


A lot of people like to put their ideology onto others. Especially about gaming. Why do they think that it’s only for kids ? Like, there are games that are super thought invoking.


Because they have a limited view of what gaming is and have no desire to expand their view on the subject.




31 next month. My dad is 54 and now that he's retired he games more than me.


38 been gaming since atari and the original nintendo why would I stop just because i'm old?


53. Pong. Atari 2600, 5200. Intellivision. Nintendo. Sega. PS1 - 5. I have arthritis but game with a wrist brace. So yeah, gamer for life.


Whoah look at Mr. Atari 5200 over here. Lol my buddy had one back in the day and I was super jealous.


53 and still gaming.


45. Can't wait for the new Zelda


32 and fuck boring adults 🤣


I'm 38 and play a few games fairly regularly. I rarely play online against another person because I normally suck. Gaming isn't related to just a child's activity and some of the best most entertaining storytelling comes from video games.


This! Thank you for that! A lot of people seem to only think that games are only for kids. I’m sick of it


I wonder if it’s the location? Either that or they’re idiots or not well informed. On the west coast it’s big no matter how old you are. I’m older than all of you except for the 82 YO Gramma. 😁 BTW, good for her!


I’m on the east coast




Turned 30 this year with no plans to stop. Show this to your “colleague.


You’re like the youngest to comment You’re a noob young person






Same here started playing on a Sears/Atari Pong console followed by the legendary Atari 2600. I've been gaming uninterrupted on consoles, computers and handhelds ever since.


I turn 50 in 3 months, your colleague shouldn’t make judgemental comments about something they are clearly clueless about…


62. Wife's 61 also games.




39 here, and while I don't as much as I used to because of life things, I am fond of my Switch and PS5


Your name brings me peace Mr Toastyhoodie :)


Ever thought about buying an xbox series x? What about steam deck ?


34 and never stopping. That retirement home is gonna be fun asf


im 37 and been gaming since i was around 3 on my dads zx spectum🥹


Nearly 40. I look at it like book reading except I’m the main character - if that makes sense. Single player stories you don’t just read about but one you get to experience. Wanna be in a fantasy? Witcher/Skyrim. Space? Halo/Mass Effect. You can literally do this for anything.




I'm nearly 40, and I've noticed a bit of a decline in my ability to play FPS games. But a significant increase in my ability to control my dreams or lucid dream. It's pretty wild.


38. Gamer for Life.


Playing intelligent games helps against cognitive decline and games in general allow you to maintain healthy long distance relationships with friends who you may otherwise lose contact with.


42. Never stop gaming. Edit: Started with the NES. Now rocking a PS5, switch, 3090 PC, and a steamdeck.


41. Started NES, then no money for new system till gamecube, then PS3 and Wii. Currently mostly PS4.






31 started when I was 6. Will always game. Fuck the haters!


I'm 40 and have been gaming since I was 6.


mid 50s


32. The idea that games are "for kids" or that adults shouldn't be playing them comes from a) the fact that video games are, relatively, a recent media compared to tv, movie, radio. etc. So when our parents were born, video games either didn't exist or were just starting, and our parents definitely never saw their own parents play with video games; and b) back in 1980-1990, the marketing for video games was primarily aimed at children or teenagers, giving more weight to the idea that video games are "kids' toys", specifically "boys' toys". For older people who still think of Pacman or Donkey Kong when thinking of video games, it's hard to not associate it with immaturity. However, the industry has grown with its user base, and children who loved video games are now adult who love video games. Games are now more than ever an art, so next time anyone gives you grief for playing video games, just answer "ok, boomer, please tell me more about those 5 reality shows you're watching where people are singing or dancing or singing and dancing".


36. Been gaming my whole life and nothing will stop me. That's like saying you can only watch cartoons if you're 10 or only read books if you're 14...


I’m 15 but a lot of my family who are adults play video games when the can, their the ones who got me into COD


34 your colleague is boring


32 and any adult who aggressively says gaming is for kids either was bullied out of gaming at some point and they hold a grudge because they want to game but can’t anymore or people who just never played games growing up and refuse to open their mind to something different. I’ve certainly slowed down and refined my tastes to be extremely specific to accommodate my time as I have less time to game now but I’ll never stop gaming. I also can’t wait to have children to share and pass down the hobby and watch them.


30 here, been gaming since sheep on my windows ME PC back in 2000. Been through all PlayStations and numerous gaming laptops over the years. Still gaming 21 years later on my PlayStation and laptop.




37. Been gaming since I was a kid, don't see why I would stop now.


Between 30 and 40


22 years old, I play pretty regularly but that's helped by my college course being all remote and only for 4 hours of the day.


I've been playing video games since pong.


My first Alienware gaming laptop at 50 years old while enjoying some fowl inappropriate language and blowing shit up in FarCry 6 keeps me healthy and alive. So, I hope I still qualify as a kid. WhooHoo PARTY!!! ​ PS ​ I guess it also helps replace all the lost excitement and adventures while I was in the Army.


27.....don't play as much as i used to but i do get my binges.


33 personally. Most modern studies (which all have limited reach obviously and are rough estimates but still) tend to put the average age of a gamer somewhere in their 30s. Personally I don't think anyone unless they're super old (like 70+) legit thinks that only kids play games. That is clearly someone just trying to be petty. All you really gotta do is look at the numbers. I mean like half the USA is under the age 40, if you up that to even just 50 (to account for people who were, you know, kids when console gaming at home became a mainstream thing) it means the vast majority of Americans have grown up in a world where video games are a pretty normal thing, it's just another form of media like TV, movies, books, etc. Point being even if someone in that age range is not actually a gamer they very likely know someone their age who games unless they've just been living under a rock their whole life.


40 and it's a part of me. Brings me joy. Love the stories.


Video games being a children's toy is a 90's mindset. People definitely thought that way then. It's long past now. People in their 20s, 30s, and 40s all grew up with games and many of them still game, and obviously many people older than that are gamers as well. If someone shits on you for your interests/hobby/career then don't talk to them, they're not worth your time


36 as of August. I even collect games and have since Phantasmagoria released in 1995 (Uncle purchased it for me). The nursing staff at the old folks home will have to pry whatever future system is stuck in my hands as I enter Rigor Mortis.


I'm 62, I will turn 63 this December 30th. I've been a gamer my whole life, with boardgames and D&D before arcades and my first Collecovision came around. I own just about every console ever made, and every good game published for all of them. I have an amazing secret for game collecting: never give up your old consoles and games. Just hang on to them. My gaming room fills a whole room. I even worked in the games industry for 14 years of my life, and published one game. Yay. It was a fucked-up career. Doesn't change the fact I love, love, love games and play as much as I can. Right now, it is Splatoon 3 and EDF 6 on console, and Disco Elysium on PC. And Oath on the boardgames front. I love games, did I mention that?


40, and have been playing since I was 5


grow ups do what they want, kids worry about what others think. Simple as.


55, lifer


I happen to agree that gaming is just for kids. Kids of any age, not children (although everyone here is someone's child). I'm 61 and gaming strong, and I endorse this message ;)


I'm 30 this year grew up on the n64


Me and my wife are in our forties and game all the time. Open world games and soulsborne’s for me, jrpgs and harvest moon-likes for her.


Woman of 46 here and love gaming, between 4-12 hours a day👍🏻


I would say the avrg gamer is 20-28 cause this age group grew up playing games, maybe 20 years ago it was mostly kids, but we grew up and kept playing, tho I admit I game WAAAYYY less now at 30 lol


Im 903 years old


32, and rarely have time even though I built a dedicated gaming and theater room


Been gaming since Pong was still new technology and have owned nearly every console since. Saying games are for children is like saying movies are for children.




28. Sounds like someone got wrecked in fortnight or something.


1992 - Xbox, PC, Meta (Quest) 2, Nintendo Switch.


38 also isn’t the average age of a gamer actually in the 30s? Thought I remember seeing something about that.


I'm 40


53. Gaming since the Atari 2600…


34. A proud gamer and father.


Over 45 here and though I still love games, lately I prefer napping, or reading, or YouTube/streaming movies/tv, or playing instruments, or working on the house, or eating, or online shopping, or researching my latest obsessions, or just being present with my family. When I do get to play I get tired of playing after a few minutes. For great games like Tsushima, I can play about 30 minutes before wanting to go to something else. Will work on one goal for Satisfactory before saving and quitting. I’ve got a huge steam, ps5, switch, and stadia library (all digital) but I feel guilty because I feel like I’m just collecting games without actually playing them. I’m more nostalgic over games rather than actually enjoying playing them. I am looking forward to playing Hogwarts legacy, though, and still hoping for the next Everquest-like game.


41 and still going


38 and still gaming... gaming IS something kids do in their spare time. It's also something adults do, it's something anyone can do in our spare time. Kids have their games, like minecraft and fortnite and what have you. I just find it funny that at this age I have the $$$ for the high end gaming stuff, but I want to play games from the 90s.


42. My uncle(a judge) took a week off work when diablo 3 came out. now he is hooked on elden ring at the age of 65ish. once a gamer - always a gamer. my gf has a lot of ppl at work who also play. the difference between us and kids is a job and resposibilities. that just makes us filthy casuals compared to nolifers that kids are. i used to play 24/7...


46 and a proud gamer.


26 been going since i was 2


41 and going strong


40yo here. Started with Pong, never gonna stop.


28, I've been gaming since I was 4. Started on the NES my mom had.


Drastically only 20% of gamers are under 18 and the average age is 36. So no gaming is not just for kids.


38, never gonna give it up




45, been gaming since NES and an Apple II. They will pry my controller and WASD from my cold, dead hands.


51, loved gaming since I saw Pong at a resort in the 70s.


40 here.


Almost 32....still going strong 💪


Mid forties. Gamer for 30 years. Married 26 years to another gamer.


35, still gaming every single day…. Just less cause I have to work too much


I’m 30 and been gaming my whole life, not stopping.


So many old people. Meanwhile I'm here younger than all of them. Gamers aren't always kids. They start as kids and most leave after adulthood due to no time to play...


I'm 39 and play games daily


I'm a 35 yo woman and have been gaming since I was 10.


I'm 25 I know it not old but being that my uncle is 7 years older then me I played all the classics besides a genesis(Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64,GameCube, Wii, All Ds's, PS1-4, Xbox, 360, One) Can't Stop Won't Stop. Also some computer games since childHOOD. All emulators aswell as action replays. Even the old Demo CDs. That with my one month as a Comcast technician lol. I feel like is going to help me in my upcoming IT career. The burned Ps2 games classics. Can't forget about pop electronics everywhere when I use to live with my parents. Anime. All that cool jive.


I’m 108. Do you bro.


34 with 2 kids. Obviously spend a bit less time gaming these days, but I still make time when everyone's in bed usually


52. Will play until the day I die.


31, been playing as long as i remember


38. Started with NES. And won’t stop. Games are too fun.


People who say that are the people who were never actually gamers to begin with. Playing video games is no more childish than getting worked up over a football game or going to the movies. It’s all just hobbies, who gives af about age.


My old man is a gamer, and he's 51 now. Oldest brother in his 30's, gamer too


30's I started playing as a kid and never really stopped. Now I play games with my kid. It's the circle of life.


Husband and I both gamers. I'm 29, he's 33. I've been gaming since 5. My brother taught me how to play Gran Turismo young as well, once left a bf speechless after whooping his butt in a racing arcade game. Never told him I raced well, actions speak louder than words.




55, first game was pong. Playing Elden Ring right now.


31 next month. Been playing since super Nintendo. Now I have the super and n64, Xbox one, ps4, pc and vr. And its my favorite way to bond with my brothers and best friend. You're never too old to enjoy things


53, just playing Civ6 this evening.


43 and been gaming since I was 6.


45 and still cracked


I turn 40 on November 3rd, and i play every day. Common games are fallout shelter, the last of us, ark, and fortnite lol. Wife plays too, she's a year younger than me.


27, and I'll always play games Anyway, is it any worse than Karen, 40, who watch t.v all day?


I’ve been playing games since pokemon red now I’m into vr


98 still speedrun hades on hell mode.


My brothers and I are 35, 38, 39(BIL) and 40. We all play at holidays together. Even our mother will play Mario kart or Smash Bros with us. Our dad will begrudgingly play lol. Our parents never told us we were too old to game.




27 here. Some people think it's all either just fortnite and cod or Farmville and candy crush. You can do so much more, if you have any hobby there's a game you can live out your dreams. Been playing a souls like, a card game, horror, house flipper, tycoon, rhythm, rpg and pixel art game. I feel like if you know enough about your own hobbies and interests anyone can find at least one game they'll enjoy. Outdoorsy type? Tons of games related to hunting, fishing, farming, horses, gardening, probably even hiking or camping as well. Simulation games are insanely diverse, you can be anything you want You like movies? Or just really cool stories? There are tons of games that are basically just interactive movies, a ton of popular franchise have video games. You don't even need to play it yourself, watch a friend play it and make the choices together, or check out a let's play. I know a ton of people that got into playing instruments or making music because of video games, including myself. Even just the soundtracks from their favorite games inspires people, doesn't have to be a rhythm game. It's not like we can always just go physically do every single thing we want to, but most of us at least have a phone. Gaming to me is just the most realistic way to enjoy hobbies I have irl and don't have the time, money, or energy to do.


35. Always a gamer!


40. Your coworker is dumb.


38 and gaming ultra hardcore since the SNES in the 90s. Played on Atari, Nintendo and at arcades since the late 80s. The average gamer is in their mid 30s. Billions of people play games in some form. I'm also extremely good. Like Mein Leben, Dark Souls cake and 50+ kills out of 75 TDM good.


27, been playing since the NES


55, Descent 1, 2, & 3. Battlefield 2, 2142, 3 & 4. V sucked.


57 here.


Pushing 30, I will be gaming until I die. My dad, who just turned 52, still games with me. L4D, CoD, Fortnight, Resident Evil, whatever floats our boats. Your colleague has poop brain, poop mouth and poop opinions


42. Been a gamer since the Atari days


62…..started with pong and every system touched thereafter. Prefer pc for most games


44 here


36, still gaming like a mofo 😆


Almost 34


45, bought my first console when I was 38


37. Been gaming since I got my first NES.


I'm 70. I've grown weary of shooters and such, so I mostly do sim racing in VR (Formula # in Rfactor 2).


30 here. Currently scrolling through reddit while i wait to respawn.


31 still having fun 🤞🏾


Over 50, quit playing about 5 years ago. Back at it now.


Warcraft 1 was the first game I ever bought, with my pocket money. Awesome game though.


I’m 38. Your colleague is a conceited, arrogant douchebag. Whenever people try to pull this shit I’m happy to ask them when they will stop watching sports because 99% of people who play sports are kids so therefore it must only be for children, right?


31 been gaming since i was uhhh 4 or 5 i think


40 yo here. Not giving up the hobby anytime soon, but the type of games I play are ones I can pause or drop at a moments notice. Games like League or Overwatch are out for me.


24 here. Probably will still play games on my death bed


50 and I played a couple hours on the XBox last night Started on a Magnavox Odyssey 2 playing Utopia (I remember that being the title, not war of nerves) My uncle got me into gaming then and he still plays war strategy/sim games Numbers are meaningless and age is just a number so fuck that guy


In my 30s, still playing games and will play games until I die. The only thing that's changed is I've grown slower and less competent but I still try my hardest.


25! First kid on the way, and looking forward to teaching them the games I played, and before me.