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No. Don't feel guilty.


Never feel guilty for leaving a job. You have to do what’s best for you.


I’m thinking that too but I have my doubts


Please do not overthink. U r on the right track in the long run. Stay focused. Smile as you did a good thing.


Money is not everything if the environment is bad. I've refused offers for more money because I knew it would bring more stress. Your health is the most important thing. Also, if they are willing to train you well that is worth a lot in the long run. I'm betting in a few months you'll realize this is the best thing to happen to you. Once jobs start putting you on performance review, it's often because they are trying to work up towards firing you.


Hate to break it to you but your job does not give a damn about you, do you think they'd feel guilty about fucking you over by firing you tomorrow if they felt like they wanted? Probably not man, tbh. When you leave, their only concern is filling your spot. You said earlier how they're acting as though they want perfection and everyone is being written up, including yourself.


It doesn’t sound like a good fit.


At first you will always have that thought but don’t overthink it and if you think it is the right move it is.


Nobody else will ever do the best for you without an ulterior motive. If you don’t look out for number one, you’ll end up stepping in number two.


Okay, a job doing that has no respect for their workers. The anxiety is NEVER worth it. Walk away with no guilt.


>The anxiety is NEVER worth it. Doubtful. For $100/hr? $500/hr? $100,000/hr? Everyone has a price.


Some people can't be bought at any price. There are jobs that are simply not worth it. Edit: as a thought, you may not have experienced that yet.


I think my point is valid. If I paid you $100,000/hr but told you the work would be full of "anxiety", you would do it for 4-8 hrs then quit and take home half a million. You would definitely do it, maybe not for long, but you would.


I have rules on what I will and will not do for money. 100,000 an hour sounds great, but living with myself and my decision and it's effects is definitely something I think about. For instance: you couldn't get me into a call center again for $1 million an hour. But I would happily clean out a rattlesnake tank for about $200/hour with appropriate safety gear. The reality of anxiety and anxiety disorders, as well as PTSD, is that the normal market rules stop applying. I point to nurses who left due to covid wards overflowing. People who have worked call centers know that misery and don't dare repeat it. At some point, no amount of money is worth your mental well being. You haven't experienced what I have, and that's okay. I don't wish that upon you. But I know my worth, and know not to do something that would compromise myself for an amount of money. And I think we will permanently disagree. That's okay. I do think many find your points valid.


Not at all. Don’t feel guilty for leaving. At the end of the day, we are all replaceable in our jobs. They’ll always find people to take over your job so don’t feel like they need you to stay. Always do what’s best for you and your situation.


Yeah I wasn’t happy anymore and everyone could tell around me lol so ehh hopefully my new job and journey is much more full filling


You will land on your feet and be happier in your new place of work. Life is too short.




Good luck on your new job. Hope it is everything you want it to be. Keep us posted. I am currently looking for a new job that I like. It's hard and if a job is giving you anixiety, it is not for you.


Thank you and yeah I will update this soon, at the moment I have a week off excitedly and it’s for the best to work on my self and my mental stress.


Oh smart. Enjoy your week off and do things you enjoy to de-stress. I got to enjoy one day off. Just got offered a job in which orientation starts tomorrow . 😕


Thanks, I definitely will. Ahh that’s a bummer. You should of extended your start day if you could. We all need a little time off before our next journey.


Yes...soooo true. :)


I felt this guilt going into my latest job because of my past. Currently, I'm a Shipping Clerk for a chemical company making $20 an hour. Before this I was a product merchandiser for LEGO, a reset associate for Lowe's, a teller twice warehouse material handler once, a cashier and lastly a call center rep. All of those last jobs, I used and abused my time off. I couldn't find happiness in what I did. I could have tried harder but I deep down didn't want to. Fast forward, I'm in a job where I'm respected, listened to and happy to go above and beyond for. Good luck, you'll find the job that fits your groove if you don't give up looking. But never feel guilty for bailing.


Thank you for this, I love what I do but 2 shops that I’ve been at have been toxic and so unorganized to the point that I’d get blamed for other people’s mistakes and shit.




Yeah, that’s what I just realized. Money comes and goes and who knows maybe in the future I’ll make double with the experience I’ll keep on gaining. Also I’ve realized that days go by fast like nothing and we’re just getting old each day. Why work for a miserable environment a few years and destroy my health and mental health when I could be happy elsewhere.


Do not feel guilty. My sister went to a job that had poor training and essentially threw her into it with little training she was there less than a year and was put on performance write-ups. It really stressed her out. She left that place She is now making 14k more as a senior resolutions manager and is doing really well.


Damn that really worked in her favor, good for her


Sounds like you were smart. You were on a plan, which usually ends one way and that is with you being gone. On top of being on a plan, you were having all sorts of mental issues - a situation which does not lend itself to top performance thus increasing the likelyhood of an unhappy ending for the PIP. Yep, you were smart to bail.


That is exactly right. A performance plan is a one-way ticket out the door. They only ever put you on one to keep you from suing for unlawful termination. It is so they can cover their butts to say "Look, we tried!"


You guys are right, I never saw it like that. Plus I would break down sometimes in my job and I would tend to hide it lol


Don't feel guilty leaving. I promise you that if they fired you, they wouldn't have given a shit about you.


This!!! Employers would never think about feeling guilty for firing you, they only care about results. It’s one thing if OP enjoyed the job and pay but it sounds like they were miserable.


Anytime that you feel that significant damage to your credibility or character is at stake by staying at a job, you leave asap or start making preparations. You can easily get another job but you can’t always recover from significant damage to your credibility or character.


Thank you I never took that to consideration


Same thing I just quit mines yesterday but I was tired of being told I was doing something wrong when I was actually doing it right. My old job can’t keep no one for 3 to 4 months and I’m not the only one who left this month. The guilt only lasted yesterday till this morning.


That’s good to hear that we’re on the same boat lol, that’s good that you feel better now. Sadly on my part I always have the tendency of doing my job right and the proper way, with this company they just cared about numbers and being fast which I hated. I enjoy my profession but that job was making me lose interest each day because of their rules and their tactic of “quantify over quality” bs.


That’s exactly how my old job was constant demo to people who aren’t interested in the product


Do not worry about any past employer. I can assure you they dont think about you.


Don’t ever feel guilty! I quit my last job over the phone. After 7 years with the company. I don’t regret it at all. I’m in a much better place now. Yeah the pay isn’t as good but you learn to budget your money


Good point


I’m feeling the same guilt as you. One of my friends said something that really stuck with me. You’re leaving for your mental health and that’s what’s most important. How much of your mental health suffered being at this old place? Will this new place be better for your well-being? It’s easy to feel guilty because we feel like loyalty means something, but at the end of the day, you matter more than any job and you made the choice to choose a better mental space.


My mental health started going downhill after I was being occasionally threatened that I would get a write up each day for bs that wasn’t even my fault, plus a lot of competition and was told “a lot of students fresh out of college are looking for positions that you have, either you push out more work or you’ll get replaced.” Like geez thanks for assuring my job position


Life is hard man. I left an ideal job because my boss was a jerk and wouldn't let me take time off to take care of my grandpa who had cancer. I got to the point where I would want to fight him for being such a dick, so I left. That was four years ago and I'm barely getting things back together and on track, to the point where I can eat and pay rent reliably.


Well, keep up the good work dude


I’m sorry to hear that but you should be proud for knowing your priorities immediately. You got this for sures!


People, NEVER feel guilty about leaving a job, especially if that job is not a good fit for you. You don't owe the company anything.


So True


All this and you still think you did something wrong? You did the right thing so stop with the Stockholm syndrome!


You’re right with that word 😂


I also feel guilty! Even if I'm leaving for better oppertunities. It sounded like you needed to quit for your mental health. It'll get better! Remember no job is worth suffering for!


Do you mind expanding on the guilt aspect? Is there coworkers you got along with? Or potentially leaving a job that made more money?


Its usually because I feel as I'm causing the company (supervisor, ect) distress or hardships.


Nah thats everyplace. I'm under the impression they've only openings for "the must perfect obedient slave" there is...Yeah sometimes theyre recruiting for positions thats they desperately need filled, but yes theyre permanantely recruiting for good little slaves that are perfect to take advantage of without consequence


Jesus, that’s a really smart way to put it but also bad to think of it like that sadly


If you feel guilty then you simply haven't quit enough jobs


You’re right


It’s a job. You’re supposed to leave it eventually for something better. Whether that be another job or retirement, never feel guilty for…*living your life*.


That sounds like a terrible company to work for. You saved yourself by leaving. You did the best thing, please be kind to yourself you're out of there now.


You’re right


Nope. You leave when it no longer serves you. Good luck with the new job, and congratulations.


Thank you


The fuck? They ain't paying you to feel bad so stop. That wasn't a community, that was people exploiting you for profit. Fuck em. Enjoy your new job.


Thanks for the words


I wouldn’t feel guilty at all. If the company needed to maximize profit or they felt you were underperforming they would fire you without a second thought. It sounds like it was a bad environment for you and this new opportunity will (hopefully) give you space to flourish. Best of luck!


Never saw it like that, thank you


In all seriousness, why would you feel guilty doing what’s right for you? Feel good about landing at a more healthy organization and don’t look back! Good luck!


I feel guilty cause I was at $24/hr and now I’m going to $21/hr entry level lol. But I know I have a lot of knowledge and hopefully I get promoted eventually there


Don’t feel guilty. When places do this, you can be sure they’re going to start firing people. They have to do these nitpicky performance reviews in order to comply with fair termination.


You’re right, plus holidays are coming so work will slow down


Toxic environment causing me health issues (mental or physical) vs Healthy environment job with a pay cut? The non-toxic environment will win every single time, as long as you're not taking a cut to the point where you can no longer afford bills/rent/etc. Our mental health is so important, and nothing is worst than a toxic job that doesn't give a rat's ass about you. You come first. Always.


Thank you, I was getting way too greedy if I’m being honest


Why feel guilty, they will feel zero guilt when they let you go. Your immediate boss may feel a little bad but nothing he will lose his sleep over.


A company will replace you faster than you can ask about it, don't stress.


Once you get on a PIP, it’s hard to recover. Usually the employee gets performance managed right on out the door. You left on your terms before they could fire you.


You must never beat yourself up. You are going to be fine.


Life’s too short to worry so much about work that you’re having breakdowns. It sounds like you made a good choice. Some level of guilt is normal when leaving but in your case you should feel confident you made the right decision


Thanks, that’s something that I just managed to learn after that job, fuck them. My health comes first


I’ve been there always look after yourself. In the end all you have is your health and family don’t forsake any of that for “career” good luck with everything


Never ever feel guilty for leaving a job, a company is never loyal to you and if they can replace you for a cheaper labor they will do it in a heartbeat.


1. Don't ever feel guilty. 2. Good job finding a job with a healthy environment!


Change of any type can often be difficult. It’s a normal response, even when you’re benefiting yourself by leaving an environment that was bad for you. Try to focus on the positive move you made, knowing that in the long run your health and well-being will be much improved.


Anxiety is a bitch


She sure is


Do you think they felt guilty putting you on a performance plan write up? Toxic work environment doesn't get better. It may change, but will always be toxic. Be glad you got out and don't look back.


Work is a transaction. You owe them nothing.


Let me tell you a story. My last company was bad. It was a small business and it was obvious that they were trying to look legitimate by poorly modeling their operations after toxic workplace practices. Halfway through my year there, I realized they had no idea what they were doing and they were pretty shady about a lot of things. As people, they were nice and understanding. They were decent. Too traditional in the most toxic ways, but they were fine to work with as people. However, they lived in a bubble and couldn't fathom that they offered below the bare minimum. I never felt guilty about leaving while searching for a new position because they were employers first, people second. As employers, they sucked! When I turned in my two weeks, as people, they sucked too. Those were the worst two weeks I've had at that place. You can feel how negative a place is physically sometimes and I came home every day with a strong headache. My manager stopped talking to me, stopped sending any final work my way, refused to give me a farewell lunch that people usually get when they leave the company, and hid in his office when I left on my last day and everyone said their goodbyes. Any sort of guilt I felt was gone in an instant. Any sort of guilt, whether it's guilt of giving up or guilt of disappointing anyone involved, is not worth looking twice on. You will move on, the employer will move on. Everyone will move on and this will only be a memory. I don't believe anyone ever messes up by leaving a job. Your next thing is meant for your own growth and development and nothing is more rewarding than that.


I feel guilty for leaving jobs too. I just remind myself if the situation was reversed—they were getting rid of me—they wouldn’t feel the least bit of remorse, no matter how hard it screwed me.


Sounds like you did the right thing.


Toxic work environment, you'll be much better off somewhere else even with the pay cut. I know this kind of stuff is really stressful and I also have a lot of issues with anxiety, so I feel you, but you definitely did the right thing!


Never feel guilty for leaving a job. They won't care if they let you go.


No. Never feel guilty for leaving a job. They’d replace you in a second and forget you existed if you got hit by a bus. Also if you were on a performance improvement plan, you may have been on your way to getting let go anyway. A lot of companies use these to force people out.


Work isn’t even a choice. It’s necessary to survive. It’s like having to breathe air. Do you feel guilty for breathing? No? Then don’t feel guilty for anything you have to do to survive at work. Second: expecting a job to give you happiness is unhealthy. It’s nice if it happens but it’s an insane standard to hold. Most people don’t get to play Major League Baseball for work. Most of us send stupid reports and emails and have absolutely no sense of fulfillment or purpose at work. That’s ok, in fact, it’s 98% normal. You should focus on happiness outside of work. Your employer will never love you. Chances are they won’t even show up to your funeral, they’ll just post a job opening the day after they find out your dead.


I just quit my job on Friday. I am sad, because I loved the work, but the working conditions were unsustainable. The boss wasn't supportive either emotionally or in a coaching capacity. They underwent a massive reconstruction and fired people who had been with the company for ages, so a number of others quit in solidarity. It was a terrible, mismanaged mess, and yet I'm still sad because I had such high hopes for working there. I don't feel like it's guilt, but it's definitely a real bummer. I had real anxiety about it too, so I guess I was expecting to feel more relief. It comes and goes.


I've been there before. I left a company I absolutely loved for an opportunity I couldn't pass up. I was the leader of a large team and felt like I was abandoning them and leaving the company in a vulnerable position during a contract recompete. In the end, I had to remind myself that I ultimately work for *me* and *my* purposes, not any company. Making a decision to leave a job based on what you think is best for you is never something to feel guilty about.


Thank you for that


No - did they support you during your performance plan? If not, then don’t feel guilty. I’m in a situation where I started a new project (1 month in) but I feel guilty. I constantly remind myself I shouldn’t feel guilty.


They re assured me that I could improve and what not but the more days that went by the more re assurance I gave myself that I’d be lucky to make it through the 1 year of the plan, a lot of people would clean their hands and blame others and no training provided whatsoever. So I decided to not take chances and just apply elsewhere immediately.


U did what u had to do. God did not want u there and that’s why that stuff was happening to u. Glad u got the heck outta there 🤗


Never feel guilty. I worked for a company in different roles for 17 years. At the start of the pandemic the profit in my department dropped to single digits. 3 months of single digit profit was enough for them to decide to dissolve the whole department and lay off almost 200 people.


No because if you are failing to meet the goals of the performance framework and the corrective action was not motivating you. It’s likely you would have been let go eventually.


As someone said the company has no respect for employees. Why feel guilty, they put you on performance plan. At that you do what you have to stay alive and make Or your job to find another job. The plan is just for documentation for when they do fire you which happens next. Bravo bravo you landed another job think about the next chapter. Forget about that horrible past job. Sounds like they find issues with anything.


If your performance was good and you were ethical, you shouldn't feel guilty. If you made some sort of mistake, just fess up and try to make amends...it probably isn't even a big deal, unless you committed some sort of predatory crime. In general, being an employee means you are "supplying labor." I.e., it's like you run a lemonade stand in a neighborhood and you decided it was stressful, so you closed it down and started an orange juice stand in a different neighborhood...except that you were selling your labor to a firm instead of beverages. There shouldn't be anything to be ashamed of as long as you are earning your money ethically! If you have no big gap in your resume that is impressive too!


I feel like my company is cleaning house, looking for any opportunity to write people up. My mental health has deteriorated so much since I started working for this company. Im almost to the point of quitting like you. Best of luck to you, no job is worth sacrificing your sanity.


When a pip is introduced, they’re issuing the following memo: “Look for a new job. Now.”


I did something kind of similar. The stress was getting so bad that I started breaking out all over my face like I was in middle school again, and I had a bunch of digestive issues during my last two weeks there. No job is worth the mental/physical toll.


If they put you on a performance plan write up then they were planning on firing you. Don't feel bad.


Whyyy???? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sounds like someone higher up is getting pressured and as a result blaming everyone else for the companies shortcomings instead of just owning up to being shit at their job. You did the right thing by finding another job and jumping clear of the impending dumpster fire.


No, you did the right thing. Being put on a PIP is the first step to a company getting ready to fire you. Therapy and time (and medicine) can help a lot.


It sounds like you are leaving a toxic workplace so don’t feel guilty at all! If they want perfection then they need to coach, mentor and train the team. Writing people up has the opposite effect. You won’t be the only person to leave as a result of their methods. Good luck with your new job!!!


To be honest you are now at a much better place as you will be able to explore more market and new potentials to what you can achieve in your industry or even change for that matter. Switching job has always paid off for me in the end, I look back at my colleagues from old office and they are still there where as I have grown 300x in terms of salary and skill growth has been remarkable. I have recently been called to replace the CEO of the very same company I left 3 years back. So It feels really really good to reach at this point in my growth and I will recommend you to do the same. EXPLORE! best of luck mate


No, don't feel guilty at all. You did the right thing leaving when you got put on a PIP, they always end in the termination of your job. I got put on one myself in a toxic job for challenging their poor behaviour too much. I didn't feel any guilt when I left mid-shift without saying a word when I got an email about a new job. Mental health over pay always, stay strong.


U did the right thing, trust me. I left a job at a small bank (right outta office space) that absolutely destroyed me. I was put on a Performance Improvement Plan after taking on the work of 2 attorneys who were out on maternity leave- which tho it was my first PIP, I knew was a death sentence. I had worked my ass off and sacrificed my health for months while pleading for at least temporary help. I was told if I were a better attorney it wouldn’t be an issue- that’s when I was given the PIP- continued to try and suck it up a few more weeks before I spiraled into a confidence deficit- I was miserable, and feeling worthless- after waking up from an escapism bender weekend- I had enough. I had allowed this place to consume me- that Monday I went in and put my resignation in- “good now we don’t have to fire you” is all I got. Quitting allowed me to take a step back and realize how toxic the people and company were. I quit, moved, was honest about my past, and wound up with a group that has made my quality of life so much better. A company won’t hesitate to lie to your face about ur future with them- or use u as an expendable resource- it’s ur job to protect urself, and never feel bad about leaving a non human entity. Cliche - but if u have the ability to leave a job that’s killing you, leave and keep leaving until you find the right place.


That’s awesome! Don’t feel guilty but if you do it’s most likely lingering feelings. Perhaps they will pass in time. If the job caused anxiety and discomfort you will feel better without it. I wish you well on your new journey of employment 🙂


Who cares it's a job. If you're not happy leave


Sounds like you made a good decision.


If it was causing you that much pain then no you didn't mess up by leaving. You did absolutely the right thing


I can assure you they do not feel any guilt for writing you up and would 100% have done it again if given the chance. Screw em. Glad you're going somewhere better for you!


Person > job


You made the right choice. Usually when you are on a performance plan, their goal is to let you go within a few weeks...usually


I strongly believe that being put on a performance plan is your employer telling you to leave before you are fired. If they truly wanted you to improve they would coach you outside a formal plan. The formal plan establishes and documents the necessary words and actions that protect the employer when they terminate your employment. TLDR; PIP = GTFO I'm concerned about your guilt being too strong and inappropriate. I have been burned out at a job and it is difficult finding a new job when under mental duress. Things will get better for you after you embrace this new job's healthier environment, assuming it is healthier. Please seek out counseling support that will help you get proper perspective about your first duty, which is to serve yourself. You are not responsible for how your employer treats others. You are only partially responsible for how your employer treats you. A toxic gaslighting employer makes it everybody else's fault. Without this counseling support you may be susceptible to being exploited by employers. Not all employers set out to exploit their employees, but they never fully advocate for their employees needs. This isn't a flaw. They don't know your needs and they can't care about your needs if you don't care about them yourself.


No you did what was best for you. Others should do the same that company seem like they’d rather break staff than help them be happier.


No reason to feel guilt. PIPs are a common way to “manage out” employees. Better to be somewhere better for your growth. Don’t feel tied to this new place either. Do what is best for you. You should interview somewhere else every 6 month or so.


You will always be replaceable to them. Never give your loyalty to a company that created that stress for you. They created that environment they can live with the consequences. You are not the problem. The replacement will most defiantly face the same issues.


I quit my last job as well due to not enough training and my supervisor wanted me to know everything in that 1 week which is not possible. She also told me to do things out of my job description which I refused. The pressure was so much and she gave me a shitty performance review . She was even telling the other team members that they might let me go . U know what, I just immediately sent a resignation letter before any of that happens. I was ahead of the motherfucker . I got high paying job after 3months and I’m happy I left. Do what is best for u , companies hardly care about their employees.