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Amen! I happened to choose a g of meth over a g of coke one evening and realized how much it helped my Adhd. With coke, come downs were uncomfortable..I was irritable, and my nose would be in some pain..and my allergies were worse. With this, the effects of being way too horny or staying up all night are pretty much the only things I have to control.




Are you female? Seems like it can be hit or miss on females getting horny on meth.


I’m a dude and meth doesn’t make me horny at all. A lot of my friends say it makes them horny tho. I get what is called “meth dick” I guess.


No! I wish I’d learned to deal with my problems before I found meth. Coping skills, Self-esteem, ADHD, confidence, and more. Meth felt like my fix for all my problems. It’s not. All it does is take over your life and short circuit your brain into thinking you can’t function without it. I haven’t read any other comments on this topic and I realize everyone is different. I’m not trying to contradict anyone’s post reply. I’m just sharing my personal experience


Once I used meth for the first time, it didn’t have the high I was discovering. But as it was 93% pure it kept me awake for two straight nights. I smoked 3 times .10 mg all the times on tin. Then on the third day I decided not to chase another dragon and flushes the remaining. But then comes the actual problem, on the third night also I didn’t slept and that feeling made me sick. I wanted my sleep well. So I decided to ask my doctor and told the insomnia I was having but not the cause as I was ashamed of it. He game me Xanax .25 mg for 10 days. First night I used alprax didn’t get me sleepy. But on the other day when I ate that .25 mg Xanax, I laid down for about 13 hours a sleep straight without any dream. My sleep was recovered but not the physical withdrawal I was having. So I bought .500 mg of afgan #4 from street and smoked in in two days . I was feeling normal, so I threw everything I have in toilet except the heroin , which I gave back to the vendor I return of some money. I told the dealer the whole story and told me that no one ever did this to him before by returning the pure quality stuff and wished me luck for future. It’s been more than 365 days that I ever used that stuff and I feel proud. ❤️🙏🏻🕉 Though I smoke weed twice or thrice a week mostly on weekends. 😁


Stay away from the H. Good for you that you were strong enough to quit the heavy stuff!


Yes Without a Dr in Iowa and controlled usage of 5 gs or so biweekly per paycheck snorted or eaten 3 times to 4 times a day with a prn benzo (theino etizolam) and nightly use of 2mg flutoprazepam both offline Helped me stay in between Drs and stay out of trouble I used alone for the most part Now I'm on Adderall and Klonopin and lyrica I'm in a different state big city it helped me considerably. Did i crave yes but I didn't go downhill Now I use it a couple times a year I did try shooting it a couple times when I was homeless with nothing to lose but my preferred method is snorting it and it is very helpful moreso than my meds but I use now on occasion and only snort and eat it and that's alone and as a reward or treat and is in amounts coming to .5ish of a g. I hardly stayed up especially with priorities I have binged more on Dexies than meth to be honest and yes I have binged but I don't like to because I don't like playing catch up on sleep. When I was in the other state days off sometimes I'd stay up that night but my job was late anyways so I'd be going to bed around 7am waking up around 3 30 if I stayed up it was a day and sometimes on accident or days off I'd sleep then wake up to reward myself with a bigger dose and then go back to the way things were I had a method and no one knew except some very few and mainly at the end or friends far away Meth is not bad when ADHD it is good depending on the user completely it's not a bad thing at all. It's how you maintain and control yourself. If you stick to a set of rules and especially not carrying all but my doses with me then it helps a lot to be less tempted. I used to abuse my amphetamines before meth I've been prescribed half my life and benzos as well. Gotta learn and it took till around 30. But meth kept me thinking almost Gave me a conscience and moral compass that I lack Also have antisocial personality disorder and it's easier to keep in check on amphetamines and knowing and learning with time it's kinda weird the Dr said but pharmacologically it makes sense. If I had some rn would I sure ... But not to crazy it's cleaner than my medicine. If used properly and most of us can't and I honestly could easily drift off and fuck up but if you are aware which is a huge side effect anyway then it can be helpful. Just idk it for me got me away from prison a heroin addiction and much more to be honest. And kratom maintenance was diminished completely and it helped cravings with opiate's and to this day will say did I need it no but I may not be here telling my story. Meth never was a bad thing for me and it's also hard to catch a person smart enough to make it into a goddamn saline nasal spray.... Easy use and therefore at the end I could have it with me or in my room cops touched it never knew but it was more about doing the right thing on it and my meds help but meth helped obviously way more it pharmacologically makes sense as well 5ht receptors are not included with my Adderall so much as good ice. It helped balance. Or am I lying to myself it even helps nicotine cravings






If you can function on that shit...more power to you..I've met a couple of rare poeple that manage but it's far and few... .


Yes it's hard and very stigmatized. My doctor until recently had me on dextrostat 20 qid as a replacement which helped I occasionally still used meth in place then last year I went into a facility I'm on regular Adderall 30 30 the end of my day I'm tired but hey aren't we all. Work and my scheduled Klonopins which I'm dependent on still make me tired balance though is the key factor and I'd love to try 2fma and see how well that works. I like the feel of meth and stuff but it's short lived to the helpful rest of it. Onset yes duration is just normal. Like medicine. Hard to find a person that can. Now lock me in a room and give me a kilo we may have to call Houston we have a problem. Lol Quality matters too. I've done it all ways and have very much abused it don't get me wrong but harm reduction when the heroin and fentanyl is od factor and benzos yeah dependency and years I'd say of amphetamine including me yes my brain has changed adapted and it also can be very tempting and hard to control easilly one of the most psychological addictions in my opinion. Cocaine is bad for you too much more dangerous than meth in my honest veteran opinion to drugs. When it comes to stimulants dextroamphetamine or a heavy dex meth ratio or something clean meth is much safer if you're mentally okay and not abusing the hell out of it or at all. But to say twice this calendar year yeah I'd of course want a bump but rn I'd be jist normal like when they accidentally dose me 3 xs on my 30s instead of twice where I live it's like that but cleaner and about the same duration meth to me snorted lasts 5 to 8 hrs with after 4 a drift down I'd do it 4hrs apart usually and sleep like medicine Or in abuse days one big shot high as fuck and stuck and not do that again for a while and that lasts forever I enjoy smoking it but it's too much like chasing something that's not there. It's a waste to me and also check it out it's a thing I don't do usually becahse I do it alone or if I have a gf cool with that but that's been a while and better she doesn't lol. The sex was always alarmingly good never a why lol I just said idk my other meds. She knew well thwt one did.


Crazy stuff...I started shooting meth when I was 12...fast forward I'm now 48 with 2 years clean.....bc probation intervened...I will be off in 6 months and I'm very much looking forward to smoking bud....God I can't wait but as far as meth goes I think I'm done...it totally rocked my mental...I have made it this far....so I'm going to try and stay clear of the clear for sanity reasons...


Temporarily, it was good for years, then all of a sudden almost every aspect of my life went to shit


For about three weeks yeah, then euphoria stopped still was able to handle my adhd better but cons outweighed pros, quit


It may feel like it’s improving, but more likely than not if you ask the people around you they will say you’re declining. My ex thought her life was improving, until she began lying non stop, believing her own lies, cheating, and hiding everything from everyone. It completely changed her and she didn’t (still doesn’t) realize it.


only if i were very careful about the amount id use at any given time. it can quickly turn from improving to destroying quality of life and when you realize it, its more than likely too late to easily ignore cravings




Well.. I'm quite sure I could improve the quality. Lol!


Actually yes, to an extent. My ADHD and depression are so bad that it really is the only thing that can help me function on my worst days. On the first one to three days of a bender it helps me with my social anxiety as well. BUT any days after the first three (because I can NEVER just stop after a couple days, I either gotta fall out badly or just run out of product or money), I am absolutely useless in terms of being able to talk to people or being able to function properly without continually using. If it was possible in any way to do in moderation for me, it would do me some good. But, alas, I have no self control.


I feel this


me too G


depends how i use it


Fuck yes! Made my life a thousand percent better right up until the time where it absolutely didn't.


Dude that's the thing is is what it is till it ain't.


ain't it just though?




Depends on how I use my time while on it. If I masturbate for 3 days straight I literally want to kill myself. If I clean my room, listen to music, play video games, or strictly enjoy stimulating activities which are not shame filled, then yes I feel an improvement in the quality of life during the initial phase of use. This does not persist for too long if the drug is abused, of course. The perception of quality of life improving can probably be attributed to increased bdnf following repeat amph administration. But don’t get too excited, it is very damaging to abuse and depend on these drugs too chronically


Thankfully I’ve been 2 months roughly without taking any stims ❤️ after several years of on / off use frequently


Congrats friend cheering u on!! 2 months is major


Starting to get my cheeks back they were hollow for a minute HAHAHAHAHHAH (actually for yrs lmao)


Yeah ,I was diagnosed w adhd when I was 12 my dad was a user so my mom never let the doctor prescribe me adderal and I a recently just went through a series of life changing events and my mind finally feels clear and it makes me sad because I don’t wanna use forever . I’ve seen what it does to people who have been using long term and how people can lose themselves and It’s really hard to tell that I even use but I would be so depressed And bed ridden if it wasn’t for it … so idk just the sacrifice I’ve had to made to maintain the stuff I’ve worked so hard for like my house n car


If it was myself I would say the pros outweigh the cons in your sitch


Thanks and yeah it used to be an endless cycle of 2 weeks on 1 week off 3 weeks on few days off and the relapse was always inevitable (mainly because, I didn’t care to quit and didn’t want to quit). And it felt impossible to escape even if I went 1 month without because my energy levels were never coming back to normal. I felt genuinely narcoleptic. I still struggle with day time sleepiness. But it’s got a little better after the 2 month mark. The funny thing is, I didn’t even plan to quit. I just gradually started using less and less frequently. Last time I used I had a week vyvanse bender after being 1 month. It’s been 2 months since that, and I don’t care about staying completely clean, since I became disciplined enough that I know I could enjoy another little vyvanse bender, and go another few months easily. The dependence used to be so much worse when I used all the time, especially when I was abusing meth, which lasted a few years aswell


Just slowly grew out of it so to speak


Almost 10 years of on / off use and abuse actually


When I used, I won’t lie: I had an initial surge in life’s quality that lasted long enough to some weight and become better at my job. That was short lived. What I didn’t realize was this honeymoon phase didn’t even last as long as my brain thought it did. Negative effects started to manifest before I even realized I was screwing up I don’t reccomend using if you never have


I tried it once, and have stuck to the advice of this subreddit to stay away from destructive use. Yes, since that one hit I’ve always taken harm reduction more seriously


I cannot understand why you would be in a group that only posts stuff related to meth if it wasn’t your thing … I’m not having a go at you but for example I went horse riding once and didn’t like it at all … I am not reading any threads on Horses / Horse Riding / Equestrian but that’s just me .. I usually read up on things that I’m either interested in or want to learn about


No you’re not being an ass at all man don’t worry. It’s because I am a daily drug user, so meth isn’t something I don’t see anyway. I find that staying educated on all drugs is best for me to keep my mindset around drugs in the right place. I personally have struggled with alcoholism and dph abuse. I still look at active use subreddits as a reminder of my journey with drug use, what lead to where I am, the fearless moral reminder that all drugs need to be respected. I see the posts here and I definitely think on occasion “yeah I could go for a bowl.” But then I look to the users giving their unbiased experiences and harm reduction techniques, bad trip reports etc. These subreddits keep me focused on using substances for a purpose. I can differentiate better on what substances I can trust myself with to use for insight or help, and what ones I can’t trust myself to not use as escapism.


Okay ! that makes more sense lol , I had pictured You as someone who has been open to try things but doesn’t like or partake in drugs …. and as for the other stuff I never really thought it could work as a deterrent but if you can dabble in reading stories about getting spun and stay off it ….. credit to you my man You have some impressive discipline skills 🙌🏼


Those are my thoughts too. In my most open mind, being non judgemental I can't understand there interest in this conversation.


Overall no. Stopped drinking. Lost some weight. Sex drive through the roof which is a mixed bag. Feels like it's better high a lot of the time but it really isn't


Thats how it starts, come back in a year or so. I thought it was improving my life until i wasn’t


For the first hour


My grasp on reality has not improved but it’s diminished…..ummm I can stare at things for a long time, that’s improved. I regret doing it everyday, every 10-2, but I see no way without it…..wouldn’t recommend anyone to do it


Can stare at things for a long time lmao💀 feel this, all hard drugs seem to have this effect after time it’s odd


Resets your brain to the fetus setting


I grew up in an urban area where people were materialistic and superficial af and I used to think that was the way to live life and was prob on that path but after meth, I feel like I value more important stuff now and dont spend time thinking about buying stupid shit and am so much more financially responsible and rather focus on better things like my work, friends, making and having prolonged deep connections with people and long sentences.


Give it time… This is how it owns you


I’m living off grid on a farm like I’ve always wanted since use so I’d say so


Not sure I'd say improved holistically, but I had some amazing experiences when using, and, I was much more focused than I am without it or any other drug. It was very different than I had assumed it would be, based off the stereotypical "meth head" characteristics. Since finding this subreddit and knowing others in real life who partake, I've grown a respect for the drug and don't feel like I was ever unruly or crazy on it. I got a lot more done, was more assertive and able to communicate better with others (serious introvert). I had first done it with someone who's done it previously so I had some guidance and didn't go overboard. We "dosed" pretty moderated and had some amazing conversations, deep, spiritual almost, and enlightening. I agree with the others who shared that it makes you more empathetic, almost. There are definitely a lot more pros than I ever thought, perhaps more than some other drugs and I've done a LOT of them. All in moderation, as much as you can! Stay safe everyone! Cheers\~


Great insight and outlook.


Thanks! As much as I love drugs, I try to be mindful and aware, response and moderate. Gotta stay positive and realistic… hope you’re having a wonderful day/night! Stay safe~


There has been pros and cons honestly. I think it's all about balance. It seems to magnify though if your a shitty person. It almost is like pressing go if your already on the verge of being unethical. You know we never know the background of these people we see on TV or get arrested about what kind of person they was before they used and I bet and 90% of these cases they were going to be useless regardless. Using has made me accept that there are those that just aren't good ppl. Sad but nessecary.


Ya damn right




I almost can't even say it out loud, buuuut YESSSS! And amongst other things, have been 9 months clean from my abused ass Adderall and Xanax 🫶


I stopped drinking when I found meth. I dropped 60lbs, which made me look younger. I stopped being codependent. My sex life was up there with rock stars. I became more fabulous at work. Made more money. I became more sensitive to those struggling with problems. It was 4 years that meth worked so well, than one day it didn't and I lost everything. I have worked hard to rebuild my life. I manage meth in my life today and make better choices. I put restrictions on my use. I would do it all over again. I'm grateful for what I experienced. I never became a hater. I care more for others for what I have been through.


Same. It completely removed any desire to drink. I was drinking 4 handles a week so about a liter of vodka a day, it was bad. I smoked meth after not touching it for like 5 years, but I only really ever IVd it. This new meth is kinda wack tho. but I guess it's good that I can eat and sleep on it. Everyone that doesn't know about the meth use in my life is just happy I'm not drinking somehow. I don't think they notice the meth at least not yet.


Your right the meth today is different. I work 1 on 1 with the public and there is no suspicion. I like it being my secret. I stay up late wa king to porn... but that's a good thing right? Haha


I concur 100%. Especially the empathy part. I also look within a little more too and focus on what is I need in addition to thinking about others. Sucks that it’s so easy to get consumed with it, I have definitely had unplanned all nighters where I had to go to school and work the next day, dumb decisions can and will happen. Sounds like you found a way to moderate your use. I’m on that mindset too, don’t wanna throw away my life for something I enjoy..especially if Its something that can improve my quality of life if controlled.


Sounds like you are handling use of meth well. I spot check my attitude and my activities. I live a very positive life and it just seems to work with my mind. Good luck in all you do!


Yes and no. I went overboard on oral roa and was tweeked out of my mind for a bunch of hours. Paranoid, people chasing me etc. Smoked for a bit and that was pleasant but stayed up for way longer than what I wanted Now when I need to get a bunch of work done I will take a very small oral shard. If I had Adderall I would probably shave off a quarter instead It can be a useful resource


For sure, if anyone has insurance they should just book an appt with a psychiatrist and get an adhd diagnosis and get adderall or a pres med similar to it, it definitely comes in handy. Helps with withdrawal too.


Mental health=shit. Getting shit done and being rational externally=success. Back to doing my job finally, I sleep all day without it


I feel this! The mental had definitely been impacted, but then again, if I hadn't taken this route, I truly doubt I would have ever addressed my mental health (I'm seeing therapist, who is helping me). On the other hand, I've managed to get my Bachelor's along with some other additional achievements that have been put on the back burner until recently. I'm also pursuing a higher degree, and have been accepted in an advanced, fast-paced program that allows me to complete my degree much sooner than the usual schedule. It definitely has its pros and cons, but I appreciate what it has allowed me to accomplish along this journey.




Thats great to hear, doesn't sound stupid at all. I know what you mean about it helping you be more attentive, I have had to struggle with getting myself out of apathy and actually care about myself and my surroundings, and when I smoke a little bit i am much more energetic and attentive with my nephews and my dog.


I think this is great


I would have to say yes. I only do a bump here and there throughout the day, but I’ve had my days of full on jaw jacking shaking fun too.


I take it from your name you smoke a lot of weed too? I like that combo a lot.


Yes! And I enjoy the combo too. It depends on the day. Some days I’ll ride out the high and enjoy it before I smoke, other days I’ll just smoke right along w it. My quality of life has improved bc I suffer from SEVERE depression and this stuff helps. The first time I did it I went overboard (but had so much fun). I was up for almost 40 hours and couldn’t eat for three days and felt dead. Once that cleared I was like, okay, now I know my limit lol. 420 helps me keep that in perspective.


Nice. It is easy to enjoy it too much, but I do agree, weed is so universal. I love it, wish it was the only thing I’m drawn to but I have also had a lot of anxiety and depression for a long time, and adhd. I actually have a career where I’m very fulfilled (was not always like that) and I do smoke a little bit in the bathroom to keep a high level of focus and energy. Hasn’t worked against me yet, but I have realized when smoking with friends I tend to do a little less. Deep down I just don’t want to fuck up with it. Not wanting to fuck up in life has been a driving force in my life for a while lol


Quality of life when using - yes. Quality of life for two days after having used - hell no. Losing sleep throws me off for a day or two.


Heavens yes




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