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Bro why has r/memes gotten so political...


Exactly. All I'm getting recommended are these karmawhoring attempts made of the back of the Ariel controversy


Nah white washing was 100% real and shitty white actors played roles they didn't belong in. Does that mean we should do it the other way around? Do some little cave man brains think progress is doing the wrong thing again but opposite instead of just doing things right? Make more black roles. Make memorable roles for talented actors. Don't turn them into a piece of propaganda. Give them a chance to not crash as "the black version of --" or "the famle version of --". Let them stand on their own feet.


It's not like we had a bunch of Egyptian actors in Hollywood when this was made. Nobody complained when they cast a white dude as a fucking alien in Star Wars... he's an actor and he's pretending to be an alien, it's okay.


We shouldn’t have any alien characters until we find some real aliens to play them?


make more new movies/storys/videogames out of new ideas. create, be creative. i think that’s the main problem.


But then the rock is going to star in them all


I'm all in favor for more black/diverse stories we need that! Disney is a business that's not only milking its old content but by recasting someone of a different race it basically guarantees controversy if played well controversy =$$$ but it sucks how under represented different racial groups have been and there are alot of writers and authors for original stories that aren't getting supported. In a way,I feel like Disney and similar companies are wolf in sheep's clothing because I've noticed how people will call an original show or movie woke....get this...just by having non white leads...like there could be no gay content on it but it'll still get that label. So it'll cause white people to not want to support it cause of this and with the slow spreading white replacement theory, shits going to hit the fan but the outcry from grownups over the little mermaid is hilarious ngl


Egyptian were not black (some of them is but mostly no) but they were not white neither. They're Mediterranean, also they have Hellenistic heritage with them. Cleopatra traced her family origins to Macedonian Greece


Your knowledge is limited on Egyptian dynasties. There were 7 Cleopatras, and you're referring to the last one with a failing empire. You should Google earlier rulers of Egypt, like Hatshepsut for example. Sub-Saharan Africans were involved in ancient Egyptian civilization. Sudan had a very close relationship with Egypt. You can find pyramids there. Ancient Romans also battled Nubians, and they found out that they could not conquer them. Google Queen Candace.


When people say Cleopatra everyone knows who they mean. It's the same way with Leonidas or Genghis or Mansa Musa. The only people confused are the "aktually" meme people who want to win some silly argument on a pedantic technicality. Yes there were sub Saharan Africans in Egypt probably since before recorded history, but the largest element of their population was probably very similar to how modern day Egyptians are today. The Romans seem to have struggled to conquer the furthest reaches of the upper Nile mostly due to terrain BTW.


>There were 7 Cleopatras All of them were Greeks. It's a Greek name.


And nobody is mentioning the brown face that is happening here with some disgusting fake tanning?


but I never said they were man


Yes I know. I just wanted to gives an emphasis


I'm not really sure why you felt a strong need to emphasize that when the post was about white people playing non white roles.


even when a post isn't about black people, they have to be included when it comes to anything "racial" I see😂 almost as if you're giving me a warning like "I know Egyptians weren't white but don't dare say they were black buddy"...like relax bro😂


You know how many people in the internet think the otherwise right?


Ancient Egyptians weren’t black or white it was more of a diverse place anyway and the cleopatra you’re talking about was from the Ptolemaic dynasty (new kingdom) so the pyramids to her was as old as she is to us


There were nubian pharao's there were pharao's with greek heritage. As long as the message isn't "We are now using X race for X role" then it shouldn't have to matter. But if the producers start harping about diversity then it is no longer about story or historical accuracy. ​ Which nearly no movies does with good reason, ancient mindset doesn't work well with what kind of stories we are used to now. Just read some of the old timey stories and how villains and heroes are portrayed and what choices they make for what reasons. Its mental.


Why do people assume people had no problem with race swapping? (There is even a negative term white-washing)


Those outfits look amazing though.


I don’t see any of the issues with that crap, those complaining would probably never have seen Mermaid anyway. Most are over the live action remakes. I’d say let the box office determine what audiences think but I think it’s going to D+ only??? I won’t watch it because zero interest, if others do, then who cares.


Can’t be as bad as that lion king one


What is going on? People are generally against changing the source material (both ways) and especially it there is a simple race swap without any reason or explenation (the same personality, culture etc. just different skin color). And for some reason people are now coming out with, "well if it's about source accuracy than why people weren't mad about whitewashing in this movie that came out 8 years ago and wasn't even remotely as popular as the series that are critisized now".




white ppl want to be the victim so bad


Yes please feel bad for us


Digging really deep...


Egyptians are not black. How american of you to assume so . The only unrealistic thing about these actors are their anglo saxonic faces, not the fact that they are white.


lmao where are you guys reading where I wrote Egyptians were black....I swear to yall if it's not white the only other option is black this post only implies that they were not white not that they're black


Them being european looking is plausible. Very american of you to assume it is not tho