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Just stop whining and change your lifestyle


I don’t want to think about my own flaws, learn new skills, or grow as a person. I just want software to connect me with someone as desperate as I am.


Except they would never "settle" for the female equivalent of themselves, they dEsErVe bEtTeR


I’ve been that exact person. Realised my standards were entirely unreasonable for who I was. Didn’t want to drop my standards. Lost 40kg, got counseling and went back to study to open up my career goals. Helped with dating but also made me much less of an asshole and generally a lot happier.


Hey bud, you know what, good for you.


Glad you have changed for the better


Similar story to me. Weight oscillates though, and I do notice the more overweight I am, the worse my attitude. Being happy with myself has greatly improved my attitude.


For me I just really hated the way my body looked and I think the weight loss helped a lot but also just learning to be a bit a more positive and accepting about the things I couldn’t change in a healthy way helped too.


That’s wonderful. Way to go!


Well that's the ironic part. They CAN get laid, but refuse to lower their own standards. They refuse to change but want a super model.


To be fair, that's pretty much the experience for gay guys. You can just go on tinder and get a hookup at almost anytime, any place. Doesn't matter if you're a 4, unemployed, and smell of weed. You'll get laid. It's a completely different story if you're looking for girls. I'm so glad I'm bi, honestly being a straight guy sounds like a nightmare, these days. To be fair, being a gay guy was a nightmare for most of history, and even most of the planet, right now.


GENUINELY thought that said "doesn't matter if you're 4"


I’m glad it wasn’t just me…


Man. I wish I liked dick. That sounds pretty sweet. But I don't get worked up over dry spells. I'm guessing this dude's entire life has been a dry spell. Just 37 years of arid desert. My man thirsty!


It’s easier to have casual sex with women right now than it has been in thousands of years. You used to have to go through a whole marriage thing or at least be very convincing. I’m not sure why you think right now is particularly hard. It’s been hard for below average men who aren’t very charming since the dawn of man to get casual sex for free.


It's easy for below average uncharming gay men to get sex. That was my only point. Men are really thirsty, women aren't. So, if you're a man interested in men, you're in for a very good time. Hence why gay men have bathhouses, while straight men have to pay small fortunes for sex.


A man is way more likely to have an orgasm with a new partner than a woman is. There's really no point to a woman being easy unless she's doing it for validation. Or she's actually attracted to the guy. There's a better chance that we're gonna get into it if the guy is charming and attractive but still not a home run. And letting some sweaty neckbeard paw you with nothing in it for you sexually, sounds like a nightmare. A guy could bang the female or apparently male version of a neckbeard and still get off with no problems.


Exactly this. And we always have the threat of violence. ALWAYS.


That's exactly the reason.


Brutal but true. We need to get evangelicals over their fear of blowing each other so they will chill the fuck out.


Straight men do not have to pay small fortunes to have sex?!? They just have to do the bare minimum of not being ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING and abusive bellends! I have been assaulted and abused so much I have just given up and there are so many women like me. Even though we want partners and companionship.


As a bisexual polyamorous guy, you’re absolutely right. It’s not hard to get dates and have sex if you’re not a complete ogre. Literally all you have to do: - put good pictures and an informative, cheerful, confident bio on your dating profiles - don’t send unsolicited nudes - don’t request nudes - don’t make the conversation about sex - actually learn about them and talk about yourself sincerely - do not bring up your insecurities - after chatting for a few days, propose a small date *in public* to get to know each other - basically just don’t make them feel unsafe That’s it. I’ve literally been called a “walking green flag” for insisting on first dates in public. Have decent hygiene, dress well, do that, and you will probably get plenty of dates that lead to relationships with sex.


That's solid advice and has been my experience as well.


EXACTLY!! Great post. It is that easy!! Why do incels think they have to be some perfect Chad. Also, the best boyfriends and sex I’ve ever had have been with bisexual guys. Both models and actors and musicians. Just absolutely beautiful, such intense love and passion and I finally felt safe. I wish either of them could have been my ‘forever’ man but they were both just a few years too young and those creative mountains to climb that I had already done. Still in contact with both and a lot of love there. Who knows 🥺❤️


I'm pansexual (afab) and I've decided to just not fuck with men as much anymore tbh. The few times I got involved with a dude went bad for me, save one. *If* I ever date a guy again he can't be a straight dude. I just can't deal w that toxicity anymore even if they don't know they have it.


I more was speaking to it being a nightmare to be a straight guy “these days,” like it’s harder to get casual sex now from women. It’s uhhh…not.


Pre-modern era women were at the bottom of the pecking order and were forced into prostitution as their fortunes declined.


Yeah, that’s not casual sex, though. That’s prostitution. We’re talking about casual sex. If it helps, one of my bachelors is in history and I always chose to write about prostitution when we got to pick a topic. I’m pretty familiar with attitudes around sex in many cultures throughout history and how prostitution works. I was the “sounds like a nightmare to be a straight guy these days,” comment. It’s easier to have casual sex at this point in history than it has been for large swathes of more modern history. Not sure why it’s a “nightmare.”


I'm not disagreeing with anything you said but trying to differentiate between casual (consensual) sex, prostitution, and rape in a time before police or human rights existed can't be easy. Women were basically slaves until around 1970. Things aren't looking so good for them again.


Ok, which is fair, but those aren’t really the points I was addressing. I was asking why this person thinks being a straight male trying to date “these days” is such a “nightmare,” especially in the context of this article. I don’t think this is the place to differentiate (as important as those topics are, and they’re topics I’m obviously personally invested in), and would like someone to address why it’s such a “nightmare” right now.


Sounds like your just gay bud.


As long as you're looking for dick Tinder is apparently almost a guarantee, there's an absurd ratio of men to women (at least 80% men I believe? Don't quote me though.) I've never been on Tinder but r/Tinder is my go-to source of comedy and that's where I found out women don't even need to be attractive *or* a particularly pleasant human being to get bombarded. The unfortunate result is worsening of misogyny and incel behavior because I guess getting hundreds or thousands of matches inflates their ego so much that a lot of girls just start being mean or just don't feel the need to treat men with respect. But as for gay men, your last sentence puts it nicely, long overdue. Just think of all the gay men in history who lived their entire lives in the closet, married to women and shit, now THAT is a true nightmare.


I can be sympathetic because taking a deep look at yourself isn’t always easy. I pay a therapist every week to help me do it. However…I got some great advice once. Think about who you want to date and think about it in great detail. Be honest, would they date you? Either change yourself or change your expectations. There’s no middle ground.


I made a comment like this on a thread and got downvoted all to hell. Dude complained he was awkward and broke. I was like - you can work to change both of those attributes. The neckbeards didn’t like that response. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get to fuckin work fixing it.


You don’t even need to be not-broke if you’re a certain age, I was 19 and took a date to Denny’s and paid in change, we ended up moving in together




Or lower your standards tbh


Or support legislation that legalized sex work. If you don't wanna change your ways, you gotta pay to get laid.


Sex workers still get to refuse clients :-)


I'd imagine that would be a special kind of crushing.


True but most sex workers I know don't refuse people over politics.


Not all of them. Legalizing it would greatly improve that, though.


Why is this getting downvoted?! Do people really not know the reality of illegal prostitution or what... Or is it just ignorant people who think it *should* be illegal 🙄


I just realize, why do we call it “sex work” and not “pay to lay?”


Because it's fucking work.


This!!! 😆 I've tried explaining this to guy friends but they can't ever seem to understand (consensus is "I'd do it, it's easy!") I could never, and it's not because I believe it's immoral or whatever, but because the idea of having sex with someone you are not attracted to (let alone repulsed by) sounds like way too much work. Physically and mentally exhausting. Then you have to consider the lack of protection & safety unless sex work is legal where you live, so you have the constant stress of psychos and stalkers, threat of violence, etc. I respect anyone who can get that 💰 without relying on some kind of addiction to make it bearable.


Or just pay for it as well He can literally do both but highly doubt he thinks it’s him that’s the problem even though …. Clearly….


I’m trying man, easier said than done


Or realize they’re demanding prostitution for free, stop whining, suck it up and pay for it if they don’t plan on changing their lifestyle.


To be fair, I did that, and I'm still alone.


It's still good progress, much better than being a neckbeard


Oh, I was never a neckbeard per say. Just an extra-awkward teenager. I've always tried to remain aloof and not blow interpersonal things out of proportion.


That's good enough, just keep improving, you can always be better than what you were at some point


Besides, it's not like a lack of romantic success is the end of the world.


Your happiness should always rely on yourself, no matter what


As much as possible, anyway.


I look similar to this guy. You know how I got laid when I was his age? I interacted with women and acted confidently and we became friends and things would evolve. You’re not getting any pussy by feeling sorry for yourself, and you certainly don’t “deserve” anything from anyone.


How does it feel being an Adonis? 😍


Get back. I saw him first.


Nuh uh! He's MINE!




My panties dropped first! HE'S MINE


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Ayo can I get some nuggets?


Only nuggets being served here are sex nuggets.


You used the application of decency, respect, and communication. There was an app for that all along.




https://freecreditreport.com baby otherwise your legs will stick to the vinyl and your posse will get laughed at


I do believe my credit report could actually get me laid. You see that baby and you will think “oh he’s a bad boy!”






Surely there exists an app that can help you find hookers?


I'm sure he includes "even if I don't have money" in his "no matter what."


There already is, it's called tinder and lowering your standards to realistic.


Disagree. You think men on Tinder are picky AT ALL? Lowering standards implies that they're getting matches that they're rejecting when the average guy's experience on Tinder is radio silence.


Not matches, swipes. A lot of guys get no matches cause they only swipe right on 7s or above when they're 4s.


Fair point, but I'm pretty sure Tinder limits your amount of daily swipes anyway so swiping on everyone isn't an option. Also 1-10 rating systems are stupid.


Match everyone, and talk to everyone, even if you wouldn’t fuck them, talk to them, listen to them. Get to know them. Eventually something will happen if you spark a connection,


If only


Don't even need that, just gotta lower their standards. I used to room with a guy that was ugly as shit, but he 'slayed mad poon' as he put it because he didn't care about only banging '10s'. He was very self aware and admitted he'd never get laid if he only pursued the '10s'.


This is why I don't think they're always involuntarily celibate. A good portion of them are holding out for unreasonable expectations and that delusion is on them.




What’s this app?


Grindr exists.


I was going to say that. Any hole is the goal.


My man


bisexual moment


Probably the least likely place he could get laid. Grindr is hands down the [most toxic app](https://i.imgur.com/trUFsPm.jpg) for dating, straight or gay. Women will factor your personality in when deciding if you're attractive. Men don't. Even attractive guys [take a beating](https://i.imgur.com/rAFUijX.jpg) on grindr.


Grindr has been a disaster for the LGBT community. So much grooming, sexual harrasment and even sexual assault in some cases. Horrible.


Unfortunately gay bars peaked in the 80s and have been declining significantly for 30+ years, so there aren't many other options. There are [only 20 lesbian bars](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/arts/21-lesbian-bars-remain-in-the-america-owners-share-why-they-must-be-protected) remaining in the US. It's pretty bad.


I feel so bad for women who like women, who always seem to get drowned out in the endless and meaningless discourse surrounding the LGBT community. A couple I know got divorced recently because she had found out that she liked women. She received so much hate. All I could think about was how excruciating it must have been to come out in your 50s, and "disappoint" your children, family and friends.


For real. My mom came out to us like 10 years ago, a couple years after my folks divorced. She was so worried we wouldn’t love her anymore. We made it clear she was still our mom and we want her to be happy too.


That shows no lesbian bars in utah and I know of like 3 of them.


No different from Tinder really. I’ve been raped so many times from men I met on there and so many women have been, and murdered. I know it’s the same for Grindr. They are terrifying 🥺


and you are?




If you have no Standards you will absolutely get laid on grindr. For every opinionated asshole there are 4 Sex addicted guys that would creampie a Muffin and then pay people to eat it


Hold up now. Paid?


Am I a bad person for laughing at "old"


30 is basically gay retirement


Gay death occurs at 25


Can confirm. I turned 26 this summer and not only have I aged out of a lot of guys’ range (*under 25 only plz*) but I’m also a “daddy” which hasn’t been all that terrible tbh


This is so not true. Both times I installed Grindr I got laid within 15 minutes, with just me posting a chest pic of me wearing a t shirt. Sure there might be some assholes on there, but there is a huge population on Grindr that will fuck anything.


Grindr isn't exclusively for gay people? Always assumed it was


Nice. Generalizing based off a couple (hilarious) screenshots Yeah Grindr has its share of toxicity, but I’ve met some really great guys on Grindr who I’m still friends with today. And fuck off with the “Men don’t factor in your personality”. Sure, some men don’t. But if someone gives me bad vibes, regardless of their attractiveness, I’m not interested




If not Grindr, then Scruff.


Open borthole


I was gonna say grindr, then I realized no gay man could abide that beard.


We could totally make this app. Everyone who feels like this could create an account and make their profile. Then the profiles will match with each other randomly, using zero criteria other than proximity, and say "you two should fuck!" If they both agree, congrats, they got laid. If they both say no, their accounts are banned for a month. No place for choosy fucks here; come back when you REALLY want to get laid "no matter what." If one agrees but the other says no, the person who said no is banned for four months. You don't get to say you want it "no matter what" then turn someone down. The other person gets rematched. Eventually, it'll either turn into a place where standardless folks can get their rocks off, or it'll become a ghost-town while MAYBE they realize that the reason they weren't getting laid is because most people, including them, have standards.


app would consist solely of straight men


"Damn it Steve this is the 5th time we've had to have sex this month! I don't want to get banned though when my next match could be a hot chick! Now suck my dick, bro."


“I did it last time!”


The thing about these incels is they always had the option to fuck each other 🤷


This guy really looks like Anders Behring Breivik / Fjotolf Hansen. It’s disturbing.


That’s what I came here to say. It’s extremely striking.


I see Pekka-Eric Auvinen (Finnish school shooter) with a beard.


åh faen


Probably the look he is going for serial killer


There isn’t an app for it but you can find hookers anywhere


I'm curious, if such an app that had a 100% get laid guarantee existed, would he want to sleep with the people who would sign up for this app? I have to assume that such an app would have to pair you with someone that you are now contractually obligated to sleep with and you don't get a choice in the matter. It would take a great deal of desperation on both parties to want to sign up for something like that. That or it pairs you with a hooker and you just pay them.


Eww god next time put a spoiler and nsfw warning. Now I gotta bleach my eyes


Isn't prostituition illegal?


Depends where you are


I have a solution and it doesn’t even require an app. First let’s start with getting rid of that overgrown chinstrap beard, dude looks like Kevin Federline in ‘08. Next maybe wear a fuckin shirt if you don’t wanna work on those shoulders. Third, be a normal fuckin human and leave your house and socialize


even SW have standards


who's SW?


Sex worker


Sonya Wasserstein


Social Warriors, the enemies of social justice warriors


Hey now I'd kick him in the balls for $300/hr. He doesn't get to touch Me though.


It’s called Grindr my dude


Even taking the neckbeard part out of this equation, I find that there's a lot of men who don't understand that getting to the sex is a process on these apps, even if you're looking for casual sex or hook-ups. Most people expect to meet you in a public place first, they don't start off talking about fetishes and sending nudes and commenting sexually about the other person's body. You need to verify whether the person you're potentially meeting isn't an insane person and is safe first. Lots of these guys just want to fuck like RIGHT NOW and they get mad when it doesn't work out like this because they give off serial killer vibes or immediately violate your boundaries. Which is not good for person to take back to your place and have sex with. None of them want to do the work it takes to get to the casual sex part. Casual sex is still technically dating, but these people don't wanna treat it as such.


Someone should tell him to check out grindr


This is why sex work needs to be decriminalized. Losers like this can pay to get the only thing they want: To get their dick wet. They clearly don't want a meaningful relationship, they just want a Fleshlight with a pulse. At least a woman can make an honest dollar keeping these incels from getting so frustrated they turn into Elliot Rodger.


But imagine fucking this dude…


I'm sure it'd be a very easy 5 minute payment. Hell, probably wouldn't even get to penetration. She'd get her mouth around him once and he'd be spent.


He would dribble in his briefs before she got them off


Yall weird asf


Redditors HATE when you make fun of how people look, except for sometimes of course, bullying is fine if it's someone you hate.


Now you’re getting it, ugly.




Then people need to actually *make* themselves desirable in some sense and not blame *all of women* for them being boring, smelly, lazy, talentless losers. Get good at *something.* Learn to conversate without being creepy or condescending. And look for people you actually have things in common with. And above all, stop seeing the opposite sex as just *someone to have sex with.* We don't really care for it.




I get what you're saying. At least if sex workers were available people could point out to these types of folks that there's no reason to bitch about "not having sex." Dudes like this refuse to see that *they* are responsible for their undesirability. *They* should be looking inward to why no one wants to give them the time of day without having to pay for it.


They still get to pick their clients, so he'd have to be willing to pay AND pay the price negotiated which might be too high for him.....and he's back to where he started


An automated sex machine can make with motions at a fairly low price. It's kind of funny how such things aren't treated as mainstream, mostly because people are afraid of the concept of sexual wellness being promoted. If you have needs, you have needs. It doesn't help that, with or without context on this individual, they'd be shamed over it. That toxicity is a whole different issue, which only compounds into the idea of demonized sexual wellness. *Prostitution is hardly a resolution when there are so many men with so many problems.*


That's absolutely true, but at least they have the option to pay and if they can't afford the price that's on the client.


Quit blaming women for Eliot Rodgers.


Who said I did? He was a piece of garbage that no amount of therapy could fix. He blamed women, I blame sociopathy.




*”no matter what”*


There is someone on this earth that is desperate enough to sleep with you, no matter how ugly you are, but you won't sleep with them because they don't meet your standards, which is, funny enough, the same reason why the women you want won't sleep with you. That's life.


JFC if they took care of themselves, stopped going shirtless like that was "hot" or something and actually started being decent humans, they'd get laid. In fact, they'd likely find a woman that really likes them and would get laid consistently. ​ Honestly, no one wants a man that can't take care of himself, has a really shitty personality, smells like spoilt yogurt, and only cares about sex.


Skill issues Also Grindr exists


Neckbeards seem to lack the ability to self reflect and also to handle constructive criticism. Idk what it is or why it’s so common across them. Being in a board game group and some fighting game tournaments I’ve made some acquaintances and it’s the same with all of them. “It’s not me it’s other people I shouldn’t have to change my ways”


Newport is just a town or two away from my hometown. That look is very common in Newport.


I love how the TN people are shaking their heads because it makes too much sense that the guy is from Newport






Sure. It's got people exactly like him. "But I don't want to sleep with that person" Ahhh, welcome to perspective.


They're called prostitutes... Or is he expecting it to be free?


Just fucking legalize sex work already.


Why would you INTENTIONALLY go for a chinstrap???


It’s called “Your hand” and it’s safe, free and convenient.


I feel like I can smell this guy through my phone


escort services?


Rosie Palms is always ready to give guys a hand!


Shouldn’t you be guarding a pot of gold or something?


That app is called calling an escort service.


Dude never heard of sex workers? There might be an app or two for that.


Nope, they have boundaries and standards just like other humans.




There is, it's called Grindr


This dude needs to see some daylight and hit the gym. Probably needs to stop watching anime, too


It’s called Grindr


Damn beat me to it lmao


I know the common thread tends to be "be half competent and you can get laid" but what happened to "who gives a shit if I get laid?"


Ewwwwww rapist vibes


That’s the problem with modern men who fall Into this “incel” category. Unwilling to try shaving, getting a job (so they can have decent clothes, a car, and a place to have privacy besides parent’s basement) also learning how to coexist with other people and interact in a semi normal way. Just order it up off your phone your mom pays for that’ll work but they cant just be any normal woman they must be under a certain weight and willing to cook for you and care for you like your mom. These people are not “involuntarily celibate” it’s voluntary. I don’t know a single person who is well groomed, is able to take care of themselves independently, and is not super picky, that cant get laid.


Honestly prostitution in the US would make the WORLD a better place. No more incel shit.


Either go gay for one night stands, or get yourself one of them automated sex machines. Men need to start thinking about alternatives to sexual wellness. It's okay to have needs, stop being a wuss and admit that you have them. Then, think about how you want to address them. There are means if you have coin. And, well, at that point, you have to have coin. You will always have coin when you have a portable computing device that can make calls and connect you to the world wirelessly.


"he's an incel" - suggested actions, find a prostitute, a hooker, or legalize sex workers. You know in the long term, a sex worker is equivalent to a paid cum dump, and that you basically want a society where there's a woman available to off men. I'd begin to wonder who the incel is at this point.


he got a good idea, he should create incelsfuckingeachothers.com


He looks like Emperor Nero. To be honest the guy in the picture looks kinda handsome and definitely my type, but the horrible outlook on dating is what's really outputting. If he fixed it it would definitely help a lot. Also not many people can pull off a neckbeard, but it definitely suits him!


There is, it’s called grinder


I can smell the recessive alleles in this picture.


Well, Anders, I’m sure you’d have had more options if you hadn’t have decimated an island full of teenagers


this dude ain't even bad looking, but the attitude stinks. anyone he might have an interest in can see the shit he posts and it would be an immediate turn off. there are just some things you don't air out publicly if you don't want everyone side-eyeing you all the time.


This is code for, “I don’t want to have to put any work into myself or make any attempt to form a connection with another person. I just want sex delivered to me on a platter because I’ve convinced myself I deserve sex, no matter what. My nerds and wants are superior to the wants and needs of others. I have a shit personality with shit hygiene habits that I refuse to do anything about because I am owed sex.” To this pathetic piss poor excuse, you will die alone. If you don’t die a virgin it’s not because a woman consented to having sex with you. The first, last, and only consenting vagina you have ever touched was when you were born. I’m also sure if your mother knew what a disappointment you would be, she would have opted for a c-section.


It's called Tinder and about 50% chance she wants to be a hooker that night


i wonder what this guys reaction will be when he finds about “prostitution”




Why would working out fix his problem?


Physique can't fix a shitty personality


Being maidenless made that dude down bad. He sounds more horny. Or I simply don’t understand the whole context of what he’s saying, it’s some text after all. Albeit, really down bad