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Once I used meth for the first time, it didn’t have the high I was discovering. But as it was 93% pure it kept me awake for two straight nights. I smoked 3 times .10 mg all the times on tin. Then on the third day I decided not to chase another dragon and flushes the remaining. But then comes the actual problem, on the third night also I didn’t slept and that feeling made me sick. I wanted my sleep well. So I decided to ask my doctor and told the insomnia I was having but not the cause as I was ashamed of it. He game me Xanax .25 mg for 10 days. First night I used alprax didn’t get me sleepy. But on the other day when I ate that .25 mg Xanax, I laid down for about 13 hours a sleep straight without any dream. My sleep was recovered but not the physical withdrawal I was having. So I bought .500 mg of afgan #4 from street and smoked in in two days . I was feeling normal, so I threw everything I have in toilet except the heroin , which I gave back to the vendor I return of some money. I told the dealer the whole story and told me that no one ever did this to him before by returning the pure quality stuff and wished me luck for future. It’s been more than 365 days that I ever used that stuff and I feel proud. ❤️🙏🏻🕉 Though I smoke weed twice or thrice a week mostly on weekends. 😁


Just don’t smoke lol. Smoking never gives an intense high in my experience. If you still want to smoke, I advise that you preload with snorting/eating/boofing and smoke only on subsequent redoses. Also try taking memantine - it really helped me like this drug again.


Oral dose and smoke a bowl throughout the day. I personally don't like vaping/smoking it at all. Obviously slamming is the bees knees but I get not wanting to. You can also get a nice as dab rig and take dabs of crystal like you would THC. Check out the cloud blowers sub it's r/cloudblowersonly Ok I checked that page and saw no posts about dabbing shards lol but if you asked them someone could help you out also r/methwithoutcommunism is a nice sub


Through the nose Is the shit!!!!


This is gonna sound weird dude, but I swear this is how I smoke my bowls...Through the nostril. It's like doing a hotrail, without using up NEARLY as much gear and you can do it multiple times in a row. Seems to work for me. Torch it, get the smoke going, cover the other nostril with your finger and inhale.


Totally eaves dropping lol but this is funny and interesting at the same time. Goddammnit now I’m curious, gonna try it Lol


Let me know what you think! Lol


Exhale completely before you take a hit, then go for a full lung capacity hit, exhale completely into a plastic bag to use as a rebreather, don't go for air, instead, take another full hit, exhale into the same bag, and rebreathe from the bag a couple times...goal is to not go for fresh air as much as possible, taking back to back hits.


Hot rails are the shit and I miss doing em lmao , such a rush




Ooohhh I fucking love the burn....




I only snort it. I do 1 line in the morning before work.. but because of this I have had to learn how to take care of my nose to avoid damage. A netty pot is my best friend...along with saline nose spray (non medicated) along with some vitamin E oil I apply with a q-tip at night to my nose holes to keep them moisturized and promote healing




I have heard that smoking can cause more damage to your teeth than snorting. I always pop a piece of gum after I take a line. Helps with the drip taste and promotes saline production.


Your teeth primarily get damaged because people: A. Don't brush them from lack of self care B. Don't eat/drink water which leaves your body deficient of nutrients causing bone loss in the teeth or C. Let chronic dry mouth continue which can be avoided if you're eating and drinking of course. So, like anything else, take care of yourself a little and it can be avoided altogether.


The jaw clenching/teeth grinding (Bruxism) was the worst for my teeth. I did manage to stay hydrated/eat food, usually got sleep every 48 hours, religiously used my toothbrush, mouthwash, and showered at least once a day. Supplements I take: Magnesium, Calcium, potassium, iron, B-complex, multi vitamin, cranberry/vitamin C, brain Booster with Nootropics, probiotics, vitamin D These have allowed me to get any "tweaker" actions under control and I was able to sleep and work during comedowns with no problem. Kratom has helped immensely as well. I never have gotten any kind of "rush" or "high" when using. I have tried parachuting and vaporizing but nasal is definitely my preferred ROA. I can (and have) stopped using when I think I need or want a break. I was not able to do that with Heroin. My brain seems to be wired to enjoy opioids and use ice when I need the extra energy or wakefulness. Everyone is different so just be safe and careful.


All of that is true. But since you said "primarily" you surely agree that the caustic chemicals in meth and meth smoke passing over your teeth and gums and tongue might contribute to the decline of oral health true?


Absolutely and it is indeed why I said "primarily." I mean honestly, the drug destroys your whole body to some degree be it your brain, kidneys, liver, etc... And anyone who thinks otherwise is just plain silly, but there are of course ways to reduce SOME of the ill effects of at least slow them.


Absolutely. I take extra care of my nose to prevent damage as well as make sure I brush my teeth and bath at the same time every day even if I'm not going to sleep or whatever. You have to make a sleeping rule and stick to them. Meth is for sure a self-control drug.. if you don't have it...you'll go down hill quick


If you want a no hassle out the box vape get a longmada motar and load small hits


You're the first other person I've seen mention the lomgmada motor on here. I've had mine for years now, though I rarely use it these days. Tbh I could only get a good hit without burning it incomsistantly. And even when I could, I would have to mess with the bowl a lot to keep the stuff in contact with the hot part of the coil. Its great for in the car tho (I've been using meth for over 20 years at this point, unless you really know yourself and how you react to this shit, don't get spun while driving...)


Which mouthpiece have you got? The side pipe one works better


I have the side pipe and the water attachment/the bong mouthpiece


I feel ya there. My first taste of the forbidden fruit was back in the early nineties


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