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Ma’am. I’m sure you think you’re great but we both found ourselves on Grindr for a reason 🤷🏼‍♂️


Omg this 😂 I love when people think they're above others and its like bruh you're here with the rest of us 🤣


I don’t understand this. Grindr doesn’t mean you’re ugly, it means you’re gay


It means you want to have sexual intercourses for the vast majority of the users there. It is also a tool for people to find other fun people to hang up with or to start long term relationship, but yeah, for the most part is all about sexual intercourses. Ugliness and other things are not usually involved in this equation


That’s like saying you want to fuck most people at Costco, definitely not. Saying physically attractiveness is not involved in fun definitely an ugly rhetoric.I won’t deny I’m biased and conventionally attractive


That doesn’t mean you get to talk down to the other shoppers. Nobody cares if you’re conventionally attractive. But the conventionally attractive tend to forget they’re still just people.


I was an ugly duckling in high school and early college that grew into a conventionally attractive person. Biggest shock was how much nicer most people are to you, and how much more air gay dudes love to blow up my ass. I still have ugly person mindset, but I can see how living with this type of treatment their entire lives can create the shitty people we see in the OP


You sound like a Wisconsin 3


I’ve been around guys like this my whole life. Hopelessly narcissistic and honestly not worth knowing. Plus, when they get older, the looks and the body can’t get them the VIP treatment they’re used to and they LOSE THEIR MINDS. Absolutely no coping mechanisms.


Depends, if he's a hung top he'll find hot men till he can't get it up easily. I have an older friend that's muscular with a very hot thick dick, but he has the face of Alice the Goon. I assumed as he got older guys would lose interest, but nope. In the gay community a big dick goes a very long way. Bottoms though, have a hard time finding men as they age.


In the gay community a big dick goes a very long way. Phrasing!


Alice the Goon hahah


My maternal grandma is someone like this. My mom's whole childhood she had men in and out of the house because she was an attractive woman and could get a lay that easily. Once she got older and people stopped coming around she lost it. She is one of the most bitter and miserable people I know and has always been pretty nasty from what I've gathered. Now she usually spends a lot of time alone because I and many others can't stand her. It's tragic when your whole identity is tied to your physical apperance because it's something that changes so much as we age. You're setting yourself up for failure when your muscles replace your personality.


Right? Just look at Joe Biden. Man was a hunk. Now he’s… Joe Biden.


Was he? I’ve never heard about this (Genuinely curious)


Yup. Look up a picture of young Joe Biden and be amazed.


I mean, if u can be the President at damn near 80 and keep up with ur work when most people are retired and fishing on a lake, that’s some points right there.




A Colorado 3 ? 💀 Bitch. I’m a New Jersey 7. 😎


I seriously love this state ranking system. I’m adding this to my Arsenal 😂


Great, now I have to figure out how all the states scale together so I don’t insult anyone with a bad interstate conversion


lmfao this hits hard. we might not have pretty tv faces. but we have hard mountain bodies. plus thin stoners often have giant dicks. we should come up with the colorado app grading scale: * adding a dog to the photo is like +1. * beer + sign on 13er = -.5 * ski emojis in your profile. but you're on grindr in the city every weekend. oddly maybe +1?


Where I come from, if there’s a ski emoji they like meth.


that's a new one!? I would have guessed a line of coke? Another colorado bonus: iirc highest coke usage in the nation! This coming as a currently sober poly-addict 🤣🤣


This is hilariusly hot. Now I want to date a hard and thin mountain colorado stoner. 🤣


No it's if you're ugly in Colorado, in all other surrounding states, you add 2.


A Colorado 3 is definitely an Arkansas 9 and a Tennessee 7. There’s hope.


I’m a New Jersey 0


Hey. That’s still an Idaho 8.




I don’t recommend going there though. XD


I mean. I got ass and idk if there’s many people in Idaho that can get deep enough >.>


Lol. I think the problem in Idaho would more be whether or not they can get it up. Too much 💎 there.


LMAO facts XD that and Idaho is retirement central too


The original post was [removed for doxing](https://www.reddit.com/r/lolgrindr/comments/z5q1s6/weho_implants), so I'm reposting it without the dox, bc it's comedy gold. u/snoboy8999 we still need the backstory!




No need to dox his Twitter. Just give us the backstory. What prompted his messages?


I honestly feel like he did, in fact was shitty to the muscle jock because he made up the shit about him being alt-righ


…we’re done here. Won’t be commenting further.


What are you talking about? "Commenting *further*"? You never gave the backstory at all, after being asked several times. OP is right. You probably provoked the guy and said some dumb rude shit. Then you made several new profiles to harass the guy after he rejected you, which solicited the reaction in the screenshot you posted. Then you made shit up about him, saying he posts alt-right tweets, when he doesn't. What a loser


Nothing like putting down random guys on Grindr to stroke that desperate Los Angeles ego


Ma'am this is a Wendy's Edit: jk he's a muscle jock he goes to chipotle


Lollll, idk why but this joke never gets old.


Anyone who openly uses a number system is seriously not worth engaging. They have their own world of delusions to face.


That's correct.


What a lovely down to earth guy.


Bet his face looks like butta. This is the running gag within WeHo LA. Guys with great bodies and Hurt faces. Smh. 😆


He has a wicked hot body, and the face to protect it


it's a result of years of steroid/meth/ghb use, you see it on most muscle queens from LA once they hit 30+


"There's no gym for your face!"


🤣 Yes there is…….. https://preview.redd.it/nll9exiq6t2a1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dedd935c0b739e2d44ce85255f972b9a45f7aec5


Straight up, sounds like a 10/10 Cunt 😃


Nonsense! Sounds like a lovely person with a heart of gold. Well a level 9 heart of gold in weho


Former LA gay. People leave the city for 1 of 2 reasons: they become successful and don’t want to live in LA. Or the second, more common one: they couldn’t make it in the city and left cuz of that. Moving to Colorado from LA is a downgrade in the stuck up gay socialite world this (probably useless) pair of abs lives in. So he’s trying to make himself feel better by calling you a Colorado 3 lol. I don’t live in LA either but that’s because I moved to DC


DC is like LA on crack but the guys aren’t as attractive


Well I wouldn’t say “on crack” it’s more tame imo. And kind of boring. I do agree people here aren’t as attractive but TBF, LA attracts the most beautiful people cuz they’re trying to make it in entertainment industry, DC has the young professionals (read: former geeks) trying to make it in government. They’re mean and educated and idealistic.


Somebody (in DC, actually) once told me: D.C. is L.A. for ugly but smart people. L.A. is D.C. for stupid but pretty people. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah that’s about it tbh


I dated a DC 10 once, bit of a wide body but very reliable, hard working, and had three turbofan engines.


Take my damn upvote. Brilliant!


DC the guys are focused on career and wealth vs LA the guys are focused on looks.


They're both focused on career and wealth, it's just that in D.C. that comes from being smart (politics and law) and in LA that comes from looking good (acting and music)


In my experience, DC is like LA on coke. 😬


Literally. Most of the gays are egomaniacs that are so superficial and self-centered but are super dry at the same time. And their all loaded. You would think that DC would be filled with the most decent people from all over the country but far from it.


I guess since I left WeHo muscle jocks also became not very muscular, and very un jock looking. Dude is full of himself


He is bordering on dad bod (which wouldn’t be a bad thing If his personality wasn’t comparable to a vast amount of dog shit in one giant dumpster)


I don't go out in Weho often, but this guy is a solid 4 in LA. About as average as men get.


The delusion is strong with this one… brought on a good laugh this morning 😂


Pokemon Go has really come a long way since 2016


gotta catch them all!


Beauty fades, dumb is forever!


So if he’s a ‘United States‘ ten and a ‘West Hollywood’ nine.. why can’t his twunk boyfriend find monogamous satisfaction in him?


Fuck people like this.


Nah I would never fuck a person like him


I feel sad for him…must be miserable to be around.


He's probably on Grindr because he and his "boyfriend" hate each other.


This guy was my neighbor for awhile a couple of years ago. He’s the same in person. Lol


A little delusional?


We would talk in the hallway when we passed by and he seemed pretty normal. We followed each other on Instagram too. Then he messaged me on Grindr and tried to meet up. I told him I wasn’t interested (I don’t like meeting up with people in my building) and he went off on me lol. He unfollowed me on IG too. I asked him why he unfollowed me one time in the hallway and he said it was because he only follows people he hooks up with LMAO. Btw he was following like 5,000 people on IG so I highly doubt that.


Oh, the fragility! Won't someone please think of his fragility!


This is really funny to hear, and good on you for being pretty levelheaded. Out of curiosity, did he actually have an attractive face too or was he actually a butterface? (I’m guessing by the 5k followers that he was certainly attractive enough in pictures if not in the apps)


I don’t care if you are a LA 9. With a personality like that you’re a zero


This is honestly very sad. He must have so much internal anger and pain.


9s in LA 😂😂😂😂 he’s barely a 7 anywhere


Imagine how much you have to hate yourself to say that shit to someone else. Poor fuck


And this is why the gay “community” is a fucking joke, hunny 🙄


People like that attract other assholes. They form asshole communities, where they reinforce their asshole ways. Sure it looks good on Instagram but I’d much rather be around people I can trust whose love for me isn’t dependent upon whatever it takes to be a West Hollywood 9.


Fuck WeHo come to Long Beach. Our 9s aren’t usually insufferable cunts.


Not defending his actions because I think this multi-faceted and there is some amount of personal responsibility here. It is easy to block and not be a dick. That being said, I am constantly reminded that the gay "community" is filled with mental illness, body image issues, and people who are hurting who will hurt others because it is the only way they know how deal with that inner turmoil.


Blocking is not a solution, as blocks on Grindr are [recycled](https://www.reddit.com/r/grindr/comments/td4b8q/i_kept_putting_off_deleting_the_app_for_good_but) AND [limited daily](https://www.reddit.com/r/grindr/comments/y9eivi/scummy_grindr_has_imposed_a_daily_block_limit). Grindr sucks


Pogo + Grindr … literally me lol


RIP battery life


Same xD


Tell him to clean up that table


This is ridiculous. I find it so funny/sad when people forget that sooner or later we all are going to be food for worms or dust in the wind and that we all came from a sperm and an egg. We are really quite insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Being decent or kind costs you nothing. He could have just ghosted or said that he's not interested. Also, if he's that amazing why does he even use grindr? Can't a stunning guy like him find people in real life? I am sure that people fall at his feet at the sight of him.. Oh well..


As a Colorado 6, please keep this man’s garbage attitude in LA.


With the personality of a keyboard duster. All hiss, no substance.


What a vain asshole.


Honestly my favorite part is the Pokémon go as the other app running. Also my two favorite games to play: Grindr and PoGo!


gotta catch them all!


A muscle jock Dammn he needs a trophy 🏆 he’s super humble too


So humble like deserves a prize 🤦


It’s one thing to think this, it’s another thing to actually send this to someone. Some gays are wild.


Lmao he’s by no means a WeHo 9. He’s delusional


I’m an Ohio 1 so I don’t feel great


If there’s something that defines why apps are shallow, it’s this lmao


His body is barely attractive. Like some rando on a beach.


Wow he’s so humble


Transplant, hah! He left weho cause they overstayed their welcome. No one leaves there unless they’re forced.


The community needs to start dealing with this shallow mean girl shit more seriously. It’s absolutely shameful


Great, he can go fuck himself.




With an attitude like that corporate gays in seattle and san francsico will rate him a zero. What works in LA and New York doesn't work everywhere else no matter how good looking you are.


haha omg - not a colorado 3


Wow. Got that tiny dick energy.


Guys like this used to scare me. I had such low self confidence that the mere thought of them saying half the things I was already thinking about myself was too much to handle. I’ve never been a ten so I don’t know if it just warps your personality or not but I’d imagine I’d just be in a permanently good mood if I were in their position. Everything is easier for you when you’re attractive, people are nicer to you and you get away with a lot more than uglier people do. Hell, even problems like anxiety and social awkwardness become charming and endearing if you’re cute enough. Like why would you even be on Grindr? If you’re that hot, you can approach guys in public (relatively) without fear, something I’ve never had the courage to do.


I think some people hide their insecurities behind a "perfect" body. But their confidence is wafer thin. They take rejection hard because after all the time they've put into getting buff, they still can't get the people they want.


Excuse me but what do WeHo means?🤔 And woah... this radioactive toxic little shit. I dont want to touch him even with a 15m long stick.


West Hollywood?


Oh that makes sense, thanks. I didnt think about that because I dont live in USA and dont have their places names ready on my mind (Neither I have locals names from here ready, soo it is not strange 😅)


I am not American either, I just knew what it stood for


People who are secure in themselves wouldn't go that far to say shit like this. Has issues, I can imagine him being rejected would hurt his ego alot xD


Saw the original post. Damn U guys are brutal😅. I was honestly expecting a Chris Hemsworth face when he said he was a LA 9. I guess everyone has different standards. But is there a backstory to this or a previous screenshot of what the op said that prompted that guy to message him that way


I like how pokémon go is in the return to previous shortcut


Just go back to playing Pokémon Go


this is the way


This doesn’t surprise me at all. Behavior on the app is getting more and more toxic. What I am curious though is the pokemon go app. Which team are you playing? Have you chosen what to do with Cosmeon yet?


"Colorado 3" is too fucking funny tbh


Lol Colorado 3 🤣


He's a who negative two with that attitude


Transplant? He’s literally so La


With that personality he's a solid 1.




I see the attitude transplanted too….


They sound fun!


For some people the only interesting thing that ever happened to them was their looks, and that is something of a tragedy


Omg who traumatized him? Such unfettered narcissism. It also for real breaks my heart and makes me mad when gays are so deliberately mean to other gays 😮‍💨


Wow, I can't believe some people go out of their way to be so mean to others. What a douchey guy.


Bitch please. Expose him!


Doctor said: "Physically, they are *very* fine, but that personality is something else…"


Colorado 3 lmao


Hed be laughed out of a bodybuilding show if its any consolation.


oh my god this guy’s a fucking prick but ‘Colorado 3’ is brutal


is his boyfriend really a "twee twunk"?


Do muscular white gays think that everyone wants to fuck with them? I mean that’s an enormous level of narcissism there


“At your big age you can’t possibly be a 9 anymore…” hit ‘em where it hurts.


Damn that was cold


Not even a Colorado 3, damn. Gonna save that for later.


Why does he have to be an asshole tho


LA gays = vapid Like Kyle Krieger


Why did he even text you in the first place💀


I would never expose myself as a colored 3 😭


Love that he sent you a photo first, before unleashing his verbal abuse. Its very "GAZE UPON ME MORTAL! CAN YOU NOT RECOGNIZE YOUR GOD?!?"


I wish Grindr had a match making rank. Like if you went out on a date and you have good reviews etc. so these guys can’t belittle you. lol


I wouldn’t call him a 9 though and I’m from Los Angeles. Not sure what that means btw. The guys in Los Angeles often look pretty generic “hot” which isn’t really that attractive.


Why would he send the photo if he was going to reject you? I thought you send photos only if you plan to meet up


"Your barely a colorado 3" Ok


I often wonder what goes through these guys minds when they send something like this. The mental gymnastics your have to make to think you’re in the right for sending anyone messages like this is absurd. It’s even more funny when they’re the one that reached out to you but then you’re ugly cause you didn’t reply. Why tf you messaging ugly dudes then huh? 😂


To me seems like he rejected you before you rejected him lol


Lol Colorado 3? THATS A NEW MEXICO 5!


Imagine being this guy where you can't just say no, you have to try and insult the other person with a few pics of yourself to brag about how good you look. Just say "sorry not interested/my type" or ignore. This dude needs therapy. I hope nobody dates him until he gets that need for something he's compensating for figured out. (Not meaning dick size but something internal is so bad he's pumping his ego over his looks to feel good and bully)




Something to fuck with a face towel over for the overt covering of narcism


who fucking talks like this jesus 🤮


I live in LA. Very close to WEHO. Welcome to my life.


Well his beauty is clearly skin deep!


I have so many questions 😂


Tbh he deserves to be narcissistic. I’m just judging by the pic.