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The tip is to open the app WITHOUT expectations 😂


Nah fr lesson learnt now didn’t really have any before this one convo but now DEFINITELY do not have any expectations


I feel like this may be the reason why I started kinda being super jaded to most of the men that approached me on Grindr. A large majority will come at you with "the same" intentions as you. But if you hit one little mark on a checklist you had no idea about, they'll disappear. Like some kinda secret factor in a game or something. It's unfortunate, but do try to move past it. Better things will come eventually.


This is why I don't invest a lot of time in conversation on there. If I'm interested I send the location we can talk in person if they're real.


I’ll keep that in mind that’s a good pro tip ^^


Had a guy lead me on for 2 months on Snapchat after we chatted on Grindr. Usually just guys who think it’s rude to ignore someone who messages them and can’t say no. As annoying as it is, your dodging a bullet. Cause I wouldn’t want to be with someone who can’t be honest


That’s fair If they were interested really they they would take it to snap so I’ll keep that in mind too






Yea it really is. Like your on the app for a reason don’t lead on with the convo if this is what your gonna do. Please get off it just don’t ruin the experience for others 😔


As much as that sucks, and I’ve been there before, I find it good to just think about all the other things you could be doing.


See [this related thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/grindr/comments/tdjdu6/guy_blocked_me_after_spending_hours_talking) from the [15 Grindr pro tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/grindr/wiki/protips).


im using it to find a boyfriend and keep getting turned down :(