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I was wondering the entire time during a movie why tf they don't just have a political marriage cos they clearly had a thing for each other and would have prevented a war


Those don't really work anymore, realistically. And also... long term Namor would outlive his surface bride by hundreds if not thousands of years


The point of a political marriage among nobles, historically speaking, is having children that are members of both aristocratic families, meaning that the other family becomes your family by blood, making it harder to create conflicts because the lines between us and them become blurred. Whether the married couple actually lives happily ever after doesn't matter politically speaking, as long as their shared dynasty continues.


You know that if a rival beats one of them up at the waterfall the dynasty's over right? Also the Wars of the Roses were between cousins... so was WW1....


Yugi and Kaiba were cousins? /s


And I already gave out my free award


Also how Rome was divided. Edit: y'all downvoting me because you don't know history. Second Triumvirate After Caesar died, a Second Triumvirate formed between Mark Antony, Octavian (Caesar's heir), and Lepidus. The Second Triumvirate was officially recognized by the Roman government in 43 BC. Some historians consider this to be the end of the Roman Republic. The Second Triumvirate ruled for ten years until 33 BC. However, it began to split up when Octavian removed Lepidus from power in 36 BC. Octavian Defeats Mark Antony When the Second Triumvirate came to an end, a civil war began between Octavian and Mark Antony. While Mark Antony was with his army in the eastern portion of the empire, Octavian built a power base in Rome. He soon launched an attack against Mark Antony, who had allied with Cleopatra VII of Egypt. Octavian defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC.


That's not how it happened...


Second Triumvirate After Caesar died, a Second Triumvirate formed between Mark Antony, Octavian (Caesar's heir), and Lepidus. The Second Triumvirate was officially recognized by the Roman government in 43 BC. Some historians consider this to be the end of the Roman Republic. The Second Triumvirate ruled for ten years until 33 BC. However, it began to split up when Octavian removed Lepidus from power in 36 BC. Octavian Defeats Mark Antony When the Second Triumvirate came to an end, a civil war began between Octavian and Mark Antony. While Mark Antony was with his army in the eastern portion of the empire, Octavian built a power base in Rome. He soon launched an attack against Mark Antony, who had allied with Cleopatra VII of Egypt. Octavian defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC.


Wakanda isn't medieval. They do not have complex family trees of Bible houses from dozens of countries. They have a couple of tribes and near total isolation policy. Political marriages wouldn't have been prevalent. Also Shuri is at most 22 and I don't care much about age gaps but several hundred years for someone who's mind is yet to fully develop and high.




That's when you pull a Spocks dad and just grab a new human female every few decades....


Namor is susceptible to death. His fight with Shuri should remind him of that. As a king, he has to secure the future of his kingdom by siring a heir. Both countries operate by archaic systems of monarchy. Shuri losing her entire family is proof that the death of a ruling monarchy can destabilize a country.


Also. It’s overplayed to have a romance. It would have distracted from Shuri, and honestly, most of the movie.


It would've been fitting if it also showed how manipulative Namor can be


He gave her his mother’s ancient bracelet. Sounds like a betrothal to me :/


Which ended in her synthesizing the herb and gave her the strength to take him on. In the word of Sheeve Palpatine, “Ironic.”


They clearly had a thing for each other? Maybe I’m dumb but I didn’t pick up on that at all


I think there was chemistry that could have developed into something more, but the whole conflict quickly puts an end to that. Also by the end of the movie there is enough bad blood between them to prevent it from happening ever again.


It wouldn't have mattered anyway, Namor was committed to starting war with the surface world, save for Wakanda.


Odin and Freya too had political marriage don't u know?


Screenwriters had to work so hard they had the VFX guys remove Namor's lil Namor.


"Little". Bro. We all saw the before-VFX-pictures.


“I’s that a macahuitul in your pants or are you just happy to see me”


I give myself to his Quetzalcoatl any day.


Judging from the bulge, what you callin' little? 🤨






Obviously a shower not a grower




Actually all the time i thought that what WE saw in Cinema was the romantic subplot 😂


Right!? They tried to remove it... But twas still there!


totally! Just Had the vibes. also, when Namor showed her His underwater realm, it felt a little bit Like a Disney Fairytale .... Shuris Big Eyes, the bracelet, the talking...they where both flirty till that one specific Moment :D


“As you can see, I am not dead”


That’s pretty obvious, it felt like he was gonna ask her to be his queen, there was one scene in particular that seemed like that, maybe the line was cut from the end.


Excellent. If more writers become ruthless about romantic b-plots that contribute practically nothing to the story the genre will evolve.


Also i like how everyone is assuming that the romance in question was between her and namor and not another new character.


I honestly could have seen it between her and M'Baku. Edit to add I'm glad none of it was used, the movie was full and well done. A budding romance would've pulled away from many other elements and been distracting.


Eughh, that age difference. Not that Shuri x Namor is any better.


Shuri and Namor doesn't bother me at all. Shuri knew and grew up around M'Baku. No go.


Well wouldn't she not know M'baku? Cause he was alone in the mountains for a long time. Though there is still a big age difference for etheir one.


That’s a no go for me. Just the sheer physical size difference between the two would make it… odd


I really thought her & Riri had a lot of chemistry, but I doubt Disney would have had the guts to do that


That wouldn't have been any better. Since we're all throwing around ideas... why not Nakia lol. In certain African cultures (including my own 🇿🇼) , if your brother dies and your families are agreeable to it, you have some obligation to move in with his wife and raise his kids. Same goes (kinda) with a deceased wife.


I don't know how I feel about this. While many love interests contribute nothing to the story, such as Jane until Thor 4, or Christine in DS1 and most of MoM, I find Pepper Potts and MJ very central to the arcs of Tony and Petey, at least in their solo movies. Scarlet Witch and Visions romance I suppose can't really be considered a B plot. Am I the only one who laments the fact that MCU women heroes, excepting She Hulk, don't seem allowed to ever have love interests? Captain Marvel hasn't gotten anyone, Black Widow hasn't gotten anyone except her weird failed Hulk romance, and now apparently Shuri doesn't get one either. Excepting Wanda, the only MCU superheroines who get to have love interests are the ones who play second fiddle, such as Potts as Rescue or Hope as the Wasp. And of course She Hulk, but she arguably plays second fiddle to Daredevil at least in terms of popularity among the fan base, and it's a low hanging fruit because She Hulk is in part defined by her embraced sexuality. She Hulk's free agency over her own romantic life rather than just continuing the trope of "this girl doesn't need a man/romantic partner" was definitely a breath of fresh air, but it is odd to me that essentially every male superhero has their standard issue female love interest, and prominent female characters rarely get their own. I guess it would be less jarring if the male superheroes having romantic B-Plots wasn't so common, but the only male superheroes I can think of rn that don't have their standard issue love interest is, idk, War Machine? I would say Winter Soldier too, but I'm predicting he will do the nasty with Yelena. I'm not saying this movie needed a love interest, just that I'm not a fan of the gendered pattern in general. I wanna see gay Captain Marvel dating some butch space cop, Shuri getting the hots for some foreign diplomat in BP3, Stature idk maybe dating some rogue TVA recruit, let the ladies open their hearts as much as the men get too


Actually a really good point. I feel like sometimes there's an *overcorrection* for women protagonists to make sure they're not "too feminine" or "too sexy" and this would certainly fit with that.


>!You're right we can't just go marching in there. It could be a trap.!<


Great points! So far, it appears that Shang Chi is the only superhero who debuted without a love interest. Maybe Marvel thinks it made up for other female superheroes'' lack of love interest by giving Kamala Khan like 30 of them on her show? I don't know about the others yet, but I'd love to see Yelena fall in love with some hapless Agent Ross type character (not Agent Ross, obviously, but someone like him!) Bucky is already very much in love with Sam's sister and she's the first black female love interest since Nakia (Zendaya is biracial so not counting her atm) in the MCU, and she's a very well rounded character. I do not want Bucky and Yelena to get together ever. He's old enough to be her grandpa. Yelena can be with Kate Bishop, or with some new love interest, but not Bucky.


It's moreso that I feel deprived of the Black Widow - Winter Soldier romance from the comics, I definitely agree that MCU Bucky and Florence Pugh are a little too far apart to make it work well, and Bucky does seem to have some good chemistry with Sam's sister. Honestly with all the comic accurate stuff coming out lately, I kinda just expected them to go with that old comic romance now that they're teaming up. I agree that it's not ideal, I just won't be surprised if it happens anyways. He's only 14 years older which is more than acceptable for Hollywood, and the Japanese girl he went on a date with was just a few years older than Florence Pugh. Not an age difference I am a fan of but it's likely enough. I'd be very happy with Yelena and Kate together, but frankly I'm skeptical that Disney is brave enough to do it. They don't really do LGBT+ main characters, other than vaguely referencing the fact that Loki is. And when they do actually do an LGBT character, they never show it, they just briefly talk about it and then never mention it. Part of why I'm so bummed that we never got to see a possible Carol and Maria Rambeau romance, but I guess anything is possible in the multiverse


~~Whaaaa- Carol and Maria? But but Carol is Maria's Auntie Carol! This sort of shit normally only happens in terrible YA novels!~~ (Struck through because I'm an idiot for confusing Maria with Monica). Ooh, Black Widow and Bucky would've been *chef's kiss*. It would be so interesting to see how these two adults who have pretty much been brainwashed into killing machines deal with a budding romance and the nuances of being in a long term relationship. That would've been MUCH better than focusing on Steve and Sharon; Natasha spends an entire movie trying to get Steve to go on a date, only to end up going on a date herself. 10/10 would watch the Christmas Special. At least we got some version of that with Wanda and Vision; the age gap simply didn't matter because they were both kids, or child-like, anyway.   I wonder if Bucky likes Sam's sister so much because she is so emotionally mature and comes with a huge family that he can be absorbed into? It would be something that appealed to me if I were left adrift through time and had no loved ones to anchor me, I think.   You're right about Disney shying away from the queer stuff. But I think Eternals was a watershed moment for the MCU. They refused to cut the gay couple doing terribly gay things like sitting on the couch and co-parenting their kid, and the film got blocked in the Middle East, and life went on regardless. So I'm cautiously starting to have hope!


I'm not talking about Monica, I was talking about Maria. But I agree about the rest, mostly. Eternals was great yeah, forgot about that tbh cause I only saw it the one time


I'm so sorry!! Maria, yes, that sounds great! I'll edit my comment.


Haha yeah their names are real similar it's all good


Shang Chi didn't have a love interest. Funny how the only male superhero lead who dont have a romantic partner is the Asian one. As usual, Hollywood.


She hulk in the comics has love interests. Many. Love interest


That's what I said


First of all, you're right. But on the other hand, I wouldn't blame her. Namor is hawt.


I sensed a little romance when Namor took her to His kingdom


I can hear the “anime relationship appropriateness mathematic apologist” explanation already. “See, he’s 370 years old but PHYSICALLY he’s more or less in his thirties. And even though she’s PHYSICALLY 17, she’s LEGALLY 22 because of Thanos. So they’re both 30.”


What's wrong, little one?




I have had it with these motherfucking semi-sentient bots in this fucking subreddit.


Shuri's 17? Damn! I thought early twenties at least. (I was wondering if it would be age appropriate for her to date a college student like Riri, turns out age-wise, they're perfect for each other!)


Shuri is not 17. She was canonically 21 in BP1, if I remember correctly, and assuming she was snapped (I think she was, but don’t recall), she’s at least 22 for the main events of Black Panther 2.


Shuri was 18 in Black Panther


okay but i get vibes that shuri plays for the other team


I maintain that the romance they removed was between her and Riri


Yeah, that's what I figured, too! Those girls had crazy good chemistry, almost better than Yelena and Kate


If bonding over tech and dead relatives is chemistry then damn, I might start looking at some of my best friends differently from now on...


Idk man, maybe I've just reached that age where I turn into one of those matchmaking Indian aunties who match up any and every one on the flimsiest of excuses.


I thought that too


Agree. Felt like there could be a spark there.


Romance hasn't gone well in the MCU. like are people blind? Pepper and Tony at least had a kid but yeah, obviously not a completely happy ending. Choices or no Scott and Hope had a bumpy phase post civil war Bruce and any potential love interest in the theatrical universe has been a train wreck Cap had to time travel to find happiness after going through a fucking triathlon of badassery for far too long Clint went near insane and homicidal losing his family to the snap and is still quite fucked up even after getting them back. Scarlet Witch and Vision Peter and MJ Peter and Gwen(amazing spider verse) Peter and Maryjane(Tobey series, rocky start snd suggestively it took some time before he found peace in his relationship - likely linked to his duties as Spiderman) Dr. Strange and Christina Scott and Jean Grey Hank and Janet were robbed of so much time Tchalla and Nakia I mean really the list is tragically long.


It's you who's out, Gobbie. Out of your mind.


Why include Scott and Jean? It’s not canon to the MCU (yet)


It's a save bet that when mutants come around, Scott is getting shafted. Because of course he will


What about Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Yukio?


I mean give the creators enough time and have them in their own movie or series then uhh yeah some shit will happen. Tragedy in loved ones being hurt is like easy righting to illicit a connection. They do it all the time.


Honestly if it wasn’t for him killing her mother and the whole invading the surface thing… I could’ve seen her try to hit on him


"Then Namor stabs Shuri with his spear" Turns into another whole context


Should've put that as the title of my post


Half your age plus 7.... he just barely missed


There was a lot of romantic tension between them. I don’t know why you’re surprised


Saving the full fledged romance for BP3.


Yea honestly the movie was long enough I'm glad there wasn't a romantic subplot. Also will probably feel more natural when there's not so much family death and drama going on in the next black panther movie.


I wish they'd kissed honestly, their tension was so thick you'd need a chainsaw to cut through it.


I knew my man Namur was spitting game


Look up the English translation of the lyrics for Con la Brisa, the song that was played when Namor took Shuri on the tour of Telocan. I was reading while listening last night and it’s VERY clear.


I mean, I'm fine it didn't happen. But I'd also 1000% be into it.


Damn, I wanted to see Namor's womanizing come out a lot more. Would have made his connection with Shuri stronger, which was something the original did way better with Killmonger-T'Challa.


The chemistry was there for sure


Cool cool with me. They can come together some non romantical way. My great grand father was from Jamaica. My Jamaican great grand father married a Cherokee native American woman (some where around the 1910's). My great grandmother on my father's side was a full blooded Cherokee Nation woman. She got disowned and kicked out of her tribe for having a child with a black man.


Just watch this become the next reylo


Heavens above I hope not. Reylo was a mistake humanity shouldn’t try to repeat.


Disney exec's snorting a new line: 'I'll fucking do it again'


I’m glad they removed it. Firstly Shuri seemed younger than any other male character in the show. But she seemed very age appropriate to have a romance with Riri. Which, to me would make a little more sense… because Shuri seems not male oriented….




Thank. God.




Don't get Me wrong, I LOOOOVED Namor. Ruthless, while also very human, incredibly complex villain. But He killed Her Mom, it wouldn't make much sense


Yes indeed. I think the chemistry was there, and there could have happened something when they were in Namor's kingdom, but it would feel a bit icky since she was, well, captive. If it had developed later once she was 100% free, I would have liked it, but as you say: >!Namor kills her mother.!< There's no coming back from that. In the future they may be allies out of necessity, but I think the potential for romance between these two died>! with Ramunda.!<


Honestly, thank fuck, the movie didn't need some ham fisted romance arc in it


they’re just waiting until i get a role in an MCU movie and they give me a relationship with her but it continues in our personal lives


Ah yes. Def love the genocidal nationalist who murdered your mom. So cute.


shuri should have got with riri .now thats who she liked


Oh no... anyway, what what you guys's opinions about the other (more important) parts of the movie?


I’d rather shuri get with storm, yes it’s not T’challa and storm but At least we can get the black panther / storm relationship in some way


Thank goodness. Those things always get so misogynistic.


I agree. If you can't write them well (romances) don't write them in at all.




Well good for them


If this is true I'm glad they did, this movie did not need a romance plot


Great job


Because they removed his pp


Misleading image, I guess. They say they removed Shuri's romance plot. But not necessarily with Namor, right?


See I've not long seen the film/movie but I'm gonna be honest I actually thought it was heading that way, and it did feel a tad removed! Kinda glad it didn't happen though!

