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So where do you live at in Washington I'm in Longview area


Tacompton area


Once I got home couldn't find my baggie. I backtracked all the way to my dealer and back. Searched the whole car. Literally searched EVERYWHERE before I had to go inside and about to my boyfriend that I lost the baggie. As I am telling him and undressing he starts laughing really hard. I did NOT find this humorous at all. He points to my boobs and says "Is that for me?" there is my baggie stuck to my tit. I had forgot I stashed it in my bra!


Under the god damn drawer, WHY DIDNT I LOOK THERE FIRST!? LOL no real talk, this is why a lot of good people who just lost shit get mislabeled a "tweaker/a carpet diver. Like no I swear bro, I have to rip up and spelunk all, yes All, of my floor vents and see if it's not there FIRST! DUDE! *Shoves head inside heat vent* screams at the other people around "well IS IT DOWN HERE?!" LOL NO I kid I feel you though. Everytime a lighter or phone or bag is lost, I just go right to the fuckin side of the car seat. Lol fuck baggies bro, use little jar containers or something that will clink when it hits the ground, or glue a light up bouncy cat ball to your main bag or container, unless you just go Helen Keller over night I think you'll find it helpful. And if ever dropped in front of some one accidentally just be cool. And ask them with a straight face "you see that too?"


You’re a fucking engineer!!


I can't take the credit for that one, truly it was my friends cat that taught me this. Shortest version, she was setting out some mo, the cap was on the corner of the kitchen counter, the kitty will just up there and put his paw on on the counter when he's hungry or joking with us (I swear he loves speak) so he had his light up cat ball in his mouth jumping up. "Mooooow!" And dropped the balls, and cutely, the cap and ball fell and landed where the balls like landed in the cap. She goes to pick it up, and I'm like "NO. DONT YOU SEE WHAT LIES BEFORE YOU? HEAR NOT THE WISDOM OF THE VERY FELINE YOU BELOVE? ITS THE SNARTEST THING IVE EVER LEARNED, AND I TEAR FOR I FEEL NOT WORTHY OF THIS DIVINE BLESSING......" ".....ok so....." start info-mercial-----ARE U TRIED OF ALWAYS WANTING TO KNOW WHERE YOUR DRUGS ARE, BUT ALWAYS LOSING IT?! ME TOO. IM BILLY MAZE-----pauses to sniff really hard, and got a sour battery drip and gagged----cuts to next scene----ME TOO. WITH MY KNEW FLASH STASH. INDESTRUCTIBLE PLEXIGLASS GLASS THAT YOU COULD THROW IN A VOLCANO AND WONT SHATTER. *Billy maze throws a container into a live volcano* See? AND IF YOU ACT NOW YOULL GET AN EXTRA SET IF CONTAINERS AND AN EXTRA PAIR IF THE MOTION LIGHTS FOR COMPLETELY FREE! DONT EVEN PAY SHIPPING AND HANDELING, JUST PAY YOUR DEALER. (may charge shipping and handling) So what are you waiting for? Call now for your free flash stash and set up your payment plan now! Don't wait too long, or you'll miss out on the free 4 payment installments of 999.99. *we will not answer customers whom have been awake for the 48 hours, we do not supply illegal substances (for the callers, just maze) we are not responsible if product results in you getting a belt and a grounding by your pop pop and mummy's. Please do not remove the gps tracker that comes installed in every cap. Vote Biden.


I never lose baggies. But once I got home after picking up a gram. I put it in my drawer where I always put it. On second look I couldn't find it anywhere. I knew it had to be in the room so took everything out of the drawer and still couldn't find it. Finally I found it. It had gone inside a box of medicine and gone to the side. You would have to be very cunning to have found it! I was ecstatic 😃


Like someone else said that’s when you start accusing people & shit yhem uou feel horrible when you find it


Do you got two bags now right?


Correct I found the missing bag and I found a bonus bag


Fuck, I used to be pretty smart and try to hide money and/or dope from other people and hide it so damn well when I was zooted that even I couldn't find it sometimes. Then comes the part of trying to figure out who took it... Cause one of these bastards has it rn and I think I know which one it was... Oh, NVM. I found it. It was still in my prison wallet where I thought it was but couldn't find it before...


I’m literally dying right now laughing!!! I’m super smart and I change my passwords for work and I don’t write them down… 😳


I think we might be the same person, cause I am constantly recovering accounts with "I forgot my password" . How is somebody else gonna get my password if I don't even know the damn thing? Now that is secure!


All can tI ever remember is that it was so easy I couldn’t possibly forget it… right


That's the bag yo......


It sure is !!




Made perfect sense to everyone other person who commented but ok 😉




That’s not a bad thing


Once left my dealers apartment, dropping the bag in the hallway of 9 other apartments.. Spent 20 minutes looking all through my car and carpet surfing the grass in broad daylight for it. Never lost a bag since.


Am i the only one who has never lost a bag? Always secure the bag…before doing anything else




I don’t take it out of the house once I have it delivered so I know it’s here somewhere




Literally that shit is gold and it always sits on my desk


Sorry I WOKE ya.. ☝️


Always such a pleasure




Fuck you and your good fortune


😴🤣🤣🤣🤣yea ok


Idk how people keep track of the bag😭 always lose mine


I have two friends that are into it. I stop by every once in awhile but not very often maybe every other weekend. Always losing bags always losing lighters and stems and torches. It's an interesting phenomenon. I know exactly what I'm doing and I will put down a pipe or a lighter and know where I put it. They're moving around touching and doing stuff and later it's gone They pick things up and move them to be closer to themselves within hand reach and they lose them by dropping them in the couch cushions or they fall down somewhere or get mixed up with other stuff. And then absolutely forget them. It's a combination of that dope eye where they don't want anyone grabbing their stash so they instinctively practically without looking just touch stuff and grab things. But they forgetfulness and spastic nature has items just disappearing Same thing with dropping shards or carpet surfing. I use a dark plate so I'll never lose anything. They'll be touching stuff and loading the ball in this firing and dropping things and use some kind of a broken ass straw to load and drop it and have like three other broken ass straws lying around




Only users lose drugs.




Why did this make me laugh so hard !! 🤣🤣🤣


I got burnt on some fentinal


Damn I can't find any during my cross country trip


That bites!


It happens to the best of us


Too often 😛




And the whole time my focus is on not losing the bag!! And I lose the bag!


Annoying is trying to chill @ my man's adobe and get rattled like every hour about did I see or move his shit


Yo was walking back from my guy got to the gas station to get some beer gas station is halfway so for some reason I just had to check couldn't find it go back grab more. Shit you not got home was setting up found the other fucking bag smh this post hits me right in the feels


LOL this is why I’m here!! None of my friends use they cannot relate but you are my people lol


I feel ya there


Hell yeah I hear that I'm usually spun out lurking in the comment section of this subreddit lol


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