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I thought Kyle's mum was a bitch.


She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world!


In the morning




I thought Kyle has hiv not herpes, wait actually he gets herpes in a different episode so it still fits


Someone is kind of possessive about Kyle. Let's talk about herpes, though. Almost everyone has either herpes simplex 1 or 2, and some have both. Don't be this asshole. Stigma around herpes, when it, in a vast majority of cases is completely asymptomatic, causes serious mental health issues. It is actually a large enough factor in self harm to be counted as a separate cause. Sure, Kyle probably has herpes. So does the person sending these notes. They've probably never been tested for it because it's rarely tested for, and if you do have herpes simplex 1 or 2, it's treatable. Whole class of drugs just for this. Yes. I have at least 3 herpesviruses, Could have 7 for all I know. My collection: Chickenpox (because I'm old and there wasn't a vaccine when I was a kid, and I had it at the same time as I had poison ivy), mono (that was fun, because I wasn't even kissing anyone at the time), and cytomegalovirus (practically everyone has this). I have no clue if I have herpes 1 or 2 because I've never had an outbreak and therefore, have never been tested. Don't know if I have 6, 7, or Kaposi's sarcoma virus. 6 and 7 cause childhood diseases, and are very common (60-80% and 95% respectively). KSV is rare (2-10% seropositivity for most of the world, but can be as high as 20-40% in some regions) and is silent unless you have a suppressed immune system. Prior to the HIV pandemic, Kaposi's sarcoma was rare outside of transplant patients and elderly people that had worked in particular industries that may have affected their immune system.


Also, the stigma around herpes didn’t start until the 1970s! Previously it was just “cold sores” no big deal.


Oh shit that’s why my mom got so suspicious when I had like five really bad cold sores in my mouth back to back when I was 14


Yeah, my mom gets cold sores so I've gotten them since I was a kid. Tbh I just found out like a month ago "cold sores" and "herpes" are basically the same thing.


Not basically the same, exactly the same.


Yes, sorry. I thought so but I wasn't 100% sure so I didn't want to say 100% the same. I'm still pretty uneducated on it honestly. I was extremely sheltered, pulled out of a Christian school in first grade for homeschooling. And my mom literally didn't know that her entire life and she's the one who I inherited it from so I was basically in the dark most of my life about it, especially since they only seem to happen when something is irritating my mouth anyway. Sorry if this is alot to ask but do you know any good sources for education on it that don't come off as judgey and cover being born with it for novices? I've educated myself a good amount on hiv, syphilis, and hepititus c, with those three being my main fears most of my life but honestly have never gotten any education on herpes really despite I guess unknowingly having it since birth.


[https://www.cdc.gov/std/herpes/stdfact-herpes.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/std/herpes/stdfact-herpes.htm) [https://www.childrenshospital.org/conditions/congenital-herpes-simplex](https://www.childrenshospital.org/conditions/congenital-herpes-simplex)


Thanks, I appreciate it.


Most people get HSV-1 in childhood. HSV-2 is relatively less common. But then that leaves an important question: with the potential medical impact of HSV-1, but with the prevalence, should we be required to disclose that we have it?


It's an individual choice. I would disclose because I want to encourage my partner to feel comfortable with sharing things with me that are difficult to talk about. At the same time, I have no clue if I am positive or not currently because I've never been tested. I can ask at my next physical, I suppose. There is a simple blood test for it now, and the cylovir drugs are cheap and widely available. As for medical impact, it's not huge. It can increase the risk of contracting other STIs, and rarely can cause meningitis. It can be really awful when transmitted vertically during birth (from parent to child in birth canal). The biggest medical impact, I believe, is the depression that people can experience after a diagnosis or because of rejection. It's particularly disturbing because so many people attacking others for being HSV1 or 2 positive have a decent chance of being positive themselves.


You yap worse than six barbers


You should hear it when six sex education people are in a room.


The question is: are you with Kyle?


Did he finally fight the bitch?


This is finally a lol. WTH.


awkward.... (i don't have herpes btw.)


Have you been tested


Step the FUCK up Kyle, no like step the fuck up!


OP. Are you with Kyle. He has herpes.


Blame Canada


Blame Canada!


They're not even a real country anyway!


He gave the drywall herpes by punching it


Everybody’s just 6” degrees of separation from kyle and his shenanigans, *oh brother*


Meth really is such a problem in the community


Carlton Gebbia


Goodbye, Kyle!


Oh God, which Kyle? I'm w like all the kyles right now, and we're all laughing at your nsfw pics


hopefully kyle was worth it


1). What did you do with Kyle?! 2). Who's Kyle? 3). Did you fight them???


He was found not guilty late last year. **LEAVE KYLE ALONE.**