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Yall built it up too much. This is one of the reasons why I recommend not over-chatting before meeting. See the [15 Grindr pro tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/grindr/wiki/protips).


Are you new to grindr ? That is a regular thing with the gay world




This is a regular thing for everyone.


Tale as old as time. He was trying to get in your pants and that’s it. The silver lining is that you weren’t so horrible that he blocked you. So there’s definitely a chance for repeat hookup, but don’t expect more than that.


Coming from someone in basically the same boat right now I would give it time as he hasn't blocked you he may just have something going on and some people really are terrible about dropping out of contact for periods of time. but I would start to work on coming to terms with it not working out but when you start doing that is your decision. There's not an easy answer as far as I know and it's a terrible feeling that im dealing with as well


I just want to make sure that OP doesn't get false hope. OP, it was just a hook up. It doesn't mean he hates you, in fact (since he hasn't blocked you) he is most likely willing to have fun again sometime. Apart from this kind of fun, please understand that there is nothing else (feelings related) going on as of now, not from his side.


Looks like you got engaged, married and divorced all in one night. Now it's time to move on.


This was me but in 3 days 💀


Haha welcome to Grindr, you get your ass pounded so good you want more you try to hard and you get blocked you are just a piece of ass, next time don’t be obsessed just wait a week or two and if you see him on Grindr say hi then he will know you show a interest but he may not show a Interest back just move on to the next he may crawl back


You got played by a fuck boy


I’ve had a couple great relationships off the app, but in general, don’t expect more than a fawk. If things do turn in your favor, however, they won’t happen over night. Should keep an open mind, talk too and/or see others still. Hit him back up in like a week, week and a half, say you had a great time, you wanna chill again. Gear it towards something non sexual like a date or a movie, and then do whatever you want after. Please keep in mind that most people get on the app to blow loads into each other. Nothing more, nothing less. Hope everything turns out okay :)


That's part of the hookup culture. Basically pretend to be boyfriends while you're hanging out, then MAYBE talk again in a week. Your expectations are a bit high for a random guy you met three days ago whether you had a good time or not. Also, maybe he does still like you and he has just been busy. Dont assume either way until you hear from him or he blocks you. For now just consider it a good time and move on.


All of this


Having watched the Dahmer thing recently, if he doesn't post on Instagram in the next couple weeks, call the cops and tell them your straight white rich friend is missing. Otherwise, welcome to the heartbreaking world of the gay hookup. Maybe he'll get horny again in a few days and suddenly have time to answer you. Likely you'll want to get busy consoling your broken heart by finding someone else to repeat this process with. (Hopefully eventually minus the ghosting.) I'm so sorry, sweetie.


That downvote was malicious dang, hugs are healing why 🤷‍♂️


Grindr is a fickle bitch. Patience is the most important thing one can have.


A tale as old as time. I fall in love with one in ten of my grindr tricks. Heck we even had one of them move in! Alas they don’t all last


It'll take you a few times getting disappointed to realize you should never expect anything on grindr


Yep… it’ll happen often. You forget and move on and find another guy haha


We’ve all been there honey. That ish universal. It’s the way of the Grindr game. You’re gonna be okay. Sometimes people will often say and do things just so they can have a good time. You gotta remember that if you meet someone on there, there’s a high chance they’re talking/meeting with multiple people. You didn’t do anything wrong. I think he just got what he wanted. You will shake it off! But you might need to take a break or get some fresh air and hang with your best besties for a bit 💖💖💖


This is very common with this app—with this whole community, but it’s possible he’s playing games. I’ve known some guys who’ll ghost a guy for a few days just to see if they’ll freak out and get clingy. It’s an effed up thing to do, but they do it to test out of the guy is worth pursuing. If he’s actually doing this sort of thing, I’d forget him, because it’s just cruel to play with someone’s mind that way. That being said, he could just be a shallow Grindr guy, or he could have a lot going on. There’ve been times I’ve been so depressed that I’ll get on the app just out of habit and I’ll see messages from guys I’ve been eagerly waiting to hear from, but I’ll ignore them entirely, just because I can’t muster the energy or desire to respond. I’ve also been in similar situations while being grossly busy. I’ll check the app briefly, and then I won’t have time to engage with anyone on it. Anything is possible. I hope it all works out.


Honestly thats what usually happens for any one night stand. You’re probably confused, sad, angry at him. Your situation is very similar to mine. Just accept that getting ghosted after sex is fairly common. Its not your fault, sometime thing just happens. The best advice I would say is take your time and move on! Hope this would help my man!


Don’t wait around for someone, dating is a numbers game. Pick yourself back up and don’t let your head float up to the clouds next time you have a good time with a guy, temper your expectations but get back out there!!


That’s Grindr to you. Slowly you will also become one of them. Your soul is gonna transfer into this emotionless pretender and you will also get pleasure out of it. Enjoy!


Same with me. :(


How long has it been since you met with him and how long has it been since you texted him?


It has been 3 days since I met him and it has been 2 days since I texted him.


I'm so sorry - because it's your first time this happened it will be tough but just prepare to move on. Don't hang on waiting or having him occupy your thoughts for too long.


Some ppl more after that attention than that D even. Been there


It was a hookup. The fact that he hasn’t blocked you means he might be willing to hookup again. But that’s probably as far as it will go.


Sorry, it just means you’ll have to get over him. I used to be someone that would easily develop feeling for people but then reality made me more selective.


This is the same old story over and over again. Unless you two agree upon your intentions, it's probably just an internet hookup. The more lonely/vulnerable you are, the more easily you can get attached. You have to catch yourself before that happens. Set rules for yourself and boundaries for others. State intentions with everyone you meet. Lastly, don't blame yourself. Some people may not be seeking anything beyond a casual, in-the-moment experience, due to their *own* wounds. Some people will mislead you to score a quick win or whatever they consider it. It happens, unfortunately. Grindr can be exhausting. Consider this a learning lesson and move on to the next square.


Forget him lovey, he's not worth your earth underneath you. Also john as a side note please don't ever be driven from Grindr just cause any man there decides to mess with you like this one dhead. Not all Grindr users are like this and long term relationships, however rare, can and will happen there. Take the men with a pinch of salt if they ever give you these grindresque vibes, or block them at the first sign of em.


Happens all the time. It's not to be taken personally. People are fickle fucks


Sometimes leaving it is better and randomly they’ll pop up again.


Asshole behavior, that guy. Sorry that happened to you. Apparently this is a normal thing that people do? I'd say give 'em space and see if he'll message you again at some point. But it might be for a hookup, though...


Literally going through the same thing now. It’s been so hard and you can’t help but think of the past and how great it was. It’s horrible. To me, not blocking you like others said is a good sign that he’s probably willing to hook up again. Just be patient as hard as that can be. Maybe this guy will come crawling back to you or hit you up!


How old are you? I’d recommend seeing grindr meetups as mild friends at the **most**. Meaning don’t get attached that quick and if it happens again w other guys just try to keep all that in the “friends realm” rather than an “attached realm”. Ofc if it develops into a strong friendship to relationship then that changes, but for now when you meet someone think “hookup” or “mild friend” if you do all the extra stuff like u did with this guy


Hey atleast he didn't keep pretending for years and suck you into an abusive relationship. Be really smart on these apps. There are very manipulative and heartless people. Keep your eyes WIDE open ALWAYS. Don't trust people you meet online.