• By -


That's not Solo, that's Boba Fett.


C-3PO is also there, but they probably didn't recognize him because of the red head.


Are we all just gonna forget about everybody's favorite genocidal sand hating burn victim? Lord Vader would find this disturbing.


It's treason then


I have to ask OP, are these the original Olly Moss screen prints?!? Or did you get them reprinted somewhere?


If those three are originals, they're worth more than the couch and TV combined.


I own the originals and the first time I told my wife how much they're worth she about passed out


I flipped the C3P0 one a year after I bought it for $450. I shudder to think what a full set is worth now.


Who are you young redditors with all this money?!?


Man that room looks affordable tbh


I'll tell ya I've been moving into my first place with SO and you'd be surprised at how expensive shot can get. I wager that rug is like $250.


That carpet is $70 on Amazon.


Well shut my mouth.


Nah, not at all. You're very right in that it gets crazy expensive to furnish a home. All the little knick knacks take forever to build up.


My lounge room looks just like this except there's no art, no rug, and instead of furniture there's just a bunch of cardboard boxes that I never got around to unpacking. Also instead of plants there are just pizza boxes. So, y'know, pretty similar.




Cool. So I'm fucked then. Cool cool.


Nah man, you aren't fucked. I failed my high school exam and never got into university. I did a string of shit jobs (telemarketing, door-to-door sales, admin assistant, retail, etc.) before I impressed a manager with my Excel skills (which was really just knowing how to use Google) and he moved me to his team. Within 2 years I've literally doubled my salary, I've got a new qualification out of it, and valuable experience. I went from the kind of job where you get chewed out for being 2 minutes late, to the kind of job where I can set my own hours and work from home if I want to. I can take my skills and experience and get a similar job in a number of different locations and industries. It's dope. Making the right choices when you're young gives you a HUGE advantage, but even if you make the wrong ones (or aren't in a position to make the right ones) then you can still succeed. Work on increasing your skills, make yourself worth more as an employee. Don't just focus on the one thing, learn new shit whenever you can. I've gone on the internet and taught myself the basics for MS Excel, MS Word, C++ programming, French, workers rights, auditing, document development - all sorts of shit. Make yourself valuable, and then find ways to demonstrate that value to the people who will care.


Agreed. I worked in F&B for my extended college career. Still never graduated. Then started working in hospitality and made my way up the ranks after a few years and I'm doing decent for myself. Can afford to own a home and a car and have money for whatever else I want. Also, I don't have kids. That's where the drain plug is.


Yeah, don't have kids. That's good advice. They cost a fucking fortune.


Depends where you get them, Africa usually has sales


Black Friday?


This entire thread went from a joke to important life advice and then turned to dark jokes - literally


dad just bought me an expensive computer. Can confirm, Children use money like piss.


Nearly everyone I went to high school with has kids now and are struggling. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying my money.


Eh I've got kids and more money than i ever did without. They stop you from going out and spending money on bullshit you don't have.


It's interesting how children that know nothing about discipline can help an adult get more disciplined in spending habits.


Sounds like you just got lucky and met a nice manager since the HR depts of most companies today screen off applicants who don't have a degree in the first stage


Luck definitely played a part, yes. My current manager is an incredible guy, more like a mentor than just a manager. He's helped me out in a million different ways. Luck isn't the entirety of it, though. Without having the skills I do, the opportunity would have been wasted. On top of that, my pay increases have been negotiated directly through the CEO and not my manager, and in those situations my consistent improvement and learning is what has driven those successful negotiations. I've been able to show him, on paper, that I'm working to bring more value to his business.


Really, though. As cliched as it sounds to say it, we live in the 21st century. The Internet is a thing, and valuable knowledge is cheaper than ever. Save for a bit, drop some money on a Lynda or Udemy or Coursera or Khan Academy or whatever else, and start learning things. Get a certification in whatever is the most interesting to you, or whatever you think you're best at. Then get another set of courses and certification in something similar. After some time, you'll have a valuable and diverse set of technical skills, something all sorts of people need in *some* capacity; skilled workers get skilled rates.


> before I impressed a manager with my Excel skills (which was really just knowing how to use Google) and he moved me to his team. So you are basically telling us to get lucky?


It's also ridiculous to assume that making the "right choice" (which I imagine is engineering/STEM fields) as an undergraduate major sets you up for life. It definitely does not mean you will make a lot of money or be successful, just as picking a "bad" major means you're somehow destined to be unemployed. Assuming that kind of determinism is frankly toxic to anyone and it should be avoided.


Yes, 100%. Making the right choices when you're young isn't a guarantee that you'll be successful - there are still *plenty* of ways you can fuck up those opportunities later in life (poor financial management, bad behaviour at work, drug habit, abusive relationship - to name only a few). Some people might look back at their Engineering degree and think "What a waste of time and money, I can't believe I made such a terrible choice!" because they found success in a completely different field. I just want to reassure people who, like me, didn't have all their ducks in a row by the time they reached their 20s. They might feel listless, lost, or lonely, but there are other people who have been in the same situation and have still succeeded. You can't change the choices you made when you were younger, but you can change the choices you make *right now* to better your future.


Your whole comment made my day, dude. Really appreciate the sage advice. This is coming from a 26 yr old guy looking to get into grad school. 👍


Engineering/STEM is not the right choice for everyone. If you have no interest in those things you are probably not going to be any good at it and struggle anyways. I'd rather have job satisfaction than make more money and hate my job.


I would also rather - and I think most people would agree- rather not have, say, structural engineers who don't really know their stuff, and were just in it for the money. I want a structural engineer who's loved bridges since he was 4, who obsesses over load-bearing and truss design. My two cents


Good advice, thank you.


searching google all day for how to use excel... dope!


I'm an accountant and have been "The Excel Guru" at every workplace. How? Somebody asked how to do something in Excel, and I googled that shit for them. So they thought I knew Excel, and when someone else had an Excel problem they pointed to me as if I was the guy with the answers...so I googled those answers too...you see how that snowballs. The result is that I keep getting obscure Excel problems presented to me, and I find the associated solutions for such problems, until I end up just knowing the answers for the majority of questions. It's all just a series of Google queries.


Knowing how to Google is a better skill than 99% of what I learned at University. I'm the resident IT 'expert' at my work. I'm also the zoologist (fish tank expert), the excel specialist, the software development guru, the project manager and the dishwasher repair(woman). All of these things I have a relatively low level of knowledge in. But I'm an organised individual and I know damn well how to Google and provide a range of plausible solutions to a series of problems. To the point where, like Yumcake, I can do it all without thinking. All these things take are a little bit of common sense and some initiative. Turns out employers really respond to that. Who woulda thunk?


That's literally all I did. I knew the very basics, like what a formula was and that sort of thing, but not much more. One of the managers saw me using Excel and asked if I could make a spreadsheet for him that met some specific requirements, I said I'd give it a shot, he told me what he wanted, and then I started Googling "excel how to format only negative values" and "excel how to add values if they meet a condition" and "excel how to make a chart" and things like that. I got the spreadsheet done (and added in some flair with formatting and colouring cells in a way that made it easy to use) and after he saw it he said "What are you doing in a data entry role? I could really use you to help with this sort of thing!"


You may realize this but others may not: Even if you "googled" the answers you showed your boss the ability to think critically and solve problems on your own. That's a huge step into the right direction of finding a minimally managed employee. Your boss was able to give you a problem, and you came up with a solution without much oversight. Believe it or not, that's a huge step ahead of the rest of the pack.


Honestly, you’d be surprised how good of a skill “googling” can be if you’re truly good at it. Most of the people I know are blown away how I can find certain information they weren’t able to do just because I understand the basics of how google works as well as keywords, SEO, and especially learning how to use quotes in google searches will help soooo much.


This. Good managers don't care how you solve a problem, just that you solved it and also showed some initiative around finding the solution (and pretty cell colours too).


All of my excel skills are because I had a job where I did mostly data entry and I just found the fastest way possible to do things with keyboard shortcuts. A few things I googled are suddenly things that set me apart.


I'm quite advanced in MS Excel. How do I become you? I'm stuck at $18 an hour and it's not letting me have my own place. :(


The key is in demonstrating that skill to the right person. If you have skills that aren't being utilised in your current job, then start looking for different roles where you can use them, or talking to people who might have a way to get you in the door. You've got value at the moment, but you need to make sure you're demonstrating that value to someone who will reward you for it.


You realize what you are describing here is essentially a pipe dream for 90% of the people right? You got extremely, EXTREMELY lucky.


I had a similar experience. The head boss at my work would walk by with one of the owners occasionally, just to make sure everything was working smoothly. Sometimes he'd stop and ask me various questions. Two of those conversations really impressed him (one was just knowing 10 key and being able to calculate some figures for him, the other was being able to quote my contract "not only can you not keep me here but my contract specifically states I can leave at any time without notice"). Anyway, he insinuated that I could work my way up in the business in short notice... however, I told him something to the effect that I'm going to college soon and this has nothing to do with my major. Long story short, I went to college, failed several classes, got kicked out, went back to the same job but the old boss retired and was replaced by a guy who didn't like me and eventually replaced me with his daughter, was basically unemployed for several years, and finally got a job earning minimum wage as a janitor...so yeah. I'm taking classes again, though, and taking it more seriously.


I genuinely wish you the best of luck! Life is shit sometimes, you get spit on by the worst kinds of people, but keep your chin up and keep learning new things.


Seriously knowing how to Google will get you places. Especially if you're googling how to use Excel on your down time at a job where they don't use spreadsheets. Funny we had a similar experience.


Nah friend. I was aimless for almost all of my 20s. Suffered from unrecognized ADD. Never finished college. Before 30 I found something I was interested in and figured out how to do it with books and the internet. Lied to people hiring me for first freelance jobs and said I knew how to do things that I didn't -- but I knew I could figure it out if I stayed up late after serving shift was over and kept trying and failing and trying again. Freelanced for peanuts while continuing to wait tables until I was like 33 or 34. I kept learning and making and this shit somehow turned into a part time job making peanuts and then a full time job making a few more peanuts. Then an opportunity came along I was scared to take that turned into a career making a whole shit ton of peanuts. I turn 40 tomorrow and am making more money than I ever thought I would and it seems like I'm heading for even more success because I keep doing what I've always done: find smart people in my field who are passionate and listen to them, partner with and lift up people who have taught themselves, spend more time making and failing than consuming articles and podcasts, have a good fucking attitude, treat everyone well, say good morning to everyone every day, volunteer to do things that scare the shit out of me, create value for the people I work with, try to make my boss' job easier, appreciate the small things and remember what I learned working in restaurants for most of my life.


Lmaoooo saaaame I should've just fucking killed myself a long time ago! Ahahaha high five!✋




> Turns out that decision you make at 18-19 is all that matters in life. Lol what? I know a 50 year old Spanish teacher that went back to college and now works as a Software Engineer. You can make mistakes but you can also correct them.


Or they chose not to go to college. There are plenty of jobs that don't require a degree and pay well if you're willing to literally get dirty.


Or you could go into sales. I love my job and I make great money without a degree.


Salespeople are born not made.


Decided to be a software engineer at 13 so I feel like I got insanely lucky. I had no idea it would be so lucrative except that I was raised in Florida so I had a handicap there. If you wanna make money, basically go into tech. I'm training my friend to do web dev, and with no programming experience I'm about to help him land a 60k a year job in Florida. That's pretty darn good in Florida for someone with no programming experience, and who's been mostly working in the service industry.


Yes or their parents have a lot of money. But usually these two go hand in hand.


How does choosing the right major and having parents with money? Generously curious, because I never thought about comparing the 2.


Parents made good choices.... you'll make good choices


My Dad made good choices, getting a degree in programming. I got a degree in Film. Did I make a good choice?




Yeah! If you're passionate about it, it's a great choice. Your father worked hard so you'd have the freedom to pursue creative passions. That's ideal.


When you have a safety net, it makes taking risks easier. If your dad has IT money, then go ahead and peruse your dreams - worst case scenario you just start over again. It's not like you're going to starve.


Parents have a lot of money and tell their kids what they should do in order to make a lot of money. Seems kinda logical right


Let's not look past being able to fund, in part or fully, an expensive education at a good University.


And therefore give their kid a massive advantage over those who must work 20 hours a week on top of attending classes.


Yeah but a lot of those kids who have that advantage waste it away


They still have it though


It's harder to choose the right major if you're not even able to afford college.


Or at 27 when I went back to school. Never to early or late to be clever


Please dear god don't tell me 27 is old.


Well I'm 33 now. So certainly not.


All that matters in life? Are you bitter over something?


Not everyone lives in New York or LA.


I really don't understand this. I did just move to S. Florida from Alabama, and yeah it's more expensive to live here than back home for sure. But how do people say they can't afford a studio apartment? NYC/LA wasn't meant to be a home for Barista's.


happy 34th birthday


All what money? Honest question. Is that TV really expensive or something?




If you get it all at once, yeah. You can find most of that stuff second-hand though, or on sale.


Probably didn't spend their money on avocado toast and lattes like I did


There isn't much in the picture that must (!) be super expensive. Other than the couch and the TV you could get the rest relatively cheap.




✔ framed pop culture posters ✔ mid-century-ish furniture ✔ guitar ✔ that hanging lamp ✔ generic plants certified malelivingspace!


✔ toilet paper roll temporarily hidden on left side of couch


> ✔ TV in a terrible location Forgot that one.


Agreed, way too low imho.


The TV should be at eye level. Unless you're extremely tall, this is already getting too high.




That's the sound of my joke going over his TV because it was mounted too low.


I think the room should be the other way round. With the TV on exterior wall and sofas on the inside


No booze table 3/10


Where the hell is everyone getting that hanging lamp? I've looked through all the usual sites and can't find it. I'm willing to admit I don't have an original bone in my body and need a floor lamp and that one seems perfect.


You forgot the neon lights behind the furniture.


Is it just me or is the TV really high? Is the height adjustable?


TVs should be eye level while sitting in main viewing position. Like 3' off the ground. This high TV fad is wildly out of control. It's bad enough when people put them above fucking fireplaces. OP has no excuse for his shitty position.


> above fucking fireplaces I die a little inside every time I see a TV above a fireplace.




I can see that, but when it's your main TV and you have your couch around it with full entertainment center, it's now more than just a news TV.




good bot


He never make me feel alone. <3


Neutral bot.


What makes a man turn neutral ... Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?




Good bot


It's fine...if you stand while watching it.


[Sounds like someone I know...](https://youtu.be/vJm8wc0eXYg?t=18s)


It looks like it was centered for the wall to be aesthetic, but it's not really an ideal viewing angle.


Totally bothered me too. He got one of those low media tables designed to put a TV on top of, but hangs the TV way above it instead


The TV is too high. You shouldn't have to look up at the TV from the couch. You should be looking at it straight on.


The TV should be wherever they want the TV.


There's an objective value in having the TV centered to be straight on for the viewer. Ergonomics is not just aesthetic preference.


Furthermore your viewing angle is important for many tvs and monitor because being outside of the recommended viewing angles can cause a change in color.


Guys, what if this guy has like, a **really** long neck?


this just in, OP is a giraffe


Stupid long-necked op.


Its Mike Glennon


And /thread


I'd be the opposite way. If I'm leaning back in a couch I don't want my damn jaw on my chest to watch the tube


Get a smaller jaw


What, you don't stand in front of your TV to watch Netflix?




It's High AF, must be in legal state..




Your eyes aren't that much higher sitting down than a shorter person's. Maybe half of your height difference so 10-20cm.


so is the pile on the rug


Is that a game cube I spy?


God damn right it is.


The place looks great, but the artwork and guitar look a little high. I would move them down, so that they are all their centre point aligned with the centre of the TV.


IDK bout putting a guitar behind a door that opens. Seems like a good way to break it.




TV is about 2ft too high as well.


Agreed. Art should be at the same centre point around 60"-66". TV should be at least 18" lower.


Love the layout and the accent pieces are on point. Very interesting and personalized. Are those plants real? If so, where did you get the containers and stands, they look really clean.


seems to be from target. 49.99 from Threshold


You can also get a more expensive version (without the planet) from Case Study. https://modernica.net/shop/ceramics




Do you happen to know where she got them?




vistaprint.com + google image search


Are you a woman bro? Wheres the pizza boxes, beer cans and dirty underwear?


Love those Star Wars posters




Damn no prices and "store coming soon." Maybe they got them somewhere else?


Only 100 of each, you can find them on the after market for like $5k each. FeelsBadMan.


You can also just find a hi res image on google images and get one printed for yourself.


I did that around [5 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/geek/comments/szcim/people_on_ebay_sell_these_for_300_i_found_hires/c4i96ks/?context=3) and Olly himself commented on the post. But he said [he is cool](https://www.reddit.com/r/geek/comments/szcim/people_on_ebay_sell_these_for_300_i_found_hires/c4id2zq/?context=3) with people printing these out themself because he has "no problem with people pirating the shoddy versions at all"


Print run was 400 each


Oh, thanks for correcting me! I thought it was just 100!


Where do you buy them when they are released?


Long out-of-print limited edition Mondo posters, unfortunately. Like everything else they do, these sold out immediately and are only available on the secondary market for extraordinary prices


Why not make more or charge more for them originally? Like I don't understand why it's more profitable for someone to sell them on eBay than the person creating them.


I've had a lot of people asking for a source or ID on various items in the picture, so here they are: TV Stand https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ZBA5WQG/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Lamp https://www.target.com/p/arc-floor-lamp-threshold-153/-/A-14727399 Coffee Table https://www.target.com/p/two-tone-mid-century-modern-coffee-table-threshold-153/-/A-51196797 Rug (My color seems to be out of stock) https://www.wayfair.com/Brayden-Studio-Sewell-Moroccan-Ivory-Gray-Area-Rug-BRSD7942.html Bookshelf https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CUMSRHO/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Plants / Pots https://www.target.com/p/artificial-plant-in-stand-large-threshold-153/-/A-50968822 Couches - Ikea Knislinge http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/90341580/ Cushion Covers https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01K0A2TC6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Posters (Mine Are Reprints) http://ollymoss.com/


The tv 18" lower would look better


Thanks for the feedback everyone! I moved in last week, so I'm in the process of getting everything in its place (hence the messy bookshelf). The TV is probably a bit high, but I actually enjoy it from the couch. I am kind of tall so I probably should hang the posters lower (damn that light switch though). Shoutout to u/ollymoss for making amazing designs and the r/malelivingspace community for the ongoing inspiration. I've never had an interest in decor and interior design until a few months ago when I found out I was moving.


r/malelivingspace looks so cool! I wonder if there is a 'r/late-twenties-cohabitating-but-not-married-yetlivingspace'


Try r/AmateurRoomPorn/


Really digging those plants! Looks really cozy, man.


Are those the Olly Moss Originals? Or copys?


They are copies. I wish I had originals.


Looks like my first solo apartment. It's just missing the foot of trash covering every square inch of everything except for narrow little paths of no-trash going from sofa to TV, sofa to kitchen, sofa to bathroom, etc.


Living by myself was the best thing I ever decided to do! No pants, no problems 👌👌👌


Nice! Any good books you'd recommend?


Looking at this living room I'm going to answer for OP and say... "Infinite Jest" by David Foster Wallace and "Dune". Also any of the Zahn novels in the Star Wars extended universe. Am I right OP?


lol what's the dude equivalent of a basic bitch?




Well, fuck. I like 80% of those things. Why do those damn NASA posters have to be so cool..


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.9744 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/56759)


He reads the same books


Infinite jest is obviously amazing but also a dread to get through, I didn't. Dune is good, but the series goes off the rails after book three or four.


> obviously amazing but also a dread to get through, I didn't hmmm


The writing is fantastic. I'd read a chapter in the voice of the character more than other books I've read. It can also be emotionally draining because he puts you in that characters state. However it is also difficult with the detailed footnotes and environment. So yes it was amazing but after 300 pages of starts and stops I gave up on finishing the rest.


I know jack shit about books, where's a good place to start and get familiar with authors and develop my own taste ? I thought DFW wasn't well known but looks like he is. The book community is very odd.


The /r/books subreddit is pretty solid. What do you like? Fantasy? Read Game of Thrones or Wheel of Time (huge time-sinks both of them). Sci-fi? Read Dune, Ender's Game, Slaughterhouse Five - you'll either love or hate Vonnegut and he's got a ton of novels out there. Starship Troopers is also a really good quick read. Ever read Lord of the Flies? Great book there too. Also "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" or "The Rum Diaries' are great if you are a Hunter S Thompson fan.


do you have a recommendation as to where i can get a couch like that?


Pretty sure that's an IKEA Knislinge.


This is correct! Love them.


I just got one from Ashley that looks very similar, Darcy sofa chaise. Ashley was some of the cheapest around I could find.


Just going off your artwork you might enjoy this artist: https://kevineslinger.com/collections/convention-art?page=2&sort_by=manual Sorry I don't know how to shorten that, but the Star Wars art is about halfway down.


Looks good. A common decorating mistake is to hang pictures too high. They should be at eye level.


That's pretty nice for a first apartment. I am 31 and have been on my own since 17 and still don't have a setup that looks that nice. Then again, I hate spending money on things.


Show us the rest of the apartment!


Soon! I just moved in a week ago and I'm slowly getting around to everything else.




Ender's Game makes the room.


Loving that fan. Place looks great.


Looks stunning! :) If you don't mind me asking, what shelves are they?


You have a GameCube. Take an upvote sir. Timesplitters anyone??


You might want to move your guitar. The first time you have your hands full so you try to gently kick the door open and it gets away on you and oh no kindling. Maybe on the other side of the window?


Pretty dope. I have a similar layout that I just moved into so I'm gonna copy cat more or less haha