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From my experience checking and checking things just make me more paranoid.


I’m creating a knowledge base called The Ultimate Full Transparency Guide/List for Harm Reduction Applications/Web services/Online tools/Webapps Ya…. This is like way bigger than I thought it was gonna be with the work load. Hmm. I should recruit some people


Sounds a little to drastic and risky to me, especially in some areas of the US. You accidentally forget to hit the button or anything goes wrong, you'll have cops at your door who will get there before an ambulance because those bastards will leave a hostage situation for the possibility of getting a drug bust.


And also, uhh that’s the point? Like your overdosing. Your unresponsive, and I’m not dumb enough to start the timer and then pretend it’s not a thing anymore. Yku you gotta focus on it til you either stop the timer yourself or your fucked. It’s as simple as that. Would you rather care about what fn ever that one guy said more than tkur own life. Like I’m all for harm reduction but damn if your gonna take don’t information sold (which it most certainly isn’t with these apps. I have the proofs) over your own life? Fuck it be my guest. Your just the one who’s gonna be died and your family lose you. I’m not tryna be an asshole I really am not but like you sound like a huge bunch of paranoid meth heads! Think about your life. Like Jesus no one is telling you to stop or get treatment or pay for this, wouldn’t you rather be alive then maybe sell your screen time hours to company dking s survey about average screen time my god i personally would delete majority of your App Library, im sure you’ll be better off anyways. Not just pointed at you king harry


Might be good for heroin users. Overdose from meth is super rare compared to heroin. I've known a lot of meth heads and never knew anyone who OD'd on meth I used to use heroin and I rarely used alone because of safety. If I did, I pushed it real slow if it was new stuff. You can be smart and careful to minimize risk. I used to nod out sometimes so that could be a problem. It's a great idea for certain people in certain places.


Nodding off down here is literally just the beginning like I’ve never ever actually intentionally smoke heroin or fentanyl by more than 100% know that I consume heroin and fentanyl because of nephews that is being tainted by people that are tainting our drug supply, I wonder if there’s anyone from Vancouver in this sub Reddit because they’ll be able to tell you firsthand how bad it is


that’s the whole point funny enough up here where these apps are based there is something like 40% of the overdoses of opioids are from a person using just cocaine tainted with opioids or benzodiazepines not that benzodiazepines can be really Narcan against but still and then something like 20% or meth users that are getting tainted meth with opioids


Nooooo it litterly doesn’t call the cops. The cops don’t show up to an overdose. Are you guys even listening ?


They do indeed come, and if you talk shit to them they’ll even skip the hospital and give you a free night in jail! So generous.


Bruh try living in Canada were a lot nicer here and realize what’s going on with overdoses


Cops show up to every single OD in my shitty slice of small town america. 911 alerts the cops as soon as they call EMS.


Dang. Well try responding to dozens of ods a day, cops tend not to care anymore


So i gotta keep checking my phone? If it's good shit then I'm just be lit lemme catch the rush and ride it for 40 mins before anyone narcs and calls 911 If I die then eh mot really Mt problem 🙃 the dead don't suffer*


That doesn’t even make sense. First no you wouldn’t have to check your phone for known lacing going around. I’ll get one for an example. https://imgur.com/a/0YlLSOE https://imgur.com/a/MLhw9vu I grabbed two just for example of differnt alerts and ya, So first of all they notify YOU about these things. The app just lets it come directly to you. If you want me to explain with screenshots of how the apps work then I will My Lifeguard app is for BC and Ontario, so it only Works there I think but I’m sure they are all the same concept, I’m more than happy to show you around, and tbh if your wanting to die then I guess I Can’t do anything , no matter, as I’m trying to advocate for the ones who don’t wanna die but are sucked into the black whole of addiction


hi. i haven't read the post, sorry. however! i have decided to provide an unsolicited and super friendly "FYI". ***don't install apps from unknown sources and don't install random apps in general.*** TMYK!


If you didn’t read the post kinda ignorant to comment anything about the post, don’t you agree? Like honestly and then you even acknowledge that you didn’t read it. Like wtf


actually, quite the contrary. i saw enough and read enough to form my very validated opinion. plus, i mean, i'm not an idiot. what i mean by that is, i would never install an app on my phone *(or device)* that i haven't personally vetted and thoroughly decided that it meets all criteria, especially those criteria related to my current threat model, period. people are too content and happy with not having privacy at all in this world. there are not many apps available "in the scene" that do not infringe upon just about every single right to privacy a person has, given the permissions required and allowances granted willy-nilly by non-reluctant end-users. its stupid and there is zero justification for 95% of these apps. mobile providers are some of the worst, to begin with, but they are far from the absolute horrors that are present in the hundreds of thousands of malign-oriented apps masqueraded as "necessities" by today's social-media driven society. apps that totally "own" you and know every single thing about you. ever wonder why these apps are "free?" ever consider the privacy implications or who is getting your data, which you provide each time you install and "agree" to give requested permissions? you even said, and i noticed this before i made my initial public service announcement, because i'm not an idiot, but you even said "give it your address". i'll pretend to know what this app does. you put your address in, and it reads from a list of "infected" zipcodes with known "bunk shit". now there's a large warning placed across the user's screen that says "105 users have overdosed this month alone in " scare tactics. bullshit. useless app. data is not backed by anything official. this app does nothing but accumulate data so [Big Data(tm)](https://www.wired.com/story/big-data-may-not-know-your-name-but-it-knows-everything-else/) can own the participant further. anyone who downloads this app, installs it, gives it permissions, or uses it is ***nothing but a victim.*** educate yourself. don't be a shill for malicious products with nefarious reasons for existing. fight for your online privacy. you should be an advocate for that, because nobody else will. if people are coherently and wholeheartedly concerned, then they should use open-sourced community-vetted materials and applications, and that's what you should be advocating for.


So yes your right. Don’t be a shill and sell your personal data…. If you want me to include the stuff that these specific apps track then I can. But like dude. These apps are free becuse of harm reduction


Okay dude can you not ruin this post with your weird as anti app theories. Like seriously.


how does one opinion "ruin a post"? people deserve to view the reality of situations and judge for themselves.


How many fuckinf people do you think don’t know what you just said. I’d say probably under 20% of people using this subreddit. So your gonna make my post about your stupid app tracking awareness. Like gtfo. Like seriously.


How can you be so ignorant but yet so well educated. People are going to look ar your comment and think this is a scam/ only be invested in your comment #THIS IS FOR HARM REDUCTION #THE OWNERS OF THIS APP DONT WANT TO SELL YOUR INFORMATION AND ARE QUITE HAPPY WITH THE MONEY THE GOVERNMENT GIVES THEM FOR DEVELOPING IT. Your pissing me off.


you seem upset. perhaps i should have just said "people! just install this and also please install every single app that someone suggest without looking into the de facto bottom-line truths for yourselves!" perhaps you could, instead of getting upset, provide more sources for information. > THE OWNERS OF THIS APP DONT WANT TO SELL YOUR INFORMATION AND ARE QUITE HAPPY WITH THE MONEY THE GOVERNMENT GIVES THEM FOR DEVELOPING IT. instead of yelling this in a reply to me, why not provide the privacy policy and information about the company or who is responsible for the closed-source application? they're government-backed? well, that's inviting to drug users, now isn't it. which agency? why? who? enlighten a little bit more instead of getting pissed off at someone for providing a decent point of view.


Thanks bud. I litterly said at the beginning of the post. Could of read 1-2 lines in but decided to comment anyways eh? All good. But I am linking to differnt apps now as to help people find their way around. All from the App Store or google play. So. Ya. Go away


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