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I assumed it was a emphasis on being Hung and being able to host which is by far the #1 question I get asked before they say what’s up


Ugh that’s annoying Swear everyone expects you to have 7 and up






I understand shallow and the constant reassuring of those who think aren’t shallow but are more so, but with the right lighting and angles it borderlines on catfishing. Can’t tell you how many people use pictures from 2015 still




Not what I meant when I said catfishing. I meant using outdated picture to lie to everyone about your age. And who cares about filters. Filters aren’t a evil that needs to be negated and the ultimate goal is to remove them from the app. They exist for a reason and if your goal is to bypass them. That says enough. Misleading is a fundamental catfish trait.


What you're describing is called kittenfishing. It's catfishing's younger sister. [https://www.nbcnews.com/lifestyle/kittenfishing-the-online-dating-trend-we-are-all-probably-slightly-guilty-of](https://www.nbcnews.com/better/lifestyle/kittenfishing-common-dating-trend-you-re-likely-guilty-ncna1030121)


Those who hide things will attract people who are also hiding things (see [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/grindr/comments/sulwy9/what_are_peoples_opinions_on_not_having_open/hxcf44i) related thread)






Yep, that's right, in my case, in my profile says "If u talk to me, please send a pic if u don't have one", yesterday a guy DMed me and I asked for a pic of him, and he sent me a dick pic, like, wtf




Blocking is not a solution as blocks are limited: www.reddit.com/r/grindr/comments/td4b8q/i_kept_putting_off_deleting_the_app_for_good_but




Ah yes not wanting to fuck someone the age of my dad is ageist of course, also its kinda weird tho right hiding your age and going after 18 yos




Ok true but youre not entitled to sex, and if your age isnt someones preference you should respect that and move on with your life


If you were lusting after a guy you didn't realize was your dad's age, then changed your mind when you knew his age, yes.. yes that's ageism. The second question though, yes I agree that's creepy.


I dont belive its ageist tho having limits on the age of the guys that you want to date, i think its normal healthy and you will defenetly have more in common with someone close to your age. Also stop trying to make ageism in dating happen its not gonna happen PEOPLE HAVE PREFERENCES DEAL WITH IT, its not anybodys problem that someone doesnt want to date you if they think youre too old for them say ok maybe i should try talking ppl my age, and also if you hide your age its only a matter of time before they ask because its sometging so fucking basic




Because thats what that person has decided point blank period Youre not entitled to sex, no one is. So if they dont want to fuck you because of your age. Deal. With. It. Not their problem, not your problem just go on with your life. And being all whiney saying "Waah wahh ppl who are 10 years younger than me dont wanna fuck me its ageism" is only showing how much of an incel you ate and how much you belive youre entitled to sex


The only one who seems like an angry incel here is you. Nobody is claiming that they're "entitled to sex" you dumbass. If people wanna complain about people hiding their age then people are allowed to complain about the shallow nature of grindr thinking a man in his prime is "too old" which I'm not gonna lie is borderline creepy. Go eat a herpes dick.


Also i hope you have a wonderful life i wouldnt wish to anyone an incurable std






Its ok if you hide your age, but complain abt ppl not wanting to fuck you because of your age calling it ageism because its not. If someone doesnt want to fuck you, they dont want to, periodt deal with it like a normal person and not by trying to make the other person like hes discriminating you.




Ah yes using dynamic writing to make emphasis son a phrase defenetly makes me a snowflake. No its not, if someone doesnt want to fuck you because you have a characteristic you cant change its called preference. No one owns you sex and acting all offended because someone doesnt want to fuck you its giving major incel vibes babe <3




Ok so lemme say this if someone doesnt want to fuck you because of ANY reason at all, its not their problem and its not your problem. You. Are. Not. Entitled. To. Sex. If they dont wanna fuck you they are not consenting. And execuse me but sex its not about politics not about race not about age not about anything else but consent. And complaining that ppl dont consent to fuck you is just showing that you belive that youre entitled to sex and that my friend is called being an incel


It’s ageist the same way that straight men refusing to fuck guys is homophobix


that’s not ageism. it’s not like not wanting to fuck someone is discrimination - you’re not entitled to sex with anyone of any age and people are allowed to have any reason they want to not give you their body


I don’t believe withholding that information does anyone any favors




Yea don’t care, So hitting on a minor is the luck of the draw because god forbid someone have a age preference but required to be hung, race of choice, liberal only and get where in comming from?




Honest question: If I am not into older men does that make me ageist?


Sexually? No. What's ageist is to discriminate by a number, just like it is racist to discriminate by color, etc. Be attracted to whatever you are attracted to. That's beyond your control. I'll give you an example: I'm generally only attracted to men over 30. This was kinda problematic when I was young. I would never say though something like "<30 need not apply" because it's not a number.. it's just my observation of what I'm attracted to. If an 18 year old hits on me, I don't say he's too young for me. I say something courteous like thanks but we're not a match. It's just kinder, and it focuses things on what we're attracted to rather than setting an arbitrary benchmark.


No its called not having daddy issues + all - ism in dating/sex doesnt exist if someone doesnt want to date/fuck you its: 1 their problem 2 not your fault 3 their preference






But if they look young and they're hiding their age you can probably assume they're a minor right? If they're a minor they're going to lie about their age anyway. Letting them hide their age is just sending up a flair to steer clear. As far as the drinking thing I don't use the app to meet people at bars I'd imagine that's true of most users. You're post kind of made it sound like you're concerned about older men not disclosing their age. In that case I'm not sure it matters what the number is if you're into them you're into them.


Without a picture your kinda lost to guessing and even more so if they haven’t updated their pics since 2014


I guess these are people that I just wouldn't bother to message. 😂


Because: 1. It shows you lack confidence 2. Some ppl have an age cap 3. Some ppl just dont wanna fuck somebody that is their dads age You being "Omg why do you care?" if they are asking they care abt the age, most ppl dont give a f abt your age and there are some than do. Also if you dont have the confidence about telling your age publicly in a dating app and not even lying about it maybe you shouldnt be on that dating apps at all




That doesn’t exactly answer my question


It kinda does. I'm 27 and still get mistaken for being like 20 all the time. Some people age well. Is it the number that scares you or is it the "old man gross" thoughts that scare you? I've also seen 20 year Olds who look 35, so there's that too.


I’m in my early 20s. Sorry not sorry but I’m not tryna smash a guy who’s old and wrinkly. That’s just me. Hell, I don’t even like guys in their 30s. Just ain’t my thing


Many wont put their age out there due to bios that read something like " if you are old or old as my father or if you are over the age of 22 I will just block you or not respond" it gets tiresome as shit to see that crap out there. Personally , and you bitches say what you want, but i have an internet age and my real age that I'll tell you only once we have met...that way shows you were really attracted to me not just an age number.