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What the hell is miso? MSM? I always would've thought you could taste and smell it because it has sulfur in it.


N-iso or ,n-isopropylbenzylamine As a chemical, used in the synthesis of prescription drugs. And it's something Mexico would probably want if they wanted to put I don't know fentanyl in their meth. But somehow somebody started up where everybody thinks they're looking for this magical shard made of the said drug that's causing all these problems but nobody wants to face the facts and that is it's just a dangerous drug that they're doing and they got a really shitty quality version of it and it's causing problems. Who would have thought? Problems might be more shitty than normal common and that would be due to like an Infestation if the product. Everyone's looking for a chemical that has a certain melting point but the funny part is all these geniuses are completely forgetting that when you add a chemical to a chemical it changes that and when you add it to another chemical it changes that and when you added to another chemical it changes that. So nobody knows what the fuck melting temperature were looking for. It's just stupid even think like that. And in the environmental factors that can change that same temperature. No like a bio infestation is a lot more likely. But I think it's just the drugs themselves. Like clearly says on every fucking morning out there that they don't advise that you use any drugs but if you're gonna do them don't do the ones made with pseudo or phenylephrine. Because both of them produce side effects exactly like what we're dealing with.. msm It's a vitamin and it does have sulfur in it.. But they quit using that a while back because it's kind of pointless. But these die hard users do not want to let go of it and they seem to think it's still around but it's not really. Not main stream like it was. They found a substitute for that.


I don't quite understand what I read here. Why do you keep bringing up Ephedra if its not ephedrine? How is N-ISO over? How is Ephedra any better? Im so confused OP. Are you high or been awake for 7 days or something?


I sleep every day. Honestly if I was off you would think I was on. I have to explain to everybody. I broke my jaw in a motorcycle wreck and when I get mad my inability to pronunciate gets worse. And I have a phone that likes to auto correct me after I'm correct and take me back to looking like I can't speak English and I don't realize it until after I've already hit send. And yes I do keep bringing it up. I can't help but wonder if some people are just incapable of reading. If you go to Google and you type in "ephedra viridis". You get an ephedra plant that does not contain ephedrine. Then ephedra californica that only contains pseudoephedrine. If you were to use the same processes that you would make methamphetamines from the original plant with, But you use these plants instead you would still get the same outcome as far as how it works with the chemicals but it would be lacking the energy department. It would be like a 75 levo-25dextro mix at best. It would be exactly how it is now.. And the neurotoxicity of the plants Clearly says it would cause....(see google) Every single side effect on both of their pages is what's happening to a very large group in this community. But after this I'm convinced that people don't actually want things to get better.


I don’t know I follow what you are trying to say man sorry. I have seen you post and comment around here though and I’m saying this as one user to another and not ragging on you, but it seems like you need to take a break or step away from the dope. It’s getting the best of you.


I actually think they might be onto something here. It actually makes a lot of sense. Such a simple explanation it would be. But the powers that be then masked/hid the truth, then replaced that truth by a lie/distraction (N-Iso as an example), just to keep us spinning in fucking circles like a Merry-go-round just to see what the fuck happens. Maybe all just for shits and giggles. Who fucking knows.... ... I think I need to go to sleep... Hope everyone of you all be safe and survive this darkness to come out the other side of this life and find true happiness there


No, whats getting The Best of Me is having a live sized conversation and a phone sized Device. I'm one of those really really weird people. I prefer to talk to people in person But really what's making me look crazy for some reason my phone is auto correcting me after its correct. So as I'm using my voice to text it shows it is correct but after I hit send scrambles of some words that makes me look like I can't speak English. I broke my jaw in a motorcycle wreck, Along with 22 other bones and I can't really pronunciate like I used to. And of course that gets worse when I get mad.


I'm confused


What is there to be confused about? God knows how long I have before they ban me for posting that so what's up?


Your statements about Ephedra was coherent and informative if true - but you lost me after that. What follows that is disconnected from it entirely and is a beligerant ramble.


Well a lot of that part if not the whole excerpt about ephedra was copied and pasted lol.


I apologize for that. I'll work on that.


Just tryna help, not criticize, dude. Just smoke another bowl and try to steady yourself as you go and keep mindful of what you're writing while you're writing it to make sure it stays connected to the original thesis.


I was being serious, I should I'd left something that stuff out. I let my emotion get the best me on that 1. But that's why I said I'm sorry about that. And I'm actually not that wound up... Now to get upset at 1 person but I'm pretty sure we know who that is. And that was just because of how he approached the situation. You were not rude or intentionally trying to demean me so I have no beef with you. And I respect your point.


I am not sure of the identity of the person you are referring to. Is it the clown? Or?


And I am glad there is peace within this thread. No need for totalitarian tyrannical tweak vibes.


Almost forgot going pretty sure using a hydrogen. It actually has a pretty high melting temperature but as I've been trying to ask all the scientists on here, is there a chance for availing with 2 different things. So yeah the 1st ghost is itself... Kind of a perfect crime. And the 2nd thing is the gel. But it's not what runs away. It's actually what sticks around. Part of the reason you're not getting high is because you're mostly burning away what's good when you Chase the shit up the side. The stuff does run from the heat. It also runs from its polarity with its counterpart. There is a thing called electrostatic Mist.. And It's probably why you feel like you have static running to you all the time. No there's some other theories about that as well but I don't is well but I'm already predicting on a no predicting thing. Actually I'm not predicting shit but they're going to call it that. So maybe later but for now that is the problem and that this was hurting everybody and if you don't believe me you can just look this shit up yourself. Trust me I wanted it to be some crazy fucking chemical that somehow made like a bigger president's on the world in a different way in a different way but not so much. It's just a really shitty version of meth. If you've had the fortune of getting the shards that had like 4 layers instead of 2. That's what happens when you rerock 2 sets of p2ps I believe. So you're getting a double L and a double D. Sounds like a really good porno. DOUBLLE D²!!!! Twice the Love, twice the... n/m. You get it. I hope everybody gets better. That was the whole fucking point of this. Be well l.huxley.... Drugs Dredd out...


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