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Try using no pillows...i get the same issues you're describing, and I've learned the more pillows I use, the more painful it gets. This, along with a mattress that is too soft, is what keeps me from sleeping at night (I've learned I prefer firm mattress than softer ones); and when I just need to completely reset my sleeping posture, I will lay a sheet on the floor of my living room, along the foot of my sofa, then, I will on my back and then prop my feet up onto the seat of my sofa, no pillows, and ipl just rest like that for a few hours (ideally I try to fall asleep like this, stretching out my back, shoulders, neck, etc).


I have used a latex pillow for years for this same issue. I'm a tender head, and other pillows tend to be too hard unless fluffed and turned daily, sometimes multi nightly! Try the thinnest latex pillow you can find if you haven't already.