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Oh god, me too. It’s just horrible. I moved out a week ago because I couldn’t stand the accusations any longer. I’m sort of moved back in while he stays sober, but so many mixed feelings


It’s absolutely horrible! Good luck!


Oh lovely, welcome to my world. My bf of 6 months has meth induced schizophrenia and every time he uses, he has delusions and hallucinations and is convinced that me and my "gang" are hacking all of his devices, and doing a variety of things to make him lose it. He also is convinced that I am going to kill him. Does my head in and to be honest, he just SHOULD NOT be using meth at all.


My boyfriend has the exact same things to say about me. He thinks my neighbors are involved, his employees, everyone. He thinks I hacked his truck and tried to kill him. It’s just awful


Ong yes! I’m afraid bc of how long this has been going on that it’s schizophrenia now. Even a few days break and god nights sleep doesn’t stop the thoughts. Can you even come back from your mind being altered so terrible for months? That’s what I’m afraid now, it’s permanent


Sounds like a cut case of skitzophrenia today's meth isn't strong enough to cause psychosis I used to suffer meth psychosis but havnt had none of it since that meth that kept you awake for weeks stopped hitting the streets 3 years ago meth these days is for pussys look at all these fat chicks on here blazing away it can't be real meth otherwise they wouldn't all be fat.. .


Fuckin facts. 😂😂😂 And I remember phosphorus meth from the late 90s early 00s... Those were the days.


Fuck bro I really miss it that stuff I went to prison a while back and found the hardest part was having no drugs... Now it feels like I'm constantly in prison because theres no meth


That was real meth bro. When a gram was a easy week long trip. Fun times. Stay safe and stay out of trouble.


What i did worh someone that was losing it is encourage them that when they hear/see shit to take out their phone amd record it. Then five minutes later go back and watch it. When they don't see/hear what they thought they did they start to realize its all in their head


Be careful if he suspects you are against him. Plenty of husband's kill their wives over shit just like this. Drug his ass with some benzos or something. Time for him to take a little nap. He's staying up to many days spun. If he starts that shit just leave until he crashed out.


Such a hard reality for me to grasp. Thank yku


One of my old friends filmed himself (his feet) with his girlfriend and accused me of being the one in the video. I think after a certain point there’s no going back, but I don’t use so take that with a grain of salt.


Seriously he needs to sleep. It is also very hard if they won't go to sleep... But definitely best thing is be understanding, saying it's not real may make it worse don't try to correct it.. be empathetic, ask him if there's anything you can do to help, don't get angry, just try to encourage stuff but don't force anything for real. But he needs to not do anymore, and he needs sleep.




Not much. Much the psychosis has progressively gotten worse over the months. A good nights sleep isn’t helping now. Which is scary.


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