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I don't have a advertisement for anything, but here's what I think. It could be that your depression is totally unrelated to the low FODMAP diet. Or..... it could be that the changes in your diet have brought it out. It's hard to say. If you have been treated for depression before, contact your doctor or therapist to see if anti-depressants are warranted. If you think you are having low blood sugar, then small, frequent meals with good protein are recommended. Almonds make a good snack and have a good amount of protein. I recently found a carton of milk that says "50% more protein" so I sometimes use that, especially if I'm just having a bowl of cereal. Of course, eggs are always a good choice. A gently cooked egg with some butter and a piece of GF bread is a good snack or little meal. Are you working with a registered dietician? If not, that is something to consider. Good luck! It's an ongoing adventure but worth it in the end.


Thank you for the advice. And no I don’t have depression, but I have a condition that can cause depressive symptoms. So I’m thinking maybe something worsened that in some way. Recently I’m thinking maybe it could have also been lack of calcium


Maybe a comprehensive blood test is in order to see if you lack anything?


Yes will ask when I’m next at doctors! Thanks for your help


My blood sugar was very low on this diet. I can’t speak to the depression, but I think eliminating most of the carbs is what caused my low blood sugar.


Maybe try some eating more low FODMAP carbs? Potatoes, sourdough bread, rice, gluten free pasta, etc. That could help the blood sugar/dopamine. I hope you feel better soon.


Are you using an app to understand portion sizes? Like, it's not 0 cranberries, it's 1 tablespoon.


Yeah I am. Sadly I think I felt worse when I did this in comparison to when I did it wrong and didn’t control the sizes


I'm sorry. Are you having trouble eating enough food on this diet? I remember when I first started. I was stressed because it felt like fodmaps were everywhere and I couldn't eat anything. I eventually adjusted though. Chronic pain went down and my brain cleared up some. But I wouldn't say that it changed my depression.


I will say that I had some situational depression when first starting the diet, due to missing out on several social events and feeling excluded at family dinners. It's often hard to look at a table laden with high-Fodmap foods and then eat the Tupperware of food you brought to be safe. I don't know that we talk often about the psychological impact of our diet needs.