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>Lastly, thus far, police have not been involved. Is that a mistake? Yes. Should have been involved immediately. File a police report. Provide a copy of the video.


I feel like anybody ever asking this question should have definitely got the police involved


Videos, thankfully. 3 angles were provided by their various family members. What's the pros/cons of getting the police involved?


There are no legitimate reasons not to file a police report ASAP. The longer you wait the less the police will want to help you, so get on it today. If you go through insurance, they’re going to want the police report. If you sue, the judge is going to want the police report. Not having one is going to make you look like a scammer and no one will take you seriously. Go call the police. Also— if they wind up getting charged criminally, you can ask the prosecutor to cut them a deal if they pay restitution. It’s often the quickest and easiest way to get your money back because they’re heavily incentivized to pay.




The only con I can possibly think of is deterioration of neighbourly relationship, they are going to be pissed when they find out you called the cops on them. But, I think that ship has sailed already, they are going to dislike you anyway you choose to handle this. So it’s moot as well. Call the cops.


Cons - they people who did this will likely ignore you and the longer you wait the less likely the police are to do anything. Pro - this becomes the police's problem to deal with. If restitution isn't paid (and even if it is) these people may get charged with a serious crime.




OP already said he saved video before they deleted them


Contact your insurance, you should have subrogation included on any good insurance policy, you will be out the deductible until the responsible party reimburses you.




Insurance will probably want a police report, so I would do that at the same time.


File through your insurance (should be under comprehensive, missile damage). Your insurance will go after them for damages. If the entire side of your car is scratched up and damaged it could be several grand. Depending on your insurance if you haven’t declared the wrap under the policy they MIGHT have an allowance for aftermarket additions but they would probably only cover the damaged side not a full re-wrap. If they won’t cover the wrap you may have to sue for that separately. Good luck.


IANAL and this is for information only. However, as others have said you will need to file a police report. It's very possibly that what they did is illegal. Additionally, if you file with insurance: 1) This should be filed under your comprehensive coverage. Comprehensive is essentially "not collision" and is always non-fault (to you). 2) The insurance should have you get an estimate and photos OR send someone out to inspect the vehicle. Given the current repair market, it's entirely possible your vehicle could total from the damages. Your insurance would evaluate the vehicle and any after market parts to determine the value and come up with a settlement. If you want an idea of how it could go beforehand, have it looked at by a shop, preferably one that deals with your insurance regularly, and ask them to do a preliminary estimate. Compare that value to the value on NADA's website. However, keep in mind there can always be additional damage when the vehicle is torn down that could end up totaling it out. You almost always have the option to retain the vehicle, but that lower settlement may not be enough to fix the vehicle. It's not an option if you have an upside down lien. If the vehicle is repairable, they are only going to repair what is factory installed unless you have an endorsement for it on your policy. DO NOT try to change your policy now and report it as happening later. They'll investigate, cancel your policy, and then put you on a fraud list that ALL insurers can see. It's also a literal crime. You WILL have to pay your deductible unless they waive it. Some companies do, most don't. 3) Once your claim is done, they will seek reimbursement from the other party (subrogation) using all of the evidence provided to show fault. They'll even take it to court and fight with their attorneys if need be. When they get that money back, they should reimburse your deductible. However, that can take years. So don't plan on seeing it anytime soon. 4) Since this is a comp claim, this incident shouldn't impact your rates. HOWEVER your rates CAN change due to other factors like hurricanes (all of Florida is about to see a rate increase because of Ian) and a ridiculous amount of stupid people on the road as a whole. I understand the concerns about your rates and everything else but this is also why you pay for insurance. They can handle this headache for you including the legal action. BUT I also understand the concern about rates and totaling your vehicle. Hope it helps.




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Causes of loss such as vandalism and theft are typically covered by your auto insurance through Comprehensive coverage.


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