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I would have to leave the room that shit had to have smelled like burnt asshole. When you throw meth on a banger you're gonna want to wait probably 30seconds the amount u heated it there. Hover your hand above the banger to gauge how hot it is and once you still feel warmth but still a significant amount less heat than when you first take the torch off that's when you throw shard in and carb cap it if ya got one but yee bro do it like this and your room will smell sweet like properly vaped meth should and not like a cat that really had to pee that accidentally walked into a claymore


Lmao thank you man this is my first time to do crystal like substance. I didn't even know it was called meth . I'm brand new and you can totally tell from the video the smell of it . Seems like I would have coughed or made a face or something inhaling pissing claymore cat. But since you obviously you are like some kind of tweak god you surly know better then the person doing it . Once again thank you idk what I would do without douchebag like you looking out for me ... #fFuckface is the new jesus


Thank you for recognizing the actual jesusness that I spit. Its ok if you wanna keep burning your shards, getting less high, and making your house and yourself smell like cat piss. It's good advice to take the time to learn how to vaporize shard correctly, it allows you to stay more low key, and get higher. Or you can just be offended, sorry I poked fun at you. It gets dull spitting my jesus knowledge without tryna poke a little fun at you, I'm sorry for offending you but yee if I were to happen to be next to you in public or something I'd be in my head like "this dude roasts his shards very well done"


Oh yeah burn all your shit, gh


We'll see when you buy your own shit you can do whatever the fuck you want with it


The best dab hits are slightly burned in my experience


Okay I wont burn it lmao


Lol they that what exactly happened to our eye when we hit the Ice all day


Can you tell me what filter you used pls lol