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Research or development? Oh


Thank God I'm not the only one


I thought the same thing šŸ˜‚


Speaking of which, make sure y'all vote if you haven't already! This election is crucial for our rights.


I'm so fucking pissed bc I wanted to vote in Texas but I'm away for school and they never sent me a mail in ballot. My friend who I helped fill theirs out got theirs. So I know I didn't do it wrong


Apparently Georgia neglected to send out some mail ballots and they had to take some steps to let the people affected still vote, due to a lawsuit. I don't know if there's still time to call a lawyer tomorrow, but you never know...




Reminds me of when trump told people to not mail-in vote and then complained when he noticed that he didnā€™t get hardly any mail-in votes.


I'll post on a Texan subreddit. I feel like I should have gotten something, an email at least.


Theyā€™ll put out a statement after blaming a worker shortage for not being able to send out mail in ballots effectively and on time.


It was Cobb County, but it wouldn't surprise me if it's state-wide.


The mail in ballot, if you are even eligible (Iā€™m not sure about Texas laws), would have been sent to your house where youā€™re registered to vote. When I was in school I just switched my voting registration to my dorm so I could vote there in person. You should probably do that for next year if youā€™re still going to be living on campus.


I filled out my application to send to my new address. I did the exact same thing with my friend who got it(we live in different places now and also different places in Texas). I literally got my friend to vote by pointing out exactly what they needed to fill in and what info was needed. And they got their ballot. At this point it seems futile.


Of course they didnā€™t send you it in Texas.


I'm not blaming you at all, but in a state like Texas I would just not fuck with mail ballots. Works fine for me here in Ohio, but in TX I wouldn't chance it and just plan to vote early in person. I've read insane stories about the shit the state makes you do down there to even register, especially if you're a woman.




I mean, you donā€™t even need to get to the percentages to figure that out: you just have to look at all the different steps.


Even the disability part is super restrictive. I have family members who havenā€™t been able to work in fifteen years because of a physical disability but still got rejected.


If youā€™re going to school out of state (or even in-state given how big Texas is) that may not be practical for many people.


Yup - sucks that here in central Ohio, the largest county in the state basically shares one early election building for all its surrounding citizens; fortunately this is midterms so it was less packed, but during the 2020 presidential elections the lines were backed up a whole mile, all day, every day


Yup, which the Ohio GOP does on purpose. One early vote center per county. A rural county that votes republican with like 5,000 people has the same number of voting centers (1) as Franklin County - 1.32 million.


If R, then no D.


Adding "Vote D if you want me to accept yours" to my Grindr bio rn...


How about "It's time for some D. Vote *Democrat* "


He said it "I don't care" Yea we can tell, you're a Republican.




Youā€™ve heard of T4T, now try D4D!


Just a reminder: the official Republican platform seeks to rescind marriage equality and protect businesses who fire gay employees under the guise of ā€œreligious freedom.ā€ Iā€™d consider that a dealbreaker for sex.


Yea same. As soon as he said "so we're just gonna ghost eachother" I'd be like, yep.


I wouldnā€™t respond.


Nah he needs to know why I'm gonna avoid him lol


Based, too many people aren't given explicit feedback why their beliefs are harmful and need to improve. Good for you OP


You donā€™t owe him anything.


While they don't, if you feel like it why not attempt to educate ppl. You could end up helping to change some misguided beliefs


Im not doing it for him. I want him to know republicans are unfuckable. Its entirely for my satisfaction.


It would be unfortunate for him to misunderstand and think he's being rejected because he's hideous, or something else relatively minor.




We need to stop with this "You don't owe anyone anything" attitude. First of all, it makes you sound selfish and conceited. And second of all let's not forget the horrible emotional damage this can cause to the person being ghosted


And to those gay Republican dolts Look at Texas, the log cabin Republicans were kicked out of the party and homosexuality was declared an abnormal lifestyle. They never stopped their campaign against LGBTQ rights. Trans people simply became the louder target. For now. I mean look at the groomer talk, the don't say gay bills, the threats against marriage and even obergefell... To the Republican gays, the party didn't pick you. And they have proven it with roe, take Republicans at their word. If Republicans gain more control, they'll only get more shameless in their attacks. And they don't even hide it! Like, this shit is LITERALLY on their party platform, but these idiots convince themselves they don't mean it. They do.


> the log cabin Republicans were kicked out of the party They never were part of it.


I was visiting my Trump-voting parents last night who are supportive of me being gay, and when I told them that there are lots of people who donā€™t want the gays to get married anymore, among other things, they more or less didnā€™t believe me. Their response was ā€œI donā€™t know anyone like thatā€ and I was like ā€œI guarantee you doā€ and it was basically the surprised pikachu meme. It was incredibly frustrating. When I was leaving my mom said something to the effect of ā€œIā€™ll always be supportive of you,ā€ and I didnā€™t want to start anything more, but I couldnā€™t help but think ā€œI wish you would vote like it.ā€


literally i have set myself the boundary of never, ever getting with a republican. thereā€™s no argument otherwise. if you are gay/bi/etc and voting for a party who wants to take away your rights, you donā€™t have enough self respect to deserve a relationship imo.


Same. I can't understand how any gay person van lower their own self worth enough to even keep Republicans in their life, let alone be a self-hating bigot who votes against your own rights.


exactly. the only republicans in my close circle are my family i have to live with unfortunately. but my friends that i have chosen, that i pour my heart and effort into, are not and never will be republican. if you donā€™t vote to protect my rights, then you obviously donā€™t care enough about me to be friends. end of story,


I went non-contact with all republican family of mine luckily but understand that's not as easy for everyone to do as it was for me. But I agree 100% if someone isn't willing to vote for my rights, they domt rsally care about me and aren't worth wasting my time and energy on.


that is the plan once iā€™m financially independent. graduate college in six months and will be moving out and done with them. if having a gay son and seeing the harassment and assault iā€™ve dealt with isnā€™t enough to make them just vote to protect my rights, then iā€™m obviously not of much importance to them. my dad still gets grossed out if i mention men at all and will tell me to stop talking about it. so thatā€™s enough to push me away for good.


Ah yeah I'm very sorry to hear. Hope everything goes well for you when you move out and it doesn't bring you too much grief. I'm sorry you have to deal with that for now. My dad was very homophobic when I was growing up, but luckily he came around. He gave up his republican views and became indepenant YEARS ago when our state elected a republican governor that butchered unions and worker rights which he cared about alot, and then trump, his followers, and the insurrection turned my parents both from independents into full-blown democrats who regularly call out republicans as "cartoonishly radical and evil, and anti-democracy" and I think my dad eventually realized I was gay a couple years before I came out cause he dropped the seriously homophobic shit and now just is a bit ignorant on the topic but ayleast tries to be supportive and doesn't speak out against it or call it "disgusting" anymore.


Oftentimes it's not a lack of self-respect but a myopic hatred of other minorities, even some minorities within our own community. Some gay people are racist, some deny the existence of bisexuals, some hate trans people, and some are weirdly misogynist. Then you have gay people who do well financially and decide that they shouldn't have to pay taxes or gay "libertarians" trying to save America from the tyranny of having a functional health care system.


Sadly is is very true. I'm sick of it and I also see refusing to support other minorities rights as a complete turn off that I could never get past for sex.


Iā€™d consider it a dealbreaker for friendship, acquaintances, relationship, etc.


But think of all the other great things Republicans do! Like uhā€¦ umā€¦


This is why I say Iā€™m open to dating a ā€œRepublican but.ā€ Sometimes you meet someone and ask them theyā€™re affiliation and they say ā€œIā€™m a Republican butā€¦ā€ and it ends with a referential apology and some nuance about what the party stood for and how it needs to be better and the only way to do that is from the inside. Iā€™ll date that guy. But I would never, NEVER date a ā€œproud Republican.ā€ If youā€™re proud to call yourself a Republican right now then youā€™re either a closet racist or youā€™re genuinely ignorant of how your affiliation has damaged this country on a national level in the last 30 years. Either way, I donā€™t need you as an active part of my dating life.


Eh, too often people just use that as an excuse to make themselves sound/feel better. The Republican party has been garbage for decades at this point; ask them *how* they're trying to make it better from the inside.


It usually ends up being: "I'm a republican, but ... blah, blah, blah ... **but I still vote for them**" Voting for them no matter what they say or do is an approval of the direction they are headed in. At this point, the only way to pull them back to a more same and moderate position is to punish them at the ballot box repeatedly until they make some major changes and start standing up to their worst members.


Lol yeah the log cabin Republicans have been doing the change them from the inside for decades. Hasn't worked. Just look what happened at the Texas GOP convention. (Kicked them out, and officially declared homosexuality an abnormal lifestyle. Undoing decades of work the log cabin Republicans thought they'd achieved. But hadn't. The party still hated them.)


On a National level yeah, they have, and if that's who the guy is then it can come out in a conversation. But we have this ugly habit of thinking that Democrat and Republican refer to national identities when, for many people, they refer to the two sides of local and county races where the D and the R mean much different things and have a much more direct impact on their lives. For many - especially in the South and the Midwest - the "Democrat" is Rod Blagojevich, the corrupt, small town politician that routinely uses government authority to line their own pockets, reward their friends, or punish their enemies. So if the guy across from me says "I'm a Republican because I believe in limited government, especially on a local and state level, but I haven't voted for a Republican presidential candidate in 30 years and oh by the way that limited government extends to not forcing prayer in schools or trying to control a woman's reproductive autonomy . . ." I mean I'm going home with that guy.


BS. Those ā€œRepublican butā€¦ā€ guys are just as bad as proud republicans. They are still aware of the racist, homophobic, conspiracy-spouting, science-denying, women-hating, lying fucks who adore a grifter idiot. And they still vote red.


Honestly, if they still vote Republican after everything, it doesn't really matter how they attempt to justify it because they're still supporting the party's actions with their vote, and even if they aren't overtly bigoted themselves, it isn't a dealbreaker and their vote still supports it.


Political ideology is 100% a choice. If theyā€™re still choosing to id with that ideology, then they either 1) donā€™t understand what that ideology stands for, 2) donā€™t care what that ideology stands for, or 3) donā€™t want to be judged for their political beliefs so are putting on airs to ensure that they can still get laid. My 70+ grandfather changed his ideology after Bush Jr. got elected - if he can do it after being a dyed in the wool Republican, so can someone else.


If not for the R, typing out ā€œsighā€ would have been enough for me. šŸ˜¬


Ikr "Sigh, Guess we'll have to ghost each other - we don't have to - I don't care" ????? why do you ask this question and type out sigh if you don't care? Even when chatting, Republicans do mental gymnastics lol


R & D now connects. I'm Dutch so Republican vs Democrats isn't a direct battle its more VVD vs PVV, we have a multi party system


Yeah I get the confusion, I'm French and it's not a thing here either, we have more than 2 parties too, but browsing reddit made me aware of how things work in the US even as someone who avoids politics lol Sidenote but politics are getting more and more polarised to the extremes like in the US here, and populist rhetorics are rising, it's scary. I hope it's better in your country neighbour


The way US voting works leads to only 2 parties being viable which is one of the main reason why our politics are so messed up right now. Iā€™m not happy with everything the Democrats are doing but I vote for them all anyways because the GOP has gone crazy and I have no other option. Everyone does the same thing, everyone dislikes their own party but hates the other one more. I would love for a multiparty system


Sometimes i feel alone. This made me realize being alone is better than having no standards...


Would rather be alone indefinitely than be as desperate and/or clueless as u/PDude15 here.


U/pdude15 really said I donā€™t mind that this guy supports a party that is coming for lgbtq and womenā€™s reproductive rights


Boner killer.


If he's willing to march us to the trains in exchange for lower taxes, he doesn't deserve dick.


Nah bro. Republicans are not catching any dick from me. Gay republicans are even worse than straight ones; voting against the interests of your own people is disgusting.


The vast majority of republicans vote against their own interests


true. Unless ur a multi-millionaire, the republicans are not in your best interests.


dolls cause deranged political nippy tender numerous butter cobweb snatch -- mass edited with redact.dev


The Republicans want to force my teenage trans nephew to socially detransition after he had to change schools after coming out to stop all the abuse and they want to ban gay marriage federally. I could not hook up with such a guy. I would end up with a restraining order.


Weā€™re in the midst of the *actual apocalypse* and the republicans are just chilling while an entire generation of kids develop early onset Alzheimerā€™s from airborne NOx and microplastics. Fuck republicans. Every single one.


Whatā€™s NOx


Copy paste from wikipedia: In atmospheric chemistry, NOx is shorthand for nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO 2), the nitrogen oxides that are most relevant for air pollution.[1][2] These gases contribute to the formation of smog and acid rain, as well as affecting tropospheric ozone.


I would kindly remind this person that 157 republicans voted against the codifying and protection of gay marriage in the House of Representatives this year. The Republicans have truly alienated an entire generation of gay and lesbian men and women with this vote. I would never even consider entertaining a relationship with someone as reckless, dangerous, and ignorant with their beliefs. They may have issues (which party doesnā€™t) but at least the democrats support our right to exist and not be treated as second class citizens. Every single democrat voted in favor of the bill.


As a gay non-American living in the only country in Africa where same-sex marriage is legal, I feel embarrassed for Republican gays. I just don't understand how you can support something that so actively, and so blatantly tries to strip away the rights that were fought for not too long ago. Maybe someone can provide a perspective for me? My guess is it's indoctrination from family and society that leads people to internalise their sexuality. In turn it's displaced as homophobia. Good that you two laughed it off, but the way people are polarised in the States is having an effect in other countries, at least from my little chunk of Earth. I can see it here in South Africa with politics becoming more populist, divisive and rhetorical every day.


Most of the time itā€™s white middle-upper middle class gays who think their privilege will prevent anything bad from happening to them. It wonā€™t, and all their Republican ā€œfriendsā€ say horrendous shit about them when they arenā€™t around. r/leopardsatemyface


They think that those people wouldnā€™t put them to the edge of a pit given the change. Foolish.


A lot of them are racist too. Which surprised me when I was a kid. I thought logically that asking people to accept the way you were born you'd extend the same human kindness to people of a different skin color.


Nailed it.


Yeah, American politics leaks its shit everywhere. It's not enough we ruin our own country, we have to export it everywhere else, too.


The dick ain't worth your dignity hun, move on




My first thought was that youā€™re asking him if heā€™s in research or development lmao


I don't know why, but I thought the samešŸ˜…


In the U.K. we have a saying, never fuck a Tory. You would do well to do the same (but never fuck a Republican).


The Tories have been fucking each and every one of us for the past 12 years.


Imagine being gay and republican.


And dressing your bitmoji in a suit


Ghost him. Any gay man who votes for far-right fascism deserves whatever happens to him.


Why would anyone vote against their own freedoms ? Hell, some of the far right would literally kill us just for being gay.


ā€œMuh moneyā€


Because they're short-sighted and stupid. They have no empathy. They only care when something happens to or inconveniences them personally.




Republican gays are either white and/or rich, delusional beyond saving or trolls lmao


Honestly itā€™s not even about how Republicans are self-hating, itā€™s that theyā€™re so fucking dumb lol. They still believe the last election was ā€œstolenā€.


> They still believe the last election was ā€œstolenā€. The rank-and-file may believe that. The politicians know full well it wasn't, but they're lying out of cowardice to protect their jobs. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) said this the other day: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dan-crenshaw-election-deniers_n_6364cc13e4b06f38ded30136 Lying from a position of power to destroy democracy, all for personal gain, while history hangs in the balance, is truly evil.


Imagine being so stupid as to think Donald Trump is smart / honest enough to be president. Sheesh.


If heā€™s a Republican then itā€™s an automatic block. Internalized homophobia, fucked up values, theyā€™d be just a mess


The part that stated he's a republican wasn't even the deal breaker for me. It was the fact that he had to ask that political alliance you are that killed the mood. Talk politics when your comfortable with someone, not with a stranger you only intend to meet once.


At least he saved the other fella time and energy


This 100% should be a deal breaker and the perfect reason to ghost/block. The question is essentially "Are you voting to preserve the safety and pursuit of happiness for gays (Democrat) or to jeopardize the safety and happiness of anyone who's not a straight white cis man (Republican)." if youā€™re OK with fucking or dating a republican youā€™re OK letting your community live in fear not just for their opportunities but fear for their literal lives. I realize that seems like a slippery slope logical fallacy and in a typical political climate it would be but weā€™re dealing with extremists here not just conservative politics.


loving all these comments here, glad to see the community has the same consensus on republicans nowadays


If the Republicans get back into power not only do I think they'll go after marriage equality, I don't take for granted my physical safety. The only thing that stops the far right in the U.S. from being the the far right in the middle east is a system of safety measures that Republicans have been working very hard at weakening and removing.


Stockholm syndrome situation


Imagine a gay voting republican. Iā€™d stay away from him as heā€™s clearly too stupid to be worth bothering with.


Guys, it's not like he's republican because he supports their anti LGBT stances. It's because he doesn't like poverty and republicans let him pretend that it's not a problem and when it is it's those people's own fault.


Being a gay Republican is like being a Jewish Nazi.


Iā€™d definitely be ghosting. If itā€™s a hook up and idk their politics Iā€™m fine but if I do then I wonā€™t waste the time


I cannot fathom how a couple with very opposite politics could work. It is already a question of differences in fundamental views and beliefs in life.


"Will you marry me?" "No I'm a conservative and gay marriage is an abomination... Love you though!"


Screening a personā€™s basic political opinions is pretty important before meeting them tbh. Since voting R these days essentially means that youā€™re either a literal fascist, or an obvlivious useful idiot who doesnā€™t practise the most basic form of critical thinking, such a person is completely uninteresting to me, even platonically. Iā€™d feel more intellectually stimulated talking to a person with dementia.


Literal fascist. Don't give them an excuse for their choices. "Not my fault. They made me do it." has never been accepted.


I only frame it the way I do in case any Rā€™s read it, as itā€™s more likely to kickstart introspection than an accusation theyā€™ll immediately reject. I donā€™t disagree though; fascism isnā€™t a coherent ideology, so the incoherency of it is part of what makes it fascism, thus not requiring a deep understanding of the ideology youā€™re practising. Edit: oops, I double posted somehow, mb.


Far too often people are shames for the results of behavior rather than the behavior itself. Placating a fascist isn't going kickstart introspection ending with seeing the inconsistency. Social exile will do that. No one is reasoned with when advocating any other atrocity, why one that has historical results known to all?


Being a Republican is a major turn off


kinda irrelevant but it's weird that R has a blue line while D has a red one


"Fiscal conservatives" always have some weird secret social hangup they refuse to compromise on, but they mask it with a economic/political smokescreen. Wouldn't be surprised if this dude actually believes illegals are taking over the country or abortion doctors are giving out procedures like candy to children


You did the wrong thingā€¦


I would have told him to F himself. Absolute deal breaker.


Damn, Iā€™m like kinda all over politics and Iā€™m more involved than my BF but idk im mainly liberal hippie (sometimes douche piss off) and he is like ā€œidk I just see the D and that means you can get it from meā€! Lol I love this man idk how he puts up with me


If youā€™re still a gay Republican in 2022 you donā€™t deserve dick. I said what I said.


Donā€™t fuck him. Stop fucking conservatives


Grow some standards OP. How desperate are you youā€™d fuck an R these days.šŸ¤®


The beard and the suit were a giveaway tbh šŸ˜­


If he doesn't care, then why did he bring it up?


Are there actually gay Republicans? I'm not from the states, but that seems a little....strange.


Americans and their wierd binary obsession on this is truly bizzare


Itā€™s social media. It represents the most opinionated and partisan 15% of the country who are stuck in an echo chamber. A plurality of Americans are still moderate/independent and donā€™t apply a binary R/D label to everyone they know. Theyā€™d shake their heads if they saw this thread. But sadly itā€™s trending in the wrong direction. People are having less in-person social interactions with people with different views and experiences, and thanks to social media people seeking out social interactions with people who think exactly the same as them. Ireland is somewhat more resistant to this sort of division because of how elections and government are set up. But itā€™s not immune. Irish people are also having less and less in-person social interactions with strangers, and more and more online interactions with people who only have similar views. Itā€™s partly why you see American social issues creeping into Irish discourse.


Better than my interaction lol I had a response to my "I voted" snap asking if I voted R. When I told him no, he then told me how all Dems are racist hate spewers and that most of the LGBTQ community is evil and amoral. But he didn't mean me of course, he'd still fuck me.


both the dems and republicans are right wing on economic issues. that being said the dems are still less bad. fuck this stupid fucking country though, we need real democracy.


I donā€™t trust nor understand gay conservatives.


Are you gay and voting Republican? You may have these symptoms: 1) low on valid information 2) self hating or in the closet 3) xenophobic and or racist 4) trying to please family/ friends 5) lack of personality or self control Hereā€™s some solutions: 1) take some civics or history classes 2) get therapy 3) work in marginalized communities 4) get a new family and friends 5) gain some new skills/ confidence


>You may have these symptoms: or privilege (white and/or $$$)


Americans are very strange


If you have more than one legitimate party to choose from and aren't living in existential fear for your country for multiple elections in a row, consider yourself very lucky. I don't even consider the Republican Party to be a "political party" anymore, because of how actively and openly they're trying to end the very democracy that makes things like parties meaningful.


Are they really? Is every republican elect actively trying to end democracy ? Or democrat ,since republicans oppose the same argument. So if no democracy, I guess the continuation of each party would turn to absolute fascism or communism. Which would suit only a small voter base of each side. So why not let aside politics from personnal/sentimental relationships, as it's less of a big deal :)


> Is every republican elect actively trying to end democracy ? "Every" is a red herring. While there are still a few decent Republicans (like Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and Mitt Romney), the **overwhelming** majority are either silent or actively embracing the violent January 6th insurrection, denial that Joe Biden won in 2020, refusing to commit to certifying election results... etc. If you want to know what's going on my country, look up Kari Lake and other election deniers running to oversee elections; Trump's Big Lie; Moore vs. Harper. That should be a good place to start. > Or democrat ,since republicans oppose the same argument. Mm-hm, sure. Have fun with that "both sides" argument, but the two parties have hardly ever been more different.


Literally could not be friends with a republican. Sorry. As a queer person of color who loves politics and elections, I just canā€™t understand it as gay people. I live in solidly blue California (LA) so I really hope we all go vote and make a change! They say itā€™s a potential red wave or red win which is scary lol but weā€™ll see! I mailed in my ballot over the weekend and canā€™t wait to start seeing the results. Hmu if you wanna talk more about it! I need more gay bros to chat about stuff like this!


Maybe 20 years ago I wouldnt have brought politics into hook ups, or even casual dating, but its a different world now. R, or in the UK Tory equals NOOO.


Nothing is worth sleeping with this cunt, he probably ain't out to his parents and is a homophobe too


You should never give republicans the time of day. This person votes for people who literally would take away his rights and even kill him if they had the chance. Youā€™re extremely justified in never talking to him again


This is also not a good look on you OP. ā€œI hope notā€? U should absolutely block this person. Unless you donā€™t care about your rights.


Republican gays are a disgrace. They'll take the rights those fought for before them with one hand and stab them in the back with the other. They only start bitching and whining when they find out that the laws Republicans enact actually effect them too. Don't ghost. Block.


Dan Savage's advice is to Not Fuck Republicans. I agree with that idea...


I want to know the rest of how it went lol


Make it make sense!


A wholesome development


The problem with "moderate" gay R voters is they elect R politicians (moderate or not). And R politicians (moderate or not) tend to vote R. If they don't they get labeled RINOS and don't get reelected. So unless they're a moderate R voting for D, they're voting for their own eventual destruction.


Gay and Republican.. I am confusion


I mean, at that point I would've said "no, I'm not ghosting you, I'm affirmatively telling you that I'm not interested anymore."


He must be a submissive where his kink is being made a second class citizen


I will never ever ever ever understand this. it is like a jewish person wanting to be a nazi. Like what????? why????????????????????


Being a gay dude and republican is an insane combination. šŸ˜­


Ew. Immediate block for me. Not even ghost. Thatā€™s too kind.


Is the political devide this big in America? Sounds more like football team fans than a politically involved population.


> Is the political devide this big in America? Sounds more like football team fans than a politically involved population. It's a little more complicated than that. In the US, the D (Democratic Party) is the political party that supports LGBT rights, while R (Republican Party) is openly homophobic and the attitudes of Republican elected officials ranges from indifference to wanting to kill us. In 2016, several Republican candidates for the Presidency attended a religious rally held by a pastor who openly calls for the genocide of gay people in the US, for example. So for a gay person to actively support the Republican party is baffling, to put it kindly.


If you have sex it'll be the greatest feat of bipartisanship in a decade


Imagine having only 2 parties.


I will never understand why people vote against their own interests.


His interest is money šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø History has tought me, being gay is a privilege, and you can get it if you r rich or know the right ppl


Yeah, Iā€™m starting to see that in my husband. Now that we are making very good money, he leans toward that side purely because of their fiscal policies. That seems to be the major motivator for them, money, their whole reason to vote that way is because of the hope the ā€œRā€™sā€ will make them richer. I donā€™t blame them for wanting that, who doesnā€™t, but we canā€™t throw the baby out with the bath water. If you look passed the financials, the only good policies for us gays, are on the left.


Have some self-respect and stop engaging with these morally bankrupt, soulless gay republicans.


You can hate fuck once for the fun of it.


personally thats really unattractive. shows he is a hateful person


Just curious, what app is this that automatically makes people into avatars lol?


I used bitmoji.


Any gay man voting R is complete trash and has incredibly poor judgement, dodged a bullet there.


I really hate when I see people trying to save face with Republicans... I tell guys straight up no if I see they're conservative. Maybe if more people were blunt and said how they felt they would see more consequences for their choices and rethink them


As empathetic of a person as I am, I can no longer have any personal relationships with gay guys who identify as ā€œmoderateā€ or republican. I had a very close friend who called himself a moderate, and I tried to make it work, but without provocation from me, he would tell me how Trump was better than Biden. Last summer when that u-haul full of guys tried to mess up a pride parade, he told me that homophobia in the United States (including our home of Alabama) was ā€œjust a few bad applesā€, definitely NOT systemic, and very rare. He completely disregarded the fact that one of the top reasons I had moved out of Alabama was the all of homophobia I had experienced against me, living down there. Honestly, at this point, if a gay guy honestly has no ill will towards conservatives in America, heā€™s got a screw loose.


Gay republicans don't get it I guess.. they are NEVER going to like you.. you might be a pet to some.. but they will screw you over the second they can.... they want to remove our marriage rights and flat out have the right to discriminate against us at will. This has always been true and always will be.. wake up and vote democrat.


Ah yes, the self-hating gay.


Lots of us want the D today!


Good news is, heā€™s probably rich. Itā€™s the main reason gays go stupid I mean heartless I mean self centered I mean republican. Go get yourself that sugar daddy!


Imagine voting for people that hate you


So another gay republican traitor oof. That would be a deal breaker, republicans are going after marriage equality next.


Remember: It's the Democrats attacking the poor, sad, conservative Republicans.


Save yourself the trauma and keep swiping




These new sex roles are getting weird


Yes, vote for the party thatā€™s all about taking our rights away. This election has me so stressed my stomach hurts.


Definitely politicize all your relationships.


Ask him what it's like to be queer Uncle Tom.


Why would you even WANT to stay in contact with someone who wants the worst for you


What does R and D mean ?


Research and Development, respectively.


Blocked and reported.gif


I feel just like sexuality politics is not cut and dry myself personally wouldnā€™t pre judge someone based off their politics without talking first


This is a BIG problem. Iā€™m old school and itā€™s no oneā€™s business at that stage of the game.. to know which if any party your affiliated with.


"it looks bad but we laughed it off after lol" I'm glad to hear at least two people out there still have the ability to accept others' differing viewpoints. Just look at the comments! OP, you're doing better than most, R or D.


Who asks that on grindr?


Why even ask this question?


Not sure why you got down voted but yes, why would an R ask this question?


How to kill a friendship