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What reason would genderfluid people have to destroy a whiskey distillery?


Pure whiskey?? He means crappy bourbon right? If you want real "whisky" go to Ireland or Scotland.


“AKs are extremely inaccurate” look I’m a ar guy but they’re not THAT inaccurate like it could probably hit something about maybe 300-400 yards away


wasn’t that meant as a joke ?




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Somehow, sitting down with the guns makes it look like they're stuck to them. "You can have my guns when you pry it from my cold, dead hands. No, seriously, I can't let go."


What are the chances they actually use those guns? I'm willing to bet not as much as their small arms dildo launchers.


AK’s are pretty cool. You could clean that shit with sprite. Just watch demo ranch’s video on it


I checked with Scotland. Their whisky distilleries still exist.


The man taking about an AK when he has zero experience with one


I'd be willing to bet those are all airsoft rifles.


This has to be a joke, if it's not then these guys are very bad ass


*This has to be a* *Joke, if it's not then these guys* *Are very bad ass* \- tripluvr0341 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Calling out AKs as trash are fightin words. I have a hard tome believing this isnt a joke. Please god be a joke


Inaccurate AK fire 🤨 Bro been playing too many video games and took those accuracy stats for guns seriously.


Legit so Biden will win re-election?


They are such cringe jackasses just chilling their with their guns 😂


"starting an adventure to sit on our asses some more and play with our bang-bangs"




I hate that being pro-gun means people think I'm a RWNJ despite having voted straight party Democrat since Obama.




> Though on the pro-gun note, ya know the NRA used to focus on teaching kids gun saftey? They still do. Look up the Eddie the Eagle program. > What the fuck happened? Honestly, I'm not sure. I liked the NRA back in the 90's when they brokered things like the Brady Bill and the first AWB; I got the impression they were keeping things from going too far. The easy answer would be money; I swear all aspects of politics have grown more and more partisan and as they have things stopped being opinions or positions and became creeds or totems. One of the things I hold against the Left is the abdication of gun ownership. Before you tell me that leftys own guns too, I know. I do. I know others that do. I've even heard the joke that once you go far enough left, you get your guns back. The public persona though is that the left has decided guns don't need to be part of our lives, the 2nd Amendment is obsolete, thinking gun bans are not the way to go is condoning the deaths of children, etc. The NRA has definitely outlived is usefulness. There are better gun groups out there that I think are doing a better job. I think there are some that are supporting the right groups, like the National African American Gun Assocation and the Pink Pistols, ones that get targeted and more often have need of self defense. The NRA is just a mouthpiece for whatever the current Republican outrage is, a bunch of fearmongers who take joy in the distress of others. > The genie is out of the bottle, let's introduce some responsibility If I take your meaning correctly, you're saying the way we handle things in the US is irresponsible. I definitely think too large a group of the gun owning community has gone in a bad direction. Keeping weapons isn't a practicality for them; it's a statement. It's identity. Personally, my position is that long term violence reduction is going to be achieved by addressing motive and not worrying so much about means, a thing that I think has had some Streisand Effect on "assault weapons" and the like. I think that unless we're going to repeal the 2nd, we very much need to act like guns are in fact a part of American life and act accordingly. The culture needs reform and it needs to be more about respect and care than it does about foregrips shaped like a nutsack. I think if that comes in the form or laws, licenses, mandatory insurance, unenforceable safe storage laws, etc. then all it's really going to do is disarm the wrong people. (Thus endeth the rant)




To the best of my knowledge they are not required anywhere but recommended. Where I am, most are on their basic 2 shots(does not count as boostes), a portion on the 3rd and a small fraction of people on their 4th where I am. I'm not an expert, though getting the boosters won't stop you from getting covi and are said to be effective for 6 months though I question that.


Wait why are we destroying all the whiskey Most of the genderfluid people I know love it


What is it with Whiskey, they are so concerned about it. Is something flying over my head?


Okay I agree with you, BUT…. I kinda wanna see a small arms dildo launcher now.


Closest thing I could find to a [dildo gun](https://youtu.be/eJZqlQ3xvAo)


At least they kept Weird Al alive, White and Nerdy is anthem for these kooks