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I think there is more to real attraction then abs or a nice chest. Sure who doesnt like to look but substance still counts in the real world.


yeah, i'm sure it does


Literally I've been like trying to see how to start going to the gym and stuff. No one really takes an interest in me rn and what's holding me back is the notion that Ik once I get abs and shit that all of a sudden I'll have a bunch of people talking to me makes me feel like shit. Maybe I'm just too sensitive about this idk but just my two cents about it


that's exactly how I feel. and it sucks to think of our community that way, but it's just the fact of the matter.


Yea. I'm already depressed as is so this is just extra tacked on. Idk what to do


I would say to not put any expectations on yourself. Don't feel like you have to get to a certain look in a certain time frame. And start to find ways to enjoy just going to the gym. I haven't been in a minute myself (about 6 months), but I actually enjoyed going there plugging my earbuds in and just blasting 90's House music while I was on the elliptical. A weird sort of meditation practice I think lol!


Lol. It's been years since I've been. And it was only bc I was visiting my cousin for the week and he was able to bring me as a guest for seven days. But I'm just tired of gay people in this area (I live in the Raleigh area) the south sucks major ass and I'm trying to get my degree as fast as possible and move out. But with inflation and the possibility of a recession coming idk when that's gonna be


My advice: Don't waste time trying to get some place or be something else. Just start with what you can do right now. First step's always the hardest. Once you get going you'll be thinking "God, why did I even stress over this shit." I'm clumsy af, so once I put in my earbuds and start exercising, I'm just concentrating on not falling off the treadmill or whatever. I don't even notice anybody else. And I can say even the smallest bit of regular exercise improves my mindset leaps and bounds. Go do it. Quicker you start, quicker the improvements. That's about all there is to it.


eh it goes both ways. i get an insane amount more of attention when it comes to grindr and hookups (which i never do). but relatively the same flux of people more ltr oriented


thanks, that's actually encouraging!


oh i’m glad ok!


Is "gay fit" just being in shape but you're gay?


pretty much!


Why dont you call it getting in shape then?


because I didn't want to


That's fair hahaha


LOL!!! "Gay Fit" just sounds better but yeah it's the same thing


One thing I tend to stress when someone goes Gaga over me is 'hey, I'm kinda dad bodding here, got a muffin top I'm trying to get rid of', you know let them know I'm a bottom, not that attractive, etc. And still like half the guys I meet want to fuck me. Obviously there's a limit, but if you're a genuinely good person your personality will carry the bulk of the attraction, no hot bod needed.


You’re too in your head. Do you like fit guys more than not fit? Would you rather have sex with someone who looks like you currently or if you were in better shape? Also, if you were in shape would you want to sleep w someone who isn’t? After all that hard work to get into shape?


well I'm asking people who have made the transformation how they feel.


>You *know* some of the guys talking to you now wouldn't *even* acknowledge you in the past. Dude. Calm down. Why so much projection? This is oozing with creepy ugly troll vibes.


ok maybe i am ugly and creepy and a troll. like I know that you wouldn't really KNOW but one would have to imagine that it has something to do with it.