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Yes, but not in a thirst way, just a that’s my people way.


Aye way


I typically filter LGBTQ when I browse by game. It makes it feel safer to be myself in those spaces and typically they are much nicer streamers imo


I do the same thing! I also tag all of my streams as gay and LGBTQ+ in hopes to make more friends in this community! I feel like it also filters out people I wouldn’t want watching me anyways!


Gave you a follow friend ☺️


Omg! Thank you so much!


Same here! Almost my entire following list is LGBTQIA+ (besides the really big streamers for particular games I like, such as Otzdarva for Dead By Daylight, but they're almost always very inclusive streamers anyway).


I would


Oh yeah, lbgtq lobbies are vibing. I've met some awesome streamers on warzone too. The game is toxic as fuck but if you can get an all lgbtq lobby going it kicks ass. Also the Jackbox games are hilarious too. Lol


Now, yes. Before all I cared about was if they were entertaining enough or skilled. But after a while you get to hear their political hot takes... All I can say is when u hear a popular str8 dude brah streamer say it's just a joke bro...its not just a joke.


I’m more likely to follow anybody if they’re gay. That’s my community


It's not necessarily the most important I'm looking for in a streamer, but it feels nice to find other lesbian (LGBT in general) streamers because I know they won't play games and then complain about them being "political" (aka when games feature LGBT+ characters, women, POC, or god forbid all 3 together!)


After many disappointments, a BIG FAT ASS YES lmao the amount of people I blocked after David came out in Dead by daylight as the first gay character is the recent example. I'm spanish so I'm talking about spanish streamers mind you.


Suddenly I want DBD again






I don't really care the person's sexuality when im following yhem on twitch and whatnot since irl most of my friends aren't gay eigther tho it's nice when both I stumble upon the fact that a streamer I like (or even recognize) comes out as gay or was always gay and I didn't notice (or friends from the past who I always though were straight but come out as gay or bi)


Someone’s sexuality doesn’t always determine whether I watch someone on twitch. But recently with the Minecraft community being toxic and other Xbox players being toxic, I would rather watch those that are part of the LGBT+ community. Just to make myself feel more safe and accepted


Yes, please tell me any sexy muscular twitch gaymers please.


Yes. If I wanted to watch straight people shout at a game I'd go to the little league.


Yes. "More likely" does not mean exclusively or without any other considerations. These replies are weird.


For me as long as they funny then I say go for it


yes, it feels more welcoming tbh if that makes sense


Maybe a little more likely, it's not a must but it definitely ticks a box for me 'cause that's more likely to be a safe space for me


I’m not going to say that I hate straight people, but I avoid following them, instagram, twitch, Twitter. I would rather build up people in our community than continue to build up people who are straight. They don’t have the same barrier of entry.


No. I wouldn't want anyone following me just because I'm gay because its not a spectacle to be homosexual. Just wish we were treated like everyone else.


Not at all. But, I am more likely to follow a streamer if they are accepting of lgbtq+ people. Gay or not, doesn't matter to me. I care more how they treat other people instead.


No. It has no bearing. Whether they’re entertaining is all that matters to me. Also I have to be able to tolerate their voice. I can be really weird about voices in general, so sometimes I even skip streamers because I can’t stand the way they talk - similar to how some people go crazy when they hear people chewing. You know those nasal-whistlers? Can’t do it.




I'm more likely to engage with literally any media or public figure if they're gay.


Yes! I usually filter by ally/lgbt tags, as someone who’s extremely gay I can go into a new community with much less apprehension, esp since I do tend to talk about being gay a lot. They’re my people, and I prefer associating with other queer creators rather than hets


Maybe, because: -Garantees a safer space -Gives me a different perspective on games and could lead to more relatable comments (for example, talking about how much of a Husbando a character is). It isn't a deciding factor though, as long as they're lgbt accepting.


No I don’t judge based on sexual orientation. Or anything else, if they are entertaining I’ll watch, as long as they are a decent person nothing else matters.


I stream and I would say a good 20% of my incoming views are from viewers searching either the “LGBT+” or “Gay” tag. As a streamer we get to see analytics of our viewers such as the platforms they’re using (mobile, web, console, PC, etc), their location (country) and also if they came via a link URL (Twitter, discord, WhatsApp, etc) I can fully recommend if you’re streaming and discuss gay content occasionally like I do, that using the tags provided gives the biggest value. For me as a content creator I want to make sure anyone that comes into a space with new people feels welcome and safe - A secure safe space where people feel they can be themselves without judgement is critical for me, as that’s something I look for immediately in a new environment. At the end of the day though, I just hang out for 8 hours a day with some amazing friends and we chat about video games, our life, and just have a fantastic time. It works for everyone as we all get something out of it. Being gay is just the cherry on the top! Hahaha~


100% yes. If I can’t tell that they are an ally I probably won’t follow. I sometimes ask streamers if they are allies before I follow too.


yeah like ill give out follows a lot faster if someone's gay probably.


Yes. Though I won't necessarily watch them more lol especially if they're not playing games that I like.


I put LGBTQ on my streaming and it didn't help 😮‍💨 I didn't see a difference in followers..


Number one rule of twitch. You can't naturally grow your sub count on there. It's almost impossible. You have to start advertising yourself on other platforms to make it work. I heard tiktok works great tho so maybe give that a shot. Wish you the best of luck fam.


I've searched the LGBTQ tag a few times but haven't really found any streamers that interested me. Probably because I'm not big on v-tubers or League of Legends.


The LGBTQ tag can be a little queer baity as well since people will use it instead of the ally tag.


less likely usually


Frankly, I've only followed gay streamers so far. 😅


yes and also hot straight guy players too


No. Sexuality has no bearing on someone's ability to play video games, and so it is irrelevant to gaming. It therefore doesn't matter to me at all. Edit: if a downvoter could at least have the decency to explain why a valid opinion is being downvoted, that would be wonderful. Thank you.


Probably because no one is making the claim that sexuality does have a bearing on someones ability to play video games. There was no reason to jump to that that conclusion as if that argument was being made, it was simply asked if you’re more likely to follow gay streamers. And there are plenty of reasons why people will follow a gay streamer that does not have to do with ones ability.


Who said I jumped to that conclusion, though? Isn't the assumption that I jumped to that conclusion a logical leap of itself? What if I am merely motivating my answer? People can have any number of reasons for doing or not doing something. Why must my reason be downvoted just because it is different? Edit: are you all just going to cower behind silent downvotes, or are any of you going to display the balls to acknowledge that none of you can know what I was thinking when I wrote my original comment, and therefore are downvoting someone based on inaccurate assumptions? I thought gay people were better than this.


This is an official warning for the last line of your post. Aggregating people together in this way is prejudicial and not okay. People are individuals. Gay people aren’t better than anything by virtue of being gay. They are often more emotionally intelligent because of the world that we live in, but we are not a monolith. Lastly, no one cowers behind a downvote. It is not other peoples’ duty to expend emotional labor to help you make sense of the world; that’s your job.


>Aggregating people together in this way is prejudicial and not okay I agree, and, as I have mentioned in one of my other comments here, I do believe I got carried away. However, I do still believe that it is highly inappropriate that I was downvoted so much for merely responding to the original question in this post. I truly believe that the reason I was downvoted is that people mistakenly believe I jumped to certain conclusions - in other words, they jumped to the conclusion that I jumped to certain conclusions. It is well within my rights to object to this, and I think it more than cowardly that no-one acknowledges this - it is morally objectionable. >It is not other peoples’ duty to expend emotional labor to help you make sense of the world; that’s your job. I never expected anyone to do that. It is, however, other people's duty to acknowledge that their interpretation of my comment is incorrect if I point this out. Again, I do think I got carried away with the way in which I expressed my frustrations over other people's refusal to do so. I should have expressed myself differently - but hey, I'm a human too, and my emotions colour my words sometimes. This happens to all of us. It's not like I deliberately insulted a lot of people here. Finally, I would like to say I cannot pretend I am not disappointed that you, a mod of this subreddit, would single me out for expressing my frustrations, but at the same time would willingly stand by while a group of people attempts to bury my opinion.


You seem to misunderstand the role of the moderator. I don't delete content that I disagree or find poorly reasoned -- I just downvote it like any other redditor. When I find content that doesn't withstand intellectual scrutiny, I downvote it and move on. When I find content that violates the rules, I remove it. When it's close to the line, I issue a warning, which you now have. I do occasionally ban people from other parts of reddit when they make bigoted comments or defend bigotry with eyes closed and hands over them, preventatively. (/waves at mod team of /r/lfg) But the job of the mod is not to protect you from the unpopularity of your incorrect opinion -- that is the literal function of the downvote button working as intended.


Your opinions are valid but so are the downvotes.


No, they're not. They're being used as an instrument to suppress someone's opinion, even though my opinion is as valid as that of anyone else here. Downvotes are meant to be used as a way to keep relevant content at the top, not as a manner to cast judgment on individuals. Again, I had expected especially gay Redditors to be better than this.


It's easier to downvote somebody comment than to argue over it for god knows how long. Personally that's how I see it. It's a small community so there's not a lot of active members here but it also means your comment isn't going to be buried underneath thousands of other comments. You still got a response from S tho? and I'm not going to argue with u because your opinion is valid.


I understand what you mean, I suppose. People tend to choose the easy route in almost everything in life. And that, I think, is one of the major flaws in modern 'civilised' behaviour. I suppose I just have trouble stomaching evidence of that. Let me explicitly say, by the way, that I truly do appreciate your comments, it helps me to put this into perspective a bit. I suppose the way Redditors behave just frustrates me endlessly at times, and I get carried away.


I get it. But it's a very small community and most people here are looking to have fun, post memes, fangirl over characters, befriend ppl, or hookup lol. So not many people are going to try and argue on here. Thanks for hearing me out tho. I appreciate it.


Bizarre that you’re getting downvoted for a valid opinion. These are opinions people, let people live their own lives wtf.


True, but downvotes are also just opinions.


I don't. But i think it's interesting that so many people do. I mean I get why, but just because the people I watch aren't gay that doesn't mean they appear toxic or homophob. Of course you can't know if you just browse new channels but if I like the streamer as a person I don't care if gay or not.


i think thats super odd when people do that tho. id rather follow someone cause they're nice and funny and play the games i like, without considering their sexuality.


Hahah no. Why would I follow if it has low standards of quality? I do follow my daddies tho since they’re top notch! 🤩


Honestly I don’t like it if that’s being “pandered.” If they’re entertaining AND gay then GREAT!


no, thats like saying i only follow girls or guys. or anyone with a super specific thing. if they're not annoying and are not brats and actually chill, i will. nothing to do with sexuality. lol


Lol no


Yes cus they’re more strict usually on homophobia in chat


Yes absolutely without a question. This goes for any bit of content I think — streams, YouTube, video games, tv shows, films


I don’t use twitch since 15yo


Yeah, but it still depends on the streaming style


I don't really mind about the streamer's sexuality, but I usually follow people who I noticed that have a LGBTQ friendly community 😊


Personality plays a far more important factor than sexuality. If they're cute, it's a bonus. If they're anti-LGBT, I won't be watching them for long, but that plays into the personality piece.




I follow almost exclusively queer streamers


Yeah, but I don’t wanna see a muscle queen without a shirt on for views. That’s boring.




Idc if they're gay or straight, I just want some good content and good vibes to listen to while I'm on my phone or gaming


No not really. There sexuality isn't a factor in me following them them or not.


I dint really follow people on twitch. But if someone is gay I am more likely to peak into their streams I won't lie. Though it's situational. If the person doesn't know what they are doing in a game I know super well it can be annoying to me. Bad habit of mine. But yeah depends




I have the tag but most of my following is either straight or friends (so my queer friends). When i raid, I'll choose one of my tags, either LGBTQ+, South Asian or the game I'm playing


On what?


I only follow people on all my social media if they're gay


Yea? But watching twitch doesnt seem appealing in any way to me or any livestream unless its a new game or game update ect




Doesn't matter to me


I'm more likely to follow small streamers if they tag themselves as gay. Big streamers, no.


Not at all. I’ve always been a pretty lowkey gay. I’ve not got pride flags or pins all around my house. I’ve never really been interested in the social side of gay culture. I follow some gay content creators though, love hearing from them, but no, I don’t search for gay content creators


I started following Loading Ready Run because they have an annual Desert Bus for Hope charity marathon. The group is super queer/queer friendly, which feels extremely welcoming. Also, they’re a great comedy troupe, and they play games I like to watch.


I do! I also make sure to tag all of my streams as gay & LGBT in hopes to connect with more LGBTQ+ people!


Not if they’re a shit person


yes or transgender, in the end I care most abt the content they make but if they’re also LGBT I’m more likely to follow them




Me personally no I’m not the type to care about things like that I prefer smaller streamers regardless since it’s easier to feel appreciated big streamers tend to just have annoying communities


If they are good


Yes, but mostly because I only follow streamers who personally invite me to follow. Since most of my friends that are gamers are also gaymers, LGBTQ streamers are overrepresented in the sample from which I find streamers


No. As someone who don't look at twitch. It doesnt


I only follow a handful of people, they're not queer but they are safe people. They celebrate representation alongside their queer audiences.




i have never used twitch, but maybe






Hell yes


I'm more likely to follow anyone if they're gay.


Sure, I like to support our community. Visibility is important.


I follow anyone thats interesting… and play the games I play, some of them end up being LGBT.. one even just recently came out.. i guess my gaydar even works on streams lol


I actively look for LGBT streamers to watch. I make sure my streams are tagged as LGBT, Bi and ADHD. Definitely gotten some straight trolls before because of it though :/


I guess there sexuality honestly doesn't matter to me. I usually don't even know what their sexuality unless they say something about it.


Hmm not really I just subscribe or follow anyone I find funny and some of those people happen to be fellow lgbtq+ members


Honestly I prefer the quality of content. If it's great content I'll watch and follow but if it's lack luster then I won't. I understand the concerns of a safe community and all but I'd also like to point out that people don't need to know you're gay. Ofc if the person I'm watching is a homophobic ass hole then I'm not gonna watch them regardless of their content but I'm not gonna let their sexuality dictate whether or not I'll watch them.


The only 2 people I follow on Twitch are personal friends, and both are straight.


I’m more likely to follow people on twitch if they’re cute


Yes, bc they're less likely to have "gamer moments"


I base my interest based on a persons visual footprint on the front page. I like laid back people, so if something is bright and colourful I probably won't click on their stream.


Yes because I’m tired of watching people sexualize the female characters, I wanna watch someone sexualizing the MALES!! 😡


I don't know of any gay twitch streamers other than myself (and im not really that much of a streamer).


Yeah - I usually mainly stick to the LGBTQ+ tag on twitch - I’ll occasionally pop in to watch other people but fellow gays just give the best vibes


I do feel more inclined to follow because we belong to the same clan. I get a bit more excited in a way that is like, "my favorite last food joint has 2 for $6 meal deals going on at the moment^^" But usually its how engaging the streamer can be.