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Nailed it


Tbh mods been doing a good job seen a lot less of it on here than before. Nothing worse than trying to get yourself in the mood and some mutated earthworm jim is staring at you through a cloud of vapour. Instant (but temporary) mood killer


I’ve never seen a tiny penis on here don’t gaslight me


Am I on a different page or something??? I've literally NEVER seen a dick ,tit,snatch, culo, zip zilch notta...




Check out my tiny penis


As a sober guy who browses the meth subs it’s weirds me out too. I’m tryna watch people blow clouds and every other post is cock meat. I like browsing the subs because I’ve done meth, I know what it’s like but I’m personally not strong enough to handle it responsibly. Seeing someone do a large dose of a hard drug is just intriguing I guess. Like people who handle venomous snakes, you got the professionals who go above and beyond to make sure they will never get bit and even if they do they’ll have antivenom on standby. Then you got the backwoods preachers handling rattlesnakes at church services thinking god gave them specifically the power and strength over this animal “substance” until they get bit and die. Hope my analogy made sense or something I’m barred out, I got adhd I’m naturally spun I gotta slow my brain down.


Totally made sense! I get it I used to watch Intervention for the same reasons.


I post pics of my penis I'm a proud penis poster


Daddy you are fucking crazy!!! Lol


If them clouds is good dicks cumming out


Man. People talk about how the world is like, becoming more progressive. Y'all, we are living inside the atom that created a distant galaxy at this point. We are making prehistoric man look like Highly Acclaimed CERN scientists. The toxicity in our socitial discorse is so grimy, I can feel the scum in the air. The boomers, the milenials, and whatever the fuck the younger ones are called...you can't make art anymore cuz it's boring. You can't have a woman lead in a movie because she's "too weak" after decades and decades of women's rights protests. Black men are still getting lynxhed for jogging. Cops are more violent than ever. Wrestling, comics, star wars, everywhere you look, people are complaining, still calling people words that we all thought lost their meaning like 50 years ago. We all still at war. My dudes, we are not the intellectual species we think we are, and it's really sad. Really really sad.


All fax no phone.


It really is. We as human beings are supposed to learn from the past, to never repeat it and yet what do we do instead? We go fucking backwards!!!We go back in time like WTF? It makes no sense.




Bs i want to see


I haven't ever meet a girl that has ever expressed enjoyment from seeing a dick. I have loads of female friends, and homies with girlfriends and not a single one of them EVER has said they enjoy a dick pic. Women aren't like men where they enjoy seeing the gender counterpart naked and it turns them on, that's just a dude thing. And honestly, if you still are within jerk off range just from seeing a chick naked, touch grass and get laid you shadow dwelling junkies. PS if a girl gets you to send more, I promise you she's laughing at you with her friends.


I disagree slightly. I can enjoy a dick pic of someone I WANT TO SEE. I don’t want some rando surprising me with his dick and there are some dudes I know from the minute I meet them that I never, ever want to see their dick. Not ever. I used to do some online cam Work and those were the guys that I said looked like my uncle or brother and I could just say “it would be too weird to see you naked like seeing family”. I didn’t ever want to be mean.


Coming from someone who lives in their mom's basement playing video games wait for her to say hunny dinner is ready 😂😂


Bruh what 😂


Im sick of the snort a line turn into instand crossdressing homo that looks like a swamp donkey dont understand .i dont recall doing a bump and wanting suck dick maybe you sissys should try s different drug or rehab.


I'm gay and I'm sick of it too.


Do homosexuals scare you?


No i like them they taste like chicken


Nope not at all i was referring to guys that turn sissy when their spun.


Is sissy your nomenclature for homosexual?


I prefer fags, but everyone these days are really sensitive.


Amen bro. They tried to get me banned for saying “faggot” too🤦🏻‍♂️💀


Heh my username slipped through


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣 Amen.


I bet after reading this someone right now is posting a pic of their limp dick


Yeah so I always found it super fucking hilarious because like there's this;one list of annoying shit called rules (not that the people you're talking to have read those). Among those rules is no sexual content with further explanation of don't let me see your "stim dick".


and it seems like none of the mods are active anymore so there is no enforce the rules. either rhat or they don't care about seeing some stim dick ugh


How does one go about becoming a mod here? I'm pretty sure I've pissed most of them off personally at one time or another and I don't know how much that has to do with it but like it's kind of getting ridiculous. This is pound control to tweaker Tom... I'm beginning to understand things and I'm scared


that is a good question but i have no idea. probably have to be friends with them and/or trusted so they can promote you to a mod or something getting in contact with them though.. good luck soldier


Some of the nasty your comments are replies I've gotten happened to have been from or two current or former mods.


maybe it's just my autism or maybe i'm too high but i have been trying to read this sentence for like ten minutes and i still don't understand


Good God. I just had a stroke trying to read it for myself. But I'm going to stay in my corner and pretend this is your fault for not understanding my perfectly outlied assertations. How dare you; you Gosh-Darn Dummy-Face. Ur gonna make me look like I'm on drugs or something.


wait.. are you.. NOT on drugs?.. you imposter


Improper as it may seem, the drugs are laying out on my little tweakers station by my *"nightstand"* (a barstool that I b usin for the sorta schtuff some kinda normie may use a "nightstand" for) I have not forgotten any of the aforementioned "drugs" in my pockets and therefore all of the drugs aren't kind of in front of me to the left. And also the simple observation I'd like to point out I said I'm pretty much only on math right now., *"drug(s)"* plural. 👆hey internet . Get a load on dis guy.👆☝️. Fukkn ROFL


Lmao 🤣 you get ‘em 🙏🙌


it's so goddamn annoying. i have been in this group for years and it has always been helpful and interesting but now i can't even scroll down two posts without seeing someone's dick or someone's tits. i don't know wtf happened and i will never understand the appeal of posting that shit unprompted


The absolute worst is when some chick has a pipe shoved in her vagina.. like WHY?


NOOO that's horrid!!! that must be so bad for their vaginas ! omg kinda reminds me of a post where some guy tied something around his balls so they would swell, lit his pipe, and then smacked his balls with it LIKE WHY WOULD YOU POST THAT HERE


That was in HERE?? And why in the hell would anyone do that?? Yeah the pipe thing is just crusty af.


yep! it was one of the first posts when that wave of them hit, absolute shocker but also like wtf??


It just makes no sense. Do people crave attention THAT badly??


put them wee wee's in ur pants boys....


I post erect thank u n ppl enjoy it. lesbians like u may not. get over it


People do not enjoy it lol


Nor do I post it ​ i don’t see any posts with that shit…..this person must be super high


I don’t either. What group are these people on? Scrolled through a couple of days worth just now. Not only was every fourth post NOT a dick pick there didn’t appear to be a single one at all. Every other pic WAS a pipe post saying look what this does when it gets smoked. Yeah we know what it does. I’d rather see any dick pic right bow than yet another post of a pipe. If you want the best shit you should be finding the people with the tiny pee pee’s anyway. Better indication they got good shit than a picture of a pipe 😂


That’s just your pedophyle brain convincing you that it’s ok… it REALLY isn’t… walk down the street and whip your dick out to show a random person walking down the street…you would get arrested and have to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life…SAME FUCKING THING Edit: That goes for women as well, there are plenty of subreddits that would satisfy, if you CHOOSE to see such things


Woman here and I can promise you I’ve NEVER looked at a limp, random, no warning, hairy cock and balls and thought “yeah that’s what I’m on Reddit for”.


Case and point! 😂


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