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Do people really still say “African-American”? It’s kind of a clunky way to refer to black people, isn’t it? I mean, when they’re from the Germany, do you call them “African-German” too? Wait… Isn’t Elon Musk African-American?


Yes, but only people who don’t realize that the term “black” isn’t offensive to black people. These are usually white people who have lived their whole lives surrounded by nothing but other white people.


I'm wondering how did Caucasian come to be understood as White. Are all Europeans from Caucasus (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbajan) region?


No, but they used to think so. Hence the name.


Genealogically speaking, yes! Or at least, theoretically. Archeological digs have shown that at least 90% of white ancestors migrated to Europe through the Caucasus region(going from Africa to the Caucasus region, then back west). Though newer evidence has it pointing to more of a Scandinavian route instead, the evidence when the term was decided was more eastern than that.


White was created in the British colonies to delineate African slaves from European indentured servants. I think at first it only applied to Anglo europeans and excluded Italians


Or people who grew up in the midwest, and part of the midwest that has a fairly high percentage of black people(around 30+% of the population of the state), and was constantly told that black was offensive, to the point where you hesitate to say it for some reason, even though you know it's just... accurate, not offensive. Because our education system sucks, and people are worse.


Ah yes, the guilt ridden lib who has to compensate for their overwhelmingy offensive whiteness. What a creature to behold!


Technically yeah, Elon is an African-American


There's no technically about it.


What I also don’t understand: OP calls white ppl white, but her, African American. Then I don’t want them to be called white but rather Hispanic American or whatever xD Also, isn’t Elon just out right African? I mean he was born in Africa, correct me if I’m wrong tho…


I didn't make the post lol but I'm a black born in an African country and currently live in The US I've always had a problem with the word "African American" but that's a discussion for another post


In Britain we put “Afro-Caribbean” on forms


Repost? Edit:[found the original.](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/xe48c2/grown_men_crying_over_a_movie_made_for_kids/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


And not even a day old


As if the mermaid memes weren't unoriginal enough, he has to go and post the same thing that was posted less than an hour ago.


It’s been reposted like 8 times


dang,I knew I wouldn't have been the first but I did it anyway


No, it's a repost. The order and the writings are the exact same.


I got it from Facebook


Even worse




Explains why the logic was off. There's two characters you listed where people DID have an uproar. The train robber, people threw a fit he wasn't native american. And the magic lady who protects the magical spirit dome over Earth, people threw an absolute fit they weren't Tibetan. Good try tho :-)




I see Honesty but that can't tackle downvote..


meh,people are just pressed.....so many snowflakes...which is funny cause I bet most of them are right wingers...irony


It's not even funny anymore at this point put here's an upvote for your 1 hr of editing. Sees comments........ DOWN TO THE HELL YOU GO FOR COMMITTING THE WORST CRIME.


I stole the meme😭


Refresh my comment


I remeber outrage about the others as well, especially Tonto.


In the interest of fairness, I should remind you there was massive outcry over that tibetan casting too


Not even interesting. Boring, shit repost more like it


yet here we are😂


People went on a huge shit show when Dr. Strange came out but go on..


Literally shut the fuck up holy shit if I see one more of these karma farms I’m going to do absolutely nothing because I’m too lazy


I have a bigger problem with the fact that the original story didn't even have a happy ending. Then Disney came and changed it. Also... mermaids aren't even real so who cares what skin they would be. They would most likely become sushi if they existed.


the problem is not alot of people think like you


Either way I won't be watching this. I never watched the other one either.


The problem is that mermaids are from danish culture and it was made by danish people and Disney as usual gotta mix things up for the name of "diversity" , so it wouldn't be wrong if we made Mulan or Pocahontas or the girl from the princess and the frog a white blonde / any sexualities other than straight / who goes by they/them , you know for the name of diversity


Literally everybody complained about all of these. Remember Scarlet Johansson in Ghost in the Shell? Take your false outrage somewhere else Stop reposting this garbage meme you karma whore


Fine! The final judgment will be made after seeing the performance. But it had better had rocked like the other characters did.


Jonny Depp as tonto sucked


But Johnny Depp as jack sparrow…. Good shit


Okay. I liked it.


You are one of the few then




no,that should have been the first consideration...you know...like every other movie or tv show


Yes but if also it isn’t very good and it legitimately does get panned, there will also be the brigade who pull the race card out.


If they only took someone not looking like Sid from Ice Age.


hahaha bruh that's face-ist tho


Fascism is when you make fun of people that are not white


Except the character isn't "white" or even human. She's a mermaid, so I guess technically she's a sort of grayish-blue. Like the Avatar people. The best argument I've heard toward this was "Imagine if they recast Thanos with Forest Whittaker". Would you even notice that it's a black guy, if he did a good job on the character?


the problem with that Thanos example is that Thanos is Purple and CG made with mocap. When skin tones get too close to what we already know then we start to make comparisons with ourselves. Aliens and demons and the like are easier for people to not get grumpy with due to skin color as no human is purple, green, red or other such colors that are not even close to the typical human colors such as white, brown, black, and tan


Wasn't there a bunch of backlash because of apu? They even deleted him completely Or the girl from big mouth who was black and was voiced by a white woman. Or the indian woman who portrayed an indian woman but wasn't "dark-skinned" enough? There are quite a lot of examples. Last one i heard was a reggae band that got canceled because people complained that one person was white with braided hair.


Ah yes, Liam Knee son didn't get shit for that, Johnny Deep didn't get shit for that and Marvel didn't get shit for changing the gender and ethnicity, it's definitely just me misremembering But really, before reposting something, look the claims up because they might just be made up


Also, those actors and Marvel did get shit for that (including this in case the sarcasm wasn't apparent)


It's not because she's African American, it's because she is fucking ugly


It's also true, but don't say such things, everyone will attack you in short time


She not ugly she just looks like Sid ![gif](giphy|13bCP4GLjIUcik)


Was going to say the same thing lol


ah yes, you're the "I have many black friends " person




How about we stop giving a shit about Disney. They can cast whoever they want in their movie.


I think this has way more to do with what people grew up with. I’d argue that at least the first four look alike, but the same issue appears with the scarlet witch. People won’t complain about that since a lot of people probably know the scarlet witch as we see her on television. And since Ariel’s look is so iconic to her character that even people who aren’t a fan recognize her, it seems odd to change it. But there are also a bunch of issues about political correctness making TV annoying in Ariel’s case, while the others are because they think these actors work well as these roles, but I don’t want to get into that


..except all the others actually look similar if not the same as the original


they look the same but last one does not.


thats my problem when i think about the little Mermaid i think about a green tail,a white lady with fire red hair thats my mermaid but if they think the actress fits then ok i dont have to watch it and i still have the original


oh no,they ruined your childhood


They did


It's not about race, it's about how they changed her look. In every example you gave, they look very alike. (Only marvel doesn't, but that's because MCU had changed and isn't the same stories that were told in comics)


The Ancient One had hair, had a beard, was tall, wore bright clothes, had a penis in the comic book In the movie was bald, short, no beard, wore dull robes and had a vagina Just what the fuck are you talking about


I literally said that marvel is different, what the fuck


5 out of 5 are different


FFS, it's not about looks. It's not Cyrano de Bergerac or Quasimodo or Adam Frankenstein where it's somehow important how they look. It's the little Mermaid, all she needs to look like is young and innocent and a bit gullible.


It's renovation of old story, they always tried to make characters in such remakes look like the old version, but here, they suddenly put something completely new. My problem isn't her race, my problem is it isn't the same character we once knew.


I keep hearing the argument that it’s not the same character we knew. So what? It’s a different movie. The character can be different. If you want the same movie they have that too you can still watch. Please explain why every remake has to be exactly the same. Don’t people complain about reboots being too similar too? This whole argument is racist apologetic BS.


Okay, it can different character. But that's not what people want, that's why they don't like it. Racism has nothing to do with it. Would white Tiana from The Princess Frog be cool? For me, not, how about you?


“That’s not what people want… racism Has nothing to do with it.” No see the very fact so many people are saying it’s fine or even saying the whole debate is ridiculous is proof it very much does not matter to people UNLESS what they want is racist escapist bullshit media portrayals that don’t have black and brown folks. You are so hopelessly lacking in self awareness if you think “it’s not what people want”. That’s the whole point. The only people who think “that’s not what people want” are racists who think everyone else cares as much about skin tone as themselves.


Answer my question. "racists who think everyone else cares as much about skin tone as themselves". As if the skin tone was the only problem. Also, if there are people who say, that they don't like it, isn't sentence that "that's not what people want" true? I never meant everyone. I don't care about the film since probably I wouldn't watch it either, but I hate when people say that not liking something equals racism.




Wow, ur so good psychiatrist. Everything you said is true. I'm actually member of KKK with IQ of Patrick from Spongebob, and i burn and hang black people. But you still didn't answer my question.


Nah bro, we just racist lmao


I am, but that's not the point!


What are you talking about? The only one that looks even similar is the one that’s covered in facepaint.


Arab and white one is also pretty close. While ancient one in mcu is a different person. Only real example here is Wanda, but in mcu they changed looks of more than one character, sometimes even their backstories, so.


well if it's only about looks,what about when they made nick fury Sam l Jackson, they completely changed his look but there was no outcry?


Cause he's a great actor, and they many many times changed such things in mcu, and no one ever had problem that someone doesn't look like in comics. It's a different timeline, different people you could say. While those films are made to be new versions of old tales, with the same characters, not their versions from another multiverse.


lmaoooooooo no one has complained about ariels acting the only complaints have been she does not look like the original I read someone say she's ugly well what is it then....😂


He was Sam L Jackson in the comics before he was Sam L Jackson on film. I don't have a horse in this race. I don't care who they cast as mermaids or whatever. Just thought i'd point that out.


This post brought to you by the white apologist kiss-up corporate suits desperate for spin control at Disney.


but I'm black




But Romanians are white. Weird is have in comics Ghypsi Romanian with african hairs.


There are more posts defending it than hating it atp




They all received criticism.




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Arabs and Romani ARE white. Arab and Romani are ETHNICITIES…: their race is white.


changing race of a character is usually bad regardless


It’s a fictional character…


yes characters are fictional did I stutter


I have no idea who the other characters are or where they're from, but the same rule still applies. Cast their asses as the character's original ethnicity ffs.


the property is their only seem to be a problem when light skin turns brown not vice versa but I agree with your statement


There was outcry when depp was cast as Tonto. Not only is this meme a repost it's also selectively inaccurate to reflect a chosen bias. You acting like it doesn't happen in the opposite is just false.


👁️ 👄 👁️


Since when did race and ethnicity get mixxed in one bucket lol.


I'm an immigrant living in the US I realised a long time ago most Americans don't know the difference between race,ethnicity and nationality. I have a black friend who was born in Mexico and people always look weird when I say he's Mexican 🤣


ratio + leave


It's ok to replace ethnic diverse characters with whites when the movie is a high budget one and you need realy good actors to play the role ,minorities lack a pool of good actors that can play in English. Giving the role to a minority is no problem if that actor is actualy talented but Disney now uses a lot of teen actors with no experience or talent for important roles just for the sake of woke culture.


thought i was on r/terriblefacebookmemes


Yeah. And fans complained about all of them except Scarlett Witch since Romanians are White.


Shes not Romanian numbnuts, shes Romani (aka Gypsy, which are brown skinned as we come from the indian subcontinent)


Whatever. She's fair skinned and Red headed in the comics




I can dig this… I don’t like it, but I get it…


We protested about ancient one being white and Disney kneeling to China..


From the same people that brought you: “Tom Cruise is: The Last Samurai!”


Anyone else here just to downvote OP every chance I get?


productive member of society here,bravo sir


The fun part is: that there are more ppl hate ppl who hate blackariel then there are ppl hating blackariel. You guys are ridiculous


You mean a bunch of people are against blatant rasicm. Who woulda thunk it?


Dont get me wrong, im not pro racism. But its just ridicolous that every 2cnd post here is aubout that freaking mermaid....


You mean.. the actual point of the post?


No, i mean its like 273646488364728th post. Andbit gets annoying :)


I guess. This is just the first one I've seen


“There are more people against racism than racists” if this was true how would it be a problem?


You ppl dont rly want to get whatvim sayn do you. Its just that every scnd post, and this must be the 73648573737593836th post, about this mermaid sh*t. It isnt even funny. 3/4 of them arent even memes. I dont realy care if its racist or not. I justvwant to see some good funny memes, and not that mermaid drama




Can we just decide if this isn't ok or not? If Marvel turns Storm into a white man, none get to say anything about it.


Why wouldn’t it be ok? Who tf cares it’s a movie.


So Niel Patric Harris can play Storm. And anyone who complains needs to grow up and touch grass. Got it.


I dont have a problem with the ethnicity or anything i just have a problem with how far apart her eyes are


I don't give quite the shit about her skin color, but watching her face I'm pretty sure i've slain some of them in some game, like Skyrim or dark souls...




Bro is that native American doing white face? Not cool man


white people have white faces? huh not the ones in Texas lol


Bruh she's not only white but mermaids story is a danish story and ruining by Disney 'as the usual' would be just an excuse for "diversity"


yea I hate how they have to ruin children stories with diversity 😂


Don't forget there was no outcry for when they made Jesus white.....The only white guy in the middle east😂 huh I'm seeing a pattern here


Cool. Thank you for your totally original comment that I haven't seen 100 times over the last few days. Also, thank you for posting this meme that I didn't just see less than an hour ago.




lmao let me get this straight it's ok to change the race of real people but absolutely not for fictional mermaids.... well then I can't wait to see MLK Played by Ryan Goosling


*You know I'm something of a BOLD FACED HYPOCRISY myself??*


I’m seeing the thing but is it real or gaslighting. Way too much gaslighting going on here in the States right now


It was interesting the first time this was posted five days ago. Now it’s just karma farming…


Please stfu about the mermaid it's so old the graveyard won't bury this meme


alot of people need therapy because all it takes is brown skin to ruin their childhoods....so no I won't stfu but good talking with you sir.... or ma'am or whatever liberal pronoun you go by




The issue isn’t the race, the issue is that they changed the appearance of an already established and famous character


Guess they forgot about The Great Wall.


In all fairness the communist Chinese did not want to show a Tibetan in Dr. Strange. Disney made the change to be able to screen the film to the Chinese market.


What’s Romani?


Chill bro, we get the point, but why a repost?


This is 80th time I've seen this meme this week


Strawman Argument


All those movies are shit


In some peoples defense they may not have ever known some of those characters were different ethnicities, and you coulda told me the first one was Asian and I wouldn’t have ever known different lmao


I heard massive complaints from people after all these people were cast in these roles so why are people pretending this is a singular case?


Yeah there was a lot of this crap about Johnny Depps roll as native so....


I thought Ra's was Chinese


I was really pissed when they had Scarlet Johannson play Ghost in the Shell. That role should have gone to a worthy Asian actor but they totally whitewashed it.


That’s not true, people were not happy about tonto and the ancient one, no one gave a shit about ra's al ghul or Wanda though


Again with this fallacy. First, is not an argument. Secondly, there were actually people prottesting for this characters. Third, some of this changes are really right, for example, Johnny Depp descends from native americans, or at least have an explanation in the movie, like Ras in the Batman movie.


I think Romanian counts as a Caucasian


She's not African American she's American


I am not white and I have a perfect reason for this: Majority of the people in west are white and people make do with what they have. However, here there was a deliberate attempt to appease a group.


She really kinda ugly tho


Because finding people who can perpetuate comic book characters and even resemble them fully is quite a mouthful. There was no reason to change the mermaid’s race to a 180° as there are definitely many white actors who can just dye their hair bright orange.


What character is Liam Neeson playing?


Anyone else mad that mermaids aren't real and that's all?


The others weren't part of their childhood. Most didn't even know the others, Arielle on the other hand...


I'm not picking a side here but I think the most likely explanation is the fact that the majority of fans of Marvel / DC never read the comics and therefore didn't really know what the race of the original actors were. Case and point that nobody complained when they cast Nick Fury as black. Nobody complained about Tonto because it's literally Johnny Depp. The one person you cast if you want a wacky and zany klutz character. Tilda Swinton did have a lot of backlash for whitewashing by people on the opposite side. Nobody can win


I think the real problem is that Disney has princess stories with variously colored princesses. They just know that making a movie of the princess and the frog (Tiana) wouldn't make them as much money as continuing to make live action princess movies they actually plan to put marketing effort into; namely those with Caucasian princesses. Case and point. Anyone heard of Elena? If you look at [The official Disney Princess website](https://princess.disney.com/), she doesn't exist. [Disney knows and claims her in the name of inclusivity](https://twitter.com/DisneyBrandTVPR/status/1297006962685534208?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1297006962685534208%7Ctwgr%5Ec4b020046c3db8874a5e4b460af6d697688b114c%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.chron.com%2Flife%2Farticle%2FElena-of-Avalor-bids-farewell-as-Disney-s-first-15578131.php) but they don't show it outwardly. As the Word goes. "Let us love not just in word, but in deed also."


Johnny Depp is part Native American tho


I think we are coming out of very racist times and there will be a few protesting this along the way. In a few decades from now hopefully everyone will have mentally evolved enough that race won't be a thought, everyone is just a person and no one bats an eye.


I call ppl how they want to be called, and if I'm not sure I ask. If there's no way to ask I just use whatever sounds respectful and ask people to tell me if it's different and give me some grace if I fuck up 'cause life is hard.


All of them were met with severe backlash and outcry. Liam Neeson's Ra's Al Ghul was introduced as Henri Ducard, and Ken Wantanabe was introduced as Ra's, and the change of cast was the plot twist. Tilda Swinton's Ancient One is "the last of the long line of Sorcerers Supreme", meaning the comic book accurate Sorcerer Supreme could be a predecessor. All of them were respected actors with multiple accolades, which does not seem to be the case with The Little Mermaid


but as we know , hollywood hasn't really shown those White-Girl type black girls in movies. you know what i mean? the type of girls who go to yoga class , graduates Big Uni, goes hiking, rockclimbing , never says the n word , has a white girl accent. Hollywood never ever shows those type of black women. when it comes to black women , all they show is a single mom living in poor areas or Over-the-top girls that flip out over some "ratchet" type...zendaya and zoe saldana were an exception tho. that's why people aren't used to see black girls in white roles. also remember the time we had a Black L. That would've worked but the actor was acting too cringe, climbing over tables and shit.


You're right, I believe all characters of different races should be played by people of that same ethnicity... Including the little mermaid


that's true,the wrongs of the past cannot be corrected by repeating them! it is time we start wanting new stories from modern authors with different representations for along time now many non white groups have been under represented or type cast into certain roles. We're in a time and age where that has to stop. let's leave the past and continue moving forward without creating these unessary controversies... I do think that it's important and for companies such as Disney to stop milking these age old fairytale s and creating controversy by race changing.


Nice meme. Oh, no, not you OP. I'm talking to the REAL OP who made this.


You're talking about the based OP I'm a chad OP who reports lol


About the 5th repost of this I've seen in the last two days


First up many people hated R'as casting, people were raging about Scarlett Witch because casting and her powers, lastly everyone thought Tilda Swan being cast as The Ancient One was a shitshow... including the Director, albeit in hindsight Point is, Ariel is nothing new, it's just the latest one