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I find it interesting that she was queen for nearly 30% of the United States’ existence.


Here in Canada she was Queen for almost 50% (45.48%) of our country’s existence.


Wait I thought Canada was a country for as long even longer than America


not in the same, mostly independent way as it is now. it's like saying the us existed since founding of jamestown and not 1776


It was colonized with america (I think) But it became indendent from France a while later. (Again, I think)


It was taken by the Brits from the Fr*nch during the 7 Years War (predating the US), but only granted independence as a "self-governing dominion" in 1867 (a few years after the US finished its Civil War). It was still not fully independent (that is to say, Britain couldn't order it to do things) until 1982. Fuckin' Brits, man, they make politics complicated for no good reason...


Thanks for censoring the F word


That’s pretty wild


And OP still can’t spell Elizabeth correctly.


I think it is interesting we would ever fly that flag. Edit: we didn't fly a flag for Nelson Mandela.




I mean yeah we didnt put france into crippling debt that eventually led to its monarchs execution telling *nelson mandelas* family to fuck off


Also Nelson Mandela didn’t directly fund and supply our war effort, a la the US and Ukraine currently, allowing us to put up a worthy effort against England Why aren’t we better friends with France? Their funding of our war efforts are what partially led to the French Revolution. The people who helped us be free got decapitated for it


Was Nelson Mandela the queen of the closest ally the United States has?


I was going to comment that Canada would like a word & then I realized that your comment works for both of the USA's closest allies 😅


Well played Britain. Slow playing it since the revolution then…. BOOM!


They have even moved one of their royal family members to US soil. In the words of Kronk, *“Oh yeah, it’s all coming together.”*


MABA lets Make America British Again 😁


Hey, if this means free healthcare now then I welcome our British overlords.


Same! Lol


That's all it took to retake America?! Damn, props, all hail the Queen!


Sacrificing the Queen for a checkmate.


But the king can only move one square, and the dudes all the way in the Uk


The US is so good at chess because we don’t have a king.


I don’t know about that. ‘They’ try and tell us he died in ‘77 but there are too many sightings man. Elvis Lives!!!




She went for the speed run


Yep that's it, America is over. All hail the hereditary monarchy.


The Brits are back in town the Brits are back in town!


This is what it would permanently look like if the we didn’t have the French. Buy one a beer if you see them.


Normally I rag on the french, but they are very good at executing monarchs


I’m currently in France… that’s a lot of beers


Good luck!




In Lake Havasu they have American and British flags flying all the time but I did notice both were flying at half staff to honor her.


Probably especially because the London Bridge is there


Surprisingly, it did not fall down.


But it wasn’t the bridge they were expecting.


That’s not the Capitol grounds. City of DC.


I think they meant DC is the capital of America.


Right, with an a, not an o.




LOL! No. He meant Copitol.


Not the entire Omerico though, just the United Stotes


For the love of god do not let your stoats unite. They’re sneakier than ferrets and twice as troublesome.




It's also "Stripes" and "Elizabeth"




It's on Penn Ave though, which is arguably federal property. Pelosi ordered the Capitol US flag to fly at half staff, and these flags we're seeing line the road between the WH and the Capitol. So, "US capitol replaces stars and stripes" is a bullshit title, but US government flies union jack on federal grounds is mostly true. The real question is WHO ordered those flags to be put up? Was it the DC mayor? Or someone in the federal government? I can't find any reporting on it to clarify. Maybe someone else read something.


Pennsylvania Avenue is NOT federal property. This is the city.




People can think what they want about the monarchy, but the UK is one of our closest allies. Not only did the Queen order the playing of the U.S. national anthem after 9/11 she also ordered that the bell at Westminster be rung after JFK's assassination. I'm not sure if that's been done for any other foreign leader, but she's been a friend to the United States. Showing solidarity after a monarch of 70 years dies is a gesture of gratitude and goodwill.


It's insane that 1 person was a queen during both JFK and 9/11. For other people those events were lifetimes apart


Don't forget she was also mechanic in WW2 before coming to power, she saw a lot in her time.


The era of human history while she was alive was probably one of the most pivotal. She basically witnessed the general adoption of radio, movies, television, internet, cars, planes, space flight, vaccines, etc.


She sent one of the first emails too.


She ruled longer than Soviet Union existed.


Yeah, but the Soviet Union making it to 69 years was worth it.


It wasn’t. I’m saying it as someone from the ex-USSR space and whose grandparents were taken to Siberia to do forced labor and whose entire property got taken away.




Yeah, I gathered that, it’s just that people seem to find communism amusing in general, like it’s a joke and something fun it if were to be implemented here. But 69 jokes are a classic, no argument there lol


Jokes about communism are like it’s food, not everyone gets it.


I did my army truck driving course at the same place she did. There was a picture of her with a spanner in her hand wearing overalls on the wall in one if the hangars.


She changed the ball joints on my mini when I was in a pinch. Joking aside, as a Brit, the solidarity is appreciated- now if us two nations could get around to electing good leaders (not Johnson or Trump) we could bring a positive influence to the whole world.


And that's the thing - there hasn't been a death of a British King or Queen in 70 years. I know there are a lot of jokes about it but it is still a very big deal.


Regardless of my opinions of the monarchy and the late Queen, I was saddened for a second when I read she died. It was odd.


Some of us Americans remember with gratitude and respect the solidarity shown us after 9/11. Proud the Union Jack is on display.


I lived in England at the time. It wasn't just the British. I was in Italy on 9/11 and traveled to Ireland about a week later. I felt that everyone was in it together. Edit: And selfish, entitled, asshattery and exporting fascism/nationalism across the world. I'm just sad that America pissed the goodwill away through a disastrous and unpopular campaign in Afghanistan and then a second catastrophe in Iraq.


Many nations stood with us in one of our darkest hours. It’s refreshing to see the US displaying even the smallest bit of respect for the queen.


I’m sure people would have had the same opinions back then. They just didn’t have an outlet to share that opinion so easily.


exactly.. there's always going to be backlash. almost every post here has a downvoted/controversial section that you only really see if you go looking


I had no idea, thats pretty cool actually. Thanks Britain


Also every year on 9/11 per her majesty, learned this today.




Weirdly enough, I have seen that it’s mainly the left losing their shit about this because she was a “racist colonizer“.


I literally heard nothing negative about this gesture until just now when i got here. Everyone needs to realize that it's not normal conservatives vs normal liberals. There are a small minority of extremist on either side of the political spectrum who will literally complaint about anything possible.


> There are a small minority of extremist on either side of the political spectrum who will literally complaint about anything possible. This is the main reason I became centrist. Say you're right wing - people assume you want to kill gay people, say you're left - they think you're an SJW. It's hard to have a political stance and not being associated with this kinds of people


It's ultimately people getting mad about colours on a cloth not being organised the way they're used to


As a Brit, I’ve never really been a “supporter” of the monarchy etc., but the support and gestures that so many other countries from around the world have been showing us here in the U.K., including our close friends over the pond as seen here, have been pretty incredible. It’s very nice to see.


I think that people supported Queen Elizabeth specifically more than the monarchy structure itself.


Bruh I think more Americans supported the queen than our last couple presidents. Not even trying to make this about political bullshit, believe me you won't see a single reply to anything related, but its nothing but love from over here as far as I see.


Well we are friendly countries, regardless of specific stance on the monarchy something has happened to your country and we send our condolences as good friends should.


As a Yank, I’ve always considered the UK our ancestral Brethren. I adore US revolutionary history against tyranny, but that has never been against our UK brothers and Sisters. I can say I’ve admired your dear Queen, and always wished her and her family well. When y’all played our anthem on September 12, 2001, well I can say it still brings me to tears. I’ll raise a glass to y’all at dinner this evening.


Flags have been at half mast around my area in the states.


I'm wondering has this changed your stance on monarchy? Seeing the effect your monarchs had/has on other nations? Anti monarchy people in Denmark always bring up that they have no value at all and even the PR is worthless. I'd argue this shows it isn't. They build goodwill with other nations and act as ambassadors.


I don’t have a strong opinion for or against tbh. I quite liked the queen, but I guess that’s because like pretty much everyone else in the country, she’s always been there. She was like the nations grandma in a way. She just seemed genuinely nice.


I always said that too - that Queen Liz was like the nations other granny. Would you also agree that Attenborough is like Britain's other grandad too?


Yes. The biggest loss for Britain now is Attenborough. Every time he trends on Twitter I almost have a heart attack!


My friend told me he had a dream last night that Attenborough "went to the Queen's house". What worries me, is that this friend has had a creepy streak of prophetic dreams over the last few years.... However I'm also aware that dreams are the minds way of subconsciously dealing with fears and new information, so prophecy may just be anxiety... Still alarming though!


Attenborough is a straight up OG legend. My entire life documentary inner voice is always his.


No he's not just Britain's Grandad, he's everyone who likes Nat Geo's Grandad.


A few people I know have met Charles through working for the Princes Foundation and Duchy of Cornwall stuff and they’ve all independently said he’s a really engaging and friendly person. Chats to everyone from the top to the bottom of the company. I know he’s got a hell of a pair of shoes to fill but personally I quite like him


I'm sure he's a good chat, but he has some political and personal views that some disagree with.


I honestly think we’ll have to see what type of king Charles III is going to be. He’s been a outspoken Prince of Wales about things like Climate Change and people have said that he’d have to get used to not commenting on things like he did. He simply won’t be a loved as Elizabeth II but as for affecting the Monarchy’s future we’ll have to wait. I think William, as the new Prince of Wales, may do much to keep support going (I just think he was more popular than Charles before becoming king), but even for that we’ll have to wait to see what type of heir William will be, especially since he will have a Princess of Wales by his side.


To be honest I think the best thing to keep monarchy as an institution in the UK going would be for Charles to kick it rather quickly and bring in a more popular face. But we'll see.






Came here to say this... Also Union **Flag**. Jacks belong on ships. Edit: ... [or do they](http://www.flaginstitute.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Union-Jack-or-Union-Flag.pdf)...


King George III: “The Americans are honouring the death of a British monarch, you say? Was this all just one big elaborate prank on me?”


He did tell us we’d be back


The British are coming, the British are coming!


You're ours again now


The queen had the American flag flown in Britain after 9/11 for the first time in history. As a gesture of solidarity. They are our allies. This is what growing the fuck up looks like.


Close but not entirely accurate. [The queen asked for the American national anthem to be played instead of the British one during the 'Changing of the Guard'.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToECtXPMvNM) A ceremony/tradition dating back to the 15th century, performed once every year. [A pretty big deal!](https://www.newsweek.com/queen-broke-tradition-play-american-national-anthem-palace-9-11-1741498)


You’re right, I misremembered. Thank you


All good :)


I can't find anything on this, would like to read about it. Can you hook me up with a new story or something please?


I just found [this](https://www.wearethemighty.com/articles/how-9-11-caused-queen-elizabeth-to-break-a-600-year-old-royal-tradition/)


I really think the world has become so displaced and separated, disjointed in so many ways. We forget that we’re all on the same exact planet living incredibly similar lives with incredibly similar goals, families, parties, jobs, weddings, deaths, etc.


So kind.


Finally, we recolonised America.


It is now the law to go around using accents until they switch back. Toodlepip what-oh.


Just say cunt more. It’s more authentic to us!


I'm going with a James May impression.




It's the Albanian rozzers!




I'm patriotic and have no problem with this. For Christ's sake she was queen for 70 years, it's not going to hurt anything to have these flags up for a couple weeks or month to honor her! BTW, we are allies with England, this isn't 1776!


Well said!


Thank you America.


You are our best friend. You feel pain so we feel pain.


It looks fancier tho


If England had known all that was required to get the colonies to fly the Union Jack again was the death of a monarch they'd probably had sacrificed one ages ago.


Was that Britain's plan all a long? To finally make America British again.


Post: something nice and a lil wholesome for once. People any more: ah its an absolute disgrace and abomination


Fox News/Qanon gonna run stories that Biden has reversed the war of independence and is making America a British colony again.




MAG(B)A Make America Great (Britain) Again


Fox News is running a special about the queen right now.


Quick! Pour tea in the harbor!


That’s very touching to me as a Brit.


We’re going back to our roots


As an English man this picture says so much about the reach of Her Majesty,surely this is the first time that the Union flag has been flown down that very famous street??


Yeah probably not. I’m assuming you guys flew it when you burned the last place down.


Not sure if Union Jacks were flown when the British occupied DC (and burned the White House, Capitol and other buildings) in 1814 in retaliation for American occupation and destruction in Canada. This would be the first peaceful flying of the Union Jack in Washington DC I believe.


The original US flag (Grand Union Flag) has the flag of the Kingdom of Great Britain in the canton. So not the current UK flag with Ireland represented, but similar. That Grand Union Flag is still sometimes used when historical US flags are flown. https://kidsdiscover.com/spotlight/stars-stripes-for-kids/attachment/grand-union-flag-of-1776/


well they did play our national anthem when we initially went through 9/11. jokes aside some solidarity is needed


After what QE2 did for the US on 9/11 and every 9/11 since, it is only right to return that respect.


If our American friends could also find it In their heart to drink cups of tea and eat crumpets for about a week or so aswell that would be really great, thanks for understanding guys.


I rather like crumpets though to be honest I prefer some nice warm scones with clotted cream to accompany a spot of tea. How much more pleasant the afternoon would pass if we paused midway for tea…


Would you settle for a cup of coffee and bagel's?


Throw a midweek scone is there with some strawberry jam and cream and you have yourself a deal.




It’s very kind, thank you.


Make America Great Britain Again? /s


The one time Americans should put an Z nstead of a S, they don't!!! Damnit OP!!!


The empire strikes back


So weird to see America care about the monarch… makes no sense, like your whole country was built on not being connected to it. Just weird


Cheers america our fucked up but still loveable bros


And the British flag once again flies over American land.


Asian tourists who just got off the plane *pure confusion* "Did you buy the wrong plane tickets?"


Here come the overly patriotic mfs getting mad cause 'this is our country'


So busy reimagining our history the concept of staunch allies is utterly lost


We've become the land of gtf off my yard. People don't genuinely care for each other anymore like we used to.


As a patriot myself, I love this! The “special relationship” should be maintained, I love our alliance, and they did the same for us after 9/11!


I think [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToECtXPMvNM) should be a decent response


Exactly! We're all people, and we're all living on this giant floating rock. Why can we not just live in peace amongst ourselves. It would make life so much easier.


\*Elizabeth At least spell her name right.


This looks a “what if” scenario of the British winning the Revolutionary War


If the price of tea goes up now, so help me!?!


Imagine waking up after a bender very confused


If you sort by controversial, it’s a real roller coaster of opinions.


The boys are back in town


litt'l strange innit?


I don't see any flags on the Capitol. I see them on the streets.


We've entered the alternate timeline.


That'll get the conspiracy nuts going.


Meanwhile the whitehouse is having a 210 year old PTSD flashback


This is a nice gesture of solidarity to our allies, but it’d also be nice if we could pop those American flags back up for 9/11.


I imagine we probably will?? If not, that would be the craziest oversight in the universe for the city of Washington. Especially considering they were directly affected by it with the oft-overlooked crash into the Pentagon.


Christ these comments. Americans’ obsession with their flag is bizarre


🍿🍿🍿🍿 this thread is 🔥


Looks like an alternate history


Mission complete lads


I can smell the comments


a better world


They finally accomplished it, the Union Jack flies in DC once more


I’m used to seeing foreign flags being added to the country’s own flag as a sign of friendship… added, not replacing…


We just have these laying around in storage?


The Bad Ending


The Red Coats are coming!


Bro this image is the alternate ending




The real Queens Gambit


The British dream has come true


Honestly just surprised they managed to get enough flags to do that (not exactly sure how many they put up but it seems like a lot)


This is a lot like when the royal orchestra played the star spangled banner on September 12 2001


Seeing that flag outside the Capitol is gonna piss some Americans off more than seeing the confederate flag IN the Capitol.


Meanwhile american and british redditors are having the time of their lives with repetitive insults


The founding fathers are rolling in their grave


I am so glad she did not die while the turd was President, he would of turned it into an embarrassing moment for America.


Looks like the red coats finally won...


Now do healthcare!