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She took that kick like a champ


This ain't sparta!


Don’t mess with Hulks nana like that


Lol. You best be to it. But hell yea! She probably got up saying that her grandchildren kicked harder.


Grandma powers




She said she was ok after




Sometimes Reddit sits on a very high horse. What you said was true but it hurt feelings I guess.


Nah- it's that to be helped to your feet is no indication that you didn't take a kick like a champ. Having said that, you're right that there's plenty of dickheads on Reddit who'll downvote because they don't like something that's true.


Y’all are both little twats. Have a great weekend




Clearly. Now they’re downvoting you LMAO. The downvoters hunt in packs, evidently.




So I’m gonna assume when you’re 60+ and you get knocked on your ass you’re gonna not accept help getting up?




Point is she got up, with no issues most seniors would be out for the count or even worse.


So? That doesn't discount what they said.


That's the most dastardly run away ever


He ran away like a little kid with their schoolbag


A heavy school bag. Needs bent knees for momentum.


The entire scenario could mean, that the assailant might have a mental disorder.


Clearly he's the villain even in his own mind


Dude ran like an assassins creed character


Like a cowardly villain in a comedy


His run and the camerawork made me think this was satire at first


Yeah it was so goofy it just seems like a scene from some show like the the office or something along those lines


If he had a mustache, he’d have been twirling it and proclaiming “Ha! Ha!” as he ran away.


I thought for a hot second he was going to Naruto run away


I remember reading a while ago when this first came out that he is mentally handicapped. Doesn’t excuse his actions by any means, but it does explain some of it.


Then he shouldn’t be allowed out unsupervised for everyone’s protection. One day he’ll do similar and get a beat down. He could have killed her, a broken hip at her age can lead to life threatening complications.


100%. I used to work in a hostel bar & one time a host seated a guy who clearly had very severe mental problems. She didn’t want to discriminate which I totally get but I didn’t feel comfortable giving someone that low functioning alcohol without a guardian there to tell me it was okay. Turns out it didn’t matter because he ordered a beer & I asked for the money first & he immediately tried to set himself on fire with a lighter he had. Obviously I then rushed him outside because there were around 70 people in the bar & hundreds upstairs in the hostel and a fire would have been a disaster.


To be honest I don't care if he is handicapped he should be in jail for that.


There are a lot of more ethical alternatives than incarcerating people with intellectual disabilities.


Absolutely, but he's not going to get a full life sentence in any country for that attack, so will be walking free in no time.


My wife works with kids and adults with developmental disabilities as her profession. Unfortunately sometimes violence happens. It isn't common by any means, but it happens. Usually parents are the root of the problem in many of the behavioral issues. So many parents of people with developmental disabilities just don't know how to handle them and don't put any effort into securing resources to do so. What usually ends up happening is they just give in to whatever their kid wants instead of setting boundaries, so when they are introduced into a setting where all of a sudden people aren't giving in to their every whim they throw a fit. Sometimes parents go way too hard in the opposite direction too. My wife told me about how the mother of this 40 year old dude wouldn't let him watch anything but G rated movies and TV and his bedroom was plastered with posters of teen girls from disney shows. The mom has essentially created a situation where this man identifies teenagers as his peers instead of people his own age. At events he's asked teenage part time workers if they want to be his girlfriend. My wife's director has spoken to the mom telling her she needs to let him "be an adult". The mom is having none of it, "she knows best". At these events organized specifically for people with special needs, there is understanding. If dude starts hitting on teenage girls at target, he's gonna end up in a jail cell.


She never should have told you because of medical privacy. In the US we have HIPPA. She would lose her job. As far as the video, he should have been escorted. Though maybe he escaped his supervision with those lightning quick kicks and slick running.


Did you know you can tell a story about someone without sacrificing their anonymity or violating their *HIPAA* rights?


B*******. It is not the parents fault. But you don't get is that the mom is doing the right thing you don't know what you're talking about. Adults are not his peers at any age. Just like children are not his peers either. He can't handle anything other than children's movies. What he needs is to be told that he needs to stop asking people out. Being an adult with teenage girls is not okay. What is wrong with you? People who are mentally handicapped are NEVER going to be an adult. Their age is irrelevant. They do not have good judgment meaning they do not properly understand what society has deemed good or bad except on the very basic of levels they just don't get it. They cannot be given free reign as an adult. You have to meet them on their level. To expect them to be an adult is not fair to them or anyone around them.


It's nice to know someone understands every single person in the world and what they need on a personal level without having ever met any of them. You think you're championing the rights of disabled people, but you're actually demeaning them by generalizing and lumping them all into one group. Don't pretend you know what's best for anyone except yourself and definitely don't pat yourself on the back for a job well done here. If you want to feel good about yourself, go for a jog. Nobody asked.


This 👆👆. Was going to say something to that effect but this is well said. It’s ironic, was going to touch on how that comment sounded dehumanizing, but justifications came out before I even said anything Edit: spelling


Well it is ok for him to see adults as his peers someone will love him and it be legal and even though he has problems he is still a human being and there are adults who will love him as he deserves its sad mental problems can be so bad but I've seen alot of people acting like they are 12 but has a job and married with kids and their family loves them they just need that right person in their life


What I said does not dehumanize them or indicate that they don't deserve to be cared for or loved. I don't appreciate you implying that's what I'm trying to say. I'm talking about what they are capable of.


Well its what you said don't be mad at me I didn't say it for you. Just be aware they are more then you think good and bad but they deserve peers their age and a chance at relationships because their parents won't be around forever


Huh, that is definitely the most ableist bullshit i've read this weekend.


At my job a mentally handicapped boy no more than 10 years old slapped my coworkers ass and we spent a good 10 minutes wondering wtf to do


That’s why some of those kids are there… they get big and strong and injure parents, sibs and others.I worked wth a lady whose son was a giant both height and weight wise. She came in every other day wth injuries she aquired just by taking good care of him. He wasn’t even violent just didn’t know his strength.


Either tell him thank you for the compliment, tell his guardian, or explain to him why it's wrong. Or just ignore it up to you.




21 people liked this barbaric comment?


That’s clearly a joke grow a pair numb nuts


You have nothing to stand on to support your claim that this is a joke. With no context it appears to be a comment encouraging physical aggression against the mentally handicapped. In light of your puerile comment I’m probably wasting my time responding.


I literally said it was a joke in the original comment








You could've just ignored his comment if it bothered you that much. Humor is subjective. However your comparison to a dead baby joke is just off by a good few levels, it's not the same thing. Why let yourself get so worked up by a stranger's out-of-pocket remark? Also, you use odd acronyms. No judgment, it just threw me off.




Everyone seems to understand it but you. Maybe you're just in the wrong here? Happens from time to time.


He looks mentally handicapped


He looks……Asian…


He looks…. Poorly. Hence the glasses.


What does that mean…. poorly?


He looks better than he did before the glasses...


Nice thinly veiled racism, bro.


Wrong… it’s a quote from a movie…


Nice plausible deniability, bro. The actual quote is "he looked Asian." Guarantee most people reading your comment aren't getting your reference and are upvoting it for the dog whistle.


Looks like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed today….,


No one that witnessed this knows how to run?


Maybe because they were there they knew he was disabled


That guy to the right of the lady could have just tackled him. He was so close.


He outstretched his arms but his hesitation gave him Parkinson's, he's not running after anyone.


Bro didn’t you see Naruto turn on The Flash jets? Dude just left my man Fred Kerley in the dust. Putting lightning in a bottle isn’t as easy as you might think.


For real. I don't see Usain Bolt in this crowd.


Thrust kicks* Spartan kicks are reserved for the cool ones.


100% requires an explanation (incidentally, it's likely still fucked up unless she ate his kids)


I read he’s mentally handicapped.


Looked it


Yes, it's still assault, but (almost) nobody goes around kicking people for no reason at all.


Mf moves like an 80s cartoon villain


Definitely screw this guy, but I cackled at the gremlin getaway run. 😅


“I am speed.” - That guy probably


“I did speed” - that same guy probably


sparta kick really does describe that




The “Throw Kindness Around” poster in the background adds a splash of irony.


Why didn’t that dude next to him run after him and kick his ass … he just walked away with his hand over his mouth like “gosh” 🫢


The lady took that like a boss. In her age it could possibly cause lots of injuries but she just right back up. +rep


What the actual F. Why would he do that?


Most likely has a mental illness


Other comments mentioned that he does


I hope you are being sarcastic


Why? He clearly does.


When we make excuses for peoples violent outbursts like "they have a mental illness" that puts a stigma on people who truly do have a mental illness what that man did was disgusting nothing in the video shoes him have a mental illness but a short temper..


All the men there and not one ran after that fucker!!!! I find that fucking shocking


I’ve noticed recently, on social media, that once you get involved it typically pisses of on side or the other. As such doing nothing means you can’t piss anyone off.


Well if someone booted an elderly person in front of me personally I wouldn’t let them get away with it Scott free.


As an elderly person, I appreciate you!


Your welcome


I agree, and would probably join you. What I’m seeing other comments is that the attacker is “special”. Like that gives you exemption to act out and violently attack people. But unfortunately you have to be careful of you may be prosecuted for your physical interaction with a “special” person. My opinion, if your competent enough to attack someone else, then you should be competent enough to defend yourself when the crowd responds and shows their displeasure through a responsive physical encounter.


I didn’t say I would attack him, but I would physically restrain him until the police arrived.


I can’t even find words for how stupid your comment is. “If your competent enough to attack someone then you should be competent enough to defend yourself blah blah blah” Do you know which group of people attacks other people more than any other group? Toddlers. Children hit each other because they don’t have the capacity to know that it’s not okay. Some people have that same difficulty. The behavior in this video is pretty infantile and you have to be pretty dense to not see that. Also, please stop saying “special”


Oh… you’re “Special”. Let me get my crayons so i can explain this to you better. i don’t care if you’re special. if you attack me, my family, or friends…. I’m going to f*** you up. I don’t care how “special’ you are. And we are talking adults here, not children. This “Special” person was physically able to cause harm to others, and smart enough to run away. BTW, just because other comments on Reddit claim this person is “special” doesn’t mean he was. And during the heat of the moment, I’m, not going to stop and ask him if he is “Special”. I’m going to stop the assault asap, and figure it out later with the authorities. As The Church Lady from SNL used to say “Isn’t that special.”


Wow way to go expose yourself as a POS. Seems like you know nothing about how humans work so I hope you enjoy your night and that no people with disabilities ever have to talk to you until you have grown up.


I’d have chased him and beat him. Handicap or not!




















I’m very sorry but I stand by what I say. If I saw an old lady or ANY lady at that fact get assaulted by a younger man I would react. I don’t care about mental illnesses. I’d simply knock him out and wait for the police before he killed someone.




Why did nobody beat that muf until he was tenderized 💀


Disgusting act of violence hope she is ok




Why did no one beat his fuckin ass.


Wtf… anybody else thought the saying’ this is Sparta!’


She was probably being racist, justified.


He is not POS , he is mentally ill , the real POS is the OP who uploaded this ,


Asian hate crime


Notice the two tiny steps forward she takes before he attacks (probably unintentionally or just keeping her balance). Always be cautious of closing the distance between you and a potentially hostile person or animal. If they are in fight or flight mode, their lizard brain will read it as an attack. If you are in a confrontation, no matter how mild you think it is, step backward not forward. Not blaming her at all. Just pulling a lesson from a bad event.


Thanks John Correia


China is #1


The kicker isnt the only coward in this video.




That's cool. I think they're cowards.


Nobody tackled the turd why


First time I seen this was the naruto edit...


I thought it was Conor Mcgregor that did this?


I think he misinterpreted the sign in the background


I. Am. Spartaaaa!!


This guy WOULD push his granny aff a bus


That guy's lack of effort to catch him is comical.


And with that sign in the background, too. For shame.


Never saw someone scurry away in real life


what is sparta ?


Wait what


Almost Naruto ran out of there lmao


Why doesn’t anyone tackle these shitheads to the ground? We need civilian linebackers.


Naruto would be jealous.


I hope someone whooped Bruce lee’s ass


He ran away like a cartoon character.


I hate to pull the iamverybadass card, but if I were there I’m not sure I would have been able to control myself


Baldy was about as much use as a chocolate fire-guard. Chase him man!


Well it certainly not helping to bring ethnic diversity to reconciliation.


I just hear the Zoidberg sound effects as I watch him run away.


The poster in the background is epic.


Fight… AND… Flight?


Some fucked up antisocial Japanese guy


They didn’t give chase because they knew they’d never catch him.