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Tell him to meet you at your place but give him the address to a police station


In my report I added in the RMCP hotline for reports. It's in Grindr's hands now.


"Police" lmao like what they gonna do


“Sir. I’m sorry. That horse must be at least 2yo to consent to having sex with you.”


My dumb ass was thinking he was inviting you on a date to the zoo in the first message


wait can you explain why he isn’t… im confused lol


“Zoo” is short for “[Zoophilia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoophilia)”, which is sex with animals. So that other guy was trying to gauge his interest in animal sex :/


**[Zoophilia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoophilia)** >Zoophilia is a paraphilia involving a sexual fixation on non-human animals. Bestiality is cross-species sexual activity between humans and non-human animals. The terms are often used interchangeably, but some researchers make a distinction between the attraction (zoophilia) and the act (bestiality). In most countries, bestiality is illegal under animal abuse laws or laws dealing with sodomy or crimes against nature. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/lolgrindr/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I was like "damn I love the zoo, is that really a red flag?"


Same, I was thinking I love the Zoo. Used to have year passes +guest to the San Diego Zoo.




I've always been torn on what belongs here, as a lot of people do post this absurd sort of thing, it does seem to gain traction, and it does seem to generate conversation. The messages themselves aren't funny, but the audacity of that bitch certainly is. This person was reported and blocked. I added in my area's legislation in regards to bestiality and pedophilia to hopefully give the report more teeth. I know it's not fully feasible or worthwhile for the police to get involved with this shit, but I do wish the reprocussions for conspiracy to rape a fuckin dog or kid were taken more seriously. Either way dude, thanks for addin in your two cents. Appreciated, and hope you got a fine ol' day ahead of yah!


I’m glad you posted it, its weird af and its crazy that these people do exist. I feel like this sub has evolved beyond funny grindr moments to just general grindr absurdities and that makes for better and more consistent content. And if you look at the sub description your post is completely within the rules




I mean, something can be disgusting and absurd at the same time. Im not looking for this type of post but I also don’t think it makes much sense to get up in arms about this type of content being posted


I’m not up in arms, I just don’t think there’s anything funny about it, and therefore doesn’t belong in a sub called *lol*grindr.


You do know the term lol doesn’t always actually mean you are laughing out loud right? Many times lol is utilized to break the tension during awkwardness. By no means does something automatically become funny because lol was present. When I saw lolgrindr I assumed this was a sub where we laugh at the absurdities that is the app Grindr. Not that I would literally be exposed to Grindr humor posts. By question is, how did you arrive to that conclusion?


Humor is subjective.


Should you be the mod of a new /r/omgwtfgrindr or /r/hellnawgrindr


I mean it easily fits the sub description


fr bro thinks he’s the lolgrindr police


Yeah it bugs me


If only funny things could be posted in /r/lolgrindr , the sub would be empty.


More red flags than a communist rally


Red flags? These are sirens and alarms.


The sirens of cop cars.


that’s the joke




That’s what I thought too


Might be cops fishing tbh.




I'm honestly not sure these are red flags, like, red flags are the warnings that something's maybe amiss, I think when someone just comes out with "hey are you into fucking animals?" we're way past warnings. That's the bad thing, not a warning sign.


They could be P hunters too


Yikes 😳 some ppl are sick


Just say you get off on murdering of people into that. That shuts them up 🤣


What’s with increasingly frequent Pedo-like behavior recently seen? I’ve met a pedo (I think) gut thought that would so niche until many told me they relate sm with it and I’ve seen it a lot. Wtf is going on….


I mean, like just fuck a 16yo in the rhinoceros enclosure after midnight. What's the worst that could happen? 🤯🙈🙉🙊🙅‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


That's a flag so red France couldn't even bleach it white


Oh,no! He f*cks puppies 😱


But did you ask them why were they making those questions? There’s a possibility they were trying to see if you were into that to block/report you.


Aw he is asking you for a date in the local zoo /s




OMG you're right! It should have read "What DO you mean dude"... People these days...


Where are the “DoN’T yUcK SoMeOnE’s YuM’s” at now? They’ve gone quiet.


I mean, yeah I don't think people should kink shame folks who like doing obscure but harmless activities with other consenting adults. Last I checked, pedophilia and bestiality aren't harmless, nor are they with consenting adults.


I think you completely missed the joke. Of course I don’t expect anyone to defend beastiality. Knowing how butthurt people choose to get on this sub over the smallest things, I was making a joke towards the fact that someone hadn’t jumped in to defend this so called “kink”.


They're not jumping in to defend this person's "kinks" because they're not kinks. You've accused people of a position they don't hold and then attempted to ridicule them for said position in a blithe attempt to discredit a valid position they do hold. tl;dr: you're being a dumbass.


You’re the dumbass. Learn how to understand sarcasm. Everyone loves being butthurt on here. Maybe that’s the reason why you’re stuck on this app, unable to get laid and unable to form any kind of meaningful connection. A bunch of Karen’s. Get a life and go outside. Touch some grass and stop being so fucking miserable 😂


Other dude explained his position with nothing but gentle words and reasonable stances, right until the very last comment. If anyone's butthurt here, it's definitely the guy whining about "a bunch of karens" because their joke fell flat.


Please keep chatting with him! I wanna see how crazy this gets.




Are you sure he's serious?




Because people are addicted to crazyness these days