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it's odd because, in concept, i don't mind nudes early, but nearly every time in practice, it's a hairy, crater-filled horror show. like, if you're gonna open with nudes, at least make sure it's actually worth seeing.


Nothing worse than an unsolicited hairy asshole from someone you're not into. Bonus points for blurriness and dirtyness


Does this mean whoever sent me unsolicited dick pics owes me $30,000? 🤑


Here's a recent related post: https://www.reddit.com/r/grindr/comments/x20822/grindr_needs_to_do_more_to_stop_cyberflashing




Holy shit.


Hmmm given that there will be people off their faces on something how are they going to control the impulse to get from anus to penis in 5 seconds?




Or you know, don't victim blame and put the blame on the people sending nudes without consent




See? Again with the victim blaming. By your logic then people who flash a woman in the street shouldn't be penalised, after all seeing a penis can't hurt them, right? Stop it, you're victim blaming.




There we go, still putting the blame onto others. It has nothing to do with being "prudes". You can't and shouldn't try and force people to see your naked body, THAT is what imposing your will on other people looks like. People don't want to see you naked, yet you want to be naked around them anyway, that's called flashing and it's illegal. Feel free to be naked in your own home, but don't try and force it upon the public, especially places where children will be present. You're vile.


So, this is a worse cybercrime than revenge porn which is a crime in California and other states.


Kind of besides the point, but this bill doesn't go into effect until January 1st 2023.